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Text Chapter 683: The feeling of dominating the world -

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    Wang Lu held a machete in his hand and stood tall, but he was extremely shocked. This, this is a sacrifice!  This female zombie is sacrificing fire, the most sacred thing of the reservoir zombie tribe, to herself.

    This represents the most complete surrender.

    The coal flames danced in the hands of the female zombie, making a sizzling sound of burning skin and flesh, as well as the unique smell of burning fat. Only then did Wang Lu realize that the hands of the female zombie were covered with burning.  Traces - large chunks of skin have fallen off, a few fingers have been charred, and blackened bones and joints can even be seen. This means that zombies have strong muscles. If it were a living person, just these hands would be  Inflammation of the disease and sepsis can kill you.

    This is the sacrifice the female zombie made to protect the Fire Source Tower. Wang Lu seemed to see through these hands that the female zombie was looking after the everlasting flame in the Fire Source Tower day and night, and would use her own fire in the slightest wind or rain.  The body is protected by the ever-open flame, and he flips the fire with clumsy hands to make the ever-open flame burn brighter and more vigorously.

    If this everlasting flame is the sacred object of the reservoir zombie tribe, then the female zombie is the priest, the priest who protects the sacred object.

    Wang Lu stared at the swaying flames in the palm of the female zombie priest's hand, and seemed to see that hundreds of thousands of years ago, in a cave in the Shanming Mountains, a female primitive was tending to the fire with the care unique to women.  In the tribe, only the smartest women can look after the fire and keep it burning forever. Losing this fire means that the family and tribe cannot eat cooked food, cannot defend themselves against wild beasts at night, cannot withstand the severe cold of winter, and will only be extinct.  In the blink of an eye, when a foreign enemy invades, this primitive female will use her life to guard this fire.  And it is this fire that helps mankind make great strides on the road of evolution. Mastering fire means mastering civilization and the future.

    Wang Lu sighed.  The evolution of zombies is inevitable. Since intelligent zombies can evolve and awaken, why can't zombies?  Maybe their evolutionary pathways are different.  The speed of awakening is also very different, but the overall evolution of zombies is an irreversible process.  It's not that I don't understand this, it's just that I haven't been willing to face it for a long time.

    Although Wang Lu is worried about the consequences of the evolution of intelligent zombies.  But the number of intelligent zombies is limited. Even if they want to fight against human survivors, they have to rely on the power of zombies.  But zombies are different. Their number is too huge. There are more than 1 billion on this continent alone.

    When the zombies awaken, mankind will completely lose its future.

    However, when Wang Lu was thinking about all this.  There was not much panic in his heart, on the contrary, he was faintly excited.

    Humanity has no future, but Wang Lu has hope.

    At this moment.  The female zombie priest offered the holy fire to him, which meant that the future of the zombies was dedicated to his hands.

    The future of zombies is Wang Lu¡¯s future.

    With a bang, the machete in Wang Lu's hand fell to the ground.  He stretched out his hand and slowly, slowly approached the stubborn burning flame in the hand of the female zombie priest.

    Finally, Wang Lu's unprotected fingers touched the burning coal. The hot coals immediately burned his fingers and even made a squeaking sound. However, Wang Lu remained unmoved and did not even raise his eyebrows.  Wrinkle.  He took the fire from the female zombie priest's hand and raised it high.

    The flame was very small, swaying in his hand, but it was so bright, like a bit of starlight, the light of a supernova in the universe, traveling through billions of light years, shining that bit of starlight on Wang Lu, and on the prostrate body of Wang Lu.  On the zombie at his feet.

    Feng Zhenzhen had been watching Wang Lu's every move. When Wang Lu held up the burning flame, she felt a huge brainwave. Wherever the brainwave swept, countless zombies were crawling on the ground.  The radio waves were not limited by the so-called hundred-meter range at all and spread out like water waves. The endless zombies at the bottom of the huge reservoir knelt down and expressed their complete surrender to the King's Road and the Holy Fire.

    Even the female zombie priest fell down on the steps.

    Is it "him" again?

