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Text Chapter 477: Attack on Military Rest House

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    Yu Minghai sighed again: "If you don't mind my verbosity, I will tell you about what happened to me during the days when the biochemical crisis broke out."

    "After I retired, I lived in the compound of the rest house assigned by the army. Although I was a major general, I was not considered a high official among the old retired cadres in Yonggang City. Our fleet commander also lived in the same place after his retirement.  In the rest home, it¡¯s just because I usually like painting, so even though I¡¯m retired, I still have a lot of daily activities. I often go around with some friends in the calligraphy and painting circles to collect ideas and create works.¡±

    "That day I came back from Ninghai. When I got home, my wife hurriedly came to me and asked me if I knew about the recent rumors about an infectious disease. I heard that people infected with this disease would bite like a mad dog. My wife said  , this rumor suddenly spread within a couple of days."

    "I sneer at this. We veterans from the army don't believe in social rumors. Today's Internet, mobile phones and Weibo are rumor makers, and all kinds of messy things will be spread. Before this, I saw the Central Committee's  The document sent to department-level cadres shows that this year because of rumors about the end of the world for the Mayans, many bad elements in society have taken advantage of this to cause trouble and spread rumors that affect social stability. I told my wife not to believe these things."

    "After returning to the study, I sorted out the photos I took during the interview, and then I discovered that my computer at home couldn't connect to the Internet for some reason. Because there had been network failures before, I thought about reporting it to my comrades outside the logistics department tomorrow."

    "At this time, the nanny who went out to buy groceries came back. She looked panicked and said that there were several fights in the market and blood was coming out. My husband panicked and said it was an infectious disease and forced me to look at it quickly.  Look, have any documents from the central government been handed down? There are confidential documents handed down from my study on a regular basis, but my wife is not in the army. Our family rules involve state secrets, and you can¡¯t ask about things that shouldn¡¯t be asked. My  The study was locked. My wife never saw the relevant documents. To reassure my wife, I went to the study to look for it, but there were no documents at all. After thinking about it, I gave it to a current chief of my old army¡ª¡ª  My former subordinate made a call, but I soon discovered that the ordinary home phone could not be reached at all, and only the confidential line still worked. My old subordinate and I talked for a few words on the phone.  A soldier hurriedly walked in and said that there was a notice to move all the veteran cadres in the compound."

    "Only then did I believe that something was really wrong. The transfer of veteran cadres in the compound was an emergency measure that was only arranged during war times. I quickly asked the young soldier what had happened, but the soldier told me that he was not there either.  I don¡¯t know, but this order was issued by the Security Office of the Fleet Headquarters. The Security Office has arranged a vehicle to pick us up.¡±

    "My wife wanted to pack her things. I stopped her. If a war really breaks out, the East China Sea frontline will definitely be the first to be hit. Such jars and jars are of no use. Our army is holding on. Our homeland can naturally be rebuilt. If  Unable to defend - Hey, I don't believe that any invader can defeat us with the soldiers brought out by my old man. Yes, we will suffer heavy losses, but the invaders will not be much better. As for Ningbo  Landing in the port city is even more of a dream. Yonggang City is one of the best deep-water harbors in the world. Ships of 10,000 tons can enter and exit freely. We have already had a plan. If a big country wants to invade China, the possibility of landing in Yonggang City is more than  It is even higher in Shanghai. The relevant combat plans have been prepared long ago. Once the war breaks out, the opponent will definitely be beaten to death! Even if the opponent recruits a group of servants, we are not afraid."

    "I took my wife and staff to the lawn of the compound. The veteran cadres had almost arrived. We are all soldiers. Naturally, we knew that there was no room for sloppiness at this time, because the vehicles had not arrived yet. Everyone  We were debating what happened. I found that although I was away for a few days because I was out collecting news, the old comrades at home were not very well informed."

