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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Happy life in the biochemical apocalypse

Text Chapter 542 Scorched Earth and Doomsday

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    The commander of the second company must rescue the little girl before the zombies.

    "Quick! Quick! Quick!" I silently cheered the commander of the second company, and the commander ordered: "Aim at the zombies at the rear and prepare to shoot."

    The commander of the second company ran very fast. When he saw soldiers coming to rescue her, the little girl also speeded up.

    I saw the burly figure of the second company commander meet the girl. He leaned over, opened his arms, picked up the girl, held her tightly in his arms, turned around and ran towards the defense line.

    I just cheered for a while and immediately screamed: "No! She is a zombie!"

    She is a zombie, that little girl is a zombie!

    When the second company commander hugged her and turned around and ran towards the defense line, we all saw it. There was a big bloody hole in the little girl's back. Even an adult with such a hole in his back would have been dead long ago.  .

    The commander of the second company faced the little girl and held her - no, it was him - without seeing the hole at all.

    There were chaotic roars on the radio: "Company Commander! Put it down, put it down, it's a zombie!"

    However, it was too late. The little girl zombie leaned in the arms of the second company commander, just like a daughter in her father's arms. It opened its small mouth and bit the second company commander's neck.

    The commander of the second company threw the little girl in his arms to the ground. The little girl rolled on the ground with blood on her face, got up and rushed towards the commander of the second company again.  The commander of the second company pulled out his Type 92 pistol and shot the little girl in the head.

    The commander of the second company covered the wound on his neck that was constantly spurting blood, and looked up at us.  He turned around and rushed towards the zombies rushing towards him from behind.

    Boom, boom, boom, the firing sound of the Type 92 pistol sounded monotonously, and a zombie fell. However, it was just a stone falling into the sea, and it did not even splash the waves. The second company commander quickly fired all his bullets.  , he raised his hand and threw the pistol at a zombie facing him.  The pistol hit the zombie's face, and then the bullet fell to the ground. The hit zombie did not pause for a moment. It just jumped on the second company commander. The second company commander fell to the ground, and more zombies rushed up, almost  In an instant, the military uniform of the second company commander disappeared under the zombies.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I pressed the fire button.

    A flower of metal and air waves exploded where the second company commander fell.

    Type 99 tank, 40 rounds of artillery shells, 1 artillery-launched missile, 3,000 rounds of 7.62mm parallel machine gun rounds, and 500 rounds of 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun rounds.

    There is plenty of ammunition.

    However, these murderous weapons created by human large-scale industry.  In front of the zombies, he seemed so powerless.

    A little kid peeing on a swarm of ants is more powerful than a Type 99 tank's guns hitting a swarm of zombies.

    The grenade exploded among the zombies, and the hot metal fragments knocked down the zombies in pieces, and the remaining body parts and pieces of flesh were flying all over the sky.  However, except for the zombie who was hit in the head by shrapnel, the other zombies moved and continued to move forward.

    Tungsten alloy fin-stabilized discarding sabots, fin-stabilized discarding sabots, and special alloy armor-piercing bullets were originally designed to deal with heavy targets, and their killing effect on skirmishers is far less effective than grenades.

    In comparison, the 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun has the best flat shooting effect.  Amidst the bursts of clicking sounds, the bullets as thick as an arm can even sweep through the first few rows of zombies like toothpicks.

    However, there is still too little ammunition. Even if the ammunition is fully fired, a Type 99 tank can kill thousands of zombies. However, how many zombies are in front of us?  I don¡¯t know, anyway, all the black things in the scope are zombies.

    Tens of thousands?  Hundreds of thousands?  Or hundreds of thousands?

    Type 99.  The ammunition thrown by the Iron Knight was like pebbles thrown into the swamp, splashing a little mud, and then disappeared without a trace.

    I suddenly remembered the strange smile that Chief of Staff Yang Xu had on his face when he passed our defense line. At the time, I couldn't understand the meaning of that smile, but now I know that it was a deep feeling of powerlessness.

    He is right, all our war methods are useless in front of zombies.

