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Text Chapter 798: Waiting to die

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    Shalin slowly retracted his head. He decided that he would squat in the rain gutter, just guarding the steaming pile of dirt that he had just pulled out. He would not go anywhere, just wait.  The battle ends.

    Leader Wang Lu can take care of everything. He has special powers. When facing such a powerful enemy, he is defenseless and can't help. It's better not to cause trouble to Leader Wang.  With loyal and capable subordinates like Feng Haiqi and Wang Bomin, a small role like himself is just a sideshow.

    The enemy is very powerful, but Wang Lu is even more powerful. He will definitely be able to defeat the opponent. Even if he cannot defeat him, he will hide in this rain ditch and find a way to escape. The worst is, he will go back to the days when he and Sha Qing wandered around. Although  Yashan is a good place, but nothing is more important than your own life.

    Sha Lin was thinking wildly when he suddenly heard roars coming from the nearby hillside. The familiar roars were zombies!  Sha Lin immediately understood that this was Wang Lu using his own powers to summon zombies as reinforcements.  There is hope. No matter how good the enemy's heavy machine gun is, it can't kill thousands of zombies.  Superpowers are really amazing and awesome. It would be great if I could have superpowers like Wang Lu.

    Sha Lin squatted down comfortably in the rain gutter. With Wang Lu around, there was no need for him to bother like this. He even took off his pants again, intending to finish the half-empty stool.

    More and more zombies were swaying on both sides of the rain ditch, but Shalin didn't care. These zombies were his allies. With Li Yong and Ding Wei here, zombies never attacked members of the caravan

    Li Yong and Ding Wei - Sha Lin suddenly froze. The distance between Li Yong and Ding Wei commanding the zombies was only a hundred meters, but now, he had to defecate after leaving the caravan.  It is already outside the effective range of 100 meters. In other words, the zombies that you regard as your allies will also attack you indiscriminately!

    Just as Sha Lin wanted to understand his situation, a black shadow flashed above his head, and with a plop, a zombie fell down from the rain gutter - to be precise, it didn't fall down, but jumped down after smelling the smell of Sha Lin.  .  This was a strong male zombie. It broke its left foot when it fell from the ditch, but this did not hinder its movement.  The male zombie crawled in the rain gutter full of dead branches and leaves, and pounced on Sha Lin, who was sitting dumbfounded in his own excrement!

    Salin has already lost his ability to move.  He couldn't even muster the courage to fight against the zombies. Even if he killed the zombies in front of him, what would be the use?  Outside the rain ditch, tens of thousands of zombies swarmed!

    Facing the smelly zombie¡¯s mouth, Shalin curled up into a ball and closed his eyes tightly - I hope that I can become a smart zombie after death

    Wang Lu hid under the tank, listening to what was going on outside.  The sound of heavy machine gun fire had stopped for some time. It seemed that the zombie tide tactics had succeeded again. After a while.  Someone knocked on the metal body of the tank: "Captain Wang, it's safe." It was Ding Wei's voice.

    Wang Lu let out a sigh of relief and was about to climb out when he stopped again: "Ding Wei, are you sure it's safe? I heard there are two machine gun positions. Search carefully. Are there any other hidden ambush points?"

    Ding Weidao: "Li Yong and I have found two abandoned machine gun positions. The ambushers have escaped. Li Yong is expanding the search."

    Wang Lu wanted to wait a little longer to crawl out, but he heard Wang Bi'an's voice coming from outside: "Good guy, the bullets of this heavy machine gun are really powerful. Although they did not penetrate the body armor, they left such obvious bullet marks.  The thin iron skin of the armored personnel carrier will definitely be penetrated." But Wang Bi'an had already climbed out of the tank.

    I can never be inferior to my son.  Wang Lu shook his head, climbed out of the bottom of the tank, and patted the dust on his clothes. Next to him, Feng Haiqi was sternly ordering the team members to be more vigilant. This time he was ambushed, which greatly lost the veteran's face. This long-distance journey  On the way to do business, because the zombies led by Li Yong and Ding Wei performed so well that he felt relaxed and was ambushed by a group of thieves.  My old face has been thrown into the gutter.