    "Some people say that we have been attacked by the other side. The evidence is that the communication network has been interfered with. There are problems with the ultra-large-scale telephone, mobile phone, and computer networks. Only the military communication network with strong anti-interference ability is still functioning."

    "But his words were immediately refuted. Although we are divorced, we are still paying attention to foreign military developments. If there is really an invasion by a big country, then the first step is definitely not to attack civilian communication networks, because that is  To alert the enemy, the first ones to be hit will definitely be the radars and communication stations at the forefront. By the time the opponent has time to interfere with civilian communications, the cruise missiles will have already exploded above our heads."

    "We old men are closely related to the army. Although there are confidentiality requirements and disciplines, some people still revealed that they had called old comrades in the army, but no one had a definite answer. Some people said that the military hospital  I have received notices requiring observation for sudden infectious diseases, but similar noticesThis notice will be issued during the peak season of infectious diseases every year. The only difference is that there was a notice requiring the retention of blood samples from fever patients.  But because the notice didn't say where the funds came from, the people below didn't take it seriously and just collected a few blood samples and called it a day.  Some people say that front-line radar troops have discovered unidentified flying objects - but this doesn't mean anything. First, several countries conduct regular close-in reconnaissance of our country. Second, sometimes a flying bird will also fly under the radar.  Excessive radar records are recorded, and there are many records of such UFOs every week.  If there really is a war, the flying objects cannot be UFOs-everyone has its origin and its origin.  "

    "Although everyone is talking about it in a nonsensical way, there is actually one thing that everyone is recognized for, that is, something must have happened, something big. Otherwise, the Security Department would not have suddenly ordered the transfer of us old immortals."

    "Xiao Yu, what news do you have there?" Someone asked Yu Minghai. Although Yu Minghai is over 60 years old, in front of these old leaders, in terms of seniority, he is really "Xiao Yu".

    Yu Minghai knew that he was asking what was going on with the aviation force. Compared with the fleet, the aviation force's warning radar function was more powerful.  Observation distance is further.

    Before Yu Minghai went out, he just called his old subordinates. He said: "There were intensive takeoffs there in a short period of time, and the radio calls also skyrocketed."

    Retired cadres of the East China Sea Fleet all know where "there" Yu Minghai mentioned is. On the East China Sea line, no, it should be said that in the direction of the Pacific Ocean, the only thing that can pose a threat to the country and North Korea is "there" - Naha.  Others, such as the Monkey Country and the Maid Country, are all dishes that cannot be served on the table. If they dare to make a move.  The South China Sea Fleet alone can defeat them every second.

    "However, "over there" is different. After all, the Bald Eagle has been pulling the strings. The Basin Country has worked hard to build it for decades, and it still has considerable striking power. If we really want to take action, "over there" will definitely be the base of advance.

    So when they heard that there was intensive action "over there", several old guys became nervous, but Yu Minghai's next sentence made them startled: "But the direction of flight is not the mainland. It is the outer Pacific Ocean." As he said this,  , Yu Ming posted a rough latitude and longitude.

    The people present were all Lao Haizi, and they understood the coordinates after a little thought. One of them, an old leader in his 70s, slapped his knee: "What are you doing there? There's not even an island there." No wonder he was familiar with it.  The navy of China and North Korea has conducted ocean-going training every year in recent years, although the Pacific Ocean is not as familiar as the East China Sea.  But it is not unfamiliar. The old leader has personally commanded the fleet to pass that coordinate point several times. There is indeed nothing there except a sea.

    "Did there be an accident? A nuclear submarine or something?" someone asked.

    It¡¯s hard to say. Someone from the fleet said: ¡°This is really going to happen. It¡¯s not enough to move planes, we have to move ships. Who has any news about this?¡±

    Everyone shook their heads, and someone muttered: "Whether there are ships moving at the port depends on the satellite. I can't see the latest picture. Besides, our Ministry of Agriculture's satellite has just passed 'there' at this point.  It will take some time for the photos to be downloaded and mapped.¡±

    At this moment, the sentry at the door of the dormitory compound suddenly shouted: "Hey, that car, that car, what about you? What's going on? Stop the car! Stop the car!"

