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Text Chapter 720 Gu Wei¡¯s decision

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    Zhou Chunyu agreed one by one, and immediately gave the order loudly and assigned the personnel to split up. However, Wang Lu asked Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin to stay to protect himself. He was now frightened and took his own life very seriously, one after another.  The sneak attacks and assassinations almost scared him out of his wits.  <-¡·

    If he didn¡¯t want to save the face of the supreme leader of the Yashan Base Alliance, Wang Lu even planned to take an armored vehicle back to the base now - no, go directly back to Yashan.

    Wang Lu waited restlessly for a while. Guan Xin, who was searching the small mound on the west side, came back first and reported that there was nothing there except a shell casing. The assassin missed a single hit and turned around and ran away.  Guan Xin showed Wang Lu a few bullet casings he had picked up. He followed his father-in-law and learned some basic military knowledge: "These are bullets for a 56 semi-automatic rifle. Those who sneaked up on you, Brother Wang, must be amateurs.  How can anyone shoot from more than 300 meters away? This is not a professional sniper rifle. If you want to hit the target at this distance, you basically have to rely on blindness."

    Wang Lu waved his hand irritably: "Don't tell me whether these are available or not. Did the other party leave any other clues?"

    Guan Xin spread his hands: "No, really. We dug up that small mound all over and almost dug it up. There were no clues. The other party disappeared completely." He scratched his head: "Can the other party?  To walk so neatly among the zombies is to be either a superpower or a zombie."

    Wang Lu nodded: "I've thought about it too." He suddenly said: "Do you think it's possible that the guy who assassinated me this time is actually the same one as the zombie in Dongqiao Town?"

    Guan Xin was stunned: "This, it's really hard to say. I have never seen what the Zhizhi in Dongqiao Town looks like. Brother Wang, have you seen it?"

    Wang Lu shook his head: "I fought with it, but not against the superior. I was so anxious to save Wang Bi'an and you, how could I have such thoughts."

    At this time, Zhou Chunyu also came back - traces of multiple accommodations were found in Tiangong Manor, but the people inside had already absconded.

    Zhou Chunyu said: "Brother Wang, I have sent out several small teams to search"

    Wang Lu raised his hand and said listlessly: "No, let's recruit all the people back. Let's throw this idea away. We will really become meat buns thrown out. There will definitely be no return."

    He knew that it was obvious that Captain Sun had already reunited with the members of the Homeland Collection Operation, either of the two forces.  If you can carry it alone with the Yashan Base Alliance.  Wang Lu was fully confident of killing the opponent.  However, now that the two are hugging each other, it is definitely not something Wang Lu can chew down.  Maybe, I'll have to lose my teeth.  Damn it, I was really smart. In order to get out the information, I turned Captain Sun into a smart zombie. With his help, the zombies along the way were no longer an obstacle, and it was easy for the members of the gathering team to escape.

    ¡°In this game of chess, I really played a piece of shit. It stinks.

    Wang Lu was just like a resentful woman complaining about herself. Suddenly he heard a gunshot outside the armored vehicle. He shrank in fright: "What's the situation? What's the situation? Are the soldiers from home fighting back?"

    Zhou Chunyu leaned out, glanced at it, and retracted: "There is no enemy, it was Wang Qiao who fired."

    Wang Lu was startled, then furious: "What are you doing?" At this moment, there was another gunshot, very close, right next to the car.

    Wang Lu was about to get angry, but he was stunned again. Wang Qiao was a wise corpse, and he would not do stupid things. Looking at the weird look on Zhou Chunyu's face, and the way he still couldn't speak, there was definitely something wrong here!

    Wang Lu bent down and got out of the back door of the car. At a glance, he saw Wang Qiao standing next to the armored vehicle, the muzzle of the Bayi gun still smoking in his hand. Two corpses fell at his feet and on his head.  There was gurgling blood and white brains from the wound, and there was also a gunman from the base, standing in front of Wang Qiao, his body shaking like a sieve, a pool of yeti leaking out next to his shoes, but he peed his pants.

