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Text Chapter 807 Emergency refloating, Song-class submarine

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    Wang Lu smiled bitterly and said: "What we can't defend is a tank! And we even destroyed the last anti-aircraft machine gun. Literature Museum"

    Feng Haiqi said calmly: "They are just toothless tigers. They could have beaten us to pieces with 105 artillery fire. Moreover, against ambushers like us, the effect of grenades is far better than armor-piercing bombs, but in that tank  The idiot actually wasted an armor-piercing bullet and never fired again"

    Wang Lu understood immediately: "You mean the other side has no more cannonballs - well, that's very possible. Cannonballs are rarer than bullets. Maybe those are their only cannonballs, and we have to use them as a last resort."

    Feng Haiqi fired another shot, still aiming at the sight window of the tank. The tank stopped again and suppressed it with firepower. Feng Haiqi said: "I will deal with the tank. You aim at the guys huddled behind."

    Wang Lu responded and crawled back behind his machine gun. He knew that whether it was Feng Haiqi or himself, they were just making their last struggle. Even without the shells, the tank was still a tiger. Just using the tracks to press it would not stop it.  Can crush the two of them into a pulp

    At this moment, the intercom rang suddenly, and Wang Bomin's excited roar came: "The door is open! The door is open!"

    Wang Lu and Feng Hai were startled. They looked at each other, their eyes full of excitement. Wang Lu's lips trembled a little: "Damn, damn, this kid Xie Jian is so good, so good.  of!"

    Feng Haiqi changed positions and fired two more shots: "Wang Lu, go to the ammunition depot quickly, I'll guard this place."

    "Shit!" Wang Lu cursed: "Let's go together."

    Feng Haiqi pushed Wang Lu: "Let's go, I will hold off the enemy for a while."

    At the same time, Wang Bomin was frantically searching in the ammunition depot. The ammunition depot was full of arms, and huge torpedoes, anti-ship missiles, and mines were lying in rows of boxes.  There are also small arms.  Displayed on the shelf like products in a supermarket, it was a QBZ56C short automatic rifle, equipped for self-defense for ship personnel, and boxes of bullets. But, but none of these ammunition was what Wang Bomin wanted.  A powerful area-killing weapon is needed to suppress enemy troops and artillery fire.

    Just now at the first line of defense, Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi were undoubtedly hit by a shot, whether it was an infantry gun or a tank.  Or RPGs, rockets, no matter what they are, the QBZ56C short automatic rifle cannot suppress the opponent. There must be a powerful artillery weapon - but this is a submarine base.  Neither the domestically produced Song-class submarines nor the imported Kiloki submarines are equipped with any weapons. In fact, except for the old submarines during World War II that were equipped with a machine gun on the deck for self-defense, modern submarines are  Reduce noise and never place cumbersome weapons on the deck.  Damn it.  I need a cannon, even a mortar!

    Wang Bomin's eyes suddenly focused. He saw a pile of boxes with the words "Type 81 Rocket Depth Bomb" printed on the outside.  He pounced on it and pried open the lid with his sharp knife. He saw a short and thick metal cylinder lying quietly in the box. Wang Bomin's trembling hands touched the cold metal surface.  Almost cried with joy, yes!  Yes!  This is what you want.  Depth charges!

    Feng Haiqi once told the students of the Ministry of Armed Forces about two common domestically produced depth bombs, Type 62 and Type 81. The biggest feature of Type 81 is that it has two launch distances, that is, it can not only shoot at long range (3000 meters),  It can also hit underwater targets at close range (about 60 meters), which is suitable for the fierce battles on the dock road.

    Damn it, look at me using depth charges as rockets. In fact, depth charges are developed from ordinary rockets.

    Wang Bomin shouted to the team members: "Quick, help me transport the depth bombs to the top of the mountain!"

    On the hilltop of the base, there are several 3200-type 6-tube anti-submarine rocket depth bomb launchers. Naturally, these launchers are not used to attack your own submarines, but for anti-submarine purposes.  In the history of military development, there are many examples of enemy submarines sneaking into harbors and ambushing their own submarines that are being repaired. Therefore, on the military docks of flower growers, several depth bomb launchers will be installed on high points to counterattack enemy submarines.  .  There are several such launchers on the top of the mountain above the ammunition depot in Qiantou Town. The team members discovered this device when they were searching the base a few days ago, but Wang Bomin did not expect that he could actually use it. Moreover,  It is not used for anti-submarine warfare, but to attack ground targets.

