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Text Chapter 718 Goodbye Comrades

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    After a while, Captain Sun arrived, but instead of walking through the closed main entrance, he climbed over the wall and entered Tiangong Manor.

    Wang Bixin stood up and was about to climb over the wall. Wang Lu grabbed him and said, "Wait, do you smell anything?"

    Wang Bixin raised his head and sniffed: "Living people, there are living people in Tiangong Manor. There is more than one."

    Wang Lu lowered his voice and said excitedly: "That's right, it seems that we have found the base of Operation Caifeng. We have to be careful in our actions next. The soldiers here are elite soldiers from home. It's just the three of us who broke in. We will not be beaten unless we get beaten."  We can¡¯t sieve them! We wait for Zhou Chunyu and the others to come up, and at the same time we summon more zombies to surround the Tiangong Manor and kill all the remaining members of the Feng Feng Operation!"

    Wang Bixin and Wang Qiao both nodded. Soon, the zombies wandering aimlessly around the Tiangong Manor received the summons from the brainwaves of the Zhizhi. Groups of them came over, blocking all the entrances and exits.  Three floors.  The strength of Wang Lu's brain waves also opened the eyes of Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin. With the help of Wang Lu's blood, the two of them were becoming more and more awakened. The coverage range of Wang Lu's brain waves was already a hundred meters away, but the Elephant King  Even if Lu could attract zombies from several kilometers away, he still couldn't do it.  Like many zombies helping - no, making trouble, the soldiers in Tiangong Manor have become turtles in the jar.  Even though Captain Sun was already a Zhizhi, he still couldn't resist the joint attack of Wang Lu, Wang Qiao, and Wang Bian.

    Captain Sun, who was running wildly in Tiangong Manor, suddenly froze, and his footsteps couldn't help but stagnate. He had a very inexplicable feeling.  It's like a breeze blowing on his skin. This - it's funny, because Zhizhi has no feelings.  He didn't know that it was his own natural reaction when Wang Lu's brain waves spread.  Captain Sun ducked behind a clump of mulberry trees, turned his head, and carefully looked at the path - there was no movement at all, so he should not be followed.

    He walked quickly forward again. When he stepped onto a wooden bridge, Captain Sun suddenly stopped.  He slowly raised his hands: "The brother behind the rockery at 11 o'clock. Be careful of the gun going off."

    A fully armed soldier flashed out from behind the rockery. He raised his gun and aimed at Captain Sun: "Don't move, who are you ah. Captain Sun? You, you are Captain Sun!" The soldier was so surprised that he could not say anything good.  Suo Lao: "Captain Sun. It's really you. It's really you! You're still alive We all died for you, my God, you're still alive. I-I'll inform everyone right now."

    The soldier hurriedly turned on the intercom and called: "03 calls 01, 03 calls 01, Captain Sun is back, he is still alive!"

    After a while, amid a burst of chaotic footsteps, a group of soldiers rushed over from a mulberry forest. A sharp-eyed soldier shouted excitedly: "Captain Sun? It's really Captain Sun!" Especially the remaining members of the first team.  The soldiers were even more excited with tears in their eyes. You must know that when they were surrounded by gunmen from the base, it was Captain Sun who sacrificed himself to cut off the rear, allowing them to escape.  At that time, when the fierce gunfire from behind suddenly stopped and a loud bang of a grenade was heard, all the soldiers thought that Captain Sun had died heroically.  Unexpectedly, Captain Sun returned safely after a full month.  This is an absolute miracle!

    However, at this moment, a stern voice suddenly shouted: "Stop! Everyone is on alert!"

    The soldiers were startled, but their long years of war experience and obedience to their superiors still made them pause. They put their guns on their shoulders and aimed vigilantly at the surroundings. At this time, the stern voice said again: "Stop, Captain Sun,  Put your hands up."

    Captain Sun stood motionless on the bridge. The soldier who first saw Captain Sun still couldn't recover. He said in surprise: "Sergeant Zheng Fen, what are you doing? This is Captain Sun."

