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Text Chapter 752 Blood Deal

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    Wang Lu glared: "Damn it! Why didn't you report such an important matter to me earlier? I used to guess that there couldn't be zombies in the ocean!"

    Li Yong said calmly: "I didn't report to you, that's because you never asked me to report to you."

    "You!" Wang Lu was almost angry to death, but he knew that no matter how furious he was, Li Yong, an emotionless zombie, would not be moved at all. He would completely obey his orders, but he would never show off.  Like a slave.

    "Listen, if you have any new discoveries in the future, you must report it to me!" Wang Lu ordered arrogantly.

    "I obey your orders." Li Yong said.

    Wang Lu scratched his head. Damn it, although these guys from Kangningyuan are more obedient than anyone else, they are always strict in doing things. They are like abacus beads. If you don't move them, they won't move.

    At this moment, Li Yong suddenly said: "The third window on the second floor of the building 100 meters to the left was broken by a branch. A pack of biscuits in the grocery store 200 meters to the right is moldy. It is recommended not to eat it. Southeast  In the alley in that direction, three tiles were blown to the ground by the wind, and hit a zombie passing by on the head"

    Wang Lu yelled: "Shut up! Damn it, Li Yong, what are you doing?"

    Li Yongmu said expressionlessly: "I am following your order and will report any new findings to you." He paused: "There is a zombie dog 400 meters due west. It smelled our scent, but turned around and ran away.  ¡­¡±

    "Shut up! Shut up!" Wang Lu yelled. He was embarrassed to find that he had issued a wrong order to Li Yong. Zhizhi's sense of hearing and smell was different from ordinary people.  If one takes the literal meaning of his order - "any new discoveries", Li Yong can "report any new discoveries" to himself all the time until he nags himself to death.

    Wang Lu took a breath: "Stop, Li Yong, my order just now is invalid. I order you to report any important findings to me in time."

    Li Yongdao: "What is 'important'?"

    Wang Lu scratched his head: "Anything that may cause harm to me and everyone in Yashan falls into the scope of 'important'."

    Li Yong responded: "Yes, I understand."

    He paused: "Captain Wang, there is nothing that can cause harm to you or other people in Yashan within the surrounding 2 kilometers. But I suggest that Minister Feng Haiqi find a place to take shelter from the rain. Such a heavy wind and rain have already  His underwear was wet and considering his age it was necessary to reduce unnecessary harm."

    Feng Haiqi never expected that he would be so "cared for" by a zombie.  Fortunately, he is well-informed.  I don¡¯t know what to say.  Wiping the rain on his face, he said: "Li Yong, um, thank you for your concern. But everything has its priorities. With your previous education, you should understand what I mean. Now we  The urgent thing to consider is how to cross the strait as soon as possible. You can put aside small things like wind and rain for now, and quickly explain the matter of sea zombies and sea zombies to Captain Wang."

    Wang Lu also hurriedly said: "Yes, that Li Yong, can you summon the sea zombies?"

    Li Yong was stunned for a long time: "Captain Wang, there are sea zombies in this strait, but my sensing range is not large enough. In addition, they are located under the water surface and only emerge from the water occasionally, so I cannot accurately command them at the moment."  .¡±

    Wang Lu immediately said: "Let me do it." His brainwaves were so powerful that Li Yong could not match them. He stood on the seawall facing the wind, rain and huge waves, calling to the sea.

    Wang Lu's summons quickly took effect. Zombies and zombie dogs in the village gradually gathered towards the embankment. When he called out to the zombies and zombie dogs who responded, Wang Lu smiled bitterly and asked Li Yong to command them to stay still.  On the side, he continued to call out to the rolling white waves of the sea.  ¡ª¡ªBuffered by the seawater, maybe your brain waves are not as powerful as those on land. You must know that even the most advanced offensive nuclear submarine cannot communicate with the ground freely through ordinary radio waves when it is sitting on the seabed.  Only long-wave radio stations can barely penetrate sea water tens of meters deep.  My own brain waves are also a type of wave. It's hard to say whether I can command sea zombies as easily as I can on land.

    Time passed by minute by minute, and Feng Haiqi suddenly said: "Look, what is that?"