    The old soldiers turned to look.  But I saw a social vehicle driving crookedly towards the sentry station. The sentry warned loudly several times, but the car still drove over slowly. With a clatter, the sentry loaded his gun and took aim.  posture and yelled: "Stop the car immediately!"

    Veteran soldiers all know that this is the sentry trying to scare the driver. The country has been at peace for decades. How could the sentry at the entrance to the dormitory carry bullets, especially after the gangsters in the society suddenly snatched the sentry's gun in the past few years?  , the response of the troops was not to strengthen the equipment of the sentries, but not to carry bullets on duty - allowing the gangsters to rob them would be in vain.  A gun without bullets is just a fire stick.

    Although this move is ridiculous, this is the style of our young soldiers. At this time, seeing the sentry holding a "fire stick" to scare people, the veteran soldiers thought it was a show. However, the next scene made them stunned.

    The social vehicle crashed into the sentry post. Fortunately, the sentry was clever and escaped from the sentry post by running and jumping and was not injured.  The sentry was very angry - he was so embarrassed. Although there were some blind people in society who would deliberately tease the sentry, I had never seen someone actually hit him with a car like this.

    The sentry ran to the parked car with a gun in hand and banged on the door: "Come down, come down. If you dare to attack the sentry, you've rebelled against you. Just wait for the police station to detain you!"

    An old soldier in the compound couldn't help but sighed: "This sentry is a coward. Are you a soldier? A soldier has been bullied and still expects the police to protect him. It's so fucking embarrassing."Man, if my soldiers had encountered this kind of thing in the past, they would have dragged the driver down and beaten him first.  "

    Someone next to him smiled bitterly and said, "No wonder that sentry. Those who come to serve in the rest house are all experienced. The work here is easy, and it is in the city. After being laid off, you can play around after taking off your military uniform. You can hang out for a few years."  It¡¯s easy to find a job after retirement, but it can¡¯t be compared with soldiers in the front-line combat troops. If this sentry really hits someone, and they send a text message on Weibo and cause a big fuss, any punishment will be light.¡±

    The old military leaders were complaining, but they saw the driver of the car opened the door and got out of the car. The driver seemed to be drunk, walking unsteadily and staggering. The sentry gave him a hard push:  "Boy, you drove drunk and attacked a sentry, you are really going to be in trouble!" As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and called 110.

    Several veteran military leaders shook their heads again. According to the regulations in the army, soldiers on duty are not allowed to bring mobile phones to make calls - the previous rule was that mobile phones were not allowed in the military camp.  But later I found out that this rule was unbearable. Young soldiers born in the 1990s were dying if they were not allowed to touch their mobile phones. So later, even in front-line combat units, soldiers were allowed to use mobile phones, but when they were on duty or on missions, they were absolutely not allowed to use mobile phones.  bring.  But now this sentry has obviously violated the regulations.

    The sentry was talking on his cell phone, and the signal was obviously not good, so he kept talking for a long time.  110 did not respond. He was trying to dial again when suddenly the driver who was standing beside him and seemed to be unsteady made a move. He hugged the sentry and bit him on the shoulder.

    The sentry screamed - Xia Tian's military uniform was very thin, and the driver bit him so hard that blood came out from under his clothes.

    After the veteran soldiers in the compound were stunned for a moment, their years of military training immediately came into play.  Several "younger" old soldiers rushed over immediately, hugged their waists and arms, and dragged the driver away in an attempt to subdue him to the ground. The driver may have been drunk and had great strength.  Dragging several old people around.  Several other veteran soldiers hurried to the security section of the dormitory. This was a major incident that hurt people, and the military must come forward to negotiate with the local authorities.

    At this moment, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly came, and everyone looked up.  A small mushroom cloud rose high behind the roof not far away. "That's the direction of Jingdong Road. There is a gas station over there!" someone exclaimed.

