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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Happy life in the biochemical apocalypse

Text Chapter 607: Forming an Alliance of Brothers

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    In the midst of the chaos, the heavy door of Luzhai opened with a creak - as Luzhai is a prison, naturally no one would think of plundering it, so in the chaos, miraculously it was safe and sound -  No one even thought about why the guards in the prison had remained strangely calm until now.

    As soon as the door of Lu's house was opened, the boss, who everyone thought was on the run, suddenly strode out. As soon as he appeared, he shot down a gunman who was beating a white-haired doctor, and then jumped to the side next to him.  On a Taihu stone, the muzzle of the gun was pointed upward, clicking, clicking, firing a series of bullets.

    This burst of gunfire barely silenced the robbery scene, and the boss yelled at the top of his lungs: "Stop it, stop it all! Whoever messes up again, I'll beat him to death!"

    Hearing the boss¡¯ roar, everyone in the base stopped in their tracks subconsciously.

    Many gunmen, superpowers and technicians shouted with joy when they saw the boss: "It's the boss, it's the boss, he's still at the base, he didn't abandon us and run away!"

    These words sound like a child abandoned by his parents, with a sense of grievance.  In fact, this is not surprising. The civil strife after the base was attacked was mostly caused by the boss abandoning the base and everyone else escaping because of fear of Feng Zhenzhen, his nemesis.

    Since the beginning of the establishment of the base, the boss has deliberately established personal authority to suppress other "personal heroes" who dare to take the lead in order to facilitate his own dictatorship.  Therefore, in Yashan, everyone only knows the boss, but not the others. Even the leaders are just a group of yes-men and followers, and they do not have much prestige in the eyes of the gunmen and superpowers.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The advantage is that when the boss gives an order, he can use his fingers like an arm. The disadvantage is that once the boss is killed.  There is no second person in the base to come out and clean up the mess.  No matter who jumps out, they will not have enough popularity and prestige to convince others.

    Otherwise, with the huge scale of the base, the manpower owned by the base is more than in the face of the invasion of the invasion of not many people, and it will collapse like this.

    "The so-called success is the boss, and the failure is the boss."  That's the truth.

    The boss stood on the Taihu Rock. When he saw that his order was bearing fruit, he immediately commanded: "Don't fucking run away, turn back. Turn around, fuck all the invading bastards! What are you holding in your hands?"  It¡¯s a gun, not a fire stick!¡±

    At this time, although Feng Zhenzhen had already issued an order for the zombies to retreat, a small number of zombies who had penetrated deep into the island in the middle of the lake did not sense Feng Zhenzhen's brain waves because they were too far away. They still chased the gunmen and held a feast of human flesh. The zombies were  From time to time, heart-rending screams could be heard from the unlucky ghost gnawing beneath him.  The gunmen heard their boss asking them to turn around and fight back.  They all hesitated.

    At this time, a gunman who had always been dissatisfied with the boss's strong oppression suddenly jumped out: "Fuck you, why should I listen to you? Your ability to stop time and space is useless. You are just a waste. I will not listen to a waste."  The command¡­¡­"

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Unexpectedly, there was a gunshot.  The jumping gunman fell to the ground, a bloody hole in his forehead gurgling with blood and brain matter.

    I saw Zhang Jun standing by the Taihu stone at the feet of the boss, saying coldly: "Whoever disobeys the boss's orders will die."

    Only then did everyone in the base realize that the boss was not alone. In addition to the kidnapper Zhang Jun, there was also a small team surrounding him, although these people were rather weird.  It was not raining, but he was still wearing a raincoat and his head was covered in a hood. The gun in his hand was dragged on the ground like a broom.  But this small group of people closely surrounded the boss.  Apparently they are extremely loyal to him.

    To be honest, there are not many people in this group, and several members don't even have guns in their hands. But when everyone is scattered, this team with orders and prohibitions is particularly eye-catching, and Zhang Jun's shot also shows that  , anyone who dares to oppose the boss will die.

    The gunmen looked at their former partners around them. Just now, in order to snatch the limited supplies, everyone turned against each other. At this moment, no one dared to stand up and call on the people around them to have the courage to join them in resisting this group of die-hard bosses.  Maybe even the boss's die-hard loyalists don't need to take action, and someone next to him will shoot him. The reason may be just because he snatched a piece of bread from his hand just now.