    Feng Zhenzhen didn't expect that "he" in Wang Lu's body came out again. However, what surprised her was that this time, Wang Lu's eyes were not as violent as they used to be when he lost control. No, wait, this is not "him"  , this is still Wang Lu himself, and his mind is still as clear as before.

    But Wang Lu has still changed. He has been reborn. He no longer hides his power and no longer hesitates about his identity, because - Wang Lu holds the fire high and reveals it to all the zombies in the reservoir tribe, to the female zombie priest, and to Feng Zhenzhen.  He smiled and said - "I like this feeling."

    This feeling of dominating the world.

    Yes, yes, that's what I want.  Just like controlling this fire, you control the world, the future, and your destiny.

      The old world is gone forever. All those who are obsessed with the old world will be swept into the garbage dump of history by the biochemical virus and become insignificant dust. Only by following the guidance of the biochemical virus and releasing the power given by the biochemical virus can we create creation.  new world.

    This is Wang Lu¡¯s transformation.

    This process of transformation does not take place in a day, just like a butterfly turning into a cocoon. Ever since Wang Lu mutated due to the second biochemical virus, the question of where to go has been tormenting him. When he confirmed that his body was constantly mutating  At that time, Wang Lu clearly realized for the first time that the problems he faced were unavoidable, but at that time he had been struggling between the identity of a human and a zombie. Everything he had in being a human had transformed into a zombie.  The uncertain future left him wavering.

    This time due to the raid by the invaders, Wang Lu and Feng Zhenzhen were left outside, and their bodies mutated again. Although he didn't know that this mutation was related to Feng Zhenzhen's intercourse from brain waves to vagina, he knew for sure that his body was related to Feng Zhenzhen's brain waves.  The biochemical virus was more perfectly integrated. Later, the exchange with the intelligent zombies in Xiaoluxia Village gave Wang Luren a brand-new experience of living as an intelligent zombie. Now, in the reservoir zombie tribe, Wang Lu has witnessed it with his own eyes.  The future evolution of zombies.

    At this moment, Wang Lu finally put down his burden and the burden of being an old human being. The biochemical virus has guided our future, and this future will eventually be in the hands of me, Wang Lu!

    Feng Zhenzhen was the only person at the scene who remained standing under the pressure of Wang Lu's brainwaves. She looked at Wang Lu who stood tall and proud, with a lot of thoughts, this is my man, this is the man I gave my soul and body to.  Beloved.  Feng Zhenzhen closed his eyes slightly.  The person who should accompany such a man should not be "Feng Zhenzhen", only "Sun Meiping" is suitable for him.  Suitable for his ambition.

    No, that's not right. In fact, "Sun Meiping" is not suitable for today's Wang Lu. There is only another "Feng Zhenzhen".  Only Feng Zhenzhen, who was a Zombie, could stand beside Wang Lu and accept the worship of countless zombies.

    Feng Zhenzhen couldn't help but take a step forward.  He opened his mouth and wanted to reveal his true identity to Wang Lu. At this moment, Wang Lu raised his arm and threw the coal in his hand into the fire source tower. Then he clapped his hands and smiled at Feng Zhenzhen:  "I didn't scare you just now, did I?"

    Feng Zhenzhen was stunned on the spot.  After a long while, he blinked, what is going on?  In just an instant, Wang Lu seemed to have transformed from a powerful intellectual corpse that dominated the world, back to a mediocre little man.

    Wang Lu, however, had no consciousness at all and abandoned the female zombie priest.  He quickly ran back to Feng Zhenzhen and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was distracted just now and actually left you aside. Fortunately, those zombies didn't hurt you."

    Feng Zhenzhen almost went berserk and lost his mind - were you just distracted just like that?  But her face remained calm. Instead, she took out a clean handkerchief from her body, took Wang Lu's hand that was holding the burning coal, carefully wrapped the burned fingers, and said softly: "What did you just do?  What are you doing? Why are all those zombies kneeling down?"

    Wang Lu smiled: "It's nothing, I just think these zombies are quite fun."

    Feng Zhenzhen was so angry that he wished he could bite Wang Lu. Is it fun?  Were you just acting that way because it was fun?  You, give me back that powerful Zhizhi Wanglu!  I want him to be my man!