    Wang Bi'an and Lu Kai raised a depth bomb and were about to go out. Wang Bomin stopped him, commanded two team members to grab the depth bomb from his hand, and stuffed a QBZ56C short automatic rifle into his arms: "Hold  Gate!" Turned around and together with the three team members, they carried two depth charges and dragged a cable pulled from the generator, and climbed up the mountain desperately.

    Wang Bomin listened to the first line of defense behind him.There was a burst of gunfire, and occasionally there was a single burst of fire - it must have been the guns fired by Feng Hai. He didn't even look back, just kept his head down and ran. Finally, he saw a man standing firmly on the top of the mountain.  The Type 3200 6-tube anti-submarine rocket deep bomb launcher on a small cement platform.

    Wang Bomin panted violently. On the one hand, he was running in a hurry while carrying the heavy depth bomb. On the other hand, he wanted to recall the knowledge that Feng Haiqi once taught him. The fuse of the Type 81 rocket depth bomb can be adjusted.  , one is a depth explosion that looks into the water, and the other is an explosion that touches the enemy's hull. Wang Bomin carefully found the fuse and adjusted it to a trigger explosion.  Then, together with the three team members, he first loaded a depth bomb into the 3200-type 6-tube anti-submarine rocket depth bomb launcher, derived the firing signal line from the tail, connected it to the firing device, and tightened the red fastening nut.

    Wang Bomin opened the back cover of the launcher and connected the cable. The 3200-type 6-tube anti-submarine rocket deep bomb launcher can be manually operated in height, angle and direction. Only then did he look towards the first line of defense in the fierce battle at the foot of the mountain.  , just one glance, and his heart tightened - tank!

    An amphibious tank opened the way, followed by nearly a hundred enemies on foot. They were firing while advancing towards the ruins where Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi were holding on. The distance was less than a hundred meters away, and there was no sign of human activity in the ruins.  There was no gunfire.

    Wang Bomin gritted his teeth and used manual visual aiming to aim the depth bomb launcher at the tank that was slowly advancing, with the coaxial machine gun constantly spitting out tongues of flame. Then he stood on the side, avoiding the tail nozzle, and pressed the side button hard.  Red launch button.

    There was a scream, and the tail of the Type 81 rocket-type depth charge sprayed orange-red tail flames, drawing a lonely line in the air.  Shooting towards the dock road at the bottom of the mountain

    Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi were suppressed by the tank's firepower. They were lying in the ruins and couldn't even move - the opponent's firepower was too fierce. Although Feng Haiqi destroyed the amphibious tank's optical sighting equipment.  However, the other side used artificial outside observation. After Feng Haiqi killed two crew members, he still insisted on moving forward. The tank got closer and closer, and the firepower of the coaxial machine gun finally hit Feng Haiqi so much that even Feng Haiqi could not lift his head.

    "It's really over this time. If you turn around and run now, it will be within a hundred meters."  The machine gunner in the tank can beat his own back into a sieve.  Wang Lu smiled bitterly. Fortunately, Wang Bian was safe. He only needed to close the ammunition depot door.  He could persist for a long time, and even have the opportunity to use the ammunition depot as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the enemy He seriously thought about whether he should take a shot in his heart.  Turn yourself into a zombie first?

    Feng Haiqi was sorting out the fuel bottles. Wang Lu shook his head - use this to deal with tanks.  We have to get closer first, and now there are nearly a hundred infantrymen following the tank like a dog-skin plaster.

    At this moment, there was a flash of red light in the sky and a bang. The Type 81 rocket-type depth bomb exploded at the rear of the tank, 3 or 4 meters away from the infantry group.

    The shape of a depth bomb is somewhat like an enlarged version of a mortar bomb. The 252 mm warhead charges 34 kilograms. Although it does not damage the enemy with fragments, but uses the huge pressure generated after the explosion to destroy underwater targets, when it explodes  The air wave generated can tear the human body apart, and the infantry group behind the tank immediately explodes to howl like ghosts and wolves, causing death and injury everywhere.  "Cannon! They have cannon!" The survivor screamed, turned around and ran back.

