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Text Chapter 675 The human heart is sinister

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    Everyone knows that Mr. Chen is talking angrily. The last elimination system does not include the relevant heads of various departments, and even those with a little bit of responsibility are not included in the evaluation system.

    Everyone was a little resentful for a moment. Old Uncle Chen also knew that Wang Lu had decided on the elimination system for the last place. When he heard the news, he wanted to talk to Wang Lu because this matter was in the eyes of the old man.  It seems that it is not done authentically, and there are still great hidden dangers.  But because the Ministry of Agriculture had many things to do, it was delayed. When he came back, Wang Lu disappeared.

    Uncle Chen understood that it was unfair to vent his anger on his colleagues from the Ministry of Agriculture, so he sighed, waved his hand and said, "We at the Ministry of Agriculture are not going to get involved in this troubled situation. It's better to take a good rest while we have this time." He turned his head.  He looked at the zombies walking around in the field and shook his head: "Don't be unaware of your blessings."

    Old man Chen¡¯s last words were true, but the staff from the Ministry of Agriculture who came to deliver the message were confused, responded indiscriminately, and went back to Mingfeng Villa.

    Old man Chen looked at the retreating figures, sighed, walked to the corner, scooped out a cup of thickly brewed tea from a large tea vat, and drank it. Chen Qiong was standing next to him just now with her little ears propped up.  She heard this clearly, and she was very confused, because her father, Wang Lu, had invented the last-place elimination system, but why did Old Man Chen vaguely object to it?

    Chen Qiong knew that in Wang Lu's heart, if there was anyone he respected the most in Yashan, it was Old Man Chen and Aunt Cui. The agriculture that Yashan relied on for a living was actually the dirtiest and most tiring work, but Old Man Chen, who was disabled, was  He picked up the important issues without hesitation and never complained in front of Wang Lu.  Wang Lu once vaguely mentioned to the children that if there was any crisis in Yashan, one would be to find Feng Haiqi and Zhou Chunyu, and the other would be to find Old Man Chen.  Old man Chen has an opinion. This is a big deal.

    Chen Qiong held a piece of watermelon.  He walked up to Old Man Chen, handed it to him, and asked quietly: "Grandpa Chen, why am I thinking that you seem to be opposed to this last-place elimination system?"

    Old man Chen¡¯s old face turned into a pimple when he smiled: ¡°You¡¯re such a clever girl.¡± He didn¡¯t hide it, he admitted it frankly.

    Chen Qiongqi said: "Grandpa Chen, what's wrong with this last-place elimination system? I think it's pretty good. I'm not saying that my father and mother are indeed too lax. Some people are just messing around in Yashan. Use it.  Wouldn¡¯t it be better to use this last-place elimination system to motivate them and bring out the laziest and most disobedient ones and punish them?¡±

    Old man Chen sighed: "Girl, you are too young to understand the evil nature of people's hearts. Hey, who will be eliminated by the elimination system or two people?"

    Chen Qiong said in confusion: "Who else can be eliminated? Of course it is the most unpopular person."

    Old man Chen shook his head and sighed. He pointed at a few old people in the hut and said: "These old guys have eaten more salt than you have eaten. Just ask them. Does the last-place elimination system matter?  use?"

    The several people from the Ministry of Agriculture who came with Mr. Chen were all the hardest-working people. They were really hard-working and uncomplaining. Chen Qiong also respected them very much and said hurriedly: "Grandpas and grandpas. I am young and know everything.  I don¡¯t know, can you tell me what Grandpa Chen means?¡±

    When someone from the Ministry of Agriculture came to take Old Man Chen to organize the voting, the old men were too lazy to pay attention. They were dozing off and dazed. Then they heard Chen Qiong asking questions in a crisp voice. One of the old men covered his face.  The straw hat took off and he said with a smile: "Xiao Chen Qiong, have you ever heard of 'anti-rightist'? Or 'strike hard'?"

