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Text Chapter 414: Mother¡¯s blood on the back

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    Chapter 414

    The blood from my mother is on my back

    On the day when the biochemical crisis broke out in Yonggang City, Huang Qiong and her mother immediately abandoned the car and fled. However, at this time, the city was already full of zombies attacking people. In panic, the mother and daughter  I gave up the idea of ??going directly to my father's company, and instead hid in an old community nearby in Xiaoshi Lane, Wangjing Road.  Please keep this in mind.

    The electronic security doors in the corridors of the district have passwords, but usually these codes are very simple, either 9999 or 1111. When Huang Qiong tried 8888, there was a click and the security door opened. The mother and daughter pushed the door open and entered.  , closed the door with his backhand, sat down on the corridor, and breathed heavily.

    Huang Qiong's hand held her mother's hand tightly, but even so, she still found that her hand was shaking. After a while, she realized that it was not just her hand that was shaking, but her mother's hand.  , also shaking.

    The mother and daughter looked at each other, unable to believe that the bloody scenes they saw on the street were real. However, the faint screams and noises coming from the street outside showed that the chaos was getting more and more serious.

    Huang Qiong swallowed: "Mom, dad's phone still can't be reached?"

    Huang Qiong's mother smiled bitterly and spread her hands: "I dropped my mobile phone in the car, but I made several calls before, 110, 112, your father's mobile phone and the work landline, but none of them could get through." She thought for a while.  : "How about we borrow a phone from the residents in this building and make a call."

    Huang Qiong was about to nod when her expression suddenly changed. She grabbed her mother who was about to walk up the corridor and said anxiously: "Mom, what if there is that kind of sad kind of lunatic in the room in this building?"

    Huang Qiong's mother suddenly froze. Yes, there are cannibals everywhere on the street. Who can guarantee that the rooms in the residential buildings are safe? If you knock on the door, you will be greeted by such a person.  Monster, wouldn¡¯t my mother and daughter be a delicious meal delivered to my door?

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother took a breath and stepped back from the corridor: "What should we do? We can't hide here forever, right? Your father can't contact us, he will definitely be anxious to death."

    Huang Qiong wiped the sweat from his head and murmured: "Let's wait for the time being and wait until the chaos outside calms down before going out. Mom, where do you think we should go to find Dad? Should we go to his company or go home?"  ?¡±

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother let out a long sigh, yes, I don¡¯t know where is safe now, the streets are in such chaos, and it¡¯s impossible to be calm in her husband¡¯s company. Maybe her husband is driving his car all over the streets looking for her.  Mother and daughter, he knew that he was going to send his daughter to the Youth Palace at this time, but now the street had become a slaughterhouse. He hoped that the husband would see the opportunity quickly and find a safe place to hide.

    Seeing the fear in her daughter's eyes, Huang Qiong's mother forced a smile on her face: "It's okay, good daughter, this, this is just an infectious disease, yes, it's just like rabies. It bites everyone in sight. The country will definitely be able to  To find a way to cure it, we just need to protect ourselves from getting infected."

    At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the security door of a house on the corridor. Huang Qiongteng, who was slumped on the stairs, stood up immediately and held his mother's arm: "Mom!"

    Huang Qiong's mother was also startled, staring at the security door - the two of them were already in a panic at this time. Who knows if there is also a rabid dog behind this door?

    The security door clicked a few times and opened. A middle-aged man stood at the door with a frown, staring at Huang Qiong and her daughter: "Who are you? Why are you standing here?"

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother smiled flatteringly and said, ¡°Master, let¡¯s take a rest here and leave later.¡±

    The middle-aged man said with a straight face: "What are you doing? You are not residents in our corridor, what are you doing here to rest? You look so well-dressed, why do you look like beggars? Let's go."

    Huang Qiong's mother still smiled and said: "Master, please do me a favor. We are just resting our legs and leaving in a while."

    The middle-aged man originally saw Huang Qiong and her daughter dressed well, and their words were not too excessive. But now he saw Huang Qiong's mother kept talking down to her. Instead, she became arrogant, wearing slippers and loudly saying: "What are you thinking?"  Are you sick? You might want to rest in someone else's corridor.

