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Text Chapter 810 Despicableness is the pass for despicable people

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    Wang Lu said to the few sailors guarding him with a pleasant expression: "Don't be nervous. These zombies obviously did not receive precise command from the superpowers. They were just driven into the base at random. They acted based on their abilities and smelled the dangers in our fortress."  The smell of living people will cause us a little trouble."

    The soldiers looked at Wang Lu who was smiling, and then at Feng Haiqi who was sitting on the ammunition box with the Bayi Bar in his arms, closing his eyes and concentrating. One of the soldiers said: "Don't worry, we are not nervous, we have been there before.  I have fought side by side with superpowers and I am familiar with your fighting patterns."

    Wang Lu remembered the diary written by the little girl named Cai Jiayan. She indeed recorded that the soldiers at the base once had a brief honeymoon period with the superpowers.

    Boom boom, the soldiers pulled down the firing plate of the heavy machine gun, killed a bunch of zombies on the playground, and deliberately extended the trajectory to the cluster of tanks and vehicles 200 meters away, but except for the anti-aircraft machine guns on a few warriors, they fired back.  , including the tanks, were still silent. Obviously, the enemy did not want to launch a general attack unless the 100-meter range was cleared.

    Wang Lu and the soldiers were squatting on the ground, listening to the sound of anti-aircraft machine gun bullets hitting the thick sandbags, scrap steel and cement slabs outside. He suddenly said: "Is Cai Jiayan okay?"

    A soldier was stunned: "How do you know the daughter of our deputy chief engineer?"

    Wang Lu said: "Ah, when I was searching for information at the base, I read the diary written by her. Did she successfully retreat with her mother?"

    The soldier's expression was a little soft: "Cai Jiayan is safe. She and her mother were the first batch to evacuate, and they are now living on the island. It's a pity that the deputy chief engineer disappeared for some reason. He is neither alive nor dead.  corpse."

    Wang Lu said: "Your deputy chief engineer is not dead. He just turned into a zombie. Now he is one of the zombies I use to pull the car." He briefly told what happened in Cai Jiayan's diary.

    Even though they were on a dangerous battlefield, the soldiers were all shocked by the news. A soldier with a long face slapped his knee hard: "No wonder, for a while I noticed that Cai Jiayan's mother looked malnourished. I was still  Strangely enough, the base's rations give priority to the elderly and the weak. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be hungry. It turns out Sigh. The couple in their family used to be very loving. After Vice Engineer Cai mutated into a zombie, their mother  The two women must not be able to bear to lose their husbands and fathers forever, so they would do such a thing. That well is used for production water. No one would touch that well in normal times, and it¡¯s a shame that they thought of such a place to raise food.  In mourning - to support Deputy Engineer Cai."

    As soon as this matter was mentioned, the relationship between Wang Lu and the soldiers suddenly became much closer. The long-faced warrior said to Wang Lu: "You have special powers, and Deputy Engineer Cai will not be wronged if he follows you. Please take care of him."  . He - he was a good man when he was alive."

    Wang Lu nodded: "Don't worry, our Yashan is different from other places. How should I put it? It is a very harmonious place. In the future, if Cai Jiayan has a chance, she can go to Yashan to see her father." He paused and said: "Yes.  I don¡¯t understand something. You used to work well with people with superpowers, why did you suddenly fall out? I read Cai Jiayan¡¯s diary. It seems that something went wrong when you were doing human experiments on people with superpowers, and then you turned against them.  stranger?"

    A sad look suddenly appeared on the face of the long-faced warrior. He shook his head: "That's not the case. Cai Jiayan was still young, and the base was in chaos at the time. She didn't know the truth. In fact, the dead superpower  , is the director of surgery at our affiliated hospital, and she took the initiative to ask for human experiments on herself."

    Feng Haiqi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his hand and stabbed a zombie with its head into the shooting port with a screwdriver. He pushed it out and said, "What on earth is going on? Anyway, we are now  If you just get beaten without fighting back, you should tell me and listen."