    Seeing that there was something to be done, the boss quickly struck while the iron was hot and shouted loudly: "There was indeed something wrong with my superpower just now, but now it has fully recovered. If you don't believe me, look at it - time and space have stopped!"

    The gunmen looked back suspiciously - the scene in front of them made their eyes pop out - as expected, the zombies within a hundred meters had stopped moving. Some zombies still had half of their mouths of meat still in their mouths, but they were stunned.  The ground froze in place.

    Time and space stand still!  Sure enough it isThe unique power of time and space is still!

    ??-This is naturally not the stasis of time and space, but the boss directly used brain waves to give orders after mutating into a smart zombie. Speaking of which, the so-called superpower is originally the transformation of a smart zombie.  The principle behind the stasis of time and space is that the boss emits powerful brain waves to disrupt the brains of zombies and zombies, causing them to enter a state of chaos.  Just like when Feng Zhenzhen went on a "rage", the surging brain waves would also cause the surrounding zombies to enter a state of disorder.

    In an instant, cheers arose on the island in the middle of the lake: "Kill! Kill these damn zombies!"

    Gunners and people with supernatural powers turned back to kill the zombies one after another, and the boss, with the support of Zhang Jun and others, charged at the forefront, using his powers along the way.

    There is a holiday.  Time and space stood still, and the attack on the zombies by everyone in the base could only be called a one-sided massacre. Everyone's courage was restored again, and they even regained the feeling of being invincible when they followed the boss in conquering the world.

    Some superpower users were also surprised to find that their interference with zombies had regained its effectiveness. Obviously, the attacking superpower user was either dead or defeated.

    The morale of the people in the base was high. They rushed back to the suspension bridge from the island in the center of the lake like a rolled-up bead curtain, then rushed straight to the streets of Yanyue, and even rushed into the ruins of Tianyige historical district.  When the last zombie fell with a gunshot, people surrounded the boss and cheered in unison. Some people even couldn't help but shouted "Long live the boss" with tears in their eyes.

    The boss stood in the crowd with a majestic expression. He looked around at the crowd, and everyone gradually became quiet. He looked back at the beacon fires rising everywhere in Yuehu Lake and the wreckage of vehicles on the defense line.  As well as the intermittent screams of the companions who were bitten to pieces by zombies and were still alive, everyone in the base realized that even if this was a victory, it was a tragic victory.

    The invaders who attacked the base only lost some zombie cannon fodder. No one has seen the commander behind the scenes, and not even a living body was left at the scene.  On the other hand, the base suffered heavy casualties.  What's worse is that the material warehouse was destroyed, which is the cost of everyone's survival.  Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to collect materials in the city. Large warehouses and supermarkets have been moved completely in the early stage. In the later stage, zombies will compete with humans for food.  How can we live like this when we lose such a large amount of supplies and the base has a huge population?

    Some people sobbed softly, not knowing whether they were regretting the death of their friends or fearing the lack of food and clothing in the future.

    At this time, the boss raised his hand, bang, and fired a shot into the air: "You're crying. I'm not dead yet, the base is still there, howling in fucking mourning!"

    He raised his voice: "Isn't there a fucking supply warehouse gone? When you escaped from home before, who was still carrying rice bags and suitcases? The supplies are gone. Where can't we find them in such a big city?  Not to mention anything else, there are some grains stored in the outer settlements of our base. We all keep our belts tight. After a hard time, as long as the summer harvest comes, we will be able to survive this famine."

    Everyone was stunned after hearing this, Xia Shu?  What does the boss mean by summer harvest?  I have never heard of the base farming in urban areas.

    At this time, the boss stretched out his hand and invited someone from his side.  He loudly said: "I want to tell you all the great news. Just when the invaders attacked the base, I made a good friend, a good brother who will live and die with me. He is Wang Lu of Yashan  .¡±

    The name of Yashan¡¯s Wanglu.  It¡¯s not a stranger in the base. Wang Bi¡¯an Radio can also be heard in Yonggang City. Many people have laughed at this country bumpkin who only knows how to farm in the countryside. Some personnel even know that not long ago, the boss sent people to  Conquer the cliff mountain.

