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Chapter 294: This is the real trap!

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    Chapter 294: This is the real trap!

    Everyone¡¯s fighting spirit is high.

    Feng Haiqi just smiled and did not join in the young man's nonsense. He just turned around and went up the stairs first.

    The five people soon arrived on the third floor. The door marked operating room was closed, and there was silence everywhere.

    Wang Lu pushed the door panel with the ax head in his hand and pushed the door open.

    There are no lights in the corridor and the light is a bit dim.

    The four people rushed in almost at the same time, but immediately, they stood at the door dumbfounded, just like the strange scene when Chen Wei saw the zombies lined up.

    However, this time, the zombies did not turn their backs to the door. They all stood towards the door, as if they were well prepared.

    However, this was not the reason why Wang Lu and others were surprised. They were all survivors of a long killing field, and the zombies lining up to share fruits could not scare them. What really surprised them to the point of being dazed for a moment was - the zombies in the corridor  The zombies actually all wear protective gear!

    That¡¯s right!  Among the zombies standing in front of Wang Lu and others, some had plastic buckets on their heads, some had spittoons on their heads, and some had trash cans on their heads.

    ¡°Shit, a thought flashed through Wang Lu¡¯s mind, is this Plants vs. Zombies?  Why don't I have a pea shooter?

    At this time, Shen Mugu, who had just walked in and saw the scene clearly, exclaimed from behind: "What kind of monster is this?"

    This seemed to be an order, and the zombies immediately pounced on him.

    Wang Lu and others did not hesitate, and rushed forward with axes. Damn it, the zombies were carrying a broken plastic bucket, even if they were wearing full armor, they would still kill you.  If you want to fight a cold war, our ancestors got tired of it 5,000 years ago!

    The zombie in front of Wang Lu was holding a bucket. The bucket was larger than its head, so its entire head was placed in the bucket. The edge of the bucket covered it all the way to its shoulders. Since it was invisible, the zombie could only identify it by its smell.  Wang Lu's position was scratching randomly with his hands. Wang Lu dodged its arm in a flash and hit the bottom of the bucket with an axe.

    After all, the bucket was made of plastic and could not withstand the metal ax blade. It was split open immediately, but the ax got stuck on the wall of the bucket. Wang Lu quickly struck the ax with his left hand again, and still split the bucket without any damage.  Injuring the zombie's head, just in this delay, a zombie next to him had already grabbed Wang Lu's arm. Wang Lu hurriedly hit the guy with a garbage basket with an ax and a grid-shaped garbage basket.  The zombie's defense was much worse, with almost no resistance at all, and it immediately shattered. The zombie's face was chopped open by an axe, and his forehead was chopped open by another axe. The zombie fell to the ground wearing the broken half of the garbage basket.

    At this time, Feng Haiqi's calm voice came: "Don't panic, everyone. The zombies are wearing trash cans, so they can't bite us. We chop their arms and legs."

    Xie Ling cheered loudly: "Lao Feng is right, these idiot zombies have no teeth, and we are not afraid of their fingers."

    Zhou Chunyu used two axes in succession, cutting off half of a zombie's hand, and then cut off its arm, shouting: "This zombie has really become wood, I am a woodcutter."

    Wang Lu calmed down and waved at the zombies' arms and legs. The protective gear worn by the zombies, except for the grid-shaped garbage basket, covered their sight and attacked Wang Lu and others.  They could only rely on their sense of smell and hearing, and their movements were not only slow, but their position was not very accurate. Wang Lu and the others had enough time to cut off their arms and legs. Although it took a lot of effort to defeat a zombie, they were much safer.  The only attack weapons the zombies have are their fingers, not to mention aluminum sheets, even leather clothing. Even if they scratch it all day, they can't scratch a few holes.

    Shen Mugu, who was standing behind Wang Lu and others, felt relieved. He closed his eyes and sensed, well, there were more than 50 zombies in the corridor. The killing efficiency of Wang Lu and the others was much worse than in the hall.  , of course, this was due to too much physical exertion and also because the zombies were wearing protective gear. Although Wang Lu and others cut off their arms and legs, causing them to temporarily lose their ability to move, they could not completely kill them.  they.

    It doesn¡¯t matter, looking back, even I can easily kill these quadriplegic zombies.  Shen Mugu thought so.

    But for some reason, a sense of panic surged in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, as if a large number of zombies were approaching him and would pounce from the darkness at any time.