    If you want to rest, you won¡¯t go to a hotel to book a room.  Come on, come on, if you don't leave, I'm going to call security.  "As he said that, he stretched out his hand to push Huang Qiong's mother.

    Huang Qiong listened anxiously and angrily behind her mother. What's wrong with her? Why don't she just tell this man that there are zombies everywhere outside? Seeing that this man just came out of the room, he may not know that people are already eating each other on the street.  The horrific scene.

    Huang Qiong looked over from behind her mother: "ThisUncle, we are just here to hide. The streets outside are full of zombies, zombies that can eat people.  "

    As soon as Huang Qiong's words came out, her mother knew something was wrong - if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, who would believe the existence of zombies? The reason why she didn't mention the crisis outside just now was because she wanted to fool the middle-aged man.  I would rather suffer some immediate losses than survive the current difficulties.

    Sure enough, as soon as Huang Qiong's words came out, the middle-aged man's face immediately changed: "***, I couldn't sleep in peace during the last night shift, and I met two psychopaths when I went out. Go, go, go, get out of here.  "As he said that, he pushed his hand on Huang Qiong's mother's shoulder unceremoniously.

    Huang Qiong's mother staggered when she was pushed. Although Huang Qiong's mother came from a poor background and cut firewood in the mountains when she was a child, her life has been prosperous since her husband started a company.  This thing had not happened for a long time, and my face suddenly turned red. I was worried that I would be kicked out and had nowhere to go. I was angry and annoyed, so I patted and opened the middle-aged man's stretched out hand: "What are you doing? Move your hands.  Your feet are acting like a rogue."

    The middle-aged man became more and more angry: "You are really crazy. If you don't leave, if you don't leave, I will call the security guard." He turned around and wanted to go back to his home and call the security guard.

    At this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. The middle-aged man looked up and said, "Ah, it's you, Xiao Jin. Why did you come out just wearing shorts? Are you going to buy cigarettes?"

    Huang Qiong looked up and saw a young man walking down the stairs. He was only wearing a pair of briefs and slippers. He was walking down step by step. Huang Qiong lowered his head quickly. It was so shameless. Even though it was summer,  There is no reason to go out wearing underwear.

    At this moment, Huang Qiong¡¯s mother suddenly screamed: ¡°Run! Those are zombies!¡±

    Huang Qiong suddenly raised her head and saw the young man in shorts rushing towards the middle-aged neighbor who was still chattering. He hugged the other man's hand and bit it in one bite. Huang Qiong heard the middle-aged man's fingers in the young man's zombie.  With the sound of gurgles and chewing in her mouth, blood splattering everywhere, and screams of agony, Huang Qiong's mother opened the electronic security door on the corridor and dragged Huang Qiong away - no place in the city was safe.

    Coming out of Xiaoshi Lane, one end is Wangjing Road and the other is Zhongshan West Road. Huang Qiong¡¯s mother ran towards Zhongshan West Road in a panic. However, when they ran to Zhongxian Lane, both mother and daughter stopped.

    There is no way out.

    Ahead is the Xinxing Hotel. Between the hotel and Wangjing Road is the green space of the West Gate Square. But now, zombies can be seen everywhere on the street, knocking down living people and gnawing at them.

    On the sidewalk less than 4 meters away from Huang Qiong's mother and daughter, there were two zombies lying on the ground eating an old woman. The old woman's neck was bitten until only a layer of skin remained.  The movements of the zombie fighting for the internal organs in the abdomen, the head was moved by the skin.

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother¡¯s teeth chattered and she held onto Huang Qiong¡¯s hand: ¡°Don¡¯t look, they are eating. As long as we don¡¯t disturb them, they won¡¯t take the initiative to bite us.¡±

    Huang Qiong didn't know if her mother's animal knowledge from CCTV's "Animal World" was useful, but she had no choice. She followed her mother and passed the two zombies sideways. The two zombies were eating properly.  Lai Jin, as expected, did not raise his head to look at them.

    Huang Qiong's mother walked faster and faster, whispering: "Let's go to Wangjing Road, jump into the Beidou River, and escape from the Beidou River."

    Huang Qiong was surprised: "Mom, you can't swim!" She knew her mother's swimming level, which was to the point where she could swim in the swimming pool.

