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    Chapter 277

    All the Black people were shocked by this huge symbol painted on their land. Is this the direction that the Wolf God wants those locusts to point us in?  They couldn't believe it, but the facts were clearly before them.  If it weren't for a miracle, who could have caused the passing locusts to create such clear and regular symbols?

    No one is willing to go against the will of the gods, because the two old priests explained that if the will of the Wolf God is violated, the Wolf God will bring greater disasters to the Wu people and abandon them forever.

    The black people face two choices, one is to merge into a country with a bright future and live a better life from here on, the other is to ignore the will of the wolf god, pretend it does not exist, and guard their desolate land.  If the land fights against the wolf god, a greater disaster may befall.

    Where to go, Wu Ren quickly made a decision.

    Four months later, the referendum ended. Waiwu officially passed the motion of interim President Uzhina, agreeing to annex Waiu to China. At the same time, Uzhina and the parliament drafted an application to the National Council of China to join China.  The documents of the country were formally submitted to the National Council of China.

    The most important thing for Uzhina's bill to pass is the increase in China's strength and the silence of the two major powers, the United States and Russia.  Everything is based on this. If everyone in Ukraine feels that returning to China will not be as good as before, then returning to China is an empty talk.

    After receiving the application from Waiwu, the National Council of China showed unprecedented efficiency. A week later, the National Council of China convened again to consider whether to accept the proposal of annexation of Waiwu to China.

    result.  The motion passed smoothly.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT OUTLINE  China's fighter planes also gathered in the border areas.  If the situation changes, jump into battle immediately.

    China wanted to mass a large number of troops at the border, but Shen Zibiao led Xuanyuan Ruotong and Murong Jiuboyi to commit crimes in Russia. Before China could fully control the country, he would not let the Russians have a good life.  of.

    While China is gathering heavy troops in Waiwu, it is also continuously transporting food and medicine to Waiwu. After all, this is its own territory now, so China is extremely invested in Waiu's rescue.  As for the political handover and a series of personnel changes, there is no need to go into detail.

    With food, drink, and tents to live in, the Chinese businessmen who left returned to Waiwu again, and some commodities were continuously shipped into Waiu. This quickly stabilized the local situation.

    The most important thing is that the locusts that passed through the border have disappeared, and they have all gone to Russia¡âWuren breathed a sigh of relief. If you ask Wuren now where the locusts fell, he will answer.  He would not fall into the place of the Russians.

    What makes the Wu people even more want to kneel down and worship the wolf god is that there is another tide of beasts in Waiwu. However, this time the direction of the beast tide is opposite to the last time.  The beasts and birds are migrating from China to Waiwu this time, and the two beasts in the legend of the Wu people are still leading the tide of beasts.  _White Tiger and White Wolf King.

    On the day the beast tide was discovered, some devout black people could not help but kneel on the ground and look up to the sky in tears: The Wolf God has not abandoned us.

    The situation in Waiwu stabilized. Waiwu officially became an administrative division of China, implemented autonomy, and was named the Xinwu Autonomous Region. The original groups of government personnel and institutions basically maintained their original settings, while Uzbekistan¡¯s original  The army was disbanded, and the Chinese Army officially took over all border defense. Uzhina was sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to serve as deputy prime minister, and Yu Zecheng became the first head of the Xinwu Autonomous Region.


    The annexation of Waiwu to China has once again allowed the world to see the majesty and skill of a great power. The rise of China has become unstoppable.  Countries are finally willing to lower their posture and re-examine this big country that will lead the new world order.  From now on, they must learn to compromise with China in order to earn greater benefits.

    The Chinese country is like the rising sun, while the Japanese country on one side is about to collapse. In this island country, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to see breathing creatures. Even the flowers in their gardens have to be artificial after bees and butterflies become increasingly rare.  Pollinated.  There is no meat to eat and no milk to drink. The entire island country is filled with a strange and suffocating atmosphere. No one wants to come to this devil-like country.  Japanese immigrants continue to leave this country. Many of them want to go to China, but the Immigration Bureau of China only accepts Japanese women, and they must be beautiful women. This country has sunk forever.

    At this time, Shen Ziqing has moved his target to the Philippines and India, and the two countries will enjoy the same treatment as the Japanese.


    In the magic garden of Shuncheng, Shen Ziqing summoned the heads of all his companies together and held an extremely important meeting. Among Ziqing's companies, except Qingyu Group,Except for the financial supervision agency of **, all the others are directly controlled by Demon Pet Academy. Cai Xiaoqun is in charge of the business department of Demon Pet Academy, Yu Xiaoge is in charge of United Animal Husbandry, and Wu Xiaolei and Qi Jian are now in charge of Little Mermaid Culture Media.  Qi Jian's Chinese language has now been incorporated into the Little Mermaid ¡Ø Zhi controls Yuanhua Hou Group and a jewelry company.  Yu Xiaoge¡¯s mother Qi Xin is in charge of Magic Hand Investment.

    Originally Qi Xin was also going to attend this meeting, but since Yu Zecheng became the first head of the Xinwu Autonomous Region, Qi Xin had the intention to withdraw from Magic Hand Investment. Although she has always secretly controlled Magic Hand,  As Yu Zecheng's official reputation became more and more popular, his actions were inevitably restricted, so Qi Xin deliberately handed everything over to her daughter. As soon as she heard about the meeting of all the responsible persons, she immediately handed everything over to her daughter.  It was entrusted to Yu Xiaoge. In her words: "Standing among a bunch of young and beautiful women makes me feel too old. I don't like this feeling."

    In the conference room, Shen Ziqing looked at the beautiful women surrounding him. He was confused and couldn't help but said: "How come the heads of my company are all beautiful women?"

