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Text Chapter 559 Two mothers fight for their children

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    Xie Ling raised the crossbow and fired. In the flash of lightning, two people on the scene reacted at the same time - Wang Lu, who was facing Xie Ling, raised his head and hit the crossbow with a bang, causing the crossbow arrow to deflect upward several degrees before it left the string.  Wang Bi'an, the zombie puller, yelled and hit the zombie with his shoulder. The female zombie fell to the ground.

    Xie Ling just yelled: "What are you doing?"

    She saw a scene that left her speechless. She saw the female zombie that had fallen to the ground got up and rushed towards her and others with its teeth and claws. At this time, Wang Bi'an hugged it and said something in his mouth.  He kept coaxing it: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, we are one of our own, one of our own"

    However, although the female zombie recognized Wang Bi'an as her son, she did not intend to recognize Xie Ling as her family. This was natural. In its eyes, Xie Ling and others were just pieces of delicious meat, and they still struggled to think  Break free from Wang Bianli

    Wang Lu looked around, then raised his head to Wang Decheng and said, "Give me the helmet." After taking the helmet, he walked to the female zombie, neatly buckled the helmet on its head, and pulled out a rope, trying to remove it.  tied up

    Wang Bifa said softly from the side: "Dad, I'll hold it."

    Wang Lu glared at Wang Bi'an: "Stupid! This is not the time to show kindness!" After saying that, he roughly put the female zombie's back behind his back and tied it up in three strokes.

    Xie Ling looked at the two fathers, wondering what they were doing. It seemed that Wang Lu wanted to capture this zombie alive - this was really strange. There were such ordinary zombies around Yinjiang Town, so why bother?  At this time when life is at stake, carrying such a burden

    Wang Lu saw the doubts in Xie Ling's eyes, but now was not the time to explain. More importantly, he himself was confused. Wang Lu waved: "Withdraw!"

    Wang Decheng and others breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a thrilling situation, everyone managed to save their lives. There was no need to waste time. A few people went forward and helped Wang Lu and Chen Qiong to move forward.

    Wang Bi'an held the female zombie's arm tightly, regardless of whether it could understand or not, and said hurriedly: "Follow me, stop making trouble, otherwise, my father will really kill you."

    ?Perhaps she sensed that "Er" was beside her, the female zombie calmed down for a moment, stopped struggling and roaring, and let Wang Bi'an pull her, one foot higher and one foot lower, to move forward.

    Along the way, everyone was walking quickly. Wang Decheng called the walkie-talkie all the way. When he returned to the place where the trap was, there was finally a response on the walkie-talkie: "I am Feng Haiqi."

    Wang Decheng cheered and immediately briefly reported the attack on Wang Lu, and how Wang Bi'an and Chen Qiong were almost kidnapped by zombies. Feng Haiqi said briefly: "Go back to the truck at the foot of the mountain to gather and maintain communication."

    Feng Haiqi moved very quickly. When Wang Lu and his team returned to the truck, he was already waiting there with all the team members. Without any nonsense, everyone carried Wang Lu into the truck and supported Wang Bi'an and Chen.  Qiong, threw the female zombie in the corner of the carriage, and the truck roared towards Yinjiang Town.

    Feng Zhenzhen had long seen Wang Lu's face covered in blood. At this time, Wang Lu's superpower had disappeared, and he couldn't help moaning in pain. Feng Zhenzhen took the initiative to walk to Wang Lu, squatted down, opened the medical kit, and turned on the electricity  Once you treat his wounds

    Of course, all the things stained with Wang Lu's blood were carefully put away by her, and none of them fell on the carriage /\/\ /\/\ However, in everyone's eyes, this scene seemed  I can only say that Nurse Feng is serious and meticulous in her work, and there is nothing unusual about her work.

    An hour later, Yinjiang Health Center

    When Wang Lu, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed out of the CT room by Qian Zhengang and Feng Zhenzhen, Chen Wei, Xie Ling, Wang Bi'an and Chen Qiong, who were waiting anxiously in the corridor, immediately rushed forward and asked urgently: "The test results."  How about it?"

    Beside, Feng Haiqi, Zhou Chunyu and Guan Xin also gathered around

    Qian Zhengang frowned: "Brother Wang is too ignorant. His forehead bone is cracked."

    Chen Wei had tears in her eyes: "But it requires surgery?"

    Qian Zhengang shook his head: "That's not necessary, conservative treatment can cure it, but, Brother Wang, you must not do this again next time!"

