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Text Chapter 247: The Conspiracy of the Poisonous Fishes

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    Chapter 247: The Poisonous Fish¡¯s Conspiracy

    Chapter 247: The Conspiracy of the Poisonous Fishes

    Just when Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong went to the four northern islands to lay out their plans, an earth-shattering event occurred in the Chinese political arena: the leader Wan Zhenghai was impeached on charges of corruption, and the National Council unanimously passed a resolution to suspend Wan Zhenghai  As the head of state, Vice Minister Feng Zhichun serves as the interim head of state. At the same time, an emergency national council is convened to vote on the election of the head of state and the current situation.

    On the day this incident was announced, the world was in an uproar and triggered countless speculations. At such a sensitive time, China's change of generals on the spot was an unwise move in the eyes of political leaders around the world.  However, almost all political commentators unanimously believe that Feng Zhichun's coming to power means a change in China's political direction, so Feng Zhichun's every move now has become the focus of world attention.

    While the world was interpreting Feng Zhichun in various ways, the commander-in-chief Feng Zhichun was unusually low-key. He simply issued an inauguration declaration of less than a thousand words, and then personally inspected the First Fleet of China, without making any further announcements.  A word.

    ¡°But Feng Zhichun¡¯s inspection of China¡¯s First Fleet immediately aroused media frenzy around the world. Politicians around the world also smelled something unusual. Almost everyone believed that this was a prelude to China¡¯s toughness.

    The day after Feng Zhichun inspected the First Fleet, the First Fleet announced in a high-profile manner that it would travel to the high seas for military exercises in three days.

    With the announcement of this news, the nerves of countries all over the world suddenly became tense.

    Compared with the big actions of the Chinese state, an incident that happened in the Japanese state was not so eye-catching, but for the Japanese people, it was also important news, occupying the front pages of major newspapers, among which the biggest news in the Japanese state was  News from the media "Waguo Bao":

    The title of this news is: Jellyfish and other poisonous fish invaded the beaches of Japan, and thousands of people were stung.

    The source said: Just when the situation in East Asia was on the verge of breaking out, the two major powers had not yet taken any action, but something happened to the beaches of Japan. There were a large number of jellyfish, poisonous scorpionfish, bluefish, surgeonfish, sea snakes, starfish and other poisonous fish.  These poisonous fish suddenly appeared on the east coast of Japan. Within a few days, tens of thousands of people were injured by the poisonous fish. Three of them lost their lives due to lack of timely treatment. According to the marine monitoring agency, due to the poisonous fish,  During the invasion, all kinds of fish that the Japanese people loved to eat on the east coast suddenly disappeared in large numbers.

    Due to the invasion of poisonous fish, the Japanese fishery and marine tourism industry suffered heavy losses and had to import fish on a large scale from all over the world.

    According to some experts from Japan, the invasion of poisonous fish is likely due to over-fishing, which has resulted in insufficient numbers of the "natural enemies" of poisonous fish such as turtles, tuna and swordfish. As a result, jellyfish and poisonous fish have "unbridled" reproduction.

    Other experts have linked the poisonous fish invasion to the military confrontation between the United States and China. They say that a large amount of fuel and waste have been dumped into this sea area, which has caused changes in the composition of the seawater, which is why it is like this.  the result of.  These experts appealed to the Japanese government not to get involved in the dispute between the two countries, which would bring disasters to Japan ten times that of poisonous fish.

    Before the experts came to a conclusion, the Japanese government was still very efficient. They immediately ordered all scientific research institutions to study countermeasures and organized a large number of ships to remove poisonous fish.

    However, these poisonous fish are like spirits. As soon as the poisonous fish removal ship leaves the port, the poisonous fish will disappear immediately. When the poisonous fish removal ship thinks that the poisonous fish have left the beach of Japan and withdraws the ship to the port,  These poisonous fish will immediately come back again.  After going back and forth several times, the Japanese ships not only failed to clear away the poisonous fish, but many ships were attacked by whales, and the ships were destroyed and people died.

    The incident of a Japanese ship being attacked by a whale spread quickly. Marine animal protection organizations around the world laughed and said that this was the whale's revenge. The Japanese people have been hunting whales for many years, and now they finally suffered retribution.

    Those marine animal protectors did not say anything about the misfortune, but the whole Japanese country began to feel uneasy. Think about an island country completely surrounded by the ocean, and now the beach has become a devil-like area. It is now almost impossible to swim and bathe in the sea.  matter.  This is indeed not a comfortable thing.  For a time, for the Japanese country, the confrontation between the Chinese country and the United States was not that important. They were now more concerned about when these poisonous fish would disperse.