    Just when Wang Lu was about to ask Wang Qiao what he was doing, he saw Wang Qiao raised his gun and poked the poor guy standing in front of him with the muzzle of the gun: "Are you sure you sent these two idiots to search Tiangong Manor?  "

    The gunman¡¯s little leader couldn¡¯t speak clearly: ¡°Yes, yes, yes, yes¡­¡±

    Wang Qiao said calmly: "Trash, there are so many living people hidden in the manor and we can't find them out. Living is just a waste of my food." He raised the muzzle of the gun again. The little leader of the gunman's legs weakened and he knelt down with a plop:  "Spare your life! Boss, spare your life! The area you requested to search is so wide and the time is tight. I sent out all the gunmen and superpowers at hand. I didn't even search day and night myself. The other party is really too cunning.  , I didn¡¯t find them. It¡¯s my damn fault that I only listened to the report from the two of them and didn¡¯t send more people to check it, but boss, please forgive me because I¡¯ve been with you for such a long time.¡±

    Wang Qiao said calmly: "One of yourA small oversight almost killed Brother Wang. If I spare you, will I wait for you to harm me next time?  "As he said, he inserted the barrel of the gun into the little boss's mouth.

    Wang Lu quickly shouted: "Wang Qiao, stop!"

    Wang Qiao turned around: "Brother Wang, what's going on?"

    Wang Lu strode over, took out the gun from the little leader's mouth, and pulled Wang Qiao a few steps aside: "I can't blame him for this. After all, the soldiers in our homeland are all elites who have been fighting for many years, not us.  Such militiamen can handle it. You have already killed two people who were searching directly. The one in charge of the command, forget it." He said these words in a loud voice, but he deliberately let the personnel at the base next to him hear them.  , then immediately lowered his voice and said: "Wang Qiao, what's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you repeatedly last time not to kill anyone?"

    "I didn't kill anyone." Wang Qiao said calmly: "I was enforcing discipline."


    Wang Lu opened his mouth half-opened, blinked, and was speechless for a moment.  What the hell, what Wang Qiao said seems to be very reasonable. To stab strangers on the street with a knife is called murder. After the criminal is caught, the three officials will interrogate him and kill him. This is called Ming Zhengdian punishment.  He did tell Wang Qiao not to eat people or kill people. Chen Qiong also deliberately strengthened this thought during purification. The effect was that - as far as he knew, Wang Qiao had never eaten anyone, not even those who had eaten alive in the past.  The weirdness of small animals is gone,

    But now he is killing people.  Moreover, they killed two people in a row. The problem was that in Wang Qiao's mind, this had nothing to do with cannibalism and killing. This was about enforcing discipline.

    The discipline of the base is stricter than that of Yashan. Wangqiao has always used iron-blooded methods to manage the base. Those who make mistakes are either sent to prison or killed. Those two gunmen did make a serious mistake. Not only did they let go of their homeland,  The soldiers put Wang Lu, Wang Qiao, and Wang Bixin in danger.  do not kill.  It is not enough to improve military discipline.

    Wang Lu scratched his head, wondering what he should say to Wang Qiao, should he order him not to kill anyone himself in the future - stupid, Wang Qiao could just order his subordinates to kill people.  This is not taking off your pants and farting.  Is it unnecessary?  I can't be so stupid that Wang Qiao and all the members of the base can't kill anyone in the future, right?  Is this a base or a monk's temple?  not to mention.  Now that the hidden enemies around him have not been uncovered, is he going to kill himself with a sword in the face of a powerful enemy?  If it weren't for Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin's calm counterattack just now.  I'm done for a long time ago, and it will be a long time in the future&#x6bb5"Time, I still count on the Wangqiao command base to kill for me."

    Wang Lu suddenly realized how ridiculous and unreasonable his original order to Wang Qiao not to kill was.

    Wang Lu coughed a few times: "Um, well, just give me some face and let the guy in charge go."

    Wang Qiao said simply: "Okay."

    He turned around and returned to the little head who was lying softly on the ground like a pile of mud: "Brother Wang gave you your life. From today on, you can lead your team and follow Brother Wang.  If Brother Wang loses a hair, you don't need me to do anything, I can just shoot him in the head and die early."