    Wang Lu smiled bitterly: "I have no choice but to do this. By the way, Qian Zhengang, is it that the congestion in the frontal lobe of my brain has increased again?"

    Qian Zhengang was a little embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said, "It's not because of this. I'm just worried about you. If you continue to harm yourself like this in the future, you can kill yourself without the zombies biting you. You know you have something underneath."  How heavy is it? There are more than one and two fractures in this bone."

    Wang Lu was startled. He heard the hidden meaning behind Qian Zhengang's words: "What? Is there something wrong with the blood clot in the frontal lobe of my brain?"

    Qian Zhengang: "There is no problem. In fact, cough, it disappeared."

    Wang Lu was startled: "What?" Then??He suddenly realized: "This is impossible! Absolutely impossible! Although there was something wrong with my use of the superpower today, the effective time of the superpower is much longer than before. This only shows that the superpower is effective. Qian Zhengang, you were not before.  Are my powers related to the congestion in the frontal lobe of my brain? If the congestion disappears, it stands to reason that my powers should also disappear."

    Qian Zhengang scratched his head: "Brother Wang, I used to be a dentist. When I first came into contact with supernatural powers, I didn't know much about it. I could only explain this weird phenomenon based on my own imagination. But now with our Yashan  The number of people with supernatural powers is increasing, and I found that supernatural powers have nothing to do with whether there is hemorrhage in the prefrontal lobe of the brain."

    Wang Lu was speechless: "How could this happen?!"

    Qian Zhengang shrugged: "That's the fact. People like Lu Kai, Qiu Weiqin and Chen Qiong don't have prefrontal lobe hemorrhage."

    Wang Lu scolded his mother: "Does that mean that I don't actually need to hit my head with a rock to activate my powers?"

    Qian Zhengang nodded: "Theoretically, that's the case, but like you, Brother Wang, I still don't know how to successfully activate your powers."

    Wang Lu was still in a daze, Chen Wei pulled him and said: "Don't worry about whether you have super powers or not. As long as you can come back safely."

    Wang Lu patted Chen Wei and said, "I'm back, but God knows if it's safe or not."

    While everyone was puzzled by Wang Lu's convoluted words, Wang Lu pointed at Wang Bi'an: "Qian Zhengang, give Wang Bi'an a good check-up. I suspect that he has special powers."

    Chen Wei's emotions were up and down. When she heard Wang Lu suddenly pointed out that Wang Bi'an had special powers, she felt dizzy and struggled and shouted: "Wang Bi'an super powers no!" Her feet went soft and she sat down on the ground.

    Everyone was shocked again. Wang Bi'an rushed to Chen Wei and supported her body, crying: "Mom, Mom, what's wrong with you? Am I not doing well? You should be happy that I have powers. You have powers."  If I can, I can live a good life in the biochemical apocalypse, and I can also help my father kill more zombies, which is a great thing."

    Chen Wei burst into tears before she could say anything. She hugged Wang Bi'an and sobbed: "Silly boy, silly boy, what's so good about this power? Look at your father, look at your sister's power. It's just a disease. When did you use the power?  , aren¡¯t you hurting yourself? God knows what kind of irreparable damage this superpower will cause to your bodies in the future. Mom, I would rather you, as an ordinary person, be a little bitter and tired. It doesn¡¯t matter. Now, no matter how scary the zombies are, they can¡¯t be as harmful as before.  When it comes to us, even if we don¡¯t use superpowers, we can still get by.¡±

    Wang Bi'an hugged his mother and didn't know what to say. Normally, his mother would urge him to train with Uncle Feng Hai and pay close attention to each subject, and he couldn't give up. But now, it was better. He clearly had the most amazing power in the biochemical apocalypse.  , but my mother said she would rather be an ordinary person.

    Wang Lu sighed and nodded to Xie Ling. Xie Ling stepped forward to help Chen Wei and persuaded in a low voice: "Sister, don't worry, let Dr. Qian check Wang Bi'an. I'm just suspicious."  "

    Chen Wei stood up with tears in her eyes, held Wang Bi'an's hand, and repeatedly told Qian Zhengang and Feng Zhenzhen to be careful during inspections and use as little radiation-containing inspection equipment as possible before handing Wang Bi'an over.

    While waiting for Wang Bi'an to check his body, Wang Lu told the story of how he was in the zombie pile and saw the female zombie holding Wang Bi'an and Chen Qiong in his arms. Chen Qiong also added how Wang Bi'an and himself were among the zombies.  Everything that survived was explained one by one.