    Sergeant Zheng Fen was unmoved. Instead, he raised his gun and aimed it directly at Captain Sun: "I'm sorry, Captain Sun, I just want to know why you were able to come to Tiangong Manor safely without getting reasonable treatment."  I will not hand over command until I answer.¡±

    At this time, all the soldiers came to their senses. Yes, it was certain that Captain Sun would be captured by the base. If he had been able to escape with one person blocking hundreds of gunmen, then in a month-long period,  He should have arrived at Tiangong Manor long ago to join everyone.  Now he suddenly appeared in Tiangong Manor, with bandages on his body and a hospital gown. What's going on?

    Captain Sun hurriedly said: "Zheng Fen, there is no time to explain this now. We must move immediately. The base has joined forces with Yashan and is searching for us throughout the city. There are very powerful people among them, and Tiangong Manor is no longer safe.  .¡±

    Guan Fen's arm holding the gun didn't move at all. He was a member of the second team and was under the direct command of Gu Wei. He was also the one who desperately rescued Gu Wei from the cliff mountain. For this, he also sacrificed a team member who volunteered to cut off the rear.  Will the playersAfter the burial, Zheng Fen hated the survivor groups ruled by superpowers like Yashan and Base.  And because both the first and second teams suffered heavy losses and were trapped in Tiangong Villa, the huge pressure to survive made him extremely wary and suspicious of everything.

    Zheng Fen said flatly: "Captain Sun, if you don't explain your whereabouts this month, I'm sorry, I can only tie you up, and only after the investigation is clear can I set you free."

    Captain Sun was stunned: "You suspect that I am an enemy spy? Do you think I have rebelled?"

    Zheng Fen said nothing, but the motionless muzzle of the gun already showed his attitude.

    Even though the soldiers around him were under strict discipline, they couldn't help but whisper: "Sergeant Zheng Fen must have made a mistake. How could Captain Sun be a traitor - a spy?" "It's hard to say, otherwise, Captain Sun would have  How did he escape from the base? Didn't you see him with his bare hands? You know, there are endless zombies outside. Without the help of the base, how did he go through the city alone and find Tiangong Manor? "

    Captain Sun's voice was calm as he said: "Zheng Fen, I don't have time to explain this to you now, but I promise you as a comrade who has fought side by side with you that I have never betrayed anyone."

    Zheng Fen¡¯s tense expression softened slightly.  The muzzle of the gun was also lowered. Indeed, Captain Sun was originally the top person in charge of this gathering operation and was deeply trusted by Commander Xia Zhen. He had fought with him through life and death. How could such a tough man be a traitor?

    Seeing that the situation had eased, Captain Sun walked over and said, "Where's Captain Gu Wei? Take me to see her quickly. Is she seriously injured?" Although he heard about Gu Wei's injury from the enemy, Sun  The captain would rather believe it.

    Zheng Fen couldn't help but said: "Captain Gu is in the accommodation area at the back. She has been in coma for a whole month since she was injured. I can't believe it" He was suddenly startled, stopped suddenly, raised his gun, and shouted  : "Don't move! Stop! Sun. You still said you didn't rebel?! You didn't even know that Captain Gu Wei was injured before you were captured. Except for those enemies in Yashan. There is no way that a third party would tell you this."  News!¡±

    The soldiers also reacted and immediately aimed their guns at Captain Sun, yes.  If Captain Sun escaped from the siege of the base on his own, how did he know that Gu Wei was injured in Yashan?

    Captain Sun raised his hand and shook his head. He knew that if he did not use the last resort to gain the trust of the soldiers and continued to delay in Tiangong Manor, God knows what unforeseen consequences there would be. Wang Lu, the superpower who came from Yashan,  , it¡¯s really terrible.  I was tortured for a month by the boss of the base, Wang Qiao, and others without uttering a word. But I don¡¯t know what method Wang Lu used to mutate himself into a smart zombie, and also implanted false memories in his mind, making himself  Guaiguai vomited out all the secrets about the collecting operation and his homeland - he was indeed the biggest traitor to his homeland.

    Although Captain Sun risked his life and escaped by jumping from the CITIC Building, he was not sure whether Wang Lu was really escaped by him, because he had no idea about the methods and abilities of superpowers and zombies.  Maybe Wang Lu has some unknown method to track himself.