    Wang Lu coughed a few times and was about to boost his morale when he suddenly remembered something: "No! Where is Sarin? Ding Wei, have you seen Sarin?"

    Ding Wei followed Wang Lu closely and directed the zombies coming from all over the mountains to strictly prohibit attacking the members of the caravan. Hearing Wang Lu's question, he shook his head: "I didn't see him." He explained: "Protect Captain Wang  It is my most important responsibility.¡±

    Wang Lu looked around: "Can you confirm that all the ambushers have escaped?"

    Ding Weidao: "I can confirm the safety within a one kilometer radius."

    Wang Lu immediately said: "You and Li Yong command 500 - no, 1,000 zombies stay, and I will dispatch the rest right now."?Leave and search for Sarin quickly. If you are alive, you will see people, if you are dead, you will see corpses!  If you find him bitten by a zombie, bring him to me as soon as possible!  "If Sha Lin encounters misfortune, the only way is to use his own blood to transform him into a wise corpse. Sha Qing is still loyal to him, and Wang Lu must protect his only relative.

    The tide of zombies comes and goes quickly. They were originally wandering in mountain villages, fields, towns, companies, and even some sea zombies. They were summoned ashore by Wang Lu's forced orders, and now they are driven away by Wang Lu's supernatural powers.  , left one after another, and after a while, a clearing was made with the caravan as the center. Wang Bi'an, Lu Kai and the others hurriedly looked around for the sand forest, and calls rang out in the forest of Tiantou Mountain.

    Lu Kai was smart and thought that since Salin was going to relieve himself, he must have found a place that was more hidden and not easy for people to see, so he searched for some small woods and haystacks while shouting about Salin at the top of his lungs.  When he searched for the name of a rain ditch, a hand suddenly poked out from among the thorns: "Lu Kai? Quickly, give me a hand."

    Lu Kai¡¯s eyes lit up ¨C it was Shalin¡¯s voice!  He rushed to the edge of the ditch, squatted down, held Shalin's hand firmly, and pulled him out from the bottom of the ditch with a strong pull: "Shalin, how are you? Are you not injured?"

    Sha Lin smiled bitterly and said, "I'm lucky enough to hide in the ditch without being discovered."

    Lu Kai smiled and was about to say something, when he suddenly seemed to hear a noise at the bottom of the ditch. He poked his head towards the bottom of the ditch, but was blocked by overgrown weeds and vines. Lu Kai asked curiously: "Why is there any movement at the bottom of the ditch?"  I took a step forward and wanted to take a closer look at the bottom of the ditch.

    Sha Lin grabbed Lu Kai and said, "There is nothing at the bottom of the ditch. I have always been hiding down there alone. Lu Kai, take me back quickly. I am covered with dirt and almost stink to death."

    Lu Kai turned his head, and sure enough he saw suspicious-looking yellow things tatting here and there on Shalin's clothes and pants. He sniffed and smelled a foul smell, and his mind flashed.  Recalling that Salin hid to the side to defecate at first, not knowing what was on him, he couldn't help but pointed at Salin and laughed: "Shalin, you, you guy, you actually defecated on yourself."  It¡¯s on mehaha, haha"

    Sarin was found.  He was unscathed, and what was even more bizarre was that he actually fell onto the stool he had pulled out in order to avoid the ambushers. If they had not been ambushed just now and sacrificed one of their team members, the caravan members would have burst into laughter.

    The ambushers¡¯ two heavy machine gun ambush positions were found.  The two machine guns were thrown on the spot, and the shell casings on the ground were still a little warm. There were a large number of zombies with bullets in their heads lying around the position.

    Wang Lu and Feng Haiqi carefully inspected an anti-aircraft heavy machine gun. Wang Lu said jealously: "These guys are so extravagant. In order to escape for their lives, they are even willing to leave behind such a precious heavy machine gun."

