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Text Chapter 714 The Big Villain and the Big Hero

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    Wang Lu has played various Resident Evil games and watched countless pirated Biohazard movies. If such a weird thing happened to him, if he still couldn't figure out the answer, he would really die - the intruder clearly wanted to extract his body.  Organized for use in the study of biological viruses.  <-¡·

    Because he is a person with superpowers - well, he has already told the world about this through Wang Bi'an Radio. This is equivalent to inserting a bid to sell the goods. People don't need to use a flashlight, they can just touch the house number and find the door - superpowers  Those who are survivors are a special group of survivors who have strong immunity to biochemical viruses. If the body tissue specimens of such a group of superpowers are collected and research is carried out on this, the answer can only be one, and that is a biochemical virus vaccine!

    In this world, there are really people, no, there is a powerful organization that is researching a vaccine for biological viruses!

    Wang Lu had guessed countless times that the existence of Operation Plan No. 11 had been proven by the elite soldiers in the Petrochemical Industrial Park. If they hadn't intervened, he would never have been able to annex the base with a small attack and lose his whole body.  And retreat is a problem.  Since there is a shadow of Operation Plan No. 11 in a sub-provincial second-tier city like Nonggang City, it is impossible not to have their presence in all parts of the country.

    ? Among them, Plan 11 has two important operational goals. One is to protect important resources for recovery, and the other is to develop a biochemical virus vaccine.  And what he encountered must be the soldiers of Plan 11 who were collecting immune samples everywhere in order to develop a biochemical virus vaccine!  The latest chapter of President¡¯s Deep Love http:://

    This country is not destroyed. There are still people in this country who are organized to fight against biochemical viruses.

    In addition to the survivor groups scattered all over the country and living in isolation, there is an elite force spread across the country linked to the No. 11 combat plan, which is still fighting, and their ultimate goal is to cure the biochemical virus.

    Where is their headquarters?  How many of them are there?  Most importantly, where is the development of a biochemical virus vaccine?  !

    Wang Lu¡¯s heart was beating fast.  My head felt swollen.

    Biochemical virus vaccine - Of course, it is definitely impossible to successfully develop it at this stage. Otherwise, there would be no need to send elite troops everywhere to collect the body tissues of superpowers, and even extend their tentacles to remote corners like Yashan.  Such mobilization of troops and hard work on expeditions shows that the vaccine developers of Plan 11 have a general direction.  Given time, the advent of biochemical virus vaccines is not a dream.

    What functions does the biochemical virus vaccine have?  So that healthy people will never be infected with biochemical viruses again?  Will the survivors not mutate even if they are bitten by zombies?  Even further, can even those mutated zombies that are not humanoid be cured and become healthy people?

    Wang Lu¡¯s hands couldn¡¯t help but tremble.

    If that¡¯s the case.  If that were the case, Chen Wei, Wang Bi'an, Xie Ling would be safe forever and ever!

    The family can return to the mediocre but solid life. They rush out at 7 o'clock every morning, buy a few cages of steamed buns stuffed with sow pork at the door, quarrel with the doorman when driving out, and never pay 4  Yuan parking fee.  After getting on the road, I listened to the morning news on the radio and cursed the migrant workers who drove their electric cars onto the motorway. I hurriedly sent the mother and son to school. I told Wang Bi'an to pay attention to the class, and told Chen Wei to go to hell if he encountered naughty students.  Save yourself the trouble of mindless parents.  Then I drove to my unit and had to park on the sidewalk because there was no parking space. As soon as I sat down in the office, the doorman called me and said that the city management was posting orders. I ran downstairs and cursed in my stomach, "Fuck,"  The urban management team is a bunch of bastards.  Don¡¯t you know that I am in the media industry? If you dare to open a bill, I will post a post on the Internet and scold you to death. Anyway, urban management has a bad reputation nowadays, so it doesn¡¯t matter how much I scold you.  At 4 p.m., I sneaked home before getting off work and bought some fresh vegetables from a roadside stall next to my community. I also scolded the city management for not caring about the vendors blocking the driveway by setting up stalls like this.  After the meal was cooked, Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an came back in a colleague's car.  While eating, Chen Wei was talking about how Wang Bi'an was criticized by the teacher for talking nonsense in class. The new female intern didn't understand anything, and she had to revise it herself to make a ppt.  After dinner, Wang Bi'an did his homework, and he and Chen Wei turned on the computer to watch the latest pirated movie, and then went to bed, of course.  Indispensable is to do something you love to do

    What a boring and mediocre life this is, I love this life to death!

