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Should Chapter 319: Blood for blood?

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    Chapter 319: Blood for Blood

    Wang Lu thought deeply. Qian Zhengang¡¯s mother was bitten by a zombie after surviving the first biochemical virus infection, and the blood lymphatic system directly invaded the virus and became a zombie.  \\?.  com First Release\\However, judging from its current state, it is different from ordinary zombies. Its intelligence is not lower than that of intelligent zombies. What is going on?  Qian Zhengang's words are not entirely true.

    Wang Lu stared at Qian Zhengang: "Xiao Qian, your mother doesn't look like an ordinary zombie. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

    Qian Zhengang smiled bitterly, naturally this secret could not be hidden from anyone. The strangeness of his mother being a zombie would be obvious to others with the slightest contact.

    In fact, Qian Zhengang didn't want to hide it. He slowly rolled up his sleeves and then stretched out his arms in front of Wang Lu. Wang Lu saw at a glance that Qian Zhengang's arms were covered with bruises and bruises.  There were bruised needle holes, some of which were already inflamed, and there was almost no intact skin left on both arms.

    Wang Lu had had close contact with drug addicts before, and Qian Zhengang¡¯s arms looked like scars caused by intravenous drug abuse.  Wang Lu couldn't help but lean back. Is Qian Zhengang a drug addict?

    Qian Zhengang naturally knew what Wang Lu was thinking, and this was not the first time a similar misunderstanding had occurred. He smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Wang, don't worry, this is not caused by drug abuse, I am just drawing my own blood.  "

    "Drawing blood?" Wang Lu was stunned for a moment, then understood, pointing to the white-haired zombie in the cage and said: "Is it for your mother?"

    Qian Zhengang shook his head and nodded: "After my mother turned into a zombie, although I locked her up, I always had to find something for her to eat. I couldn't kill a living person for her to eat, and other living creatures would  I can't find it. Although I know that zombies can endure hunger, I can't bear to let my mother starve. I'm worried that long-term starvation will permanently cause irreversible damage to her internal organs, which will affect her future life.  Rehabilitation is possible.¡±

    Wang Lu nodded secretly. Qian Zhengang, just like the long-haired woman who raised a zombie son, also firmly believed that the zombies just suffered from a disease that was difficult to cure at this stage, and that one day humans would invent a special medicine.  The only difference is that the long-haired woman believes blindly, while Qian Zhengang is lost in the medical science he is good at.  Qian Zhengang, like the wizard in ancient Egypt, firmly believed with the most pious will that the mummy could be resurrected.

    Qian Zhengang continued: "So I drew blood from myself and injected it into my mother. Drinking blood directly by mouth is too wasteful, and the digestive system will waste most of the nutrients, so I used injection to give the blood to me.  Mom. I was conceived by her blood, blood for blood, this is my way of repaying her."

    It would be a lie to say that Wang Lu was not moved. This was blood for blood and flesh for flesh.  However, is it just a blood injection?  Wang Lu felt that Qian Zhengang's words were still an ambush.  He stared at Qian Zhengang and remained silent.

    However, Qian Zhengang obviously did not want to deceive Wang Lu. He paused and said, "Of course, I injected blood into my mother, and I had another thought. I was thinking that my body is immune to biochemical viruses, and my serum  To some extent, it can treat biochemical viruses. The conditions in the field are limited and I cannot make serum, so I can only inject the blood directly into my mother's body to see if my blood can cure her. During the injection, I did not  I used the usual intravenous injection method, but chose to inject here." As he spoke, he pointed at the eyes of the white-haired zombie in the cage.

    Wang Lu was dumbfounded: "Inject into the eye?"

    Qian Zhengang shook his head: "No, there is a cavity above the nose that can go straight to the brain. There is the prefrontal lobe of the brain."

    Wang Lu suddenly thought of something, "Wait a minute, let me think about it. By the way, "Pretty Girls"! Before the outbreak of Resident Evil, I just watched this movie, in which it involved doing prefrontal lobe surgery on mental patients.  Resection surgery is to insert long scissors into the brain from the eye socket and cut off the frontal lobe of the brain. Yes, yes, I remembered it. According to the description in the movie, mental patients who have undergone this kind of surgery will no longer  He has no consciousness and can only survive like a living dead.\\.com first release\\The living dead - zombies are unconscious and really look a bit like a mental patient who has had the frontal lobe removed."