    Feng Haiqi said: "That's because they didn't expect you to summon thousands of zombies so quickly. According to their original plan, the machine gun sniper position is so far away from our caravan, even if we have superpowers, we can't use it.  The zombies came to help and easily wiped out all of us through the crossfire of the two positions. The idea of ????this ambush was not wrong. If it were me, it would be arranged in this way. Even if some bullets were wasted, our convoy was  A big piece of fat, this deal is a good deal. I just didn¡¯t expect that there are people with super powers like you. The effective range of super powers is far beyond the ambusher¡¯s estimation. If they don¡¯t abandon their heavy machine guns and run away, they will soon  Surrounded by zombies."

    Wang Lu stroked the heavy machine gun: "I only knew that heavy machine guns had great recoil and could not be used for long-distance sniping, but the performance of these ambushers was far beyond my expectation. Look, Lao Feng, the road leading to the seaside  There were a large number of zombies with bullets in their heads lying in the direction. Apparently, the opponent used heavy machine gun fire to clear out a life-saving passage from the zombie encirclement, and then escaped to the seaside."

    Feng Haiqi said: "Who said that heavy machine guns cannot be used for sniping? The ballistics of domestic heavy machine guns are quite stable. With the help of some equipment, they can indeed be used for long-distance heavy sniping. When we were hunting monkeys in the south, our  The soldiers set up their machine guns between the two hills and sniped at the enemy's transport trail 2 or 3 kilometers away."

    Feng Haiqi pointed to several parts of the heavy machine gun: "Look, this should be a rail that was added later. It is obviously used to install some additional equipment. If I guessed correctly"

    Before Feng Haiqi could finish his words, Wang Bi'an rushed over excitedly: "Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng, look what we found." He handed Feng Haiqi a long tube: "This is for us to track the ambushers.  The footprints were found on the beach."

    Feng Haiqi took the tube, looked it up and down, and pressed a small protrusion. A red line shot out from one end of the tube, a slender, straight, stable red light. The light fell in the distance.  It's a small but differentVery bright red dot.

    Wang Lu smiled beside him and said, "It's a red dot laser pointer."

    Feng Haiqi nodded: "It's homemade, but it works." He pointed to a guide rail under the muzzle of the gun: "It should be installed here." He then clicked on the guide rail above the gun body: "It should be here  It¡¯s equipped with a scope, and with a red dot laser and a scope, it¡¯s not a problem to carry out long-distance heavy sniping.¡±

    Feng Haiqi glanced at Wang Lu meaningfully: "Not long ago, you were complaining that modern weapons were of little use against zombies. Now you see, with just two small modifications, heavy machine guns can be used against zombies."  It has played an important role. The weapon-only theory is of course wrong, but it would be too pessimistic not to see the unique creativity of human beings."

    Wang Lu nodded, grabbed a handful of bullet casings on the ground, let go, and let them fall to the ground with a jingling sound: "It seems that the ambushers don't have many bullets in their hands. I have a bad feeling, maybe our target is  , someone has already boarded it first."

    Feng Haiqi also frowned and shook his head after a long time: "It's unlikely. If they had captured that key point, their strength would have skyrocketed long ago, and their power would not be limited to this small territory. We are here  A small caravan. It can¡¯t even survive a few attacks against them. What are your plans?¡±

    Wang Lu said: "It is conceivable that we have already fought against each other in this ambush, and neither side is an easy nut to crack. I suspect that they will soon know our destination and will find ways to snipe us on the way.  The road ahead will not be easy."

    Feng Haiqi nodded: "I will personally take charge of the reconnaissance mission."

    Wang Lu said simply and neatly: "Okay. I will summon more zombies to cover our retreat." He smiled: "Escape if you can't beat them. This is my only way to save my life."

    The pace of the Yashan caravan suddenly slowed down. In Lu Kai's words, it was no faster than a tortoise. Feng Haiqi led Wang Bomin and Li Yong to personally conduct reconnaissance on the front line.  The cordon was spread out 5 or 6 kilometers away, and they would not stop until every hut was cleaned. If it were not for the follow-up support and communication issues, Feng Haiqi would have even wanted to spread the cordon even further.