    Wang Lu didn't notice anything strange about Feng Zhenzhen. He said to Feng Zhenzhen: "Let's go. The zombies in this reservoir are just these flowers. Their evolution is unexpected and reasonable. You have seen it. Let's  Let's go." He cast his gaze into the distance: "Look at the road signs, we are already in the area of ??Liangnong, Yuyao. If we drive all night and arrive at Yashan at noon tomorrow, I don't know if Chen Wei" He glanced at Feng Zhenzhen  , Shengsheng paused.

    Feng Zhenzhen lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, but his heart was like a knife. Wang Lu still missed his family, wife, son, lover Could it be that I have given so much and still can't keep you by my side?  Are you so anxious and want to return to Yashan?  Even the powerful intellectual zombie identity that you just awakened can't change your mind?

    What do I need so that you and I, my lover, can be together forever?

    What do I need to make you, my lover, resolutely abandon everything in the past and create a new life with me?

    Feng Zhenzhen nodded: "Okay, let's go back."

    Wang Lu was about to take a step, but he stopped again, "Wait a minute." He bent down and picked up the machete on the ground, and took a few steps forward, "Get up." He said to the female zombie priest.

    The female zombie priest obediently got up. Wang Lu stretched out his hand, turned the machete over, and put the handle of the knife into the female zombie priest's hand: "Remember, don't use your hands to stir the fire." Then he turned around and pulled  Follow Feng Zhenzhen and walk away.

    After a while, there was a sudden engine sound.?There was news from the zombies, and motorcycles carrying Wang Lu and Feng Zhenzhen sped away from the zombies that were avoiding each other.

    The female zombie priest watched the motorcycle go away and disappeared on the mountain road that circled around the reservoir. She looked at the burning fire tower and then at the machete in her hand. She suddenly raised the machete high and roared.  Then, the armed zombies below also roared in response - the powerful existence that made them obey unconditionally left them another sacred object, a sacred object no less than fire.

    Fire is for protection, while knife is for development.

    Zombies can use weapons - well, the word "use" needs to be put in big quotation marks. Basically, armed zombies will use whatever they encounter as a weapon. The most common one is a kitchen knife. Who let this  Toys are the most common "weapons of mass destruction" in households, followed by brooms and mops. Rolling pins are also very popular among zombies. Screwdrivers and knives are also very good choices. However, these weapons, in total, are  The zombie is holding it in his hand, but it looks awkward.  Because the zombies held them in completely wrong ways. Some held the broom head, used the handle to rotate, and some carried a kitchen knife to chop with the back of the knife. Wang Lu had encountered armed zombies before and slashed himself with the back of an axe.

    Wang Lu had seen a video on the Internet before. Some black uncles put an AK into the hands of an orangutan. Unexpectedly, the safety was not turned off, and the orangutan pulled the trigger and fired continuously. The black uncles were shocked.  Running around, naturally.  The orangutan's random shooting didn't even knock out a single hair.

    Basically, the weapons the zombies hold are similar to how the orangutan uses them.  Only under very rare circumstances would a zombie, blind cat, or dead mouse use the weapon correctly.  Tools used correctly may seem inconspicuous.  In fact, it embodies the evolutionary history of mankind. It is through constant mistakes and accumulation that modern people know how to use a screwdriver correctly.

    And Wang Lu thrust a machete into the hands of the female zombie priest in the right way.  The handle of the knife, held in the hand, the blade.  Naturally, it faces backwards, and the tip of the knife is pointed vertically to the ground. As long as the priestess swings it, this knife will definitely draw blood and hurt people!

    A female zombie who knows how to build a fire source tower to protect the everlasting flame learns to use a knife correctly.  God knows what changes will be brought to this hundreds of thousands of reservoir zombie tribes.

    Wang Lulin left a knife behind when he left. This was just because he was pedantically pitying the female zombie priest for the injury she sustained while poking the fire, or whether it was intentional, no one knows.

    But a knife is a knife.  One day, it will fulfill its mission since its creator's creation - to conquer and kill.