    The rest house is located in the urban area of ??Yonggang City. The geographical location of this area is naturally familiar to everyone, judging from the sound of the explosion and the smoke column caused by it.  The entire gas station was destroyed. This is a big deal!

    The gas station on Jingjia Road is located in a busy city. Residents of surrounding communities have complained many times that the gas station is too close to the community and requested to be relocated. However, there are too few gas stations in the urban area and there are indeed a large number of private cars that need refueling, so nothing has been done. However,  Today's explosion.  It will inevitably affect the residents of the surrounding communities who are only separated from the gas station by a wall. I don¡¯t know how heavy the casualties will be!

    Damn it, today is really a hell.  The veteran soldiers present have more or less been on the battlefield and have an inexplicable intuition about danger. Everyone knows that nothing today is normal, absolutely not normal!  The breakdown of civilian communications, the intensive movements of foreign military aircraft, and the legendary large-scale infectious disease are all mysterious.

    The subdued driver took advantage of the stunned silence of several old soldiers and broke free. Instead of running away, he grabbed the hand of one of the old soldiers and bit him hard.

    The old soldier screamed, and several old comrades beside him also became angry. They punched and kicked the driver. Who would have thought that the driver was also desperate, with nosebleeds coming out, and he kept struggling until  The bitten sentry found a rope from the duty room nearby, and then completely subdued him and tied him up.

    The bitten old soldier was trembling with pain and anger - a piece of flesh on his hand was torn off.

    Yu Minghai's wife held Yu Minghai tightly: "Did you see it? Did you see it? It's really an infectious disease! An infectious disease! People with this disease bite people everywhere. I also heard that people who are bitten will also  be infected!"

    Yu Minghai was about to scold his wife not to spread rumors when he saw a bus with a military license plate roaring on the road. The bus rushed straight into the compound and stopped suddenly. Then, a well-armed soldier emerged from the driver's seat.  He jumped down from his seat.

    A well-armed soldier carrying an automatic rifle and covered in blood!

    Everyone present was dumbfounded. Whether they were retired cadres, family members or staff, military uniforms, guns, and blood were naturally linked together. They were the typical image of an iron-blooded soldier.  However, this is the sanitation center on Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District, Yonggang City. In peacetime, who has ever seen this!

    However, an even stranger scene happened!

    The bloody soldier who got out of the car was struggling crazily in an attempt to continueThe crazy driver who was biting strode over, raised his rifle, almost put it to his head, and shot him.

    Splattered blood and brains all over the old soldiers who were holding the driver!

    Killing people!

    In broad daylight, in the downtown area, in front of the military department, in full view of everyone, shoot and kill!

    The oldest Lieutenant General was the first to react. He yelled: "Arrest him! What a fool! You did it the other way around! He actually shot civilians! I want to shoot him! Send him to a military court! Security Section  Where are the people? Guards! Guards! Are they all fucking dead?"

    One of the veteran cadres had sharp eyesight and recognized the soldier who was holding the driver's gun: "Isn't this Xu Jingen from the Fleet Security Office? You, Xiao Xu, are you crazy?! How can you shoot and kill people?!"

    Xu Jingen, who was covered in blood, was about to say something when suddenly another burst of gunfire came. This time, the gunfire came from inside the dormitory - from the direction of the security department.

    Almost at the same time, a veteran cadre who had just arrived at the security department to inform the soldiers stumbled over: "Everyone, run, run, they are monsters! Monsters! You can't even kill them with a gun!"

    "Everyone was at a loss when they saw a soldier running behind the veteran cadre. It looked like he was a soldier from the Security Section in uniform. However, the young soldier was dragging his gun backwards, his mouth full of blood, and he was yelling randomly as he ran.

    Seeing someone chasing after him, the old cadre ran even more hastily: "Save me quickly, Lao Li and Lao Chen have been bitten to death by these monsters!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (.)  Vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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