    Shen Mugu closed his eyes again and sensed carefully that yes, there were only these 50 or so zombies in the corridor, and there were no other zombies.

    Shen Mugu opened his eyes and smiled to himself. He had already seen the strength of Wang Lu, Feng Haiqi and others. Killing the zombies wearing protective gear on the third floor was just a matter of extra effort.  Son, I really worry too much

    Shen Mugu suddenly widened his eyes.??, no!  In the dim light, he finally discovered where his doubts came from!

    In his perception, there were more than 50 zombies in the corridor, but now he took a quick glance and found that there were only about 30 zombies entangled with Wang Lu and the others!

    Shen Mugu knew that he had counted correctly. There was a lot of difference between 30 zombies and 50 zombies. Could it be that there was something wrong with his senses?

    Shen Mugu closed his eyes again and sensed carefully - yes, there were indeed more than 50 zombies in the corridor, but their distribution was a bit weird, and some zombies seemed - suddenly a burst of dust fell from Shen Mugu's head  It came down and fell on his helmet, blurring his helmet mask - Shen Mugu screamed: "Be careful! The zombie is on your head!"

    It was too late. With a loud bang, the entire ceiling collapsed. Along with the plastic partition, there were more than 10 zombies. Their heavy bodies pressed down on Wang Lu and others.

    This is the real trap!

    The injection room and the zombies on the second floor are small pocket formations that can perfectly deal with individual survivors. If there are a large number of survivors and the force is strong, then these 100-plus zombies will be cannon fodder, used to consume the survivors as much as possible.  When the survivors entered the dimly lit corridor on the third floor, they were surprised by the new type of zombies wearing protective gear.  They were blocked by trash cans and other objects, but their real purpose was not to kill or injure the invading survivors. They only needed to entangle each other. The real weapon was the zombies that jumped down from the ceiling.

    In a flash of lightning, Wang Lu understood the real trap of the health center.

    However, everything was over. The zombies that jumped down from the ceiling and the plastic gussets landed just on top of the four people's heads, knocking everyone who was caught off guard and entangled by the zombies in protective gear and fell to the ground.  He was covered in armor that was heavy and inconvenient to move around. He couldn't get up immediately after the fall, not to mention that the zombies in protective gear next to him had already entangled his hands and feet.

    Wang Lu saw in a flash from the visor of his motorcycle helmet that even Feng Haiqi was pressed down by 5 or 6 zombies, unable to get up, and the ax in his hand was thrown to an unknown corner.

    Wang Lu struggled to find Xie Ling, but it was too late. A zombie jumped from the ceiling and pressed on his chest, biting his helmet fiercely, blocking his sight.

    Zombies' teeth couldn't chew through plastic helmets. However, Wang Lu felt countless zombie hands scratching at his armor at the same time. After all, a considerable part of his armor was made of leather. After a long time, it was hard to say whether the zombies would pull it apart.  Not to mention the gap, if a zombie pulled off Wang Lu's rain boots and took a bite of his feet, Wang Lu would definitely be doomed.

    Wang Lu still held an ax in his left hand, but he couldn't swing it at all. Several zombies were suppressing his left hand, and zombies were biting his hand that was barely holding the ax handle with their teeth.  You can hear the aluminum pieces on the gloves creaking and deforming in the zombie's mouth.

    Through the helmet, Wang Lu heard Zhou Chunyu's curses and Xie Ling's screams, but there was nothing he could do.

    The fighting in the hall has already made his muscles sore, and now there are nearly 10 zombies pressing on him, and even the Iron Man can't struggle.

    This time - dead!

    Even if Wang Lu wants to activate his sensory loss and "self-corpse" powers now, he can't do it. His whole body is wrapped like a rice dumpling, and he has no place to even self-mutilate!

    In the midst of all kinds of crises, Wang Lu roared desperately from his chest:

    "Shen Mugu!"

    That¡¯s right, Wang Lu didn¡¯t call Feng Haiqi or Xie Ling. At the critical moment, he actually called Shen Mugu, the weakest member of the team!

    Shen Mugu was standing in front of the door panel of the corridor, his legs were weak and his teeth were chattering.

    He was the first among everyone to notice the zombies on the ceiling. He took a few steps back at the last moment and actually escaped the zombies' airborne attack.

    After all, the number of zombies on the ceiling is limited, only about 20, and the space inside the ceiling is narrow. This is the limit of the number of zombies that can hide. After they pounced down, they were entangled with the four Wang Lu, and for a while no zombies came to attack.  Shen Mugu.

