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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Happy life in the biochemical apocalypse

Text Chapter 758 The World of Madman Wu

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    Wang Lu glanced at Huang Yinfeng: "You must think I'm crazy, right? Don't worry, as a messenger, it's impossible to go crazy. Listen to me, as we all know, messengers can naturally control the electorate because of the huge difference in brain waves.  Voters. However, the consciousness of mentally ill voters is different from that of ordinary voters. They only live in their own world. Their feelings and perceptions of the outside world are different from those of healthy people during their lifetime, and after they mutate into voters, they are also different from those of ordinary voters.  The elect. They always live only in their own world. To a certain extent, in the world of mentally ill patients, whether they are humans or elects, they are not bound by any rules of this world and are truly free.  "

    "Messengers can control voters, but they certainly cannot control mentally ill voters, because the thinking and brain waves of the two seem to exist in different time and space. It is like facing a policeman with a gun. Ordinary people will be in awe, fear, and will  Surrender to the force possessed by the police and the law he represents. However, to a madman, the police's guns and uniforms mean nothing. He will rush towards the gun just to spit in the police's face. Sun Meiping's brain  No matter how powerful the radio wave is, to a mentally ill voter, it is nothing more than bullshit.¡±

    Huang Yinfeng was silent for a long time before saying: "This is just your guess."

    Wang Lu nodded: "Yes, this is just my guess. However, this is the only way I can think of to fight against Sun Meiping. In fact, the only role of mentally ill voters is to fight against Sun Meiping. They are terrible  , but they are not powerful, and one bullet can kill them. However, if you use it as an assassin and use it to deal with specific people at the right time and in the right place, it will be invincible.  .¡±

    Huang Yinfeng immediately thought of the zoo.  There were only a group of ordinary people and Sun Meiping. If the mentally ill voters were put into the garden, the defenseless Sun Meiping would not be able to use brain waves to suppress the mentally ill voters, nor could she use brain waves to summon zombies from the outside to help. The fate can be imagined.

    Huang Yinfeng stared at Wang Lu: "You are such a terrible guy."

    Wang Lu shrugged: "If you don't serve yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. The meaning of my existence is to pursue the ultimate evolution."

    Huang Yinfeng touched the gun on his waist: "Okay. Are we going to take away all the lunatics in this mental hospital?"

    Wang Lu shook her head: "All? No, Huang Yinfeng, you are mistaken again. Not all, but one. We only need to take away one mentally ill electorate from this mental hospital." He paused and said, "Because, this hospital  There¡¯s only one mentally ill electorate left in the hospital.¡±

    Huang Yinfeng asked in confusion: "Have all the mentally ill voters in the hospital escaped from the hospital?"

    Wang Lu stared at the intact hospital door and shook her head: "No. I don't think they escaped from the mental hospital, they just died and were eaten by the most powerful mental electorate in Kangning Hospital.  ¡±

    "Mental illness, ordinary people are also called madmen, and madmen are divided into madmen and martial madmen. Madmen do not harm others except for harming themselves, but martial madmen are different. Before the biochemical apocalypse, martial arts madmen took to the streets every year and hacked to death.  News about many people happened. Unfortunately, such people cannot be sentenced to death. They can only be locked up in a mental hospital and sit in jail with no time limit year after year. Oh, no. There is no time limit. If the family members of the mental patient do not  The money is paid. The patient can also be released. Anyway, for the doctor, he can make a normal person become mentally ill, or he can make a real madman normalized. The so-called cure or not is just a frivolous identification certificate.  .¡±

    "The most terrifying thing in a mental hospital is the martial lunatics. They will attack everyone around them, including doctors, nurses, relatives and even other mental patients who are also lunatics. When such martial lunatics are infected with biochemical viruses, they will  The consciousness that has gone out of control, coupled with the body mutation caused by the biochemical virus, and the devouring energy, will transform into the most terrifying existence. It will devour everything, and all living creatures will be its food, even when there is nothing to eat.  , it will chew its own body.¡±

    "If my guess is correct, there is only one mentally ill elector left in this mental hospital, the craziest, most powerful, perverted, and greedy martial lunatic electorate. And the other mentally ill electors are all  It has become food in its belly.¡±

    Huang Yinfeng touched the gun on his waist again, and instantly merged with the five brothers and sisters. He nodded to Wang Lu: "Let's take action, let's see that madman."