    No, wait, this way, I will no longer have any special powers. I can no longer be the production captain of Yashan, let alone command zombies and intelligent zombies. As for unifying the world, it is even more of a dream -  So what?  Whoever wants to be the king of zombies, let him do it. Hell is the best destination for such a madman. How can being with the walking dead be compared with sitting in Tianyi Square and watching the long-legged sister.

    It¡¯s like being a tribal leader who lets you choose to be a primitive manIt is as simple as being a modern person. Anyone who is not a real idiot will choose to be a modern person.  My sister, go to Baidu to see the weird looks of the cavemen. All those who have traveled back to primitive society and are interested in having sex with primitive sisters must have multiple tastes.  It's pure bestiality, but I am a beast and you are a human being. Just wait to be raped, geniuses who have traveled back to primitive society.

    Wang Lu chose to become a wise corpse. It was the most helpless path that was not dictated by his will. It was not even forced, because there was no other way to go except this path.  No matter how he covers it up and self-hypnotizes himself, zombies and smart zombies are just the walking dead. Wang Lu hates staying with them, let alone becoming one of them. What's more, Chen Wei, Wang Bi'an, Xie Ling and others will not be able to live with them in the future.  There is no way to escape such a horrific fate.

    But the emergence of the biochemical virus vaccine is like opening a door to heaven in hell. Hold on to it, hold on to it tightly. I want to leave the hell of this biochemical world. I am an ordinary person, and I just want to be  An ordinary person!

    Wang Lu's hands were tightly clasped together at some point, and they were twisting unconsciously. His teeth were clenched, and he laughed silently for a while, frowned for a while, and murmured something in his mouth. With a creak, the car stopped.  , Zhou Chunyu said loudly: "Brother Wang, Yuehu has arrived. Wang Qiao, Wang Bixin and Zhang Jun are waiting for us outside."

    Wang Lu raised his head blankly, glanced at Zhou Chunyu, and then he blinked and woke up, putting away his messy thoughts.  Cheer up: "Let's see what kind of fun things Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin have prepared for us." He rubbed his hands: "I can't wait."

    Wang Qiao, Wang Bixin, and Zhang Jun, who had received the notice from the outpost outside the city, were all waiting under the car. After Wang Lu got off the car, Wang Qiao stepped forward and gave him a big hug. This welcome etiquette was a bit unexpected for Wang Lu, so he had to  He also hugged Wang Qiao with his backhand, and Wang Bixin also came up to hug him, and called "Daddy" into Wang Lu's ear.  Just as Zhang Jun stepped forward, Wang Lu hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook his hand, "Okay, let's stop the fuss. You know why we are here."

    No one was polite at the moment. Zhang Jun led the way and the group went straight to the prison. Wang Lu entered the prison and took a look. Oh, it was still the same place, the single room where he had been imprisoned.  As soon as the door of the single room was opened, a person was seen hanging inside, his body covered in blood and flesh.  His head was resting on his chest, and except for the slight rise and fall of his chest, there was no other movement.  Strangely, there was a hanging bottle hanging next to him, and the medicine was entering his body drop by drop through the injection tube.

    Needless to say, this is the intruder captured by Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin. Wang Lu glanced around.  Immediately I saw a bunch of instruments such as batteries and vise in the corner.  Alas, Wang Qiao is really not creative at all. The same torture tools he used on himself were used on this prisoner again.  Even if he can survive these tortures, let alone an elite warrior who has undergone rigorous training and has a strong will.  The latest chapter of President¡¯s Deep Love http:://

    Wang Lu walked up to the prisoner and looked at the wounds on his body.  Oh, good guy, he is much more serious than himself. It is understandable that Wang Qiao is a wise corpse now and has long lost his humanity in his heart.  I don't even know how important it is to start.  Tsk tsk, look at the wound on the ribs where a strip of flesh was cut off. In the rotten flesh that has turned black and discolored, what are those slender white grains of rice? Oh my god, they are actually writhing maggots!