    The little leader escaped death and thanked Wang Qiao with tears and snot for not killing him. He was smart enough to kneel down in front of Wang Lu and kowtow repeatedly: "Captain Wang, my life, Hu Tiebo's, is yours."  , I, I will work hard to repay you." - Such a clich¨¦d line, Wang Lu muttered in his heart, and waved his hand: "Get up, pack up your team, and come with me later.  .¡±

    Zhou Chunyu said from the side: "What, are we going back to Yashan now? The soldiers from home are not looking for us? And where are the guys who sneaked up on you?"

    Wang Lu said irritably: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. These two things need to be carefully planned after we go back. We are a small team now. It's not okay to rush in recklessly."

    Wang Lu felt a little guilty. He suddenly discovered that his greatest reliance in the apocalypse, his superpower, did not seem to be as capable as he thought he could conquer the world. The "three y¨©t¨«" of humans, zombies, and intelligent zombies sketched in his mind  "It's just a frame. As long as I get a shot in the head, it will be two holes in one shot, and I will never die again."  Go home, go home, go back to Yashan.

    Wang Lu doesn¡¯t even want to go to the base. Only Yashan can give him a sufficient sense of security.

    Amidst Wang Lu¡¯s repeated urgings to return, the armored vehicle resumed &#x53d1;Move, however, gunmen from the base soon came to report - there are too many zombies on the road, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as crowded. This car cannot be driven.

    Only then did Wang Lu remember that his order to summon the surrounding zombies to Tiangong Manor had not yet been lifted. In front of everyone, he climbed onto the roof of an armored vehicle, half-knelt down, and punched hard.  He hit the roof of the car, raised his head, his eyes were wide open, and he was filled with rage. He shouted at the headless group of zombies at a glance: "Get the hell out of here!" At this moment, Wang Lu put his strange  Able to use all his strength, a powerful brainwave spreads out, and the zombies who are affected turn around and retreat.

    Wang Lu nodded with amusement, and glanced at the Yashan Base Alliance members, gunmen, and superpowers who were surrounding the armored vehicle. Seeing that they were all looking up at him with reverence, he recovered from the frustration of being ambushed just now.  Restored some self-confidence

    Not to mention that Wang Lu hurried back to Yashan with the newly recruited Hu Tiebo and about twenty of his men.  On the Yinxian Avenue, a small team was marching in a hurry. Although there were zombies wandering in twos and threes on the road, they did not attack them. Instead, they stayed away from a distance. This team was the remaining soldiers of the Homeland Collection Operation.  them.

    Zheng Fen strode forward with a gun on his back, looking at the zombies who were obediently giving way to the main road, and then at the back of Captain Sun who was leading the way, and frowned.  I have to admit that without Captain Sun's help, not to mention escaping from the pursuers at Yashan Base, the zombies along the way would be able to stalk them to death.  There are not many bullets left in the soldiers, so they can only fight the enemy with cold weapons.  If you can't walk more than a kilometer, you will be trapped by zombies.  But now, under the leadership of Captain Sun, moving forward on the Yin County avenue full of zombies is as easy as outing.

    But, Captain Sun is a wise corpse, a wise corpse!

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? together out and meet the guards of the No. 11 combat plan, what should I do with Captain Sun?  Kill him?  still¡­¡­

    At this moment, Captain Sun, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.  He put his hand on his forehead and shook his body.  Almost at the same time, the zombies around suddenly started to stir, roaring and running around, something happened!  Zheng Fen raised his fist.  All the soldiers were centered on Gu Wei's stretcher.  Facing outward.  With a crash, they aimed their guns at the zombies. Two of the soldiers aimed their guns at Captain Sun.

    Captain Sun said hurriedly: "It's okay, don't be nervous, everyone. Those zombies are not in danger. They, they seem to have been disturbed by something, but they are not directed at us."

    Zheng Fen still stared at the zombies around him vigilantly, but as Captain Sun said, although the zombies were running around like headless flies, they did not attack the soldiers who were close at hand.

    Zheng Fen approached Captain Sun: "What's going on? You're not a zombie - ahem, can't you control these zombies?"

