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Ying Chapter 236: Lijiakeng in the Sunny World

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.    In Zhou Chunyu's memories, Wang Lu and Xie Ling seemed to have witnessed with their own eyes the tragic scene in Lijiakeng Drifting Scenic Area when the biochemical crisis broke out.

    After the water turning station stopped operating, the water in the stream dried up quickly. Plastic safety helmets, orange life jackets, and overturned rubber boats were scattered messily among the rocks. There were injured people lying on the rocks bleeding and shouting.  He asked for help, but he did not wait for the rescuers. A "person" with red eyes, a dull expression, and strange black-gray muscles on his face crawled over. This "person" was also injured, and his head hit his head and drifted in the stream.  On the rocks on both sides of the road, a big hole opened on the forehead, and the skull could be vaguely seen inside, but this "person" didn't care at all. It climbed onto the body of the caller, ignored the other person's desperate struggle, buried his head, and gulped  Start chewing.  Amidst the sharp screams of the survivors calling for help, his nose was chewed off, his eyes were popped out, his soft lips were torn off, and the torn gap extended to his chin

    Similar horrific scenes can be seen everywhere in creek channels, scenic parking lots, entrance squares, and locker rooms.

    Although the parking lot of the scenic spot is wide, the entrance is extremely narrow. In order to collect the fee, it is blocked by railings. After a few vehicles escaped, the two buses were squeezed together. After crashing the toll booth, they also died.  The only entrance and exit were blocked.

    People could only run away on foot. In extreme fear and panic, people pushed, beat, and trampled each other. Women and children were pushed to the ground, and even pushed into the creek beside the road. Even if they did not fall to death, they would soon be killed.  Other "people" came around to bite.

    An SUV that did not enter the parking lot but parked on the side of the road to save parking fees luckily rushed out. However, the turbulent flow of people on the highway blocked the way of the car. The SUV did not even sound its horn and crashed into the crowd.  Amidst the screams.  People were crushed into the wheels one after another, and the dead and injured fell on the ground behind the wheels. However, the SUV did not go far. The angry people picked up stones and branches on the roadside and threw them at it. One stone broke the side window.  The driver lost control due to panic.  The SUV hit a mountain wall on the side of the road.

    Angry people swarmed in, and soon the front and rear windows of the SUV were smashed, and the passengers inside were dragged out. The driver was a tall, fat man, but there was a woman and a little girl who looked about 10 years old sitting in the back of the car.  .  People were extremely angry and had long lost their minds. Women and little girls huddled and fell next to the car under the fists and stones. The fat driver resisted for a few times. When he saw his wife and daughter being knocked down, he ran over desperately to protect him.  Live them.  A stone flew over and hit him squarely in the temple.  The fat driver staggered and fell down. His outstretched hand was less than a slap away from his wife and daughter.

    People were still beating the three members of the family who had long since become unresponsive. Suddenly, the crowd behind them started to commotion, with loud cries and screams, and several "people" chased after them.  are gnawing at the laggards, and the crowd collapses and scatters.

    From the parking lot of Lijiakeng Piaoliu Scenic Area to the inside of the scenic area.  There is a ticket office in the middle. The ticket office is blocked on a small road that leads to the creek.  It is a small cement house. For protection, there is only an iron security door to enter, and a thick security window is welded to the ticket window.

    Zhou Chunyu stood in the box office, staring blankly at the human tragedy outside through the bars of the security window. His lips were blue, his hands were trembling, and he was holding a mobile phone to his ear.

    After a long while, Zhou Chunyu cursed angrily, raised his cell phone and wanted to throw it to the ground, but he finally restrained himself - all the cell phones were blocked, including those of his wife Chen Tongdong and his father-in-law. At first there was a busy signal, then "The cell phone you dialed"  Not in the service area¡± followed by a monotonous beep.

    Feng Haiqi comforted him: "Still haven't contacted your family? Don't worry, I can't get through. The signal in the mountainous area is not good. Now that such a big disaster has happened, I don't know how many people are calling. The signal station  I can¡¯t stand it anymore, try texting.¡±

    Zhou Chunyu patiently sent the text message, but the text message showed that the sending failed.

    Zhou Chunyu was wandering around the small box office like a trapped animal. There was a phone in the room - but the trick was that you had to insert an internal employee card to make a call. When Zhou Chunyu and Feng Hai fled into the box office together,  Everyone inside fled, and the employee who escaped actually didn't forget to take away the phone card before leaving. Her good habit of saving turned the phone into a waste.