    The more everyone listened, the more confused they became.

    Chen Wei wiped her tears and said, "That's not right. Wang Bi'an has never been sick since the end of the biochemical world. He has never even had a cough. He has never been infected with a secondary biochemical virus. How come he has superpowers?"

    Feng Haiqi shook his head: "It's hard to say. Superpowers don't have to be infected with the secondary biochemical virus. Qiu Weiqin has never been infected with the secondary biochemical virus. According to her, it was after being inadvertently exposed to high-voltage electricity.  , only to realize that I am different from ordinary people.¡±

    Zhou Chunyu said: "Yes, our Litou also has the ability to get along with zombie dogs, and she has not been infected with secondary biochemical viruses."

    Guan Xin touched his chin and said: "I don't think this is a supernatural power. It's probably because of the smell on Wang Bi'an's body that confused the zombie. In the past, we used to smear the zombie's internal organs and corpse liquid on our bodies to deceive the zombies into being the same kind."

    Chen Qiong said carefully from the side: "That's not the case. I can sense that the female zombie regards Wang Bi'an as its own child. It's not a wrong smell."

    Xie Ling murmured: "There is a precedent for female beasts who have lost their cubs to raise the children of other animals as their own. Wasn't there a news in the past about a tigress feeding piglets as tiger cubs? Ancient Rome  There is also a legend that a she-wolf raised the founder of the city of Rome.¡±

    Chen Wei shook her head: "Impossible, zombies are simply moving corpses. They understandWhat is maternal love?  It is absolutely impossible for these guys who can eat people alive to protect Wang Bi'an out of love."

    Everyone was arguing in low voices when the door of the examination room opened and Wang Bi'an walked out with a smile and said: "Mom, I'm fine. Uncle Qian said that I'm feeling great all over and there's nothing wrong with me at all."

    Chen Wei exclaimed in disbelief and hurriedly greeted Qian Zhengang and Feng Zhenzhen who were leaving the house: "Doctor Qian, is what Wang Bi'an said true?"

    Qian Zhengang nodded: "Yes, I even did a CT scan on Wang Bi'an, but I didn't find anything abnormal in his frontal lobe."

    Chen Wei smiled with joy: "Thank God, it would be fine if I didn't have super powers, it would be fine if I didn't have super powers."

    Wang Lu still remained calm. There was no abnormality in the prefrontal lobe of Wang Bi'an's brain, which didn't mean anything. Even his own congestion disappeared, which meant that he had super powers. It had nothing to do with the bullshit prefrontal lobe.

    Wang Lu said: "Honey, wait a minute. Whether Wang Bi'an has any special powers or not, we need to confirm again. Only by finding out the truth can we truly be responsible for the child."

    Before Chen Wei could object, Wang Lu said to Feng Haiqi: "Old Feng, bring that zombie up."

    Feng Haiqi nodded and motioned for Zhou Chunyu to go with him. After a while, the two of them returned to the hospital corridor carrying a roaring and jumping zombie.

    Wang Lu pointed at the zombie and said, "That's the zombie. I saw it with my own eyes. Not only did it not eat Wang Bi'an and Chen Qiong among the zombies, it also protected them."

    Chen Wei looked at the female zombie in confusion. Facing so many strangers in the hospital, the female zombie was going crazy. Although she was tied up and wearing a helmet, she was still struggling and roaring. It was nothing like the ferocity and ferocity of ordinary zombies.  Both

    Wang Lu nodded to Wang Bian: "Go and make it quiet."

    Wang Bi'an nodded and walked towards the female zombie. Although he knew that the zombie was wearing a helmet and tied behind his back and could not hurt Wang Bi'an, Chen Wei couldn't help but exclaimed in low voice.

    Wang Bi'an turned his head and said: "Mom, don't worry, it won't hurt me. Really, look." He stretched out and took the female zombie's arm.

    Chen Wei screamed again and couldn't help but cover her mouth. She saw that after Wang Bi'an took the female zombie's arm, the female zombie suddenly became quiet and took the initiative to lean towards Wang Bi'an.

    Wang Bi'an was also bold. He took off the zombie's helmet while muttering: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I'll be by your side."