    Wang Lu followed the direction of Feng Haiqi's fingers and saw several tiny black spots floating up and down in the white-capped sea hundreds of meters away. Sea zombies, those were indeed sea zombies!  To be able to come and go freely in this typhoon sea, it must be this new species of sea zombie!

    I saw turbid waves rolling on the sea. Because it was close to the seaside, there were many trees and weeds undulating among the waves. However, those few black spots seemed to be strolling leisurely among the waves, rising and falling, flickering lightly and skillfully.  I opened those deadly floating objects and got closer and closer to the seaside.?close.

    Wang Lu took a breath of air-conditioning. Because Yashan is close to the Yinjiang River, Wang Lu has been exposed to water zombies a long time ago.  The early water zombies were actually very clumsy. They were more like crawling than playing in the river. They could be trapped with a few fishing nets.  Gradually, the water zombie became more and more flexible, and now it can move freely in the water like a fish, and its swimming speed is faster than the drugged Phelps, known as the flying fish.  However, the water zombies are inferior to the sea zombies in the sea in front of them. This is just like the power of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers is amazing, but it still cannot compare with the vast ocean. The sea zombies are like elves, in the sea  As they danced, they got closer and closer to the embankment, so close that Wang Lu could already see their general appearance.

    Wang Lu's eyes narrowed. The sea zombies were actually naked. Well, that's not surprising. Wearing clothes is not suitable for swimming. In addition, clothes rot faster in the water, so many water zombies don't wear them either.  Clothes, only occasionally wearing non-degradable artificial leather shoes.  But the sea zombies are absolutely naked. Their bodies appear and disappear in the waves, and they look so fit.

    ??Indeed, it is a word for bodybuilding. Compared with ordinary zombies on land whose surface skin is mostly rotten and decayed, the surface of the body of sea zombies is smoother. Perhaps this has something to do with the sea water.  In the archaeological world, there are thousands of years of drought and tens of thousands of years of drought.  According to the saying that it only lasts half a year if it is not dry or wet, if the body is kept in an extremely dry place such as a desert, it will naturally be preserved for a long time and will not deteriorate for thousands of years. But if it is in a swamp, the body can also be preserved for a long time. Wang Lu remembers Denmark  An ancient corpse from 2,000 years ago was discovered in a swamp. The sea zombies live in seawater. The salt and various trace elements in seawater can also protect their bodies.

    There are 5 sea zombies approaching the shore, and two of them are actually female sea zombies.  Their breasts are firm.  With long slender thighs and strands of seaweed hanging from her body, she looks like a legendary mermaid, of course.  This has to be ignored because they showed their teeth when they saw Feng Haiqi, the only normal living person.  Let out a greedy roar.  The sea of ??zombies did not come ashore.  Their bodies floated up and down in the big waves that hit the concrete embankment. They occasionally swung their legs and arms up and down to follow the current, but they were not even scratched by the boulders under the embankment.

    Wang Lu tried to summon them.  Those sea zombies didn't come up, but they didn't leave either.

    Wang Lu was a little anxious and asked Li Yong, "Why don't they come ashore?"

    Li Yong replied: "They prefer the ocean."

    Have you fully adapted to ocean life?  I no longer even miss my original way of living on land.  The evolution of this zombie is nothing short of amazing.

    Wang Lu is actually not very skilled at controlling zombies. Once this ability is activated, it can affect zombies on a large scale. If you have to compare it, it is like a super-powerful interference device. Once it enters the battlefield, the brains of other intelligent zombies will be affected.  The radio waves were all suppressed indiscriminately, but this combat method was stupid, black and crude, and micro-operations against zombies had always been Wang Lu's weakness.

    Wang Lu had a headache, but the sea zombies had been summoned, which meant that they still accepted the orders of his powers. However, how to accurately order them to take his group to the Mopanshan Pier on the other side of the strait?  After all, this is not SF Express. When placing an order, not only must it be delivered quickly, but the safety of the goods must also be ensured.  Wang Lu believed that if he forced the sea zombies to take him and his group to Mopanshan Pier now, the sea zombies might obey the order, but when his group arrived at Mopanshan Pier, it would be hard to say whether they were alive or dead, and nothing else.  He said, look at the various floating objects floating in the waves. As long as a piece of wood hits his forehead, he will burp.