    Feng Haiqi advised: "Xiao Zhou, you are in a hurry now. We have to find a way to restore contact with the outside world as soon as possible. We must contact the district bureau and city bureau. Such a big thing happened here, let them  Send the police to rescue people quickly!"

    Zhou Chunyu couldn't bear it anymore and punched the table hard: "Old man, are you confused?! What district and city bureaus are you still contacting? Are you sending police to rescue people? This is a biochemical crisis! You know the biochemical crisis?  Don't you understand? This world is over! Look, look, are they still 'human'? They?Eating people!  Eating people alive!  Tong Dong, she, and Li Tou, she is so young, how can they escape for their lives" At the end of the roar, Zhou Chunyu burst into tears, but a grown man began to cry.

    Feng Haiqi sat on the chair and didn't say a word for a long time. The only sound in the box office was Zhou Chunyu's whimpering. A "person" heard the noise outside, staggered over and pressed its bloody face against the branch of the security window.  Go up and yell at the two living people inside.  Feng Haiqi's eyes were very good. He could see clearly that the "person"'s face was not injured. The blood on it was from someone else. And it was roaring in its cracked mouth, and there were still rough residues between its teeth.  Thick muscle filaments, you can imagine what it eats - human flesh.

    Feng Haiqi said in a deep voice: "Although I am old, I have seen the Resident Evil movie and know what Resident Evil is. But Xiao Zhou, the movie is a movie and the reality is reality. Even if it is - even if there are some  People who have very special diseases can always find ways to cure them. We are policemen, so we must act like policemen. If you are not calm now, you can't help Tong Dong and Litou."

    Feng Haiqi knew that his words were unconvincing - is this an illness?  Can this disease be cured?  If it could be cured, how could it be so out of control?  However, no matter what, Zhou Chunyu had to calm down first.  Out-of-control emotions can only do bad things. Getting angry or getting angry sounds very exciting from a perspective.  But in a real battle, out-of-control emotions will always only lead to a disastrous defeat.

    But Zhou Chunyu couldn't listen at all. He laughed strangely: "Police? When did this fucking thing happen? The police are useless. Old man, why don't you understand that from now on, the country no longer even exists?  , let alone the police?" He raised his hand, raised his police hat and threw it to the ground: "Are the police great? Damn, they work overtime day and night, taking care of trivial matters every day. They are easily arrested.  People complained, our shabby township police station doesn¡¯t even have a canteen, we only eat boxed lunches every day, and my wife¡¯s salary is higher than mine I¡¯m quitting!¡±

    The box office was silent for a moment.  Only the thump of zombies hitting the security window came from outside.  After a while, Feng Haiqi stood up slowly, walked to the police hat on the ground, squatted down to pick it up, patted the dust, and put it gently on the table.

    Zhou Chunyu stood where he was.  like a statue.

    Feng Haiqi walked to the window and looked at the zombies through the window.

    After a long silence.  Feng Haiqi said: "Our communication with the outside world is cut off. In fact, even if it is not cut off, I guess that neither the comrades from the city bureau, district bureau or even our own police station will be able to support us. You also know that the city bureau announced the day before yesterday  I once made a call and wanted to allocate manpower to maintain order in the city, but I was forced to go back. Now that such a remote scenic spot has erupted into chaos on such a scale, and the city is more densely populated, it is even more unimaginable.  Even our Longguan Township is not much better. I am worried about the comrades who stay in the institute. There are patients lying everywhere in the office. Now it seems that these sick people are zombies. Comrades are in such close contact with them  , even if they are not infected or sick, they will be attacked suddenly when they mutate."

    After throwing away the police hat, Zhou Chunyu felt empty for some reason. He gradually calmed down and said reluctantly: "There is a gun in the police station."

    Feng Haiqi smiled bitterly: "Xiao Zhou, you have forgotten that Lin Hai from the firearms room was sick and insisted on going to work today!"

    Zhou Chunyu was shocked. Yes, Lin Hai had a fever when he came to work in the morning and his eyes were red. At that time, he persuaded him to see a doctor quickly. Lin Hai said that the staff in the office were tight and he would discuss the matter of medical treatment tomorrow.  If he and Director Feng guessed that this fever was a precursor to infection with a biochemical virus, then the gun room was now under the control of a zombie.

    Without guns, the police are just like the two lesbians in charge of household registration. They are no more powerful than their own wives.

    ¡°If tragedies like the one in Lijiakeng Scenic Area were to be staged across the country, the comrades at the Longguan Township Police Station would already be in dire straits.

    Zhou Chunyu said in a hoarse voice: "Fengsuo, what do you think we should do?"