    As soon as the zombie saw Wang Bi'an, he immediately poked his head toward him - Wang Bi'an was almost as tall as Chen Wei. The female zombie was not tall. When she poked her head over, she was almost as tall as Wang Bi'an. The female zombie  She leaned her head over, but instead of eating Wang Bi'an, she pressed it against his forehead and rubbed it gently.

    It¡¯s like Chen Wei used to play intimately with Wang Bi¡¯an when he was young

    Chen Wei¡¯s mouth was half-opened, and even her breathing was stagnant

    In fact, it was not just Chen Wei, except Chen Qiong and Wang Lu, everyone present was stunned.

    Wang Bi'an raised his head and patted the female zombie on the head, and said to the shocked people: "How's it going? You've all seen it, I told you it's fine and it's good for me. Even if I untie the rope, it won't do it."  Something's wrong." He said and went to untie the rope.

    "Stop!" "Don't!" "Silly boy, don't mess around!" Everyone stopped Wang Bi'an's reckless behavior.

    Chen Wei jumped over, grabbed Wang Bi'an, took a few steps back, and pulled him away from the female zombie: "You kid, are you trying to scare your mother to death?"

    The female zombie suddenly had her "son" snatched away by Chen Wei. She immediately became angry and bumped into her head. She opened her mouth and bit Chen Wei.

    Wang Lu raised his leg and kicked the female zombie to the ground. He picked up the helmet again and put it on its head. Wang Bi'an was pulled tightly by Chen Wei and could only say: "Dad, please be gentle, you don't need it."  It¡¯s just worried about me.¡±

    Chen Wei slapped Wang Bi'an: "You silly boy, what do zombies know? I'm still worried about you. It's my mother who's worried about you." She glanced at the female zombie who was still struggling on the ground, and moved Wang Bi'an towards her again.  After a while, he said, "Stay away from this disgusting thing."

    Wang Bi'an called out in a long voice: "Mom, no matter what, we were in a pile of zombies, but it saved my sister and me."

    Wang Lu didn¡¯t care about the small dispute between Chen Wei, Wang Bi¡¯an and the female zombie. He looked at Feng Haiqi: ¡°Old Feng, what do you think?¡±

    Feng Haiqi touched his chin: "We need more samples." He turned and asked Feng Zhenzhen: "Nurse Feng, are there any living zombies in the anatomy practice room on the first floor?"

    Feng Zhenzhen nodded: "Yes"

    Feng Haiqi said: "Catch a few and bring them up, both male and female." He tilted his head at Guan Xinyi: "You go""Nurse Feng please"

    After a while, four living zombies were brought up by Feng Zhenzhen and Guan Xin. Chen Wei had a bad feeling, so she hugged Wang Bi'an in her arms: "Wang Lu, what do you want to do? Don't mess around."

    Wang Lu sighed: "Honey, if I don't understand this matter, how can I feel relieved?"

    Wang Bi'an vaguely understood what Wang Lu meant. To be honest, he really hoped that he would have special powers. He broke away from Chen Wei and said excitedly: "Dad, do you want to do an experiment?"

    Wang Lu nodded: "Are you afraid?"

    Wang Bi'an smiled and said: "It's not like I haven't killed zombies before. As long as I have a screwdriver, I can protect myself."

    Wang Lu smiled and said, "It's impossible for you to take such a big risk." He gestured to Zhou Chunyu.

    Zhou Chunyu understood what he knew. He walked up to the zombie and kicked a male zombie to the ground. He took out the axe, turned it over the back of the axe, and made a continuous cracking sound. He first smashed the zombie's ten fingers, and then turned the ax handle upside down.  , stabbed the zombie in the mouth, and forcefully knocked out the zombie's teeth. Then he raised his feet and nodded to Wang Bi'an: "It's up to you."

    Wang Bi'an took a deep breath, walked to the zombie who was struggling to get up from the ground, stood firm, and opened his arms: "Come on."

    The zombie rushed over, hugged Wang Bi'an's thigh, and screamed

    Even though she knew that the zombies had no teeth, Chen Wei still screamed in fear next to her

    Wang Bi'an kicked over the zombie that was nibbling on his pants in vain, and said with a grimace: "Dad, this zombie is a male. My superpower seems to only work on female zombies. In the zombie group, those males  Zombies will also rush up to bite me, but they are all blocked by it." As he said this, he stretched out his finger to the female zombie whose back was stepped on by Guan Xin. The female zombie was struggling to crawl towards Wang Bi'an, and also towards the male zombie who had just bitten Wang Bi'an.  The ranting is to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.

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