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Text Chapter 788 Cobalt-60

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    Only Intelligent Corpse 16 himself knew what kind of bombardment his brain was being subjected to. The invisible nuclear radiation emitted from the small metal tube impacted his brain waves in waves.  ¡ò¡òThe body of Intelligent Corpse 16 is normal, but there has been a storm in his mind. If he were a normal person, the invisible but ferocious nuclear radiation could "bombard" his brain to the point of dizziness, nausea, and even coma.

    This is a metal radioactive source sealed with cobalt-60.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 doesn¡¯t know where this radioactive source comes from. Hospitals, scientific research institutions, and metal materials companies may all use this civilian radioactive source.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 accidentally discovered a survivor using this radioactive source while passing through Ninghai along the highway.  At that time, the survivor was surrounded by a group of zombies and saw no way out. He took out a small metal stick from the lead box in his backpack. When he raised the metal stick in front of the zombies, the zombies seemed to be struck by invisible lightning and fell one after another.  Down.

    This metal radioactive source containing cobalt-60 is a Class III hazardous source, and its radioactive activity is 3 times ten to the tenth power Becquerel.  Exposure to radiation can cause permanent damage within a few hours, and can cause death after exposure for more than a week.

    Radiation is harmful to human survivors, and it is equally harmful to zombies. Although the dose of radiation irradiated zombies will not cause them to fall into eternal sleep, they will lose control and fall to the ground due to brain wave disorders, and will be unable to regain self-control for a long time.

    The human survivor, who got this radiation source from nowhere, discovered its strange effect on zombies, and simply used it as a weapon for self-defense.  When not in use, put it in a lead box to prevent harm to yourself, and the time of each use is also very short.  You have to use it unless you have no choice. After all, this radiation can kill one thousand enemies and damage yourself eight hundred.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 is also within the radiation range, and nuclear rays are also impacting his brain waves. He knows the huge harm of nuclear radiation. The fortress only uses one nuclear bomb, a nuclear bomb that is not in launch state, and just relies on it.  The nuclear radiation caused the smart zombies in the capital to stay away, and the side product was tens of thousands of smart zombies who were affected by the radiation and fell into eternal sleep.

    The brain waves of Zombie 16 are naturally stronger than those of ordinary Zombie Zombies.  After resisting the influence of the cobalt-60 radiation source on himself, he immediately drew his gun and killed the survivor, put the radiation source back into the lead box, and dug a hole on the spot to remove the terrible metal.  The baubles were buried.

    original.  The matter passed like this.  However, when Intelligent Corpse 16 continued to move along the highway, he suddenly fell to the ground - Intelligent Corpse 16's last consciousness was "The cobalt-60 finally hurt himself, and he fell into sleep forever."  However, 24 hours later, Zhizhi 16 woke up, and then.  He found that his brain waves were significantly enhanced.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 thought for a moment about the series of strange things that happened to him, and immediately thought of the cobalt-60 radiation source. It was this just-right dose of nuclear radiation that allowed him to evolve.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 immediately stopped his journey south.  Originally, his journey was to pursue the path of evolution. Now that he has held the key to evolution, why bother running around anymore.  Is it like a blind man riding a blind horse to get lucky?

    Intelligent Corpse 16 settled down in Ninghai, with his strong brain waves.  Naturally, he became the supreme ruler of zombies and intelligent zombies in Ninghai County. The battle against the Penicillium strain of Shuangwei Pharmaceutical Lu Qiping was just a small thing he did to kill time when he was bored. His real and only concern was how to use himself  Evolve yourself with cobalt-60 in the lead-sealed chamber built by yourself.

    At this moment, Zhizhi 16 stood in front of the cobalt-60 radiation source that had been completely exposed outside the lead box. He was naked and bearing the impact of the radiation. He barely maintained his clear consciousness and silently began to count: "1, 2  ,3,4"

    300 seconds.

    Only 300 seconds.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 has been trying to explore how to evolve under the nuclear radiation of cobalt-60. His long-term exploration found that he can only withstand continuous radiation exposure for 300 seconds. Once this time is exceeded, his brain waves will lose control.  , fall or even fall into coma.  He had to rely on zombies wearing lead hats to drag him out of the lead-sealed room.