    Suddenly, a scream came from the radio: "Behind! Behind! They are coming up from behind!"

    The zombies surrounded the entire overpass. They surrounded us from behind. Some comrades turned their anti-aircraft machine guns to shoot. However, the zombies were too close. Although the comrades hurriedly switched to Type 95 automatic rifles,  The lethality is even weaker.

    The comrades got into the tank one after another and closed the hatch cover.

    Use parallel machine guns to shoot at the zombies who are trying to climb.

    I soon discovered that the zombies were very clumsy. They tried in vain to climb up the tank, but they couldn't climb up at all.

    The comrades also noticed this. They opened the hatch cover again and used high-speedThe machine guns, Type 95, and Type 92 took turns shooting at the zombies around the car.

    Because of the short distance, the shooting effect of this round is even better than that of artillery shells.

    But it was just okay. In front of our defense line, the black zombies were as dense as marching ants. It was impossible to see the end at a glance. "We have no ammunition!" a comrade called.  "We don't have any left either!" "Only artillery-launched missiles are left!" "I called for ammunition supplies, but there was no response!"

    Someone finally asked: "What should we do? We can't just wait here to die, right?"

    "What are you doing? Do you want to be a deserter?"

    "Fart, I just don't want to sit and wait to die!"

    "Press them with tanks and crush them to death!"

    "What should we do if we run out of oil? There wasn't much diesel left during last night's forced march! A tank without oil has become our living coffin!"

    ¡°Blow up the bridge!¡± a comrade shouted.

    In fact, everyone knows, what is the use of blowing up the bridge?  Zombies can still pass under the bridge.

    But the black mass of zombies in front of the tank was really mind-numbing. When a zombie truck drove towards us, the soldiers who had already shot all the ammunition were worried that the truck would hit the tank, so they had to detonate it under the bridge.  of**.

    Boom, the consecutive sound of the engineering arranged, the entire bridge deck in front of the line of defense collapsed, and the smoke and dust rushed to the sky.

    After the smoke and dust dissipated.  A huge gap appeared in front of the defense line, and a large group of zombies stood on the opposite bridge, roaring at us.  Miraculously, only the two front wheels of the truck were hanging on the edge of the broken bridge. The zombie driving the truck fell from the door that was blown open by the air wave and fell under the bridge, but the truck was still intact.

    There were still some zombies surrounding us, which came from under the bridge, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Some comrades started their tanks and crushed them back and forth, barely clearing away all the zombies near the defense line.

    but.  Staying where you are is not a good idea.

    There has to be a way out.

    The comrades kept calling the combat headquarters, but the headquarters remained silent. When they contacted the fraternal units, what came out were scattered shouts and the sound of gunfire. The replies that came were even more confusing. Some comrades said that everyone in the division headquarters was completely silent.  All dead.  Some people said that the division commander had mutated into a zombie, and others said that they saw all the division officers escaping in helicopters. Naturally, this statement attracted a lot of scolding - we are a Category A armored division, not Army Aviation, where did the helicopters come from?

    But one thing is common.  Soon after the war began, the various units of our division fell into a dilemma of insufficient ammunition and no logistical support.

    I can¡¯t even drink saliva.

    Some comrades are stationed near a supermarket, but no one dares to get out of the car and leave the protection of the steel body - the supermarket is full of zombies.

    ¡°Misfortune never comes alone.  At this moment, screams came from the radio from time to time - there are still some infected people lurking among us, they have mutated, and they are rushing towards their comrades.

    In the narrow chariot, it is even impossible to dodge.  Bad news came one after another. Three people in a certain class were bitten. The platoon leader of a certain platoon mutated and was shot dead by his brothers. Many comrades who were suspected of being infected were tied up.

    We have even fewer manpower, and fear, suspicion, and uneasiness are permeating among our comrades.

    No one dares to trust anyone easily.  A cough will draw several guns pointed at you.

    In the midst of despair, the screen in the car flashed and an order was issued:


    Then there are four words: "Each one fights"

    Then, the screen on the console dimmed, and no matter how many calls were made, there was no response.