    We can¡¯t delay it any longer!

    Captain Sun raised his hands: "Sergeant Zheng Fen, come here and untie my clothes."

    Zheng Fen was stunned, wondering how Captain Sun could give such a strange order at this critical moment, but after thinking about it, he still stepped forward - Captain Sun's hospital gown was already dirty from crawling in the sewer.  His appearance was beyond recognition, and even the bandages on his body were dirty.

    Zheng Fen untied the hospital gown and frowned - the bandages inside had been torn, and some wounds were exposed. Damn it, who treated these wounds?  The muscles have rotted and turned black!  Damn it, this isn't treatment, it's murder!  If any normal person had such a wound on his body, the inflammation and high fever alone could kill him - hiss, Zheng Fen took a breath, and the hand holding the gun trembled uncontrollably He suddenly thought of it.  A possibility, a terrifying possibility.

    Captain Sun¡¯s voice remained calm: ¡°Pull off my bandage and you will find the answer.¡±

    Zheng Fen gritted his teeth, clenched his fists hard, and then reached for the tangled bandages in Captain Sun's clothes. The tangled bandages were lifted up. Zheng Fen only took one look and jumped as if he was electrocuted.  When he came back, the muzzle of his gun almost hit Captain Sun's head, and he screamed: "Zhi Zhi! Zhi Zhi! You have become a Zhi Zhi!"

    There was a crash, and all the soldiers, including the soldiers in the first team who had been saved by Captain Sun, could not help but take half a step back, and their guns were pointed directly at Captain Sun!

    Because they all saw the position of Captain Sun¡¯s heart under the bandage.?There is a big black hole!

    He is no longer his comrade-in-arms, he is a zombie!

    The soldiers in their homeland have the deepest hatred for zombies and zombies. During the painful march to build their homeland, countless comrades fell down one by one and were killed or bitten by zombies. All the injured did not commit suicide.  He was just beaten to death by his comrades in arms. Zombies and zombies were their sworn enemies.

    But now, their respected Captain Sun has also become a zombie!

    Then he is the enemy!

    Facing the muzzles surrounding him, Captain Sun remained unmoved and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I am a Zhizhi, but I have never harmed or eaten anyone. In my heart, I am still your comrade-in-arms."  . I came here just to save you. Everyone must retreat to the Yonggang Petrochemical Industrial Park in Operation Plan No. 11 and request support from the guards there."

    Zheng Fen faced Captain Sun, who had a calm expression and raised his hands without any resistance. His fingers tightened and loosened on the trigger, then tightened and loosened again, and finally.  He said in a hoarse voice: "Why do you want to find the guards of the Yonggang Petrochemical Industrial Park in Operation Plan No. 11? How do you know they still exist? Our radio station is broken and we can't contact them. How do you know they will support us?  ?¡±

    Captain Sun said quickly: "Because the Yashan superpower who turned me into a wise corpse once used the name of the guard force to deceive me. This shows that the Yonggang Petrochemical Industrial Park still has troops that insist on fighting, and they are very attracted by Yashan's  People with superpowers are taboo. They deceived me with the famous sayings of the guards, which shows that subconsciously. They think the guards are the enemies of Yashan and the base. They are our friends. "

    Sun Fen gritted his teeth. In fact, during this month, he never thought of asking for help from the outside world, but the problem was that all the paramotors were lost.  The radio is out of order again.  There is no way to contact the mother ship in the distant sea.  Because base personnel are searching frequently outside.  The team members could only stay in the Tiangong Manor and could not even go out to replenish supplies. In fact, several base gunmen once searched the Tiangong Manor.  In order not to reveal their traces, the team members hid like turtles. Such a shame and humiliation. If they had not considered protecting Gu Wei, who could not move easily, everyone would have fought with the people at the base, even with two legs.  If you run to the beach, you will die quickly.

    Zheng Fen had not considered asking for help from the key point guarding troops in Yonggang City in Operation Plan No. 11, but he could not guarantee that they would still exist. You know, they went south along the coast and found these key points occupied by zombies more than once.  , the guard troops inside were gone.