    Chen Qiong shook his head in confusion, and the old man in the straw hat laughed: "No wonder you haven't heard of it, and these two things actually have little to do with our current Yashan elimination system. If we really want to discuss it,  That¡¯s the four words that people¡¯s hearts are sinister. Back then, when we were anti-rightists, we set a target. A certain percentage of people in a unit must be rightists. Then, they would beat good people into rightists every now and then, and crack down hard. This was originally a benefit.  It is a good thing to benefit the country and the people, and it has indeed improved public security, but the same indicators and proportions have arrested people who should not be arrested, and shot those who should be sentenced lightly. The worst thing about this elimination system is that it is in every department  One person must be eliminated, which is also a disguised indicator and ratio."

    Chen Qiong seemed to understand. She tilted her head and thought for a long time: "I understand. What you mean is that some people in some departments are actually not lazy - well, compared with people in other departments, but  Because the voting was held in his own department, this person who was not too lazy was elected, while at the same time, everyone in other departments were lazy, but nothing happened."

    Old man Chen and a few old guys in the hut laughed loudly: "Girl, your guess is a little off, but I just said that people's hearts are evil, and the really scary thing about this last-place elimination system is not the indicators.  A person who is not a good person is reborn as a bad person.""Ah, is there anything more terrifying than this?" Chen Qiong was puzzled.

    Old man Chen sighed and nodded heavily: "The most terrifying thing is to frame an innocent person as a victim!"

    A solid-colored animal for sacrifice.  The pure color is "sacrifice", and the whole body is "sacrifice".

    It is obviously a ritual for humans to beg God for blessings, but the one who was unlucky enough to be stabbed was an unrelated beast.

    At the same time, in the Armed Forces Department, all the team members were standing and gathering, listening to Zhou Chunyu's lecture: "Not much else to say, one person, one vote, no ghostwriting allowed, one person's name per vote, any more written or defaced, it will be considered useless.  The voting point is in a small dark room, one person enters at a time, it¡¯s over. Disband.¡±

    The team members dispersed with a coax and went to collect their votes. This was the first time that Yashan held a last-place elimination system. The Ministry of Civil Affairs attached great importance to it and sent an employee to provide guidance. The ballots were also distributed by personnel from the Ministry of Civil Affairs in person.  Each person has one, and they have to sign when they receive it to make it look presentable.

    The members of the Armed Forces did not take this vote seriously. Some people shouted: "Is it okay to vote blank without writing my name? I am too lazy to write."

    Xu Weiwei came from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. After her marriage, she became plumper and more feminine. She smiled at the team members and said, "That's fine, as long as you are not afraid of being selected."

    The team member who asked the question was actually looking for something to tease Xu Weiwei. Hearing this, he was stunned: "How did you say this?"

    Xu Weiwei flipped her long hair and said with a smile: "It's simple, it's like there are only two people voting, and they write your name. But you voted for a blank vote, so didn't you just elect yourself? You are too lazy to write.  Of course there is no problem, but in the final statistics, your blank ticket is the same as filling in an extra ticket for yourself. Unless you are popular, I believe no one will choose you to be the last person."

    The team member was stunned immediately.  How dare he make such a guarantee.  At this time, the surrounding team members also became quiet, and the noise of the fight disappeared.  Everyone discovered that this vote was not as simple as they first thought.

    While distributing the ballots, Xu Weiwei carefully handed over the uniformly distributed pens and reminded: "Those who do not want to fill in the ballots in public can go to the small dark room to fill in the ballots. After filling out the ballots, you must return the pens.  "

    The members of the Armed Forces looked at each other.  Someone had a smile on his face and asked the people around him stiffly: "Brother, you can't fill me in, can you? What's the relationship between the two of us? I protected you and killed two zombies last time I went on a mission."

    The team member next to him glanced at him and said: "It was obviously Captain Zhou Chunyu who rescued me, but you just helped me by helping me. Besides, I have already worked three night shifts for you for this matter. I have repaid the favor a long time ago."  "

    Such mutterings were whispered in the courtyard of the Armed Forces Ministry. Zhou Chunyu, Guan Xin and Wang Decheng stood aside. They were either deputy ministers or squad leaders and did not need to participate in the vote.