    Yashan, inside the walls of Yinjiang Town, school children, led by Wang Bi'an, are checking equipment - this is an outing patrol internship.

    Yashan School teaches children modern knowledge but also pays attention to the training of survival ability. Such outing internships are held regularly.

    For the children, this is much more enjoyable than sitting in the classroom doing exercises. None of the children here are cowards. They all have the experience of dealing with zombies in the wild, and there are not a few who have killed zombies with their own hands.  Therefore, in the queue, the children looked more expectant than nervous. People like Lu Kai and others were even more eager to try, betting on each other who could kill the most zombies.

    Wang Bi'an was helping several young children put on armor - Yashan's armor had been improved many times and was no longer the early aluminum sandwich type. After the Machinery Department repaired a plastic processing factory, Li Bo quickly used  Several injection molding machines, based on several sets of military anti-riot suits of the Ministry of Armed Forces, have developed plastic versions of protective clothing. The protective clothing produced by the injection molding machine is actually pieces of plastic - the material is the PC material of drinking water barrels. This thing  It's so light that a zombie's rotten teeth can't bite through it.  The aunts from the Ministry of Civil Affairs also used woven belts to wear pieces of armor, making it very convenient to put on during battle.

    Wang Bi'an was helping a child fasten the buckle of his breastplate and said, "Have you changed the battery of the rolling machine? You'll be out all day today. If the battery is used up, there's no place to replace it."

    The children nodded one after another: "Wang Bi'an, don't worry, I checked everything last night. You see, I sharpened the axe."

    At this time, a child asked: "Wang Bi'an, when will we also be equipped with guns? How can we use an ax to use a gun?"

    Before Wang Bi'an could say anything, Lu Kai mockingly said from the side: "The bayonet is a hero, and the bullets are stupid. Against zombies, the gun is of no use. If the bullets are gone, the gun is just a fire stick. Use your ax to save your life. Why,  Don¡¯t you have the guts to fight a zombie face to face? Oh, mom, I¡¯m scared. The zombie¡¯s teeth are gnawing at my armor, and its rotten fingers are scratching my chest. I¡¯m so scared that I have to pee.¡± Lu Kaibi.  He raised his voice and pretended to cry like a coward, causing the children around him to burst into laughter.

    The child who was being ridiculed turned red and argued: "I, I'm not afraid, I've killed severalZombies, those idiots, can be stoned to death.  "

    Lu Kai patted the child on the shoulder: "That's right. None of our children in Yashan are cowards. Think about it, it's so fun to chop zombies with an axe. There is a clicking sound, and the ax blade cuts into the muscles and bones.  It feels like a zombie's black corpse liquid splashes on your hands and face - it feels as good as you want."

    Of course, although children are not afraid of killing zombies, not everyone enjoys killing zombies like Lu Kai. Listening to Lu Kai describe the disgusting process of killing zombies so vividly, Zheng Jiayan next to him wrinkled up.  He frowned, walked away a few steps, and gently told the girls on the same team to check the water and food they had brought.

    In Yashan, even girls have to kill zombies. Except for Guan Wenjing, who is too young to participate, all girls have to participate in field internships, but girls will get more or less preferential treatment, and boys will protect girls as much as possible.  In the center, girls carry more logistical supplies such as drinking water and food to help the boys on the front line of killing zombies reduce their burden.

    In fact, this is an unwritten practice for survivors' outdoor activities. When survivors camp in groups, strong men are on guard outside, while women and children carry supplies in the middle, and the elderly - usually the elderly are scattered on the outermost periphery.  When they are bitten by zombies, their screams can act as an alarm.

    At this time, Wang Decheng and Shen Mugu hurried over with a group of armed forces members. Wang Decheng shouted from a distance: "Wang Bi'an, are you in a hurry? For this field internship, Lao Shen and I will escort you."

    Wang Bi'an was startled: "It turns out Uncle Wang Bomin was not the one who arranged to lead the team?"

    Shen Mugu looked a little embarrassed and mumbled: "Wang Bomin, he has something else to do. He feels a little uncomfortable and didn't come to work today." (To be continued.)
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