    In all the companies owned by Shen Ziqing, they are now all headed by women. Shen Ziqing only discovered this problem when he gathered all the heads of his companies together today.  The people attending the meeting today are Hua Yu, Qin Zhi, Wu Xiaolei, Qi Jian, Cai Xiaoqun, Yu Xiaoge, and Tan Qingqing.

    Buyiyi and Bu Yanyan directly became the ones serving tea and water.

    As soon as Shen Ziqing said this question, he felt that he was being rude. He was surrounded by resentful looks, and the pain in his waist was naturally inevitable.

    "This has something to do with someone's taste." Tan Qingqing smiled.

    Shen Ziqing glared at Tan Qingqing and sat upright.  He wanted to finish this meeting quickly, otherwise he would feel guilty facing this group of women who were staring at him alone.  Because every pair of eyes looking at him contained something special, he couldn't resist it.

    Shen Zi cleared his throat and said seriously: "I summoned you here today mainly to tell you about the future development of the Demon Pet Academy. I never imagined that the Demon Pet Academy would be what it is today. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I was  When I opened the Demon Pet Academy store, I just wanted to make some money, get a wife, and have food to eat."

    Everyone was covered in laughter by Shen Ziqing.  Wu Xiaolei showed a nostalgic expression.

    "And now I have food to eat and a wife. My original dream has come true." When Shen Ziqing said this, the girls laughed again.

    "Now I can eat for the rest of my life without being hungry, so I suddenly feel like the properties I own are not that important to me. In fact, what I really want in my heart is that I just want to keep a meal ticket.  That's enough for now. I decided to follow my inner thoughts, and I want to leave everything in the Demon Pet Academy to you."

    All the girls were stunned.  I don't understand what Shen Ziqing wants to say.  But Shen Ziqing said again: "I mean, give all these companies to you for free. Just distribute them according to the part you are currently responsible for."

    Everyone looked at Shen Ziqing in surprise and almost said in unison: "Why."

    Shen Ziqing stood up: "Listen to me, my dream can be realized only because of your support. In fact, these companies are not so much mine as they are yours. I basically just set up a partnership with each company."  The rest is up to you to complete the shelf. You have worked hard to support these companies, and finally the strength came together to complete my dream. But this is just my dream, and your dream has not been realized yet.  , What I am doing now is to let you realize your dreams." Of course, Shen Ziqing's dream is not a meal ticket, he is referring to the return home plan.

    "Each of you has your own dream, doesn't it? For example, Xiaoqun, he wants to build a world-class university, and Xiaojian, he wants to open the magic garden to the world, Xiaoge, she has always  If you want to be a clean and ideal enterprise now is the time for me to support your dream."

    When Shen Ziqing said this, he remained silent and looked at the girls with a smile. Sparks were flying in the eyes of the girls looking at her.

    Tan Qingqing suddenly said to Shen Ziqing: "My dear, you are so handsome today, I want to kiss you to death."

    Everyone laughed again, laughing more happily than ever before.

    Shen Ziqing was also smiling in his heart, thinking, in fact, I still have a greater dream in my heart than world peace, but I can't say that it is to eat soft food until death.

    "Are you really sure?" Qin Zhi looked at the little man she admired very much with some emotion.

    "Of course I'm sure. Today's conference is called the spoils sharing conference, and everyone who sees it will have a share." Shen Ziqingsmiled.

    "If you spend all your wealth like this, what will you do in the future?" Cai Xiaoqun finally couldn't help but ask Shen Ziqing's whereabouts.

    "The homing plan is completed. I will travel around the world in the next time." Shen Ziqing said happily: "I have found a few cranes, and everyone who wants to go with me has a share."

    "With a hundred thousand guan in your pocket, you can ride a crane to Yangzhou." Tan Qingqing's eyes were full of stars: "I have decided that this is my dream, little skirt skirt, if you can't bear to let go of your brother Shen, hurry up and follow her."

    Cai Xiaoqun¡¯s head almost reached under the table when she was spoken to.

    Shen Ziqing knew that the next time would be for everyone to arrange their own time. Ziqing painfully hid his head in his hands and covered his ears.


    Shen Ziqing wanted to travel around the world, but the team was too large, and according to Tan Qingqing's prediction, people would continue to join along the way, so the original cranes were not enough. Shen Ziqing had no choice but to collect a few more cranes.  Tigers and lions.  The original crane army became a miscellaneous army.

    Shen Ziqing assembled his team and looked at his women with high spirits: "If we complete this round of the world, the world will be peaceful."

    "Before there is peace in the world, you must first make peace in your own home." Qin Zhi glanced at the army of beauties around Shen Ziqing, then looked at Hua Yu's calm expression, and shook her head with a smile.


    Shen Ziqing traveled around the world and was at ease everywhere. According to his original agreement with the National Council, Xinwu officially set aside a place to build a city, and the people responsible for building the city were naturally the Bu people. From now on, the new city would be the new habitat of the Bu people. There was no choice but to  They didn't realize that the city was more like an amusement park than a city, because no one could live in this city, people could only enter it, and the animals and birds were the masters of this city.

    After 4 years, Chinese scientists finally found a way to refine black gold without relying on Shen Ziqing's supernatural powers.

    Due to the application of black gold, China's science and technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, far behind other countries in the world. China's military power has greatly increased, and all black gold deposits have been discovered one by one, and all have been collected by China.  And 10 years later, Chinese scientists took the lead in discovering another secret of black gold-the ability to bend time, which is the same feeling that Shen Ziqing had when he discovered black gold.  After countless attempts by Chinese scientists, Chinese scientists finally made a time tunnel using this metal.

    Thirty years later, after the time tunnel was formed, under the auspices of China, the world officially entered the integration process. At this time, Shen Ziqing's journey around the world also ended.

    (Complete book) (To be continued

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