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother held her daughter¡¯s hand and said, ¡°Mom, I believe in you, good daughter, you are the best in the class in swimming.¡±

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Swimming in the swimming pool. I have never swum in the Beidou River. With my mother, God knows whether I can hold on.

    But Huang Qiong knew that this was the only way out for her mother and daughter. She didn't say anything, but just held her mother's hand tightly.

    From time to time, people ran out of the Xinxing Hotel on the side of the road. Some people fought with the zombies with mops, brooms and even kitchen knives, but this was completely in vain. The zombies quickly threw these few brave people to the ground, and a pickup truck roared.  He rushed over, knocking down several zombies along the way, and disappeared into the alley. The zombies that fell to the ground with a twisted force quickly got up again, with arms drooped and legs turned, still chasing everyone who passed by them.  of living people.

    Huang Qiong suddenly bumped into the back of her mother who was walking in front. For some reason, her mother stopped moving forward. The isolation pier in the middle of Wangjing Road could already be seen in front of her. As long as she crossed the parked vehicles in the middle of the road, she would be there.  You can run into the Beidou River and follow the river all the way to Yaojiang River.

    But at this moment, Huang Qiong¡¯s mother stopped.

    She must notThey didn't stop, because at the intersection ahead, a group of people passed by - no, it was a group of zombies, as many as five of them. They were covered in blood. However, thinking about the victims, they couldn't satisfy their desires.  Still looking for new foods.

    Huang Qiong and her daughter fell into their eyes.

    Huang Qiong's mother backed away step by step, then turned around suddenly, pushed Huang Qiong and shouted: "Run! Run!"

    Huang Qiong ran a few steps before she stopped and ran to where?  The actions of the mother and daughter stimulated several other zombies that were "dining" on the roadside. They raised their heads, their eyes flickering, and seemed to be interested in the mother and daughter.

    There is no way out.

    Huang Qiong and her daughter stood alone in Zhongxian Alley. At some point, they were the only living people nearby. The rest had either fled or were being eaten by zombies.  On the left is the high wall of Ginkgo Four Seasons Community, on the right is the parking lot of Xinxing Hotel. Behind, there is the sound of five zombies clicking on the iron drainage fence ditch in the parking lot. In front, there are multiple zombies.  Zombies are watching.

    Are you going to die?

    Huang Qiong's mother suddenly bent down and opened the iron fence of the parking lot's drainage ditch. The drainage ditch was originally covered with ordinary cement grids, but as cars drove in and out, the cement grids were quickly crushed.  It collapsed, so it was later changed to an iron fence to withstand the heavy pressure and facilitate drainage of rainwater.

    Huang Qiong¡¯s mother screamed at Huang Qiong in a hoarse voice: ¡°Quick, get into the drainage ditch.¡±

    Huang Qiong immediately understood that her mother was trying to use the iron fence of the drainage ditch to block the bites of zombies, but would this work?  If the zombies lift the iron fence, they can still catch their mother and daughter. The iron fence cannot be locked.

    But now there is no time to hesitate. Whether it is life or death, this is the only step left.

    Regardless of the mud and sewage in the drainage ditch, Huang Qiong climbed in using both hands and feet. The drainage ditch was too narrow. After Huang Qiong got in, she just had enough room to lie prone in it, and there was no room for her to turn around.

    Huang Qiong waited for her mother to get in, but suddenly she thought that when she got in, her mother opened the iron fence for her. If her mother wanted to get in, who could help her open the iron fence outside?

    Huang Qiong's mind flashed like an electric spark, and she suddenly thought of what her mother would do next. At this moment, there was a bang and the iron fence on her body was covered.  Then, a body pressed against the iron fence, a pair of hands tightly clasped the iron bars on the fence, and a voice sounded behind Huang Qiong's head: "Good girl, you must live."

    ¡°Then, bursts of screams, gnawing, chewing, and swallowing sounds came from behind Huang Qiong¡¯s head

    When the mother lying on the iron fence used her body to cover Huang Qiong, who was lying in the drainage ditch below, she endured the bites of the zombies on her back and clung to the iron bars with both hands, not to expose what was underneath.  When she was a daughter, Huang Qiong fainted after hearing her mother's first scream.