    The long-faced warrior sighed: "Actually, this matter is very simple. The director has a 10-year-old son who is infected with a biochemical virus and is about to turn into a zombie. The director believes that since he is a superpower, he must have immunity.  Cells can save the child, so I asked my colleagues to perform an operation to extract blood from their own bodies to save the child. However, no matter how much blood was pumped and transfused into the child, they could not save him. In the end, the director went crazy and thought  It was because she had insufficient immune components in her blood that she actually asked her colleagues to extract her brain fluid to save her child. She believed that the most powerful change of a person with superpowers is in the brain, and only brain tissue can save her child. At that time, the hospital  None of her colleagues in the hospital were willing to undergo this fatal operation, but she held a pistol to her forehead to force her to death. In the end, her colleagues in the hospital had to agree to remove part of her pituitary gland However, the operation failed.  She died on the operating table.¡±

    Wang Luyi frowned: "If this is the case, explain it clearly to other people with super powers. They shouldn't rebel against each other."

    The long-faced warrior hit the sandbag hard??: "You don't understand! The so-called people with super powers being subjected to human experiments by us and the army killing civilians are all rumors deliberately created by someone! Among the civilians who fled to our base for refuge, there is a group of very special people, they are Xiangshan  Prisoners in the detention center! The detention center is located in Hejiacun, Danxi, only 15 kilometers away from our base. More than 600 criminals were imprisoned in it. When the biochemical virus broke out, more than 100 of them escaped and were involved with the common people.  Together, we entered our base."

    "When they first arrived at the base, we didn't know their identities because they had already grown their hair and changed into civilian clothes. We were also happy because a group of young men and women had come to strengthen defense, and we even taught them how to do it.  I have to admit that being a criminal means you have some health and wealth. Compared with ordinary people, these people have much better physical fitness. They are all 'robber embryos', and because they have been in prison for a long time, they also have considerable discipline.  Sex. So over time, our political commissar assigned them to many positions in managing the people. Unexpectedly, this became the first step to attract wolves into the house. Later, some of them somehow had super powers.  With the help of the warrior, the pressure of the war between us and the zombies was relieved a lot. Unexpectedly, this also aroused the ambition of some people. In their view, the soldiers' guns are not as effective as their superpowers.  They took advantage of the sudden death of the female superpower to save her child, and the fact that our only fleet was sailing away at that time. They spread rumors among the people that the army had given up on the people.  We also want to kill all those with superpowers for human experiments, and incite ordinary people who don¡¯t know the truth to attack the ammunition depot"

    Wang Lu didn¡¯t expect that the truth behind the little girl Cai Jiayan¡¯s doomsday diary would be like this. He couldn¡¯t help but smile bitterly. Indeed, compared to military camps, prisons also have strict discipline.  An alternative "troop" with clearly defined superiors and subordinates.  What's worse is that, from a certain perspective, there are a lot of talented people in the prison, and none of these guys from all over the world are economical.  And the apocalypse has given them an opportunity to unleash the evil in their hearts.

    Being despicable is the pass for the despicable, and being noble is the epitaph of the noble, which has become the best comment in the world. Therefore, the army dedicated to protecting the common people was finally expelled from the base, and the criminals threatened the common people and became the emperor of the country.  A huge trap was laid using the base as bait.

    ??????????????????????????? The people he was fighting turned out to be a group of extremely vicious criminals. These people had trampled on legal ethics before the end of the world.  Today's world is hell to others, but it is heaven to them.  A paradise for criminals, not to mention they have super powers.  Even more powerful.

    If he, Wang Bi'an, Feng Haiqi and others fall into their hands, they will definitely die miserably. The opponents outside the fortress are different from any enemies Wang Lu has ever encountered. They are even more ferocious than zombies.  Zombies only attack humans for food, and they can kill their own compatriots without any reason!  Such people, go to hell, kill them all, they have no right to live in this world!