    Qian Zhengang was dumbfounded. Wang Lu actually liked watching "Pretty Girls", which was known as "Uncle Luo Li's favorite". It was so weird, but there was a look of admiration on his face. He nodded heavily and said: "  Brother Wang, you know a lot. The prefrontal lobe of the brain controls five human functions, namely memory, judgment, analysis, thinking and operation ability. I have observed zombies for a long time and believe that some of the clinical symptoms of zombies are like the prefrontal lobe of the brain being affected.  The damage was the same, so I specifically injected blood into my mom's frontal lobe to see if I could heal her."

    Wang Lu suddenly stood up, walked around the cage, and said excitedly: "I always thoughtThe mutated virus has caused huge mutations in the human brain, but it is not clear which part has mutated. My understanding of the brain is limited to the simple common sense that the brain is used for thinking and the cerebellum is used for movement.  When I heard you say this today, there is indeed something weird about the prefrontal lobe of the brain.  By the way, your blood is working. Your mother is obviously smarter than ordinary zombies or even zombies. Is she, is she recovering?  "

    Qian Zhengang let out a long sigh: "Brother Wang, I was as excited as you at first. I thought I had cured the biochemical virus by accident, but soon I discovered that my mother's condition was very unstable and I had to give her regular medication.  She injects blood to maintain her current state, but if she stops injecting blood for a moment, my mother will immediately transform into an ordinary zombie, as bloodthirsty, greedy, and ignorant."

    Wang Lu looked at Qian Zhengang's scarred arms and felt sympathy. Qian Zhengang had actually become his mother's blood food. His mother continued to suck her son's blood and his life until  One day, Qian Zhengang's body collapsed completely.

    Qian Zhengang saw the pity in Wang Lu's eyes, and he smiled: "I'm fine, but the needle is scary to look at. In the past, on the road, I had no way to preserve fresh blood for a long time, so I had to keep pumping it at short intervals.  The blood will be fine now that it's here, Brother Wang. I'll draw a bag of blood later and keep it in the cold storage. Don't worry, Brother Wang, just ask me to do any work on Yashan Mountain. I can't do it.  It¡¯s holding everyone back.¡±

    Wang Lu patted Qian Zhengang's shoulder. He was a filial son. It can be seen from the fact that he drew blood to "feed" the zombie mother. He was completely different from the long-haired woman who raised the zombie son. The long-haired woman would do whatever it took.  Qian Zhengang still has a bottom line in human ethics and would rather hurt himself than hurt others.  Theoretically speaking, the surviving survivors are all mobile vaccine banks. Qian Zhengang only needs to capture a living person, draw blood from him every day, and inject it into the zombie mother, which can have the same effect.

    But Qian Zhengang didn¡¯t do this. He loved his mother, but he still stuck to his humanity.

    Since Wang Lu experienced a second biochemical virus infection, he has slowly begun to change his previous impression of the long-haired woman who raised a zombie son. She is crazy. But if Chen Wei and Wang Bian also become zombies, maybe Wang Lu will  She's just as crazy.  The same goes for the other way around. If Wang Lu turns into a zombie, Chen Wei will never kill him. Instead, she will raise him up, perhaps locking him up in a cave pit with the intelligent corpse.  To be honest, raising a zombie doesn't cost much food.

    Wang Lu pondered for a moment: "Xiao Qian, from today on, you and Zhou Chunyu - the guy who punched you in the nose - will live in the health center together. There are still rooms available here, but you have to take care of them.  Dear mother, we have old people and children in Yashan, and it won¡¯t be good to hurt any of them.¡±

    Qian Zhengang said quickly: "Brother Wang, don't worry. I have thrown away the key to the lock since I put my mother in the cage. I am afraid that one day I will let my mother out and hurt others unintentionally."

    Wang Lu nodded and stood up: "Let's go, I will take you to your room, and introduce you to everyone on the mountain casually, so that you can recognize their faces."

    Everyone was very happy at the noon Jie Feng Wine. Just after leaving Feng Haiqi, Qian Zhengang came again from Yashan. Although he was said to be a dentist, at least there was a doctor on the mountain. However, everyone did not dare to drink anymore. They only drank drinks.  I toasted Qian Zhengang with a few glasses of wine.