    Captain Sun said: "I don't know the reason, but just now I suddenly sensed something - how should I put it, just like on the battlefield you can inexplicably feel a cannonball flying towards you, although this is common sense.  It doesn't make sense, but it did happen - I just sensed that a very powerful zombie issued a powerful command. Not only was I affected, but the zombies around me were also thrown into chaos. But I can guarantee that that zombie  The order was not directed at us, we were just affected unintentionally."

    Zheng Fen was about to say something when suddenly, a weak voice came from behind: "Where is this? What happened?"

    Zheng Fen turned his head violently, with such force that his neck made a snapping sound. He saw at a glance that Gu Wei was half-rising up on the stretcher, looking around in confusion.

    Not only Zheng Fen, but all the team members turned around in surprise and looked at Gu Wei with wide eyes. After being in a coma for a full month, Gu Wei suddenly woke up and was not seriously injured.  There was no trace of fatigue, but it looked like he had just woken up from a light nap at noonyīy¨¤ng.

    Gu Wei first saw the chaos of zombies next to him, and yelled: "No, everyone, be careful, there are so many zombies!" After saying that, he subconsciously went to pick up the gun he was wearing, and found nothing.  When she glanced around, she saw Captain Sun staring at her with concern, and shouted joyfully: "Captain Sun, why are you here? Hey, no, I was obviously injured on Yashan" Her right hand unconsciously held her hand.  He stuffed the sampling bottle into his pocket and raised his hand to touch his forehead¡ª¡ª

    Zheng Fen quickly reached out his hand and grabbed Gu Wei's wrist: "Captain Gu Wei, please don't move. You, your forehead is still injured. You have been injured and have been in a coma for a full month."

    Gu Wei half-opened her mouth, looking down at her body half sitting on the stretcher, and looking up at the surprised and happy comrades around her. She murmured: "I, I was in a coma for a month? But wait  Wait, where are we now? Why are several of our comrades gone? Where is our paramotor? What happened to the sample collection operations at Yashan and the base?"

    She looked at Captain Sun in panic: "Captain Sun, tell me quickly, what is going on?!"

    Captain Sun took two steps forward when Zheng Fen suddenly stood in front of him and pointed the gun in his hand at him: "You stay away from Captain Gu Wei and just take care of those damn zombies."

    Gu Wei felt like he was going crazy - Sergeant Zheng Fen actually pointed his gun at Captain Sun!  Captain Sun is the top person in charge of the collection operation, and even he is inferior to him, but Zheng Fen, as a sergeant, actually

    Gu Wei screamed: "Sergeant Zheng Fen! What are you doing? Put down the gun!"

    Zheng Fen turned around and gave Gu Wei a wry smile: "Captain Gu Wei, you don't understandCaptain Sun - he is a wise corpse."

    Gu Wei felt that the world was really crazy, but at a glance she saw the embarrassed faces of the soldiers next to her. The guns in their hands were aimed at Captain Sun intentionally or unintentionally, and the zombies in groups around them were approaching Captain Sun时, will also leave on their own.  Only then did she believe that the world was not crazy, and she was not crazy either. Zheng Fen's words were right - Captain Sun was a wise corpse.

    The team members of the Feng Feng Operation were soon back on the road. Gu Wei's sobriety was an unexpected surprise, but it was far from safe before arriving at the petrochemical industrial park.  Although Gu Wei repeatedly insisted that he could walk, he was still forced to lie on a stretcher by Zheng Fen.  She looked at the back of Captain Sun, who was driving away zombies alone at the front of the team, and sighed slightly.

    Gu Wei turned his head and said to Zheng Fen who was guarding him: "Sergeant Zheng, could you please tell me what happened after I was injured and fell into coma?"

    Zheng Fen said: "Yes, Captain Gu Wei, after you wake up, you will be the highest-ranking officer in our team. It is time for me to hand over the command to you. I will also report the relevant situation to you. Please make arrangements for the next battle plan."  "

    Zheng Fenze reported the key points of the two teams' sneak attack on Yashan and the base and what happened, and finally said: "According to various intelligence reports, Yashan and the base have formed an alliance, and the leader is the seemingly weaker party -  - Wang Lu of Yashan. If Captain Sun is right, the leader of the base is actually a zombie pretending to be a human, but Wang Lu¡¯s superpower can control the zombie. Our enemies are not generally powerful." (Unfinished)  to be continued.)
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