    Wang Lu said to Li Yong: "Li Yong, you give the order and let these sea zombies safely bring us to the Mopanshan Pier on the opposite side. Of course, under the premise of ensuring safety, try to move as quickly as possible. The general attack on the Great Wall has already  It¡¯s started, we don¡¯t have much time to lose.¡±

    Li Yong immediately said: "Captain Wang, I can't do it."

    Wang Lu was startled. This was the first time he heard a negative answer from Li Yong, no, from his Zhizhi. This was really¡ªwhat the hell!  How dare Li Yong resist his orders!  Sure enough, was it because the subconscious mind planted by Chen Qiong at that time was not strong enough?  Wang Lu quietly held the dagger hanging on his waist, but his face remained calm: "Li Yong, what did you say?"

    Li Yong said again: "Captain Wang, I can't forcefully give orders to the Sons of the Ocean. They - well, how should I put it, there are some differences between these sea zombies and ordinary zombies on land when transmitting brain waves. I can communicate with them  They can communicate normally, but if they are forced to give them orders, they cannot do so."

    Wang Lu stared at Li Yong, but unfortunately this guy was always expressionless. He turned to Ding Wei: "Ding Wei, what about you? Can you command the sea zombies?"

    Ding Wei also shook his head: "Li Yong is right, the brain waves of sea zombies are similar to ours.There is a subtle difference, perhaps caused by the long life in the ocean. I cannot command them forcefully like I can command ordinary zombies.  "

    Wang Luyi frowned: "So, even I can't do it?" He didn't believe it. On land, hundreds of thousands of zombies bowed at his feet. Could it be that he couldn't deal with these sea zombies?

    Li Yong said: "Captain Wang's brain waves are different from ordinary people. These sea zombies will indeed obey, but such obedience is more like a weak animal succumbing to a ferocious beast. There is no guarantee that in extreme circumstances, these sea zombies will suddenly refuse to obey you.  The command."

    Damn it, this kind of thing actually happens?  !

    Wang Lu looked at the few sea zombies that were still bobbing on the top of the waves and refused to go ashore, and he vaguely agreed with Li Yong's opinion. In the past, as long as he issued a summons, zombies from several kilometers away could be summoned, but these sea zombies  The zombie's instinct of not wanting to go ashore still exceeded his own orders. Although he couldn't leave, he didn't unconditionally accept his orders and go ashore.

    Wang Lu raised his head and looked at the outline of Qiangjiao Peninsula hidden on the other side of the sea, knowing that he didn't have much time left for him.  If Zhou Jianping arrives at Mopanshan Pier firstthen he will really lose everything!

    Wang Lu suddenly strode to the bottom of the embankment, picked up an empty Coke bottle, opened the bottle cap, poured out the remaining Coke inside, shook it, then took out his pocket knife and made a small cut on his finger.  A small opening was used to squeeze some blood into the bottle. There was not much blood, but it only slightly covered the bottom of the bottle.

    Li Yong watched Wang Lu¡¯s movements without blinking.  Dang Wang Lu bled too slowly because of the wound on his finger.  When he squeezed again with his other hand, his throat moved unnoticed.  Wang Lu capped the bottle again and handed the Coke bottle to Li Yong: "Go, give this to those sea mourners - the sons of the ocean. If they bring us safely to Mopanshan Pier, this blood will be theirs."

    Li Yong said nothing.  Climb the embankment and communicate with the sea zombies through brain waves. After a while.  He raised his hand, and the Coke bottle drew an arc and landed on the rock. A wave immediately rolled up and the small bottle disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only a few slender shadows were seen passing by, but it was  The sea zombies chased the bottle and threw themselves into the sea. When their figures appeared on the rocks again, one of the female sea zombies held the bottle high in her hand.

    Wang Lu knew that the deal was done.

    ????????????????? Damn it, on land I was just like a pig or a dog when ordering ordinary zombies, but in the sea, these sea zombies actually had to be bribed with their own blood before they would obey orders.  Wang Lu was muttering in his heart, but for some reason, he suddenly remembered the female zombie guarding the holy fire in the reservoir camp. In order to protect the holy fire, she could resist the orders of her own brain waves. The sea zombies and the zombie priestess, these two  Similar actions of the zombies vaguely reveal that the independent consciousness of the zombies is gradually awakening, which is not a good thing.