    The door of Kangning Hospital was ajar, and the guard room next to it was empty. Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng carefully directed the brothers and sisters to enter in a standard urban street fighting formation. What they saw was the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

    Yes, in front of the medical building of Kangning Hospital, there are birds singing and flowers fragrant.  It is the blooming season of acacia trees, and strings of delicate yellow locust flowers are blown away by the wind.?, fluttering and falling to the ground, covering the ground in golden color. The shadows of sparrows and gray grazers can be seen on the branches, and occasionally a few crisp chirps are heard.  The weeds on the green ground grew wantonly, covering up the stone benches and fitness equipment. From time to time, there were a few grasshoppers jumping among the grass. There were no zombies, smart zombies, or any crazy zombies.

    Wang Lu had just taken a few steps when there was a sudden click under her feet and she stepped on something.  He leaned down and pulled away the weeds, and then he realized that he was stepping on a bone, a human rib.

    Wang Lu gestured to Huang Yinfeng. Huang Yinfeng stepped forward and saw the bones at a glance. She squatted down and groped in the lush weeds. After a while, she found several bones and curved ribs.  , also have long leg bones.

    There are traces of teeth gnawing on every bone.

    That¡¯s right, these white bones did not rot naturally, but all the flesh was eaten away, and the skeleton was scattered on the ground.

    Since the outbreak of the biochemical crisis, not many people have actually died, and a considerable number of people have directly mutated into zombies.  Then, people who are bitten by zombies also turn into zombies. It is very rare for the unlucky people to be eaten by zombies without even a piece of flesh left. As long as the head is not damaged, even if only the upper body is left, they can still survive.  "alive".

    Wang Lu nodded: "These skeletons are very consistent with the behavior of a madman. For a madman, there is no bottom line in doing things. There is no problem of stopping when you are full, even if your stomach is full. It will never stop eating."  Stop swallowing it."

    A total of 5 scattered corpses were found in the public green space outside the medical building. The heads were all smashed and the brains inside were empty.

    Wang Lu shook her head: "Unfortunately, from these skeletons, we can't tell whether they were alive or had mutated into voters when they were eaten alive by the crazy voters."

    Huang Yinfeng turned to look at the medical building and said, "It doesn't matter, you can find the answer inside."

    In the medical building, all entrance and exit doors are tightly locked with thick chain locks.  On the glass door of the front door, not only were there several locks wrapped around the door handle, but there were also several large words left on the glass with blackened blood, "Don't open the door", and several huge exclamation marks next to it.

    The heavy explosion-proof glass was smashed.  One piece of glass had a large network of cracks, but it did not break. It seems that these explosion-proof glasses have faithfully completed their mission.  It's no wonder that the security of a mental hospital is comparable to that of a prison. At least the prisoners in the prison are sensible and will not attack the guards randomly.  Madmen have no logic at all, and doctors and nurses must be alert to their attacks anytime and anywhere.

    Wang Lu pulled out the gun, aimed at the lock, and fired one shot.  The heavy chain lock fell off and fell to the marble floor.

    Wang Lu commanded the five brothers and sisters, forming a formation of two in front and three in back, and pushed the door open.  Under the sunlight outside, the hall is bright.  The lobby of Kangning Hospital is similar to that of an ordinary hospital, with the registration window, medicine retrieval office, and outpatient corridorthe only difference is that there are corpses on the ground.

    There were again scattered bitten bones, but there were more of them. Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng carefully avoided the bones under their feet and walked around in the hall.  At the registration window, Wang Lu stopped and gestured to Huang Yinfeng: "Look, there is something good here."