    Everyone had their own business to do in the afternoon. Zhou Chunyu had already installed the air conditioner. At this time, he accompanied Old Mrs. Cui to the fields to search for rice again. This time the two of them drove a five-wheel agricultural vehicle. This vehicle was fast and the search was  The scope is much wider; Chen Wei, Xie Ling, Wang Bi'an, and Shen Mugu, under the guidance of Old Man Chen, planted commonly used vegetables on the fields reclaimed by Yashan earlier. However, Chen Wei was affected by the famine during the last zombie wave.  She was frightened. Even though there were plenty of supplies now and the cave was full of boxes and bags of food, she still insisted on opening up wasteland.  Old Chen couldn't sit still for a long time. After agreeing to Wang Lu's condition that he would only talk but not take action, he led a group of women and children up the mountain. Qian Zhengang stayed in the health center to check the relevant equipment and familiarize himself with the equipment.  From now on, he will basically be the dean of Yinjiang Health Center, which makes Zhou Chunyu very unconvinced - Wang Lu originally arranged for him to be in the health center, and he could only be regarded as a security chief at the health center. With the arrival of the newcomer Qian Zhengang, this position  It climbed onto his head, but there was nothing we could do about it. In these troubled times, knowledge is power.

    After Wang Lu settled everything, Shi Shiran walked into the operating room on the third floor.

    At noon, in order to welcome Qian Zhengang, Chen Wei made a special trip back to Mingfeng Villa and killed the few remaining ducks. Wang Lu brought some offal to the big-bellied zombie.

    As long as the food is fresh and the pot-bellied zombies are not picky eaters, they will swallow it all without even washing their intestines.

    Wang said to Xi Jia while feeding on the roadside: "Today you have a new companion in the health center."

      Xi Jiachao nodded: "I sensed it." He hesitated: "It's just that the feeling it gave me was very strange. Using your classification, sometimes it looks like a zombie, and sometimes it looks like a zombie."

    Wang Lu was very interested: "You can even sense this?"

    Xi Jiachao nodded: "This is a bit like receiving a broadcast signal. The clearer ones are intelligent zombies, and the blurry ones are zombies. Also, zombies are more likely to accept my command, while intelligent zombies are more conscious."

    Wang Lu told the story about Qian Zhengang and his zombie mother, and Xi Jiachao said eagerly: "Is it the prefrontal lobe? Damn it, I should have thought of this earlier. Many of the symptoms of zombies are almost the same as those of patients who have had their prefrontal lobes removed.  The difference is that he is unable to concentrate on observing and thinking about problems, let alone conduct careful logical reasoning, he is helpless in dealing with emergencies, he is always forgetful about things, his behavior is slow to react, and his personality is paranoid and withdrawn"

    Wang Lu suddenly interrupted: "Also, special powers."

    Xi Jiachao was stunned: "What did you say?"

    Wang Ludao: "In the 1980s and 1990s, there was a craze for supernormal abilities. I also heard several reports from so-called qigong masters. Those qigong masters without exception mentioned the frontal lobe of the brain and believed that through  Practicing Qigong stimulates the prefrontal lobe of the brain and can stimulate special functions."

    He pointed at Xi Jiachao: "Your current ability to sense and command other zombies is like a special function. I think the biochemical virus is modifying the prefrontal lobe of the brain to some extent, and zombies are failures of transformation, and  You are obviously a qualified product."

    Xi Jiachao suddenly laughed strangely: "Qualified product? You praise a dead corpse as a qualified product? No matter how perfect a corpse is, it is still a corpse. Can you imagine what it feels like to have no feeling in the whole body? Do you know what I want to eat most now?  It's an apple. Don't peel it, bite it in one bite, you will find the slightly sour and sweet flesh under the skin, there is a clicking sound between your lips and teeth, and the core is slightly bitter when you accidentally bite it I have tasted all of this forever.  It¡¯s not here!¡±

    Wang Lu said calmly: "It is not good to eat apples with the skin on. There is industrial wax on the skin."