    I saw Wang Lu jump up and jump onto a broken wall next to him, standing taller than the boss. He waved his hand: "Everyone at the base, I am Wang Lu of Yashan. The boss and I have unanimously decided that from today on  , Yashan and the base formed an alliance of brothers to jointly fight against zombies and counter any invasion. We in Yashan have the Jiaokou Reservoir Power Station and have reclaimed a large number of grain fields. In half a month, spring plowing will begin. As long as everyone survives the summer harvest  , we can eat the newly harvested white rice, and as long as Yashan is here, our friends at the base will solve the food problem once and for all."

    Food is the most important thing for the people. After hearing Wang Lu's speech, everyone in the base cheered like a mountain roaring and a tsunami. Damn, rice, rice that exudes the fragrance of rice. How long has it been since everyone has eaten it?  ?  Eating convenience food every day, your mouth is full of the taste of preservatives, which is too much for anyone.

    Some well-informed people even found out that there is a breeding farm in Yashan, where you can also eat pork, chickens and ducks. As soon as this news came out, everyone in the base who was drooling suddenly cheered "Long live rice" and "Long live Wanglu".  The mature base personnel suddenly changed their expressions. With the boss's petty mind, how could he tolerate others being called names in front of him?"Long live"? However, everyone looked at him furtively. Wang Lu accepted everyone's cheers unceremoniously, but the boss standing below him had no expression on his face. He seemed to regard Wang Lu as a good friend who shared life and death.

    Although this was very strange, when Wang Lu announced that Yashan would provide an emergency batch of food and medical supplies to the base to tide over the current crisis, even the most skeptical personnel put aside their prejudices and shouted loudly  cheered.

    Wang Lu stood on the top of the wall, like a giant, as if he was stepping on a special ladder instead of dirty bricks. He bent his arms half-raised and waved slightly at a 45-degree angle, his face full of humility.

    But in his heart, he was already shouting hysterically with joy: Success!  Success!  I took a risk, my life was hanging by a thread, I almost died, but I finally succeeded!  The base is mine!

    Half an hour later, Wang Lu and the boss walked into a small building on the island in the center of the lake. This place was originally an accommodation for gunmen and was temporarily requisitioned as the boss's office - his original office was next to the warehouse.  , has been destroyed into a pile of rubble with the explosion of the warehouse.

    Following Wang Lu and the boss were Chen Qiong, Wang Bixin, Zhang Jun and others. The other zombies stayed in the office next door because Wang Lu was worried that they would expose their traces.

    Wang Lu calmly sat down on a leather chair in the center of the room. The boss, who had become a zombie, changed his expression, but quickly regained his composure and sat down opposite Wang Lu.  Chen Qiong, Wang Bixin and Zhang Jun sat aside.

    Wang Lu coughed.  To Lao Da Dao: "Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet. I can't just keep calling it out."

    Lao Dadao: "What's wrong with the boss? This is all caused by those brats at the base. In front of you, Brother Wang Lu, you don't dare to scream. My name is Wang Qiao, the King of Three Strokes. The bridge is to open a road across the mountains, and when encountering  Water builds bridges.¡±

    Wang Lu laughed and said, "What a coincidence. We were the same family five hundred years ago. We are really destined to be brothers."

    The boss - Wang Qiao said: "I'm sorry. Brother Wang, what happened in the past was all because of me being a bastard. If I had known that I would form an alliance with you, I wouldn't have caused this incident today."

    Wang Lu waved his hand: "We don't know each other without fighting. By the way, when were you born? Who of us is older and who is younger?" He actually acted like he was chatting away.

    Wang Qiao reported a year and month, but the year was three years younger than Wang Lu, the month was January, and the birthday was only 6 days different.

    Wang Lu laughed loudly: "It is fate. It is indeed fate."

    Wang Qiao said: "I called you Brother Wang and it was indeed correct. You are the elder brother and I am the younger brother."

    Wang Lu nodded: "Okay, okay, okay, Yashan and the base have formed an alliance of brothers. You and I are also brothers. Brothers working together can be as powerful as gold. I think that in the future, both the base and Yashan will usher in a leap forward."  development." He stretched out: "I'm tired, and I want to go back to Yashan now. Your sister-in-law and nephew are still waiting for me to come home safely."