    The so-called good thing is a skeleton, a relatively complete skeleton sitting on the desk chair in the registration window.

    The door to the registration window was closed, but the glass in the window was not as strong as the explosion-proof glass at the gate. One window glass was smashed to pieces.

    Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng got into the registration room through the broken window.

    The room was in a mess, registration sheets were scattered all over the floor, computer screens and printers were staggered on the table or on the floor, and blackened blood stains were everywhere on the walls and marble floor.  Wang Lu walked around the rags on the ground and walked to the corpse. The head of the corpse fell to the ground, but the body was still sitting on the chair. To be precise, it was handcuffed to the chair by one hand.

    Wang Lu¡¯s eyes lit up and she carefully inspected the skeleton and handcuffs. Then she strode to the door and turned the handle. The door was locked from the outside.  He nodded: "The owner of this skeleton was eaten until only the bones were left after mutating into a chosen one."

    He explained to Huang Yinfeng next to him: "There was obviously a fight in this registration room. A living person mutated into a voter and attacked other medical staff. The blood stains on the scene showed that someone was bitten by a voter. The reason why she was handcuffed to the chair  , indicating that she had been infected by the biochemical virus at the time, and was probably one of the injured, but had not fully mutated. Her colleagues could not bear to kill her on the spot, so they handcuffed her. Then" He  Pointing to the locked door: "Her surviving colleagues left the registration room"??Also locked the door from the outside.  "

    "The injured registration nurse quickly mutated into a voter, but because she was restrained by handcuffs and the registration room became a closed secret room, she has been unable to leave and move freely."

    "Until one day, a madman with infinite strength smashed the glass into pieces, then entered the registration room and ate the nurse elector who was handcuffed to the chair until only a skeleton was left." Wang Lu picked up the fallen  Drop the skull under the desk and place it on the skeleton.

    Huang Yinfeng thought for a while and nodded: "I agree with your conjecture. Although the smell of blood is strong in this room, there is an unmistakable smell of corpse liquid under the chair. It is clearly the discharge of this nurse electorate when she was eaten.  of."

    Wang Lu said: "Now you should believe my reasoning about the possibility that there may be crazy Wu voters in mental hospitals who are not subject to the general control of messengers and voters? This skeleton is the best proof that Wu crazy voters not only attack their own voters.  They are the same kind and feed on them. This is exactly the 'knife' we are looking for."

    Wang Lu looked directly at Huang Yinfeng: "We must capture anyone alive. Remember, unless it endangers your life, you must never use a gun. Because it is our only hope to deal with Sun Meiping."

    Above the second floor of Kangning Hospital is the inpatient area. The security here is completely different from that in the lobby. There are isolation doors made of thick railings in the corridor. Each ward is equipped with a heavy door, and you can peek inside through the observation window.  Patient movements.  However, all these security measures have lost their effectiveness.  The reason is simple, because these "advanced" security systems are all electronic, and access is through electronic access cards. However, after a complete power outage, all magnetic electronic locks lost their function.

    The bones.  Bones were everywhere in the corridors and wards. Some were struggling together, some were lying quietly on the bed, but there were no exceptions.  They were all chewed up clean. Judging from the pieces of clothing left on the ground, there were medical staff and patients.

    Ward area on the second floor.  There is nothing but bones.

    On the third floor, Wang Lu suddenly stopped in front of a ward - the door of this ward.  He was pushed from behind by a table and chair, but a hole was opened by a knife, ax or other sharp weapon.  Wang Lu looked through the gap and saw a skeleton - the lower body of a skeleton hanging in the air.

    Wang Lu directed her brothers and sisters to get into the ward and moved the tables and chairs blocking the door. Wang Lu pushed open the remaining door and looked up at the skeleton carefully.

    The skeleton is alive, yes, still alive.