    Wang Lu now knew the purpose of the hanging bottle next to him. He thought it was used to treat the prisoner's wounds and hang him alive. Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin must torture him every day, but they didn't want the prisoner to die, so while  Beat and heal.


    Looking at the wounds on the prisoners, Wang Lu had no sympathy. Even if these people attacked him for the great ideal of developing a vaccine, no matter what, his life was threatened. If Feng Zhenzhen had not saved him desperately, he would have died.  They all deserve to die, especially because they put Wang Bi'an and Chen Wei in great danger.

    Wang Lu picked up the prisoner's hair and looked carefully at his face with his eyes closed. He didn't recognize him.It was not the group that attacked him - it seemed that the other party sent two teams to attack Yashan and the base separately.

    Wang Lu raised his hand and patted the prisoner's face: "Listen, I know you are awake and can hear me. Tell me where you are from - the soldiers who implemented the No. 11 combat plan."

    The words of Operation Plan No. 11 obviously touched the prisoner. He reluctantly opened his bruised eyes, looked at Wang Lu through the slits in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "You, you are not a soldier, how do you know about Operation No. 11?"  Copywriting?¡±

    Wang Leng snorted: "I'm asking you questions now, so you'd better tell me honestly, otherwise - to be honest, we have plenty of means to take what we want from you."

    The prisoner glanced at Wang Lu, then at Wang Qiao, Wang Bixin and others beside him. Angry flames burst out from his eyes: "You are an accomplice of these intelligent corpses, you traitor to mankind! Don't think that I  I don¡¯t know who the guys standing next to you are. Although they look like humans on the surface, no, they are exactly the same as humans. But when my bullets hit them without any effect, I already knew their true identities.  You must be one of those so-called superpowers, a traitor who colludes with these monsters! Bah, don¡¯t even think about getting anything from me!¡±

    The prisoner struggled to spit out a mouthful of spit from between his teeth, but due to thirst, the spit was more like a ball of blood foam than spit. Even so, Wang Lu gave way a little, and the blood foam spat out.  , fell to the ground.

    Alas, he has become a villain. Faced with such a good man who is determined to die and will not bow to evil, it seems that he should feel ashamed in his heart, reflect on his conscience, and realize it - maybe he should be released immediately.  , and then I bowed to him and shouted, "Please forgive me, a hero. I am also a good person, but I am forced to do bad things by the world. In fact, I have always had innocence and kindness in my heart - it is so boring."  &#x3002; Why does every bad person feel that he is forced, just like every corrupt criminal thinks that he just cannot resist the temptation, and if he is given another chance, he will definitely serve the people well.

    Wang Lu shook his head: "I said, this is not the answer I want to hear." He stretched out his finger.  He dug into the stinking, rotting wound that was crawling with maggots, slowly and deeply, until the whole finger was inserted into the prisoner's body, and then he stopped.  The captive Bai Xiaosheng popped out and twisted his body wildly. Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin immediately took a few steps and firmly grasped his body.  In the single room, the only sounds heard were the prisoners' eardrum-piercing screams and the rattling of the chains on their limbs.

    Chen Qiong staggered back in fright. Zhou Chunyu supported her and said in her ear: "Think about Wang Bi'an. It was because they attacked Yashan that Zhizhi took advantage of the opportunity." Chen Qiong looked pale.  She nodded, but when she saw Wang Lu deliberately turning his fingers, even poking in and out of the rotten flesh of the wound, and even the maggots inside fell out, she couldn't help it anymore and retched.  He groaned, covered his mouth, and hurried out of the single room.