    "It is a pity that Zhizhi 16 has never been exposed to nuclear materials before, so he cannot accurately calculate the radiation dose he can withstand. He can only use the most primitive counting method to control the dose he is exposed to each time.

    He had to be careful.

    Because the irradiation of cobalt-60 radiation source can effectively promote the evolution of intelligent zombies, the reason why he can resist Wang Lu's brain waves today is due to this.  It is because of personal experience of the power of cobalt-60 that Zombie 16 strictly prohibits any zombies and Zombies from entering the sealed room.  Previously, he had arranged for zombies or zombies wearing lead protective caps to be his assistants, but now, no zombies or zombies are allowed to enter the floor where Cobalt-60 is placed.

    The reason is very simple, Zhishi16 does not want other people toThe Zombie Zombie also evolves by irradiating Cobalt-60 - at least, until Zombie Zombie 16 is perfectly evolved, no other Zombie Zombie can even think of touching this unique treasure of Cobalt-60.

    ??For Intelligent Corpse 16, the cobalt-60 radiation source is unique. Yes, there may be similar civilian radiation sources elsewhere - there must be ones in hospitals, but who knows if they are the same type of radiation?  Can the radiation intensity be consistent?

    In addition to cobalt-60, common folk radiation sources include cesium-137, iridium-192, iodine-131, iodine-125, technetium-99m, gamma sources, etc. If you change to another radiation source, the radiation dose will be slightly higher.  If it is different, it will not play an evolutionary role?

    The cobalt-60 radiation source has become a forbidden object for Zombie 16. He will never allow any other Zombie Zombie to touch it, just as Wang Lu regards his own blood as the biggest secret and guarantee of Yashan.  Only the young Zhishi Dongdong and Zhishi 16 gained his favor because they were related during their lives, and he made an exception and told the child the path of evolution through radiation exposure.

    Nowadays, when Zombie 16 evolves through the cobalt-60 radiation source, there is no longer a guardian around him. If the time is not strictly controlled, once the brain waves lose control and he faints again, and is continuously irradiated by the exposed cobalt-60, Zombie 16 will  I don¡¯t know what an unimaginable end I will have.

    The cobalt-60 radiation source emits invisible radiation waves.  "261, 262, 263" This round of irradiation is about to end.

    It¡¯s just that Zhizhi 16 hesitated.

    Because he saw how powerful Wang Lu was.

    Zhi is well-informed. Although he originally thought that his level of evolution was not the most powerful in the capital, but in the whole country, he was still in the first echelon. He even thought that he was among the mysterious "him".  In front of him, he also had the strength to fight.

    ¡°I didn¡¯t expect that Wang Lu, a coward, would actually suppress him.  Intelligent Corpse 16 understood that Wang Lu did not use brain waves to suppress himself, but preferred to use peaceful means to interact with him and create what he called a new trinity world.  If Wang Lu was fighting for his life and death, he would use all his brainwaves.  Zhizhi believed that he had no chance of winning.

    Ningbo City, a second-tier city, has such an extraordinary figure. In comparison, am I walking too cautiously on the road of evolution?

    Maybe, if the time is longer, the dose can be increased.  His level of evolution will be further improved.

    Yes, that¡¯s right, I am really too conservative.  In fact, I recently received nuclear radiation.  It can no longer achieve obvious evolution. Obviously, the original old dose gradually begins to lose its effect.  If you want to make rapid progress, if you want to compete with Wang Lu.  Then we should be bolder and take bigger steps.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 made a decision in an instant, "299, 300" He held the switch rope that controlled the cobalt-60 radiation source down into the lead box motionless, and continued to count, "301, 302, 303  ¡­¡±

    Intelligent Corpse 16 feels that his brain waves are becoming more and more unstable under the impact of nuclear radiation. Hold on, hold on for a while, and you will definitely be able to do it.  Evolution is the only meaning of our existence.  Evolution, freedom, dual liberation of body and soul, liberation

    Intelligent Corpse 16 fell heavily to the ground. His hand had already been taken away from the switch cord. His body crossed the red line and lay directly under the cobalt-60 radiation source. A large dose of radiation rushed towards his body and brain.  Come¡­¡­

    "Uncle 16, Uncle 16." A voice sounded in Zhishi 16's ears.