    Zhou Chunyu saw several team members gathering together, whispering to each other, and pointing at others. He quickly guessed that this was a small group spontaneously organized to fill in a name together - this kind of work had not been done by Zhou Chunyu before.  There is no shortage of work. The police station will hold some annual top ten news selection activities. At this time, all employees in the station will unite and choose a standard answer to fill in together, so everyone will win the prize together.  This was originally a fun thing, but when it comes to being eliminated at the bottom, it is very bad. It is easy to form cliques and divide into cliques. The criterion is not whether they work hard or not, but how close they are to each other.

    Zhou Chunyu shook his head irritably: "No wonder Feng Suo didn't want to get involved in this matter, so he left it all to me. I bet he had already guessed this scene. Damn it, these bastards will do evil things."

    Guan Xin had also seen the doorway inside, and he whispered: "It doesn't work like this. Look, there are several groups of people here. The old people from the past are hugging each other, and among the new people, there are  Those who came from separate bases, and those who defected sporadically. In terms of number, the team members who defected sporadically are the largest, but they also have their own factions, it is better for the old people to stick together If it becomes chaotic, the whole thing will be in chaos."

    Wang Decheng didn't care. After all, he was a leading cadre. No matter how he was eliminated from the bottom position, he could not be eliminated. Who made him clever enough to hug Wang Lu's thigh earlier? He smiled and said: "No matter how these bastards make trouble, they are with us anyway."  It doesn't matter."

    Zhou Chunyu glared at him: "Stupid, why doesn't it matter? If people's hearts are broken, this team will be difficult to lead!"

    Guan Xin also said: "Brother Zhou is right. Once this vote is cast, the Ministry of Armed Forces will split into several factions and factions. This is a major hidden danger for paramilitary units like ours that need to integrate forces and act in a unified manner.  "

    He paused: "And have you ever thought about it, among the various departments in Yashan, our militaryThe department is the department that contributes the most. We have to fight against zombies and zombies every day. Every team member here has made a significant contribution to the development of Yashan. Even if we select the last person, his dedication to Yashan will be affirmed.  More than anyone in the Ministry of Finance or Civil Affairs.  Do you think it is fair or unfair to do this? Does it make people convinced?  "

    Wang Decheng was stunned, and it took him a long time to utter two words: "Fuck!!"

    At this time, a team member in the yard finally walked into the small dark room where the voting was held. Everyone was staring at him. He himself clearly felt the eyes of many people with different intentions, and his back looked a little stiff.  The door of the small black room opened, closed again, and after a while, opened again, and the team member hurriedly walked out, his face full of relief - just like a person who had finally gone to the toilet to relieve constipation.

    Someone in the crowd shouted: "Boy, whose name did you fill in?"

    Of course there would be no answer, but obviously the team member's actions stimulated many hesitant people. One after another, more people entered the small dark room. More and more people voted. After a while, they lined up outside the small dark room.  Long queue.

    Suddenly, the line of people in the queue fluctuated, and the two team members quarreled. One of them stretched out his finger and cursed: "Yang, what do you mean? Why did you write my name? How did I offend you?!"

    The team member named Yang blushed: "You, you peeked at me!" But he was impatient.  I filled in my name without entering the dark room, but someone saw it.

    The scolding team member jumped on his feet and said: "I work very hard every day in the Armed Forces. When have I ever been lazy? You tell me! Everyone is here, let everyone comment on this!"

    The team member surnamed Yang frowned and said: "It's my right to write whose name I write, you don't care about me."

    The scolding team member was so angry that he cursed continuously, if it were not for the discipline of the Armed Forces Department.  He had already started to take action. At this time, someone next to him advised: "Come on. Stop arguing. Xiao Yang, you are serious. You can't catch up with Xiao Liu from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and you don't need such evil hands."

    The scolding team member was startled and jumped three feet high: "Damn it, Xiao Liu and I are in love with each other. You can't catch up with me. You are here to trick me!"

    Xiao Yang was embarrassed and annoyed when his private thoughts were exposed. He wanted to argue a few words, but what he did was indeed dirty, so he gritted his teeth.  Seeing a team member who had just finished voting walk out of the small dark room, he simply crossed the line and rushed in with a few strides.

    The scolding team member was so angry that he yelled at Xu Weiwei: "Can you change the name on the ballot?!" It seemed that he wanted to repay the other person with his own treatment, filling in Xiao Yang's original name.  Fill in the ticket.