    Wang Lu turned around and took a look.  Just in time to see Chen Qiong hunched over and vomiting outside the door, he was startled. Oh no, it left a bad impression on the child.  Chen Qiong was also locked in a single room next to her before. She thought she felt the same way. It was a bit reckless for her to focus on knowing the whereabouts of the vaccine.  Wang Lu tilted his head at Zhou Chunyu: "You guys go to the side to rest first. It's enough for me, Wang Qiao, and Wang Bixin to be here."

    Zhou Chunyu, Guan Xin, Zhang Jun and others agreed, exited the single room, and closed the door.

    Wang Lu turned around and looked at the prisoner who rolled his eyes and twitched: "Damn it, you are indeed an elite warrior. This little torture is not a big deal."

    Wang Bixin said from the side: "Dad, this man's bones are too hard. Wang Qiao and I tortured him for a month, but he couldn't even say a word."

    &nbsp; Wang Lu thought for a while: "How about turning him into a zombie? Can't you look at the zombie's original memories?"

    Wang Qiao said: "That's what I said. But the memory of zombies is very fragmented and random. What we need is exact information, not a mess of thoughts."

    At this time, Wang Bixin said from the side: "Dad, what is the No. 11 combat plan you just mentioned? During this period, we tried all the tortures we could think of on him. But he gritted his teeth and said nothing. You know  Yeah, it¡¯s hard for gods to kill you without opening your mouth. Wang Qiao and I are at a loss. But I didn¡¯t expect you to come and just say a few words of combat plan No. 11. This prisoner had such a big reaction and took the initiative to speak.  talk to you."

    Wang Lu looked at Wang Bixin and Wang Qiao: "This matter is actually not a big secret. Many people in Yashan know that the No. 11 combat plan is a plan to save all mankind-" He detailed the relevant information.  The situation was explained one by one.

    Wang Qiao looked at the prisoners: "Brother Wang means that this guy - no, the foreign invaders who attacked Yashan and the base are actually soldiers executing the No. 11 combat plan? They attacked us just to develop a vaccine?  "

    Wang Lu said: "I was still guessing at first, but looking at his fierce reaction when he heard the No. 11 combat plan, I knew that the relationship was inseparable." The latest chapter of President Deep Love http:://

    Wang Qiao said flatly: "We must find out from him where the base for developing the vaccine in the No. 11 combat plan is."

    Wang Lu glanced at him: "Wang Qiao, why are you so interested in vaccines? I thought you were happy to be a zombie."

    Wang Qiao said: "This has nothing to do with whether I am a human, a zombie or a smart zombie. Vaccines are the nuclear weapons of this world, and we must keep them in our own hands!"

    This is a very cool and domineering statement, but it is also nonsense. Since it is a nuclear weapon in the biochemical era, how can you, a small group of survivors, master it?  However, it is necessary to grasp the opponent's movements. At the very least, it will not happen again that he is suddenly hit by a tranquilizer bomb on Yashan中Such a thing.  If the other party discovers the secret of his own blood, he might even be captured and used as a guinea pig.

    Wang Lu wiped his fingers on his clothes. He knew that since Wang Qiao and Wang Bixin tortured the prisoner for a month without prying his mouth open, he had no better way. He asked: "You have a better way?"  To take what we want out of his mouth?¡±

    Wang Qiao said: "If he mutates and becomes a smart corpse, his memory will be preserved more completely, but neither Wang Bixin nor I can guarantee this."

    Wang Lu nodded: "I understand." He touched his chin. It seemed that he still wanted to use his own blood.  Well, fortunately, I had expected it and called Chen Qiong.

    At this time, the prisoner finally recovered from the severe pain. He reluctantly raised his head and said hoarsely to Wang Lu: "It's useless. No matter you turn me into a zombie or a smart zombie, I will never tell you about it."  It¡¯s about battle plan No. 11. Do you think that everyone in this world is just living an ignoble life like you? Bah, even if I become a ghost in hell, I will never cooperate with you. You should die as soon as possible.  Heart. Haha, you wise corpses have no heart to begin with. Your hearts have long been rotten. You still think that all people have no heart. Don¡¯t even think of hearing a single word you want from my mouth.  "

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