    All the skin and flesh on the lower body of the skeleton had been eaten away, but above the waist, at a higher point, her body was still intact. The upper end of the rope made of hospital gowns was tied to the fan, and the lower end was still firmly hanging on the already  On the dry neck.

    On the neck is a shriveled old face with a head of white hair, a pair of cloudy eyes staring down at Wang Lu, occasionally moving to show that its owner is still alive.

    Huang Yinfeng followed in: "This chosen one is still alive, but why can't I sense its brain waves?"

    Wang Lu gestured on her head with her finger: "I've said it before, the brainwave frequencies of crazy voters are completely different from ours, and we can't sense them. Huang Yinfeng, let me say it again, in this building, you  You must completely give up all your behavior patterns as a messenger, otherwise, you will kill yourself. Believe me, I will never lift a finger to save you."

    Huang Yinfeng didn't care about Wang Lu's words. She flipped through the medical record card hanging on the hospital bed: "Yu Ming, 67 years old, severe depression."

    Wang Lu glanced at an overturned empty medicine bottle on the bedside table. The name of the medicine on the bottle was "Alsiding". He folded his arms and looked at Yu Ming who was hanging on the fan: "Melancholy, are there such mental patients?"  When he was ill, his IQ was no different from ordinary people. It seems that when the biochemical virus broke out, this old guy discovered the abnormalities in the outside world in his ward, so he blocked the door with tables and chairs. Patients with depression do not have strong willpower  , it is easy to have thoughts of suicide, so the old guy decided to hang himself in the face of a collapsing world. In order to die more comfortably, he took all the Alsidine pills. But what he didn¡¯t expect was that after all the hard work, he would  After he hanged himself, he still did not escape the clutches of the biochemical virus. The biochemical virus that had long been lurking in his body mutated him into a chosen one after his death. Then, a crazy elector smashed open the door with a sharp blade.  The lower half of his body was eaten away, and the upper body was left intact probably because this guy couldn't reach it. How lucky is this old guy named Yu Ming to have half of his life left."

    Wang Lu pulled out her gun and loaded it with a click: "We are getting closer and closer to that madman. It seems that he is indeed in the hospital and has not left."

    The fourth floor is still a ward.  The same mess?Bone.

    Only the fifth floor is left.

    Wang Lu nodded towards Huang Yinfeng. Wang Lu directed her five brothers and sisters to go upstairs first, while Huang Yinfeng ordered her five fused brothers and sisters to guard them.

    The fifth floor is the office area. Wang Lu directed the brothers and sisters. As soon as they stepped into the corridor, they suddenly stopped and said, "It's him!"

    Huang Yinfeng also "saw" him through the eyes of her brothers and sisters.

    He has messy hair, a shaggy beard, and his whole body. One foot is bare, and the other foot is dragging a hospital slipper. He is holding a white bone in his right hand. One end of the bone has a sharp section. In his hand, it looks like  A sharp knife.

    He was standing in the corridor, facing the wall, banging his head against the wall repeatedly, making soft knocking sounds.

    Wang Lu made a gesture to Huang Yinfeng and directed her five brothers and sisters to rush forward. In just a blink of an eye, the agile brothers and sisters had already surrounded him.

    Then he didn¡¯t respond and still banged his head against the wall.

    Huang Yinfeng led the remaining 20 brothers and sisters and rushed into the corridor. He was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. The small corridor was suddenly blocked. Wang Lu and Huang Yinfeng were on the outermost edge of the brothers and sisters.  safe place.

    Huang Yinfeng then had time to look at him carefully, and she discovered that his lower body was actually erect!

    In a mess of hair like a big puff of seaweed, the King Kong with angry eyes stood tall and majestic.  Huang Yinfeng was not unreasonable. After a little comparison, she found that his words were very, very big, really, too big.  Of course, bigness does not matter, but health does. Why do his words stand upright?  That is clearly a sign of physiological function!

    Powerful like Wang Lu, why is a lunatic zombie still maintained that function?
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