    Wang Lu looked around through the shooting hole. Within a hundred meters of the playground, raging fire broke out from the ruins. The enemy was clearing out the superpowers on his side. Li Yong and Ding Wei, it's up to you.

    Li Yong and several soldiers were lying in a waterlogged ditch. Beside them, a zombie was igniting itself. Although there was nothing left to fuel the ruins full of rubble and gravel, the zombie itself  There is still some fat in the body. It is like a moving torch, swinging randomly. Anyone hiding here will be set on fire as long as they are touched by it.

    A soldier couldn't help but said: "We are already more than 200 meters away from the fortress on the playground. If the enemy launches an attack at this time, even if you are a superpower, you will not be able to provide support."

    Li Yong said nothing. He was quickly flipping through the burning zombie's brain. The zombie's brain was affected by the high temperature and was a little unstable. He had to find information about the other party's superpower within a limited time.

    Just like high-tech warfare, hide yourself, discover the enemy, and destroy it when you find it. This is also the battle mode between superpowers and intelligent zombies. The enemy is very cunning. He always drives the zombies from a safe distance and keeps changing himself.  Li Yong read the memories of no less than a hundred zombies, but due to the lag of memory, when he used this to locate the location, the superhuman was no longer at his original position.

    Failure, failure, another failure. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be anxious after repeating dozens or even hundreds of failures. However, Li Yong remained calm and continued to repeat his search.  Observe and locate.

    But Li Yong's actions were a different story in the eyes of the soldiers nearby. They only knew that Li Yong, without saying a word, led them to retreat further and further away from the defense line they should hold on to.  , finally couldn't help complaining.

      The sound made by the warrior attracted the attention of the zombie, which was burning like a torch. Although it was on the verge of death, its desire for blood still drove it to move step by step towards the place where the sound came from.

    Li Yong said sternly: "No one is allowed to move, no one is allowed to move." The soldier who had already pulled out his military thorn and was about to behead the burning zombies had to lie back in the gutter again.

    The burning zombie advanced step by step. As it moved, the grease with sparks dropped drop by drop on the ruins, igniting rags, boards, and pieces of paper. It did not walk fast because the flames destroyed its muscles and tendons.  tendon.  Li Yong ignored the zombies getting closer and closer to him and did not send out brain waves to drive them away, because he knew that if he took action, the enemy's superpowers would immediately find out.

    He just searched the extremely unstable memories in the zombies' brains faster. Compared to other zombies who are like cannon fodder, these zombies who serve as human-flesh burning bottles will definitely have more information about the enemy's superpowers, because even if the zombies are allowed to light lighters  Such a simple action also requires precise operation by a person with superpowers through brain waves. As long as there is an operation, corresponding traces will be left.  Li Yong has already taken the risk of being exposed.  He had examined the brains of several burning zombies at very close range, but unfortunately, these zombies were burned to death before he could find any useful information.

    The burning zombie was getting closer and closer. It now looked like a hungry ghost crawling out of the depths of hell. Its eyes and mouth were blazing with flames, and its teeth were still opening and closing. With a splash, it fell to the ground.  He grabbed the soldier lying motionless in the gutter.

    With a click, the forearm stretched out by the burning zombie suddenly broke and fell into the water in the gutter. Then, its head shook.  With a click, it fell from the cervical vertebrae that had been burnt to charcoal, and then its body pounced and fell on Li Yong, who was lying motionless.

    The soldier beside Li Yong jumped up with a cry of surprise. Regardless of being burned, he grabbed the still burning zombie body with his bare hands and threw it far away.  He scooped up water from the gutter and poured it on Li Yong's ignited clothes.