    Xi Jiachao stared at Wang Lu in the dark. Wang Lu remained unmoved. Come and bite me if you have the guts. This guy with all his bones broken has only one mouth left. He said to himself:  "Unfortunately, Qian Zhengang's method of using his own blood to treat his mother failed. To put it simply, the medicine was not effective enough. What is the reason? Maybe because his mother turned into a zombie after being bitten, and then injected the blood.  It¡¯s too late to resist the damage caused by the biochemical virus to the prefrontal lobe of the brain. Well, this is somewhat similar to your Xi Jiachao. You injected yourself with the serum before the biochemical virus attacked, but your wife injected the serum a little late, causing you to regain your intelligence now.  , but your wife did not. Unfortunately, from a certain perspective, it was your love for your wife that harmed her. I hope the child in your belly can be saved in time. "

    Xi Jiachao has calmed down: "Your guess is not unreasonable. The prefrontal lobe of the brain is very peculiar. The brain develops rapidly after a person is born, but the prefrontal lobe of the brain does not start to develop until the age of 2 or 3, and stops around the age of 6.  Development, my child has not been born yet, she has received the most natural protection in my wife¡¯s womb. As long as she is born healthy, her frontal lobe will still have a chance to develop. She can be like me, no, better than me.  Perfect."

    Wang Lu said softly in a whisper-like voice: "Do you hope that your daughter will be a perfect zombie? Have you never thought that she can become a perfect human being? Or even better, be as perfect as me?"  "

    Xi Jiachao's facial muscles were not as flexible as those of a living person, and the operating room was very dark. Wang Lu couldn't see the expression on his face, but hearing the crunching sounds of his teeth, Wang Lu knew that he had hit the mark on Xi Jiachao's body buried deep in his body.  The secret desires of the heart.

    Xi Jiachao waited for a while before saying: "I understand what you mean, and I will serve you with all my heart. But you must also keep your word and give me the vaccine when my child is born!"

    Wang Lu said calmly: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Of course, I will not break my promise easily. Otherwise, I will not let you and your wife live until now."

    After saying that, Wang Lu turned around and left.

    As soon as Wang Lu closed the door of the operating room, a voice came from behind: "Hey, Brother Wang, are you in this operating room? I'm still wondering why this door is locked?"

    Wang Lu turned around and saw Qian Zhengang. He had gotten a white coat and hat from somewhere and put it on. He looked a bit like a chief physician. He was looking at the closed door behind Wang Lu.  Operating room: "Brother Wang, why is the door of this operating room closed? Why is it not used? This health center only has this operating room. If we want to perform surgery in the future, we must use it. Do you have the key? Give me the key.  Let me see if the equipment inside is complete."

    Wang Lu?I have a headache. This Qian Zhengang really doesn¡¯t know how to read three colors. Every door in the entire health center is open, but this one is locked. As long as you are not blind, you should know that there is something strange inside, but you still ask  They kept asking questions and even asked me for the key!

    Wang Lu frowned and said decisively: "I have my own use for this operating room. You can arrange another room for surgery."

    Qian Zhengang was stunned for a moment, and immediately shouted: "How can this be done? The operating room is specially designed with complete lighting, sterility, ventilation, drainage, etc. How can other rooms be replaced casually? What if?  It would be a serious matter to cause postoperative infection!"

    Wang Lu couldn't laugh or cry. He, as a leader, really had no authority at all. This newcomer dared to yell at him. However, Qian Zhengang's words were also very reasonable. The operating room could not be wasted. He simply moved Xi Jiachao and his wife to the basement.  Go to the morgue.  A woman with a big belly and a disabled zombie. Although they are very smart, they can't escape even if they want to. Besides, he still has an unwarranted vaccine in his hand, so Xi Jiachao is "reluctant to leave" even if he rushes here.

    Wang Lu nodded casually: "Okay, okay, okay, wait until I pack up the things in the operating room, and then give you the key."

    Qian Zhengang chased after him and said: "Brother Wang, just leave it to me to clean up. You don't know much about medical equipment. It would be terrible if the cleaning is broken. Now there is nowhere to find even repairs. If a small problem breaks,  The whole machine becomes unusable.¡±

    Wang Lu finally couldn't hold himself back and played the role of a graceful leader. He opened his eyes and cursed: "Damn, there's so much nonsense, just do whatever I tell you!"

    Qian Zhengang was stunned for a moment, looking at Wang Lu's back as he strode away, and muttered: "You don't know what to say well, why are you yelling?"

    Wang Lu pretended not to hear it, ***, it feels good for a layman to lead an expert.

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