    Xu Weiwei shook her head: "No, if it is altered, the ticket will be invalid."

    At this time, Xiao Yang had already finished voting and walked out of the dark room expressionlessly. The scolding team member pointed at his nose and his arms were shaking with anger: "Okay, okay, okay, you have the guts!"  Just wait, I will fill your ticket next month!"

    This sudden incident made everyone in the Armed Forces Department even more suspicious. Some people quietly put away their pens and decided to enter the small dark room before filling in their names. Others looked at their companions around them with suspicion, feeling in their hearts.  Try to figure out who you have offended unintentionally.  Or who has offended me.

    Wang Decheng was angry and anxious beside him. He never expected that such a simple and even seemingly democratic vote would cause such a big disturbance.  These are not just votes, they are simply nails that drive discord and tear between each team member.

    Guan Xin suddenly said to Zhou Chunyu: "Look at Wang Bomin."

    Wang Bomin has been Zhou Chunyu's key training target since the last wildfire, because he not only obeys orders honestly, but also has a rare spirit of courage and sacrifice. To a certain extent, Zhou Chunyu attaches great importance to him.  Already surpassed Wang Decheng.

    Zhou Chunyu followed Guan Xin's instructions and looked at Wang Bomin in the team. He quickly discovered something strange - Wang Bomin held a ballot in his hand, but unlike others, he folded and folded the ballot again and again, lest he  Let others see the name written on it. The tickets in Wang Bomin's hand are spread out flat.

    On the ballot, the blank space where the name should have been written is now a big zero, or in other words, a big duck egg.

    This is a waste ticket, a deliberate waste ticket.

    Wang Bomin, who is a human being, expressed his attitude in this way - in his eyes, no one in the Armed Forces is a coward and no one should be eliminated.

    It¡¯s a clumsy, stupid, and ridiculous way to protest.

    Zhou Chunyu shook his head: "Wang Bomin, you are an honest man."

    Guan Xin nodded: "This year? There are not many such honest people left.  His character will suffer sooner or later.  "

    Zhou Chunyu nodded and shook his head: "To suffer a loss is to take advantage. In this world, you can't be too honest, but you can't be dishonest either." These words sounded like a tongue twister, but they were spoken in vernacular. People who are too honest will naturally not be able to compete with others.  You will have to freeze and starve, but if you are too dishonest, no one will be willing to partner with you, and you will not be able to survive in this end of the world, unless you have the ability to kill everyone.

    Zhou Chunyu paused and said: "Wang Bomin will be a good soldier." Everyone could hear Zhou Chunyu's admiration for Wang Bomin in his words. Cadres such as Guan Xin and Wang Decheng knew even more that due to the continuous expansion of the Armed Forces Ministry's personnel, the number of soldiers who will be in the army will be increased in the near future.  Set up another small team, and choose the captain

    Wang Decheng was a bit annoyed. He had been living in Yashan for so long and had to betray his companions to achieve his current status. But Wang Bomin had only been here for a short time, and he immediately felt - damn, people are so infuriating.

    At this time, the voting in the yard finally ended, but the team members did not disperse. Instead, they stood in twos and threes, waiting for people from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to come and count the votes.

    Everyone wants to see who is the unlucky guy at the end of the elimination list.

    Xu Weiwei personally went to the small dark room and took out the ballot box, showed the seal in front of everyone, then opened the lock and dumped the ballots on the table with a crash.

    Xu Weiwei nodded at Zhou Chunyu and others: "Several leaders, please come and sing and count the votes. I will supervise the votes." Because Zhou Chunyu and others did not participate in the voting, the counting of votes was relatively fair.  Point, it seems that the Ministry of Civil Affairs has already considered these details and made preparations in advance.

    Zhou Chunyu, Guan Xin, and Wang Decheng looked at each other. Zhou Chunyu nodded, and the three of them walked to the table.

    Xu Weiwei had already set up a writing board and handed Zhou Chunyu a large signature pen. Guan Xin and Wang Decheng picked up the ballots on the table and started to sign up.  (To be continued.)
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