    However, Li Yong did not move at all. Just when the zombie's head was burned and fell to the ground, he checked part of the memory in its mind - a figure thrust a lighter into its hand.  He also pressed his thumb on the lighter head - that's him, he is the superpower!  At almost the same time, Li Yong read and identified the last order of the superpower through the zombie's last memory.  Location

    Li Yong waved his hand to stop the soldier's movement: "8 o'clock. 120 meters, male wearing a hat, about 176cm tall."

    Several soldiers were startled, and immediately realized that what Li Yong reported was the location of the enemy's superpower. They grabbed their guns and took aim reflexively. One soldier blurted out: "That's a zombie."

    Li Yong said: "Make-up."

    Sure enough, it was makeup. Although this superpower hid himself among a large number of zombies, put on rags, and smeared the zombies' minced flesh and corpse liquid on his face and body, his healthy limbs and relatively  Speaking of his smart eyes, he still revealed his true identity.

    "Damn, I finally found you." The soldiers gritted their teeth and said. Although the superhuman had been hiding his figure through zombies, the soldiers were still confident that they could easily blow his head off from more than 100 meters away.

    Li Yong said in a deep voice: "No shooting is allowed without orders. Determine the location and keep tracking. We need to find more superpowers."

    At the same time, in the fortress, Feng Haiqi suddenly stood up and carefully observed outside the shooting hole: "The enemy has cleared the 200 to 250 meters around the playground, and they may have to attack."

    Wang Lu also rushed to the shooting hole, stretched out his hand and pushed the ugly face of a zombie that was roaring at Feng Haiqi out of the shooting hole: "***, I'm just waiting for them to take action. If they don't break the current confrontation,  If there is a stalemate, this game of chess cannot be played.¡±

    Before he finished speaking, a burst of shooting sound suddenly erupted from the direction of the cluster of tanks and chariots. Various bullets hit the fortress. Wang Lu pressed the helmet on his head and sneered: "Just this little flower? Can you chew it?"  Don't move, I. Come on, come on, if you don't advance to within a hundred meters, I won't be able to move my butt." He was very proud of the strength of this temporary fortress. This fortress was just a bait, an upright bait, blocking the way.  On the only way to the ammunition depot, if the enemy wants to chew it, they must break through to within a hundred meters before they can play their true role as superpowers and use zombies to consume the bullets of the defenders and break through the defense line of fire

    Now, the enemy finally couldn't bear it anymore. They believed that the 200 meters around the playground were safe. Even if the defenders had superpowers, they could only huddle in the fortress. It was time to launch the final attack.

    Wang Lu was not afraid. This fortress was built under the guidance of Colonel Wu. The protection standards could withstand mortar ceiling attacks andThe direct fire of RPGs and anti-aircraft machine guns will never be able to bite down. Unless the enemy launches a close-range charge and engages in hand-to-hand combat, the turtle shell of Wang Lu will never fall.

    Amidst the sound of shooting like raindrops, Wang Lu gestured his middle finger to the outside: "Fuck, if your tanks still have armor-piercing bullets, I will be dead. It's a pity that your last shell was wasted before this  ¡­¡±

    His voice suddenly paused, because, hundreds of meters away, the tank that was stationary and could only serve as a movable shield suddenly moved. Its barrel slowly lowered, pointing directly at the fortress

    Wang Lu looked at the black muzzle and was speechless. After a while, he said: "Damn it, they also hid something"

    Without saying a word, Feng Haiqi pounced on Wang Lu and pinned him down. Almost at the same time, several other soldiers also pounced on him, using their bodies to cover Wang Lu from the direct fire.

    Boom, the tank spit out long tongues of fire. Almost instantly, a shell exploded on the fortress. The fortress, which could withstand direct RPG fire, suddenly turned into a pile of ruins like a goddess scattered under the grenade. Sandbags were covered with  After breaking through, the steel and cement blocks were thrown into the air, and the corrugated steel roof under more than one meter of soil was torn apart like a piece of paper, revealing a corpse wearing a military uniform inside.
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