    At this time, on the top of the mountain, Wang Bomin, who had adjusted the shooting direction and distance, loaded and fired again. This time, he aimed at the tank, and with a bang, the depth charge exploded 2 meters away on the left side of the tank. The fragments hit the tank and the tank clanged.  The crew didn't know what happened - the gun?  How could a submarine base have cannons?  However, the two "shells" actually killed and injured a large number of people. Although the near miss just now did not break the armor of the tank, the airflow and fragments made the surface of the tank clank, which still frightened the crew inside.  Jump, the tank stopped and began to slowly retreat.

    Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi witnessed all this and without hesitation, they dropped their guns and supported each other, limping away from the ruins of the building and ran towards the ammunition depot gate. Wang Bi'an broke free from the obstruction of Lu Kai and others, carrying behind him.  Armed with a QBZ56C short automatic rifle, they headed toward Wang Road. At the same time, Wang Bomin and others were running down the mountain after having fired two depth bombs on the hillside. As long as they ran into the ammunition depot, they would win a big victory.

    It was too late, but soon, with a roar of motors, three motor speedboats suddenly emerged from the sea. These speed boats were originally used by the seaside amusement park to carry tourists, but now, in the hands of the survivors who attacked the base,  Inside, they have become weapons - on each motorboat, there are four men with guns crowded, the black muzzles of the guns pointing directly at the backs of Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi

    At this moment, no one, whether Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi, Wang Bi'an or Wang Bomin, thought that the enemy's fatal blow was not from tanks or nearly a hundred infantrymen, but from the sea.Come.  This is a surprise force that directly cuts off Wang Lu's retreat. There are not many people on the motorboat, and they only hold automatic rifles. However, now Yashan and others are defenseless. They are in an open area. Just a hail of bullets will kill them.  They will all be knocked to the ground!

    The enemy who arranged this situation is really awesome. He endured the destruction of warriors and other tanks, endured the continuous knockdown of infantry, endured the tank firing the only precious shot, and then retreated in embarrassment under the bombardment of depth charges  All of this was because the Yashan caravan thought it had won the battle after opening the gate, and when its fighting spirit relaxed, it suddenly came out and beat everyone in Yashan back.

    The enemy in the dark succeeded.

    Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi didn't know the abnormality behind them. Wang Lu smiled at Wang Bi'an who came up to him. However, in his eyes, Wang Bi'an's smile suddenly froze, and his eyes were full of panic. Wang Lu subconsciously  Looking back, he saw that it was on a motorboat.  A gunman showed a cruel smile, and then flames came out of the gun

    Wang Lu only felt that his back was slapped hard by a huge palm. A hungry dog ??ate shit and fell heavily to the ground. Feng Haiqi, who he was supporting, also threw himself to the ground and rushed out to greet his friends with Wang Bi'an.  A team member has several flowers sprouting from his chest.  As if he had been struck by lightning, he collapsed on the ground. The only thing that could be called lucky was that in this hail of bullets, Wang Bi'an miraculously did not get hit.

    However.  This miracle could not last long, because after the gunners on the motorboat fired all their magazines, they replaced them with new magazines, loaded their guns, and aimed at the people in front of the ammunition depot again, this time.  The motorboats were closer to the edge of the dock and the drivers even slowed down so they could shoot more accurately.

    Wang Bi'an stood firmly on the spot and took out the gun.  aim.  Even if you die, you have to fight!

    The qbz56c short automatic rifle held by Wang Bi'an weighs only 2.85 kilograms, and the butt is only 764 millimeters wide.  The effective range is 300 meters, which is suitable for tall and heavy children like Wang Bi'an.  Wang Bi'an held his breath, pointed three points and one line at a gunman on the motorboat undulating among the waves, and was about to pull the trigger - at this moment, the sea surface of the motorboat suddenly started to boil like a pot.  , large waves spurted out, and the small motorboat was suddenly overturned in the sea water. Both the driver and the gunner fell into the sea and struggled desperately.