    Zhishi 16 opened his eyes and saw the young Zhishi Dongdong standing next to him, calling out repeatedly.

    Intelligent Corpse 16 blinked and immediately understood that he had received excessive radiation. He asked in a deep voice: "Dongdong, how long have I been unconscious?"

    Dongdong said: "Since I found you unconscious in the lead chamber and dragged you out, you have been unconscious for 8 days and 4 hours."

    Intelligent Corpse 16 asked again: "How long have I been in there?"

    Dongdong shook his head: "I don't know. I didn't realize you were not in the office until 10 o'clock the next morning - it must have been more than 12 hours. Uncle 16, how do you feel?"

    Intelligent Corpse 16 shook his head: "Feeling? You know we don't have feelings. It's just" Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly fell to the ground again.

    When Zhishi 16 woke up again, it was already noon seven days later. As soon as he regained consciousness, he immediately said to Dongdong who was guarding him: "Send a telegram to the capital - no, send an open telegram to inform everyone who can  The messengers who received my telegram told them about the role of trace amounts of nuclear radiation in promoting our evolution, as well as the potential harm."

    Dongdong asked: "Uncle 16, are you serious? When I first came to Ninghai to find you, you still didn't let me tell others about the role of nuclear radiation in promoting evolution - even Mr. Wen didn't let me."Litigation.  What's going on now? You're making so much noise that the whole world knows about it?  "

    Zhizhi 16 said: "I was wrong. Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng did the right thing. They spread the Integration Method everywhere because they knew that they could not fully study the Integration Method with their own strength, and they also did not know the Integration Method.  They need a large number of samples for reference as to what kind of harm there will be. They spread the combination method without restraint. The more envoys use this method to evolve, the more they will discover the advantages and disadvantages of this method. In turn,  It¡¯s also good for Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng.¡±

    "Dongdong, I suffered an overdose of nuclear radiation this time. It has proved that I cannot study the nuclear radiation evolution method by myself. Moreover, once the operation is wrong, I will be in a desperate situation. If you hadn't happened to be there this time,  My side saved me, I must have fallen into eternal sleep. Dongdong, spread the nuclear radiation evolution method, the wider the better, the faster the better. Yashan Wanglu is neither a human nor a messenger nor a superpower  The existence shows that our evolution has fallen far behind, and our future must be in the hands of the messengers, otherwise, we messengers will be eliminated by the biochemical virus just like the survivors of the old humanity."

    Dongdong nodded: "I understand, I will send the report right away."

    Just as Dongdong was about to go out, Zhishi 16 stopped him again: "Dongdong, are there any encryption measures for the communication between you and Mr. Wen?"

    Dongdong nodded: "If it is a normal call, it will be in plain language. But before I left the capital, Mr. Wen did give me a set of passwords for contact in emergencies."

    Zhishi 16 nodded: "That's good, Dongdong. Use the password to send a message to Mr. Wen, telling him that he must make great efforts to find 'him', but must not kill 'him', because 'he' also  It represents a major direction in the evolution of biochemical viruses. No one can say for sure which evolutionary path is correct. But we must not kill the hope of evolution in our own hands. In addition, if possible, please listen to Mr. Wen  The capital is secretly researching the evolution method of cannibalism Mr. Wen should know that on major issues related to the survival of the entire messenger race, some taboos must be broken."

    Dongdong didn¡¯t ask why, just nodded silently, turned around and went out to send the report.

    Dongdong passes the remote radio station.  He quickly got in touch with the capital, and when he finished sending the report.  Sitting in front of the radio station, I silently thought about the gains from this trip south.

    Although Dongdong is young, his level of evolution is one of the few in the Forbidden City. Mr. Wen worked hard to train him and even told him many unknown secrets.  In fact, this time he was ordered to track the ships of the No. 11 vaccine development base south. It was not for tracking and interference as other emissaries from the Forbidden City imagined. Mr. Wen¡¯s real order to him was to assist in sample collection at the vaccine development base!