    However, Wang Lu couldn't think about these things at this time. Now that they had reached a deal with the sea zombies, the group was immediately ready to set off.

    Wang Lu, Feng Haiqi, Li Yong, and Ding Wei will be carried by the sea zombies through the Shizikou Strait, while the ordinary zombies will resign themselves to fate and all go to the sea. The few that can be swept up by the tide and washed up Mopan Mountain are counted.  Wang Lu believed that the defense at the dock was empty. With Feng Haiqi present, and Li Yong and Ding Wei being smart zombies who were not afraid of swords and guns, they were still quite sure of subduing the three ship bosses and their men.

    With Feng Haiqi's support, Wang Lu put on a rubber swimming ring and walked down the embankment tremblingly. When a wave hit him, his feet slipped and he sat on his butt with a splash. Seeing that he was wrapped in the tide, he slid towards the sea.  Go, suddenly a shadow flashed in front of my eyes, and I was held by a pair of arms.  Wang Lu wiped the sea water off his face and saw that a female sea zombie was hugging him. Before he could see the appearance of the female sea zombie clearly, the sea zombie had already taken him and jumped into the sea.  .

    Wang Lu closed his mouth and breath tightly. He knew that his life was entirely in the hands of this female sea zombie.

    Wang Lu did not open his eyes because he knew it would be useless. The sea in Xiangshan Port is different from the sea in tourist resorts like Hainan Island. The seabed is mostly silt and the sea water is very turbid. When the Yonggang City Archaeological Institute was excavating the sunken ship on the seabed,  I once told Wang Lu and other media that with a special underwater flashlight, you could not see anything 2 or 3 meters away. Now, although human activities have decreased and the water is slightly cleaner, it is not much better. Wang Lu  Although he could see at night, he couldn't see through the muddy water.  Besides, it was dark night and there was a typhoon. It was impossible to see anything under the water, so it was better not to see.

    What¡¯s more, Wang Lu didn¡¯t want to open his eyes, lest he get nauseous.

    Yes, he doesn¡¯t want to make himself sick.  Since diving into the sea, the female sea zombie has been holding herself tightly and moving forward rapidly in the sea water, even though there is a swimming circle in between.But Wang Lu, who was facing the female sea zombie, could still feel its long hair wrapped around his face and body.  From time to time, his head would lightly hit the other person's breast.  Bare breasts.  What's even worse is that he is afraid of losing his hands, so he tightly wraps his arms around the waist of the female sea zombie. The posture between the two of them is like a baby breastfeeding.

    ??Although the female sea zombie looks more upright than ordinary zombies on land from a distance, and could be mistaken for a mermaid at a glance, but up close, it is actually just like a floating corpse, a floating corpse that can swim.  Although Wang Lu has special powers and often hangs out among zombies, it is still quite disgusting to be "snuggling" in the arms of a "floating corpse" like this.

    So as soon as Wang Lu hit the water, he closed his eyes tightly.  He could only feel the female sea zombies leading him quickly under the sea. He could not feel the roar of the wind and the lapping of the waves on the sea. The water flow was relatively smooth, and even the sound of the waves could not be heard because of the water depth of more than 10 meters.  Become looming.

    From time to time, seaweed and other objects in the sea water scratched Wang Lu's cheek. The sea zombies did not move in a straight line. They were fast and slow, circling and twisting, as if they were avoiding something on the bottom of the sea. If Wang Lu dared to open his eyes,  He will see that there are several behemoths at the bottom of the Shizikou Strait, but they are fishing boats that sank to the bottom of the sea after crashing in the early days of the end of the world.  The sea zombies carefully avoided the high mast of the fishing boat to avoid being caught by these steel objects.  Although sea zombies can move freely on the bottom of the sea, the internal structures of those sunken ships are complicated. Once, after a sea zombie accidentally entered the cabin of a sunken ship in search of food, it got lost and could not find the exit. It relied on "her" guidance to survive.  Take off your body.  (To be continued)
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