    When Huang Qiong woke up, it was already night.

    She felt that the clothes on her back were sticky. It was when her mother was bitten by zombies, and the blood flowed from her body along the iron fence onto Huang Qiong's clothes.

    There was a lot of blood. Even in the drainage ditch full of mud and sewage, Huang Qiong could smell the pungent smell of blood.

    Zhongxian Alley was very quiet at night. The street lights were already on. Huang Qiong did not hear the roar of zombies nearby. It was quiet all around.

    Huang Qiong wanted to call her mother, but she held it back. She sobbed at the top of her voice. Her mother was dead. In order to survive, her mother was eaten alive by zombies.

    "I can't let my mother die in vain, I must live on!"

    Huang Qiong tried to lift her back to stand up from the gutter, but her mother's body pressed against the iron fence was heavy and she couldn't lift it.

    Huang Qiong moved her body bit by bit in the sewage, struggling to move out from under her mother's body, and then opened the iron fence on her back.

    Huang Qiong was afraid that making a sound would attract zombies again, so she held on to the iron fence with one hand and climbed out of the drainage ditch with the other.

    Through the streetlight, Huang Qiong saw her mother's miserable state at a glance. Her entire back was torn apart to reveal her white ribs, and the flesh on her two calves was also eaten away, but miraculously her arms were still intact.  , fingers still tightly clasped on the iron bars.

    Although she knew her mother was already dead, Huang Qiong still couldn't help but stretched out her hand and put it on her mother's shoulder. She choked and murmured: "Mom."

    The mother remained motionless.

    Huang Qiong stood up and ran toward the Beidou River while wiping away tears. Although there were no zombies around, they must be hiding in corners that he didn't know, thinkingThe only way to survive is to escape from the Beidou River.

    Suddenly, there was a sound in the quiet alley, and the sound came from behind Huang Qiong.

    Huang Qiong stiffened and turned around suddenly.

    Under the streetlight that jumped from time to time due to unstable voltage, Huang Qiong saw her mother's body moving.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A few more soft sounds, but this sound, in Huang Qiong's ears, was like a lightning strike.

    Her mother, the mother who sacrificed her life to protect her, who was chewed to pieces by zombies, slowly raised her head.

    However, her mother's eyes no longer looked at her with tenderness and love, but with greed and lust, just like what Huang Qiong saw in the eyes of other zombies.

    This is indeed a biohazard. After her death, her mother turned into a zombie!

    Huang Qiong took a few steps back. At this time, the mother - no, the zombie's fingers that were originally clinging to the iron fence branches loosened, and the hands that were originally protecting her daughter stretched out towards Huang Qiong.

    Huang Qiong subconsciously took a step forward, as if she wanted to reach out and hold her mother's hands and pull her up from the ground. Then, when a roar replaced the soft whispers in the past and reached Huang Qiong's ears, she knew that it wanted to  Eat yourself, this zombie wants to eat Huang Qiong.

    The mother saved Huang Qiong with her life, but she turned into a zombie after her death. Now, it still wants to feed on her daughter.

    Huang Qiong yelled and ran towards Wangjing Road at the entrance of the alley. Behind her, the zombie her mother had turned into was chasing after her, but its legs had been eaten away by other zombies, so it could only stand in front of her.  Crawling on the ground, the two leg bones dragged behind him hit the iron fence of the drainage ditch, making a clicking sound. This sound did not disappear until Huang Qiong jumped into the turbid water of the Beidou River

    Huang Qiong wiped the tears on her face: "I swam from the Beidou River to the gate of Yongfeng Road, and then climbed over the gate to the Yao River. In fact, with my swimming ability, I couldn't escape in the Yao River, but I was lucky.  Even better, I found a car inner tube near the Grand Theater. The inner tube seemed to be used by nearby fishermen. I had seen people sitting in an inner tube fishing in the Yao River before. Using the inner tube, I walked along the Yao River.  Wandering, sometimes when there were no zombies on the road along the river, I climbed up to a small shop to find some food. I slept on the platform under the foot of the bridge, until one day I met Brother Guan Xin, and then I followed him.  Fleeed to the Yinzhou District Library."

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