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Text Chapter 511 The Pretty Nurse in the Health Center

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    At the same time, Xie Ling and Feng Shiqi were asking Feng Zhenzhen: "Sister Zhenzhen, what kind of job do you want to do?"

    Feng Zhenzhen was a little confused: "Work? What is that?"

    Feng Shiqi said: "We in Yashan are divided into several departments, including the Ministry of Armed Forces, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Electric Power, Ministry of Machinery, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and now we have an additional Finance Department. ([] ) And you  Zhu Yazhen and Wang Bomin, who are also here, joined various departments last night based on their own skills and preferences, and now you are the only one left."

    Feng Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment. She understood the departments Feng Shiqi mentioned individually, but when they were put together, she didn't understand their respective uses. She asked for a trick: "The two sisters are  What department do you work in?"

    Feng Shiqi said: "I'm following Director Li Bo from the Mechanical Department to do some things. Xie Ling is just messing around everywhere."

    Xie Ling snorted and said: "I just think it's too redundant to divide into different departments. When my brother and I were running Yashan, there was no such troublesome division of labor. We had to do all the work ourselves. I would rather go to the Armed Forces Department  , your father refused to agree to take me in."

    Feng Shiqi said to Feng Zhenzhen: "Sister Zhenzhen, why don't you go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs? That department is basically filled with women."

    Feng Zhenzhen shook his head subconsciously. It was not a good thing to have too many people. There were too many places where he could not see the light.

    Xie Ling said: "Then what did you do before?"

    Feng Zhenzhen had long guessed that someone would ask her this question sooner or later. She said calmly: "What did I study before? What does it have to do with what we are going to do now?"

    Xie Ling nodded sympathetically, yes, her previous major was advanced mathematics, and now she still has to do masonry?

    Feng Shiqi glanced at Feng Zhenzhen's slender fingers and said with a smile: "I'm afraid Sister Zhenzhen can't use bad words. I think you should go to the health center. Dr. Qian Zhengang is trying to recruit some nurses.  This job requires carefulness and skill, and I think you are the best fit. In this clean and tidy health center, you are wearing a snow-white nurse uniform, giving injections and giving medicines, and you look like an angel in white."

    Feng Zhenzhen's heart moved. For some reason, the words doctor and nurse made her feel good about them. She blurted out: "Okay, I'll be a nurse."

    Half an hour later.  Health center.

    "You want to be a nurse?" Qian Zhengang looked up and down at Feng Zhenzhen in front of him.  ¡°Do you have any previous nursing experience?¡±

    Feng Zhenzhen said straightforwardly: "I can learn."

    Qian Zhengang didn't hesitate and threw a thick book over: "This is a basic nursing textbook. Take a good look at it. I will take you to dissect a zombie in the afternoon. If you can hold back from vomiting,  , you are the nurse of the health center."

    Feng Shiqi, who came with Feng Zhenzhen next to her, said: "Dr. Qian. Not long ago, you were complaining about the lack of manpower in the health center. Today, such a beautiful woman took the initiative to sign up, and you are showing off." To be honest.  , there are many people in Yashan who have studied anatomy and battlefield rescue, except Zheng Jiayan.  Almost no one takes the initiative to sign up and want to study medicine. Firstly, medical skills cannot be learned in a day or two. Secondly, no one can stand dissecting rotting zombies every day. It is very refreshing to chop off the heads of zombies, but open the abdomen of zombies.  Check the internal organs carefully.  Then stuff it back one by one, and finally sew the incision carefully. During the whole process, the living zombie lying on the autopsy bed keeps twisting and roaring at you. It is really disgusting.

    Qian Zhengang said calmly: "Does a person's beauty or not have anything to do with his or her medical skills?"

    Feng Shiqi knew that Qian Zhengang had always been like this, so she was not annoyed and said to Feng Zhenzhen: "Sister Zhenzhen, if Dr. Qian doesn't want you, you can come with me to the Mechanical Department. Minister Li Bo of our Mechanical Department is  He is a good old man and has a good temper."

    Feng Zhenzhen smiled lightly: "I like being here in the Ministry of Health." This was not because Feng Zhenzhen was trying to please Qian Zhengang, but because the smell of disinfectant in the health center made her feel very friendly.

    She really likes it here.

    After saying goodbye to Feng Shiqi, Feng Zhenzhen didn't say much. He held the book given by Qian Zhengang and sat down to read it carefully.

    Apart from taking care of his zombie mother, Qian Zhengang had nothing else to do. He spent the rest of his time reading medical books. For a while, the office was extremely quiet, except for the slight sound of the two turning pages.  Another voice.

    It was almost noon, Qian Zhengang had already fallen in love with Feng Zhenzhen.  Yes, he fell in love with her.

    If nothing else, Qian Zhengang admires a person who can read boring medical books seriously.

    After half a day, Qian Zhengang got himself a glass of water, went to the toilet, farted, coughed a few times, and stretched a few times.

      But the woman named Feng Zhenzhen opposite her kept her elegant sitting posture and quietly read a book until now.

    This patience and calmness alone are amazing.

    What medical staff need most is this extraordinary patience and carefulness. Many medical accidents are caused by carelessness and irresponsibility. There are not many real medical diagnosis and treatment errors.

    The health center run by Qian Zhengang only has Zheng Jiayan, a part-time apprentice. It is not because no one wants to enter the health center. Among the newcomers, it is not that no one is interested in the decent job of a doctor and swears that he  He wanted to study medicine, but Qian Zhengang rejected all such people - he did not want the health center he ran to be as greedy as the medical institutions before the end of the world.

    Here, at least in Qian Zhengang¡¯s territory, doctors must use medical ethics as the criterion for all actions. People with utilitarian ideas should not enter this door.

    Qian Zhengang is very satisfied with Feng Zhenzhen's rare calmness and indifference.

    Qian Zhengang put down the book in his hand and walked up to Feng Zhenzhen: "Can you still understand the content in the book?"

    Feng Zhenzhen said: "I understand." It was a very simple sentence.

    Qian Zhengang flipped through what Feng Zhenzhen had read, and selected part of the third chapter "Nursing Theory" for Feng Zhenzhen to explain. What Qian Zhengang didn't expect was that Feng Zhenzhen didn't even read the book, and just opened his mouth and gave the standard answer.  Memorize it.

    Qian Zhengang was very surprised. To be honest, this part of the content was not very deep, but some professional concepts were relatively boring. Feng Zhenzhen could recite it in one go, which showed that she really took it seriously.  ¡ª¡ªQian Zhengang didn¡¯t know that Feng Zhenzhen¡¯s brainwaves were powerful and her memory ability was amazing. Her memory was picture memory, which is commonly known as photographic memory.  As long as she is given enough time, she can memorize the entire book.

    Qian Zhengang put the book on the table: "Follow me."

    Feng Zhenzhen followed Qian Zhengang all the way to the injection hall on the first floor.

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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