    Yes, assist humans and assist in the research and development of biochemical virus vaccines.

    The reason is simple, "The Chinese nation must survive. We have been standing on this planet for five thousand years, and our bloodline must not be cut off because of biochemical viruses."

    Do you need any other reasons?  No more, enough, any reason pales in comparison.  In order to continue the national bloodline, Dongdong followed Wen Lao's assignment, tracked the vaccine sample collection ship all the way, and helped in secret. Otherwise, how could Captain Sun and Gu Wei carry out their mission so smoothly?

    No matter how awesome the elite warriors of Homeland are, they are not infallible. They can suffer heavy losses in Yashan and the base. How can they go all the way south and attack the major human survivor strongholds along the coast, and still be able to safely collect samples and retreat?  I really think that all the superpower leaders are a mess.  You know, behind the scenes, Dongdong used his powerful brainwaves to lead a group of zombie smart zombies to help secretly. Behind the collection of each sample was Dongdong's busy back.  That is to say, in Yonggang City, Dongdong missed the battle between Yashan Base and the Home Army because he was entangled by a group of superpowers on the way. Otherwise, how could such a big mistake happen.

    Dongdong finished taking the telegram and returned to Zhizhi 16 to take care of him. Zhizhi 16's state was very unstable. Sometimes he would suddenly get stuck while talking. It seemed that the nuclear radiation had caused some irreversible damage to him.  .  When Zhishi 16 woke up from a brief coma again, Dongdong said: "Uncle 16, don't worry, I will stay by your side until you fully recover. Anyway, the boat I was tracking disappeared, and I didn't leave."  If things are easy to do, I¡¯ll stay by your side.¡±

    Intelligent Corpse 16 blinked: "Shrink your strength and be wary of Wang Lu."

    Dongdong nodded. In fact, in his heart, he should pay attention to Wang Lu instead of being wary of Wang Lu.

    Since arriving in Ninghai, Dongdong has heard Wang Lu¡¯s name many times, and even the Shaoxing opera actresses and costume lovers from Central Mountain Island have mentioned him.  There was no way, Wang Lu, as the most powerful superpower in the Yonggang area, had to attract attention.  Dongdong also collected Wang Lu's information - this is also what we heard.One of the tasks assigned to him is that every human settlement is the spark for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In Dongdong's eyes, Wang Lu is an incredibly lucky guy.

    Wang Lu's family fled from the big city to farm in the countryside. This scene happened everywhere on this continent. Objectively speaking, they were all helpless choices made by people with little ability, because compared with the vast and sparsely populated rural areas, large areas  Cities are more dangerous and more competitive.  The Wang Lu family did not perform well in Yashan at the beginning, so they were just trying to make ends meet.  But later - Dongdong guessed that after possessing the superpower, Wang Lu's family developed by leaps and bounds, including the Jiaokou Reservoir, annexing bases, and expanding their power in all directions.

    Of course, Dongdong knows that this is entirely because Wang Lu opened a golden finger - using his superpower.

    "The so-called superpowers don't have much mystery in Dongdong's eyes. To put it bluntly, they are worthless. They are just partial zombie transformations of human beings.

    Every human survivor is a carrier of biochemical viruses. Among them, the biochemical viruses in some individual humans have mutated, giving humans certain characteristics of zombies, but they have not been completely transformed into zombies.

    This is the truth about superpowers.

    Compared with the intelligent zombies who have been truly transformed by biochemical viruses, superpowers are not in the same weight class at all. The so-called "special abilities" possessed by superpowers are possessed by intelligent zombies, and they are more powerful and more perfect than superpowers.  In the final analysis, superpowers only bully ordinary zombies or incompletely evolved smart zombies. For Dongdong or smart zombies 16, superpowers cannot challenge them at all.

    If any person with a superpower dares to use his or her abilities in front of Dongdong, he will be just trying to do whatever he wants, and Dongdong will be able to kill them in an instant.
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