    I don¡¯t know who from the division issued this final order before dying or turning into a zombie.

    Being able to leave this city of death did not excite the soldiers.

    Go there?

    Where to go?

    Where is it safe?

    Nowhere on this land is safe anymore.

    Even with full fuel, the Type 99 can only run more than 450 kilometers. What next?  Sitting in the car waiting to die?

    A soldier hesitated and said: "The deputy chief of staff of the 38th Army, Yang Xu, said when he passed our defense line that he would temporarily take the people to the Shijingshan area, where there is one of their logistics supply points. Otherwise, we can go too.  Over there, right?"

    It seems that this is the only way out.

    The diesel engine roars again, the comrades are about to leave, yes, since they are leaving, but we - me, the commander, the driver and our tank will stay.

    Because I??We don¡¯t want to harm our comrades.

    I can feel that the inside of my body is rotting, smelling, and mutating.

    The commander was already lying on the console, motionless.

    The driver was playing with the Type 92 pistol. When he looked up at me, I saw black liquid flowing out of the corners of his eyes.

    Our doomsday has come.

    The call from our comrades came from the radio, calling us to leave together.

    I turned off the radio.

    Without hearing our reply, the comrades seemed to understand what was happening in our silent tank.

    "Similar scenes have happened too many times in the division's troops.

    A whole truckload of soldiers turned into zombies.

    The tanks roared, one after another leaving the overpass.

    I don¡¯t know how many of my comrades can survive to reach that supply point, and even if they are found, how long they can survive.

    I stuffed the last gun-launched missile into the barrel.

    The pilot coughed and murmured: "We closed the hatch cover too early, and the bullets of the anti-aircraft machine gun were all wasted."

    I was about to use the last remaining oil to crush the zombies, when my throat became fishy and a large mouthful of blood spurted out - no, that was not blood, but rotten and smelly internal organs and liquid.

    "It's too late." I murmured.

    As soon as the driver raised his hand, a gunshot rang out in the closed tank.

    A stream of brain mixed with broken bones splashed on my face.

    The commander just got up from the console and wanted to pounce on me.  He was shot to death by the driver.

    The commander has mutated.

    The driver raised his gun and said, "I'm going to go first." He put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

    My eyes went black for a while, and bloodthirsty impulses tried to take over my body and control my brain.

    I struggled to pry the gun from the driver¡¯s hand and stuffed it into my mouth without even wiping it.

    The cold barrel hit his teeth, making a hard scraping sound.

    I close my eyes.

    But it opened again.

    I put down the gun, sat back in front of the console, and leaned over the scope - I wanted to shoot out the last gun-launched missile.

    Kill one more zombie.  Those who are still alive have more hope of survival.

    I pressed the launch button.

    ¡­"To be precise, he did not press the launch button, because at that moment, the biochemical virus completely infected him, and he became a voter." Wang Lu said.

    Mu Yuan has not yet woken up from Wang Lu's story about "a tank soldier's 24 hours of biochemical apocalypse".  Several crisp claps sounded from the other side of the drainage channel.

    "Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful. I have never seen any messenger who can tell so wonderfully the memories that are like a mess in the minds of voters."

    Mu Yuan shined the flashlight in the direction of the sound, where a figure wearing a bloated cotton jacket flashed out from the other end of the pipe.

    Wang Lu was not surprised.  He raised his hand: "Hello, girl, thank you for your compliment. The story just now was made laughable with a little bit of artistic processing on my part."

    From the other end of the pipe came a female messenger, hunched over.  Her hair was stuffed into a cotton hat, and the length could not be seen. She was a little petite, but her nose was quite high. The female messenger said cheerfully: "You must be Wang Lu, the prophet from the south, right? I have heard of your name before.  Recently, we have rarely seen our friends who went north. When I heard Xu Jie - oh. He is the one who took you into the drainage pipe. He has a bit of a short temper, but he is not a bad person. You can get along with him.  As time went by, I came to understand - I heard that a few new friends had arrived in the suburbs, and I guessed that it might be you. The name of a person is the shadow of a tree. Even before you came, this famous name has already spread to us.  Yes. I just heard you tell the story about the tank soldier. He is indeed well-deserved. It feels a bit like watching a blockbuster."