    Wang Bi'an watched all this in stunned silence. In the gushing sea water, a monster revealed its metal body, a nearly 80-meter-long drop-shaped hull, a towering trapezoidal bridge command podium, and wide and spacious bridges on both sides of the command podium.  When the horizontal rudder completely surfaced, the high-pressure gas discharged large volumes of seawater from the water tank and spurted out along the drainage holes of the hull, turning the motorboat sideways like a child.  Tossed around like a toy.

    Song class submarine, this is a Song class submarine.

    After the submarine surfaced, several soldiers crawled out of the bridge. They fired a burst of fire, killing the motorboat crewmen who were still struggling in the water one by one. Then, their guns were aimed at Wang Lu and others on the shore. Wang Bi'an  Gritting his teeth, he pointed the gun at the submarine.  At this time, a rapid voice came from his feet: "Throw away the gun, quickly, raise your hands, surrender." Wang Bi'an was startled, and the person who ordered him was Feng Haiqi. Feng Haiqi sat up from the ground and ordered  Everyone around them said: "Throw away your guns. Don't resist. They are regular navy. As long as we don't show hostility, they may not attack us."

    In fact, even without Feng Haiqi's order, the Yashan team members couldn't muster the will to fight. Although they climbed in and out of the Song-class submarine that was stranded on the pier at the dock countless times, the Song-class submarine that emerged from the seabed in front of them was  The submarine was like a living ancient behemoth, which made them unable to think of resistance.  They could only hope that Feng Haiqi said that the soldiers on the submarine still retained their moral character as soldiers and would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.  Moreover, to a certain extent, the submarine was also the savior of everyone in Yashan. If they had not suddenly appeared, the gunmen on the motorboat would have wiped out everyone in Yashan.  Surrender, maybe there is still a way to survive.

    ¡°Crash, crash,¡± guns were thrown to the ground one after another. The last one to put down his gun was Wang Bi¡¯an.

    The soldiers on the submarine did not fire as expected.

    They lowered several kayaks from the submarine, and a group of soldiers rowed ashore. They were divided into three groups. Two soldiers held guns and watched the people in Yashan with their hands raised. The other soldiers rushed to the dock road, and the vigilance remained  Behind the retreating tanks, a group of soldiers rushed straight into the ammunition depot.  After a while, the soldiers who rushed into the ammunition depot pushed out a huge barrel. It was a Type 64 large depth charge launcher that could be fired manually by a single soldier. A matching depth charge was immediately loaded into it and was ready at any time.  Meet the invading enemy.

    The intruders outside the base were obviously frightened by the sudden arrival of the submarine, and they did not launch an attack for a long time, not even the tank.Returned to Qiantou Town.

    Wang Bi'an didn't care about all this at all. After he dropped the gun, he half-supported Wang Lu, unbuttoned his body armor, and checked his injuries.

    Wang Lu's greedy and fearful character saved him again. Two thick bulletproof vests blocked three fatal bullets, but his back was covered with black bruises. He patted Wang Bi'an's hand to indicate that he was fine, and then  Turn your attention to the submarine and the soldiers.

    Watching the soldiers neatly maneuvering depth charge cannons and other weapons, and watching the soldiers carrying boxes of bullets and guns through rubber boats and transferring them to the submarine, Wang Lu immediately guessed the identity of the other party - from the Kiloki Submarine Base.  Soldiers, they are the soldiers of this base. They once retreated in a hurry under the attacks of intelligent zombies and superpowers. Today, they suddenly came back with a killing blow.

    No, it was not sudden, but planned!

    Thinking about it, not only the survivors on the periphery saw the series of twists and turns after entering the base, but also the remaining soldiers of the base who were hiding in the dark and keeping an eye on the safety of the base's ammunition depot.  It is certain that because the soldiers guarding the ammunition depot unexpectedly turned into zombies, even the remaining soldiers in the base were unable to open the door. They could only use secret surveillance to see if any force was lucky enough to be able to open the door.  Then Hengli fights out to grab food.

    It is very possible that when he used the pressure cooker bomb to blow up the gate, he had already alerted the remaining forces in the base, and the Song-class submarine had been quietly lurking under the sea outside the dock.
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