    Although the people who implemented this plan were all elite troops, in the face of the turmoil that spread across the entire continent in the early days of the biochemical apocalypse, soldiers were human beings and could not withstand it.

    The guard troops are not supermen. They need to replenish bullets and repair firearms. They will be injured, get sick, need sanitation equipment and medical personnel, need to eat, and need to sleep. But zombies are endless, and what's worse is that they usually need to be defended.  Key areas are industrial parks with complex terrain, which makes defense even more difficult.

    Precisely because there is no way forward and no way to retreat, Zheng Fen, as the highest-ranking soldier among the remaining troops of Operation Caifeng, can only lead everyone to stay in Tiangong Manor. Although he knows in his heart that this is a dead end, he cannot let everyone die.  Rush out like flies.  Although he arranged for a few of the most skilled soldiers to go out for reconnaissance, they were soon forced back by the large number of zombies. In order not to attract the attention of the base search personnel, the aggrieved soldiers not only did not dare to shoot, but also killed  If you find a bunch of zombies, you have to hide the corpses to avoid exposing your traces.  These special warriors are best at lurking and assassinating, but they can't do anything when faced with a swarm of tens of thousands of zombies.

    Zheng Fen stared at Captain Sun unblinkingly. He was now an intelligent corpse. Although if you didn't look at the terrible rotten wounds on his body and only looked at his face, he was still the one he respected.  Boss, comrades fighting side by side According to the iron law of his homeland, Zheng Fen should have shot Captain Sun's head off immediately, but his fingers just couldn't pull it off

    Finally, Zheng Fen shouted angrily: "What the hell are you doing standing still? Find some handcuffs and handcuff this guy - handcuff this guy to me!"

    An inaudible sound of relief came from among the soldiers. Zheng Fen pretended not to hear it. He knew that several soldiers in this team had a fatal friendship with Captain Sun, although everyone knew that Captain Sun was already a wise man.  Zombie, but looking at him standing in front of him alive, his appearance and speech are exactly the same as before he was alive - if Captain Sun was a zombie that could only roar, there would be no psychological burden for everyone to shoot him in the head, but he has become a smart zombie.  Afterwards, everything is the same as before

    Zheng Fen shook his head and decided to put this matter behind him for the time being. There was still a matter of life and death waiting for him to decide. Zheng Fen said to the man who had been handcuffed by a soldier.The captain said: "How do you plan to get to the Yonggang Petrochemical Industrial Park? Gu Wei is seriously injured and must be carried on a stretcher. There are so many zombies outside"

    Captain Sun said flatly: "Zombies are not a problem. I can command them not to attack us."

    Zheng Fen was greatly relieved. Without the interference of zombies, most of the problem was solved. At this time, Captain Sun said: "Take me to see Captain Gu Wei first." Zheng Fen nodded and led Captain Sun towards the back.  go.

    At the same time, outside the gate of Tiangong Manor, Wang Lu stood on tiptoe anxiously and looked into the distance: "What's going on with Zhou Chunyu? I used the radio to urge him again, but it's not time yet."

    Wang Lu didn't know that the reason why the support troops led by Zhou Chunyu couldn't catch up was because he commanded the zombies indiscriminately.  Because they were summoned by Wang Road's wide-covering brainwaves, zombies from several square kilometers in the surrounding area swarmed towards Tiangong Manor, squeezing several roads into a blockage for a while, and Zhou Chunyu's armored vehicle was blocked to death.

    The superpowers in the car were wiping their sweat profusely to drive away the zombies, but how did their superpowers compare with Wang Lu's brainwaves? They had just driven away a group of zombies and finally cleared some road in front of the car. This was not done yet.  At the same time, another group of zombies came over Ren Zhou Chunyu pointed his gun at the head of the superpower and shouted, these three armored vehicles crawled slower than a turtle.

    Wang Lu jumped to his feet and scolded Zhou Chunyu and others for being lazy, but Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin were unmoved. Wang Qiao said calmly: "Why don't we enter the manor first and harass the soldiers? It's difficult for them to move with the wounded.  , just hold them back and wait for the support troops to come up and take care of them slowly."
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