    Shen Mugu is the only hope of salvation for everyone present.

    However, will Shen Mugu come to save Wang Lu and the others?

    After all, he is not a formal member of the Yashan team. His nature is a bit embarrassing, almost half a slave. Everyone never looks at him. Zhou Chunyu often shouts, drinks, kicks and hits him.

    He had no reason at all to save Wang Lu and the others.

    He has good reasonsHe turned around and ran away, leaving Wang Lu and the four others torn to pieces by zombies.

    Not only can he escape for his life, but behind Shen Mugu, there is an even greater temptation - Yashan.

    Chen Wei, Wang Bi'an, Old Man Chen, Old Mrs. Cui - the real old, weak, sick and disabled. No matter how weak Shen Mugu is, he is still an adult. As long as he takes care of Chen Wei and others, he can dominate Yashan.

    This is a huge temptation.

    Even the devil would be tempted, think about it, a well-constructed base in troubled times.  Maybe, it can also come with some trophies, such as women.

    Although Chen Wei is not as young and beautiful as Xie Ling, she is still quite charming and has the allure of a mature woman.

    And to get all this, it is very, very simple, open the door behind you, exit, and leave this weird trap.

    Shen Mugu knew that the zombie boss in the health center was very weird, but so what?  It has been hiding in the health center before and has never come out to cause trouble, so let it continue to stay here.  For myself, as long as there is a cliff, it is enough.

    At this time, a garbage can zombie whose legs were chopped off by Wang Lu was lying on the ground and crawling towards Shen Mugu, as if he wanted to catch the only survivor.

    Facing the disabled zombie with almost no attack power, Shen Mugu backed away. His heels had already touched the door panel at the end of the corridor.

    At this moment, Xie Ling¡¯s continuous screams suddenly stopped.

    When Shen Mugu looked up, he saw a zombie grabbing Xie Ling's helmet at some point and pulling it hard without any knowledge. Xie Ling's chin was stuck tightly by the edge of the helmet, not to mention screaming.  , I can¡¯t even breathe easily.

    What's even more frightening is that Xie Ling's soft neck was exposed, causing the zombies on top of her to bite. Fortunately, their mouths were still blocked by the lower edge of the motorcycle helmet, but this obviously couldn't be stopped.  After a while, a zombie stretched out its hand covered with corpse spots and scratched Xie Ling's neck - it didn't need to be too hard, as long as it scratched a trace of blood, Xie Ling would be dead.

    At this moment, Shen Mugu thought of the eyes of the unknown girl who was pulled out of the room by the Lin brothers. She had nothing but emptiness and despair.

    The Lin brothers ate that girl.  Not a piece of meat was left.

    The zombies will also eat Xie Ling.  Not a piece of meat was left.

    It was too late, but soon, an ax flew straight over and chopped into the face of the zombie who stretched out his dirty hands. The zombie fell on Xie Ling.

    A figure rushed over, it was Shen Mugu. After throwing out the ax in his hand, he rushed to Xie Ling's side. In his desperation, he had no time to pull out the ax stuck on the zombie's head, and actually yelled.  Desperately pushing away the zombie pressing on Xie Ling.

    If Zhou Chunyu sees this scene, he will definitely scold Shen Mugu again - Four-eyed boy, do you think this is a fight between children and you can just pull them away?  You pig!

    But not to mention, Shen Mugu's messy mess was really effective. The zombies had no brains after all. After Shen Mugu pounced on him, he actually let go of Xie Ling and turned to attack Shen Mugu.

    Xie Ling took the opportunity to climb out of the pile of zombies. As soon as she got away, she picked up the ax on the ground and rushed directly to Feng Haiqi next to her. With a few blows of the ax, she knocked down the two men who were besieging Feng Haiqi.  Only zombies.

    Feng Haiqi finally struggled up from the ground. He didn't have the ax in his hand, but he was not afraid. He knocked down the zombies surrounding him to the ground with three punches and two kicks, and then casually took the one handed by Xie Ling.  Axe, ran to Wang Lu with her, chopped down the zombies on him to the ground, and then rushed to Zhou Chunyu and rescued him.

    Shen Mugu was the last one to be rescued. When Xie Ling chopped down the three zombies that were pressing on Shen Mugu, she discovered that Shen Mugu was lying on the ground in a very weird posture - well, he changed his position this time.  It's not Ju Bao, it's changed to 96 style.

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