    Wang Lu nodded: "Actually, this girl doesn't need to explain. I have already sensed Xu Jie's kindness from his brain waves. As you said, he has a sharp mouth and a soft heart. I wonder what I call this girl?"

    "My name is Huang Yinfeng." The female messenger said, "Follow me, it's not safe here."

    Wang Lu followed her lead and immediately ordered her zombies to follow her, following Huang Yinfeng, and Mu Yuan followed closely.

    Huang Yinfeng and Wang Lu were walking in front. She looked back at Mu Yuan and said to Wang Lu, "Your blood servants are really well raised."

    This was not the first time Wang Lu heard the term blood servant. On her way north, she raised old slaves.Killing humans in order to obtain their endless blood is a method used by more and more intelligent zombies.

    Huang Yinfeng said: "We have also raised some blood servants, but you know, blood servants are too difficult to take care of. Deteriorated food, lack of fresh air, and dirty drinking water will affect their blood production. We have been interrupted here for a while.  The blood supply of the fortress is too fierce. During the day, they are almost completely under their control. It is impossible to rely on the voters alone. Without our control, they are not much smarter than pigs. It is becoming more and more difficult to collect food.  , the fortress would rather blow up the warehouse to pieces than let a grain of food fall into our hands."

    Wang Lu listened to Huang Yinfeng's fluent speech, looked at her dull but normal expression, sensed her brain waves, and saw that her IQ was extremely high, not much different from her own, but she was so smart.  The messenger was suppressed and beaten by the old humans in the fortress.

    It seems that Chief of Staff Yang Xu of the 38th Army in the memory of the tank soldier zombie, with a group of ordinary people and defeated soldiers, really found a way to survive.

    Not only did they build a fortress, they even figured out a set of effective old-human combat methods against the voters and messengers, suppressing the voters and messengers in the capital, so that they could only operate underground during the day.

    Wang Lu meditated while following Huang Yinfeng, twisting and turning, only knowing that the drainage channel was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, Huang Yinfeng stood in front of the door, and she said: "We're here."

    The door opened, Wang Lu narrowed her eyes, it was the subway.

    I am standing in a subway tunnel.

    The tunnel was crowded with voters. They smelled the stranger's breath on Mu Yuan's body, and they started to commotion. Huang Yinfeng shouted sharply: "Quiet! Get out of the way, don't block the road."

    Under the impact of her brainwaves, the voters facing her gave way one after another, but more voters were squeezing in a hundred meters away. Huang Yinfeng was a little annoyed. They were out of the range of her brainwave induction. The voters were not under control because the tunnel  There were so many voters here that Huang Yinfeng stumbled and fell to the ground under the mindless crowding.

    Stretching her arm over, Wang Lu helped her up: "Be careful."

    Then, a thought far beyond the power of Huang Yinfeng's brain waves spread, calming the restless voters.

    Wang Lu¡¯s sensing range is no larger than Huang Yinfeng¡¯s, 100 meters, which seems to be the limit of the control range of a single messenger¡¯s brain waves, but the frequency of his brain waves is obviously much higher than that of Huang Yinfeng, and the voters are more obedient.

    Huang Yinfeng stood up, thanked Wang Lu, and then sighed: "Because we haven't eaten blood for a long time, our brain waves have become weaker and weaker. Although we have been eating canned meat, the effect is far away."  Not as good as fresh blood food." She glanced at Mu Yuan again: "I envy you, you have such a healthy blood servant." She couldn't help but stick out her tongue and lick the corner of her mouth.

    Wang Lu suddenly said: "His name is Mu Yuan, he is not my blood servant."

    Huang Yinfeng was startled: "What did you say?" she asked in disbelief.

    Wang Lu said calmly: "Mu Yuan is not my blood servant, he is my companion and my friend."!  ~!

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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