    Wang Qiao was startled: "Brother Wang, don't you have anything to say about the next development of the base? If you have anything to say, just say it. I will do whatever you want to do."

    Wang Lu waved his hand: "I don't know much about the base. You know best how to develop the base. If a layman like me comes up with random ideas, it will only lead to bad things. I just tell you what to do. Just do what you want. If you have any difficulties, just ask  Yashan.¡±

    He paused: "There is only one thing. Wang Bixin is my new godson, and Zhang Jun is also an old friend of mine. You should pay more attention to them both. I'm sorry, but I value family ties and friendship too much."  Friendship, this is an invitation, but you must satisfy me."

    Wang Qiao hurriedly said: "What's there to say? From today on, Wang Bixin and Zhang Jun will live with me."

    Wang Lu nodded with satisfaction. He injected almost half of Wang Qiao's body with blood. It was not in vain. This boss's IQ was not ordinary high. He was obedient and knew what he should do immediately.  With Wang Bixin and Zhang Jun staying by his side, it is a double insurance. In addition, he will bring Chen Qiong to "care" about Wang Qiao from time to time in the future, and this base will be firmly under his control.

    Everyone in the room was like a family, laughing and joking, when the door was knocked cautiously. Wang Qiao immediately put away his smiling face and said seriously: "Come in."

    The female secretary pushed open the door and walked in. She was startled when she saw Da Dao Jin Ma sitting in the chief position, Wang Lu. At this time, Wang Qiao said sternly: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

    The female secretary quickly withdrew her inquiring gaze and reported to Wang Qiaohui with lowered eyebrows: "Support teams from various settlements have arrived. What should we do if the detachment leaders come to ask for instructions?"

    Wang Qiao cursed: "A bunch of losers, they only came here after the war was over. Damn it, Brother Wang didn't help me. They came to collect my body."Bar?  After the order was passed, all personnel immediately started the reconstruction of Yuehu Lake and asked the Ministry of Infrastructure to formulate a plan immediately.  Also, all food in all settlements has been turned over. From now on, the base's material supply will enter a state of wartime control. There are already plans for wartime material distribution. You can call it up from your computer.  "

    The female secretary said yes, but did not go out. Wang Qiao asked: "Is there anything else?"

    The female secretary said: "The Second Hospital came to ask for instructions because there are too many injured people and there is not enough medicine and medicine. They heard that Yashan will mobilize a batch of medicines and want to ask people from Yashan to send it as soon as possible."

    Wang Qiao raised the cup on the table, raised his hand and threw it at the female secretary. Although it did not hit her body, tea residue was splashed on half of her body. The female secretary's shirt was so wet that she could see the flesh-colored lace bra underneath.  She didn't dare to raise her hand to wipe it, and her slender black stocking legs kept shaking.

    Wang Qiao scolded: "What people from Yashan, Brother Wang, do you want Brother Wang to hear this? These bastards really think they are dishonest, and they actually have the nerve to ask me for medicine? Damn it, these people  I don¡¯t know what these idiots are? How many people were injured when facing the intruders? Most of them were not injured while escaping or even grabbing each other¡¯s things? Damn it, if I could spend some time on these idiots  Medicine, will I become a pig? Brother Wang gives us medicine, it is to give us face, how can these bastards have any face, and have the courage to ask Brother Wang for medicine?, Bah!"

    The female secretary didn't dare to say another word and left without raising her head. Wang Qiao waited until she was about to go out before he remembered something and hurriedly chased her and shouted: "By the way, there is one point in the wartime supply distribution plan that needs to be changed."  , Wang Bixin, Zhang Jun and I have the same standards."

    Among the various quota standards in the base, the boss has always been the only one. No one else can compare with the boss Wang Qiao.  Wang Bixin and Zhang Jun were both little people who couldn't get on the stage before. Like Wang Bixin, the female secretary didn't even know his name before, but now they have climbed to the top in one step, and they don't know what kind of favor they got from Wang Qiao. Not only do they live in the same room, but they also  The same applies to material supplies.
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