    And around the caravan, Wang Lu summoned tens of thousands of zombies, surrounding them in darkness as shields, and the strong smell of corpse liquid was so strong that people could fall into a fight.  But none of the members of the caravan complained, because one of the victims had already told everyone that the enemy they faced was the most powerful opponent the caravan had faced since it left the cliff.  It has a heavy firepower output that is no less than that of a caravan, and it also has the ability to act decisively. So far, except for two abandoned heavy machine guns.  The caravan actually didn't even meet each other.  It's truly a shame and a shame.

    Under such circumstances, even a heartless guy like Lu Kai is facing a formidable enemy.  He didn't even bother to laugh at Salin for sitting on his own stool when facing an enemy ambush.

    The caravan from Yashan gathered together and walked slowly. At night, when it was just dawn, they started to set up camp. Moreover, the campsite gave up the relatively comfortable roadside dwellings and instead found a high ground to camp.  Li Yong directed the zombies to cut down a large number of trees, erect the walls of the temporary camp, set up sentry towers, and dig trenches. These warning measures were of little use to the zombies, but they could effectively prevent human sneak attacks.

    After dinner, Feng Haiqi arranged the light and dark sentries for shifts. The team members took the time to rest. No one knew whether they would be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

    Salin, who had wiped his body with feces, actually offered to participate in the sentry mission of the first class, which made everyone look at him with admiration. It seemed that Salin knew his shame and became brave.

    The night was getting dark. In order not to indicate the target to the sneak attackers, there was no bonfire burning in the camp. The night at the beach was very humid. At some point, the camp was covered with a layer of mist floating from the sea.  Shalin wrapped the blanket around him tightly, sniffed silently, opened the helmet cover, and wiped the moisture from the glass mask. At this time, there was a rhythmic tapping sound from the intercom, and Shalin immediately replied with a series of  Tap the code signal and the next contact will be made in 10 minutes.

    Sha Lin stared at the mist-shrouded wilderness outside the wall. There were faint rows of black shadows standing neatly outside the wall. They were the zombies summoned by Wang Lu.

    Li Yong and Ding Wei were patrolling outside the wall. Their order to the zombies was to attack any life outside the wall without discrimination.

    Shalin stared at the black shadows of the rows of zombies for a long time. Suddenly, he seemed to have made up his mind. He took out something from his arms, stuffed it into his mouth in three mouthfuls, and devoured it. Because he ate too quickly,  He also coughed a few times.  He then left his post and climbed out of the wall via a ladder.

    Thick fog obscured the actions of sarin, and at several other outposts, fortressesIt was due to the field of vision. If the team members hadn't been concentrating on staring into the distance, no one would have noticed Sarin's inexplicable unauthorized departure from duty.

    Wearing a body armor, high-top boots, thick gloves and a fully enclosed helmet, Sarin walked step by step toward the zombies.

    The group of zombies who were ordered to attack indiscriminately quickly discovered Sarin walking alone, and immediately stabbed him.

    Shalin stopped, and the zombies rushing at the front had already jumped on him. Shalin swayed and regained his footing, but he did not take off the gun on his shoulder to fight back. Instead, he stood motionless.  Stand.

    The zombie that pounced on Shalin had already grabbed one of his arms, and bit him through the thick clothes - naturally, its bite couldn't penetrate the special anti-zombie anti-bite.  He was convinced, but he couldn't withstand more zombies coming from behind. As long as there was a small tear in Sarin's anti-bite suit, he would be finished.

    But Sarin remained motionless and even closed his eyes in the helmet.

    He felt the zombies groping on his body, then the sound of sniffing, and then more zombies rushed up and scratched at his clothes, but soon they stopped biting and just licked his body.  Smell all over the body.

    Yes!  Yes!  That's it!  That's it!

    In the rain ditch, when Shalin faced the zombies that were rushing at him, he huddled up in a ball in despair, lying on his own excrement, completely giving up resistance, the zombie was just about to solidify on Shalin.  It bit off a large piece of plump fresh meat, but suddenly stopped. Then, it lay on Sha Lin's body, smelling and touching it, until Lu Kai's call came from outside the rain ditch. The zombie did not take the initiative to attack and was already waiting to be killed.  of Sarin!
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