    Feng Haiqi sighed softly: "Wait. We can only wait now. Wait for the opportunity."

    There are no living people in the scenic area now. The tourists have already walked out along the mountain road. However, if they want to get to the city, there are nearly 100 kilometers of winding mountain roads. It usually takes more than an hour to drive.  , in such a chaotic situation, with a state of fear, zombies chasing behind you, and infected people who may mutate at any time hidden among your companions, I don¡¯t know how many tragedies will happen on this road of escape.

    Now, all the people wandering in the scenic area are zombies. Occasionally, one or two survivors are struggling and calling for help, but soon the sound turns into screams, and then stops abruptly - that is, the zombies have found him.

    IfAt this time, the box office was rushing to sell out, and neither Feng Haiqi nor Zhou Chunyu was sure they could escape.

    Zhou Chunyu suddenly asked: "Fengsuo, I know you are used to bringing your Type 77 pistol with you when you go out. How many bullets are in the gun?"

    "Just one magazine." Feng Haiqi said. He understood what Zhou Chunyu meant and shook his head: "Xiao Zhou, look at it. There are more than 20 zombies in the parking lot alone. Six bullets can't last long.  Time. Now we can only wait, watch, and try to observe our situation clearly before we can decide the next step."

    Zhou Chunyu sighed: "We can't afford to waste too much time on the closure. If my guess is right, this biochemical virus is the same as in the movie, then these dead people will soon turn into zombies.  When the time comes, it will be harder for us to escape.¡±

    Feng Haiqi was stunned. Although he had also seen Resident Evil, the fact that the dead could be resurrected and eat the living was beyond his imagination. When he was serving in the Marine Corps, he had participated in many live-fire battles.  During the mission, I experienced life-threatening emergencies, but my opponents at that time were still human beings after all.  Feng Haiqi couldn't imagine how he would fight with a moving corpse.

    For the first time, Feng Haiqi felt that all his combat experiences and life experiences had collapsed like a building on a sand dune. He hesitated, and after a long while he said with the unique tenacity of a veteran: "Concentrate, make observations, and be ready to attack at any time.  .¡±

    An hour later, Feng Haiqi and Zhou Chunyu looked at each other, because they had just witnessed with their own eyes that next to a private car in the parking lot, a dead man who had been attacked by zombies and had his intestines pierced to pieces came back to life.  It was lurching around the parking lot.

    Zhou Chunyu¡¯s guess came true.

    Feng Haiqi knew that he really couldn¡¯t drag it out any longer.  As time goes by, more and more zombies will be "resurrected".  He gestured: "The road going down the mountain is too dangerous now. Those who were killed, injured, pushed and trampled by cars have all been bitten by zombies. These people will turn into zombies at any time. It's dangerous to go from there."  It¡¯s just too big.¡±

    Zhou Chunyu was a little dissatisfied with Feng Haiqi. He had already warned him about the danger of zombie resurrection, but the old man insisted on observing again - I really don't know how he got the third-class merit he achieved in the Marine Corps, because his heart  Feeling resentful, he answered in a somewhat harsh tone: "What other way can we take but this way? You can't just be a coward in this box office, right? In this office, besides half a bucket of water on the water dispenser, there are also some in the drawer.  There is nothing left but Meiyuan side vegetable pancakes. I told you that we should rush out as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the weaker our physical strength will be, and we may starve to death."

    Feng Haiqi heard the accusation in Zhou Chunyu's words, but didn't care. He clicked out of the window and said, "Actually, there is another way down the mountain. It's through the stream."

    Zhou Chunyu was stunned. The stream used for drifting in Lijiakeng is called Dajiao River. It originates from the foothills of Baiduchang Gang in Tangtian, Fenghua, in the heart of Siming Mountain. It passes from the source through Beixi, Daheng Mountain, Dayuhou, and ends at the Lijia River.  A small reservoir was set up upstream of the pit, and the water volume was increased through the water turning station to form the Lijiakeng drifting section. The drifting section is 3 kilometers long, but after passing the dike at the end of the drifting, the flowing water can flow all the way to Jiaokou Reservoir.  By walking along the drifting waterway, you can avoid the zombies on the winding mountain road.

    However, the floating waterways are now full of zombies, as well as dead people who will mutate at any time after being attacked by zombies.

    Although there are not as many zombies in the drifting waterways as there are on the winding mountain road, the problem is that after the stream dries up, the exposed rocky beach is rugged and difficult to navigate, and the stone embankments on both sides are towering. If it is surrounded by zombies, it will really be a trap.  To be continued.  If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.
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