    Some people with rich imagination said: "The poisonous fish are plotting to take over our territory."


    Just when China announced that the First Fleet was going to sea for military exercises, and Japan was troubled by the poisonous fish, Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong had already been cruising around the four northern islands for two days. During these two days, Shen Ziqing launched the sea fish  , two American submarines and two Russian submarines operating in this area were found.  Although Shen Ziqing discovered that submarines from the two countries were in this area,However, he could not wait for a good time to make a move, so he and Xuanyuan Ruotong first threw some of the mysterious metal mines into the sea area, pretending that there were such mysterious metal mineral deposits in the sea area.  This Xuanyuan Ruotong is the best at it.

    The Chinese merchant ships that cooperated with them "secretly" circled here for a few times and then left.  Shen Ziqing believed that this action would definitely attract the attention of the Americans, who were now focusing almost all their energy on China. Although the two merchant ships did not look suspicious, the Americans would be smart enough to "see the problem."  Because the departure time of the two merchant ships was such a coincidence, the Americans would definitely find out that the return time of the two ships actually fell within the time of China's exercise on the high seas.

    Just when Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong were camouflaging the mineral deposits and thinking about how to let the other party discover it, Shen Ziqing finally found an excellent opportunity on this day, because on this day, two American submarines and the Russian  The two submarines were really close, a very ideal distance.

    "We are going home." Shen Ziqing said to Xuanyuan Ruotong.

    Xuanyuan Ruotong perked up after hearing this: "Are you going to take action?"

    "Do it now." Shen Ziqing said, taking out the whistle hanging around his neck, exerting all his strength, and his supernatural powers burst out fiercely with the whistle. A burst of rapid whistle sounded on the sea surface in an instant. The whistle could be rapid or slow,  It may be high-pitched or low-pitched, or it may be high-pitched or harsh, or it may be so heavy that the eardrums are about to burst.  In an instant, the whistle seemed to fill the entire Pacific Ocean and could be heard thousands of miles away.

    Xuanyuan Ruotong was stunned for a moment when he saw Shen Ziqing standing on the back of the whale with a stern expression, as if he had the entire Pacific Ocean under his control.

    Shen Ziqing's whistle lasted for two or three minutes. Finally, the whistle stopped, and the entire sea was silent.  Before Xuanyuan Ruotong came back to his senses, Shen Ziqing had already said to him: "Let's go, this time around the west coast of Japan."

    "Ah." Xuanyuan Ruotong finally came to his senses: "Is this the end?"

    "What, do you still want to soak in the ice water here for a few more days?"

    "Only a ghost wants to stay here and soak in the cold water." After Xuanyuan Ruotong experienced the fun of riding a whale and driving away sharks, Xuanyuan Ruotong became more and more bored and wanted to return as soon as possible. However, Shen Ziqing's matter never found a suitable opportunity.  Once completed, the return journey is naturally impossible.  Now Shen Ziqing just blew the whistle frantically, and then said that the mission was completed and he wanted to return.  Xuanyuan Ruotong couldn't believe it: "Are you sure? This is considered completed."

    "What are you saying? The submarine will blow up in a while and you will be affected. Hurry up and go, otherwise there will be a nuclear leak. Do you think this is just for fun?" Shen Ziqing said, quickly urging the giant whale to head towards the west coast of the Japanese country.  OK.

    Xuanyuan Ruotong was still doubtful, but even if she had doubts, she had to leave. The whale would not obey her orders.

    "We are going to the west coast of the Japanese country, right? I wonder what the east coast of the Japanese country is like now?" Xuanyuan Ruotong asked Shen Ziqing half inquiringly to himself for half a day.

    "You'll know when you go back. Since the east coast has done it, now it's the west coast's turn. Think about it, the Japanese people don't even dare to go to the sea every day, and they have to import everything they eat. I feel really damn comfortable." Shen Ziqing added.  Laughed slyly.

    "Well, then why not take over the Bangzi Kingdom as well." Xuanyuan Ruotong was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

    "Yeah, I forgot about Bangzi Country. This country is not a fun country either." Shen Ziqingyin said.


    Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong returned along the west coast of Japan, causing harm to Japan and Bangzi along the way. They walked leisurely and leisurely.  In the waters of the four northern islands, an unpredictable and earth-shattering change is taking place.  Almost at the same time that Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong were sailing to the west coast of Japan to return home, countless finger-sized swimming fish emerged from the waters below the four northern islands. There were about a hundred swimming fish in total, but they were  They appear scattered across a vast sea area thousands of miles away, divided into groups of more than thirty in twos and threes. These hundreds of swimming fish are scattered in different directions, not attracting attention at all, but if you look closely at these small fish, you will find that  , these finger-sized sea fish all have a half-finger-sized ultra-micro bomb stuck on their bodies.

    Although these hundreds of swimming fish did not only appear in the same place, they appeared at the same time and had the same goal, which was the four Russian and American submarines not far away.

    The finger-sized fish were very fast, and it didn¡¯t take long before they swam to the three designated submarines. Only one Russian submarine was ignored by these finger-sized fish.

    Near the three submarines, each submarine was surrounded by more than thirty of these swimming fish. These swimming fish were well trained to get close to the submarine, and then stuck the magnetic bombs about the size of their fingers onto the submarine.  ,?Then it swam away and disappeared.  Unbeknownst to God, more than 30 tiny bombs were stuck on each of the three submarines, and the places where the tiny bombs were stuck were all weak parts of the submarine design.

    The swimming fish have long since dispersed, and the people on the submarine are unaware that the danger is approaching.  When the submarines of the two countries finally approached, under the seabed, a sea snake inadvertently shook its tail, and a button on a bomb control device was quietly pressed.

    The sea water was suddenly spread rapidly around, and the sea surface fluctuated violently, as if a volcano was about to erupt.  But it only returned to calm in an instant, as if nothing had happened.


    Shen Ziqing walked along the way and circled along the coasts of the Japanese and Bangzi Kingdoms.  It took him a while, but after he finally determined that this sea area was under his jurisdiction, he returned home with great satisfaction.

    The two of them were getting closer and closer to the coast of China. Xuanyuan Ruotong's original mood of looking forward to returning home soon suddenly faded away. It seemed that floating on the sea felt good.

    "What do you want to do when you go back?" Xuanyuan Ruotong couldn't help but ask Shen Ziqing.

    When asked by Xuanyuan Ruotong, Shen Ziqing also began to think about his itinerary after returning. Thinking of this, Shen Ziqing couldn't help but sigh: "I really have a lot to do."

    Shen Ziqing does have a lot of things to do. The first is the filming of "The Emperor of the Forest". The first part has not been completed yet, and the second part is already in preparation. Now the remaining unfilmed parts are basically interior scenes, which is not the case.  You need to appear in person, with a team of animal trainers, plus Tan Qingqing and Hua Yu occasionally giving guidance, there is no problem. As Shen Ziqing's women, Hua Yu and Tan Qingqing "inherited" the "mantle" from Shen Ziqing.  ", even if the White Wolf King is asked to film, the two of them can do it now.

    In addition to "The Emperor of the Forest", the Magic Garden is now also facing the problem of opening the park and expanding overseas markets.  Not only that, Yu Xiaoge has completed the preliminary work of Beiwu's return plan, and he must take charge of this matter.  Thinking about it this way, it seems that I have to spend a long time on the plane again.

    "When I go back this time, I will be idle for a while. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so why not help you? It will be considered as repaying your life-saving grace."

    "Thank you very much, but I really don't know what to do for you at the moment. Your goal is too big. The Americans are looking for you every day now. As soon as you show up, you will immediately recruit them."

    Xuanyuan Ruotong became discouraged after thinking about it: "Forget it, I won't go anywhere. If I go, I won't be able to help you, but it will cause you trouble."

    "But there are two places you can go to?"

    "Which two places?"

    "Buqi and Shuncheng, these two places should be safer." For safety reasons, Shen Ziqing's management of Shuncheng goes without saying. In the streets and alleys, almost all animals except humans that can breathe are Shen Ziqing.  Detective, as for Buqi, because of the homing plan, Buqi was the first city Shen Ziqing laid out. Now people from the Bu and U people are in charge of the intelligence network he established. Although it is not as tight as Shuncheng, it is dense.  The level is also comparable to that of the capital.

    "Shuncheng is not interesting. When are you going to Beiwu? Let me go to Buqi with you. I want to see the desert and the grassland."

    "I'll let you know when I get there." Shen Ziqing responded vaguely, but in his mind he was thinking that he would have to find something to do for this woman when he returned to the Shengong Group.  Once the people in the Divine Works Group are idle, each one of them will be the cause of trouble. Now that he has initially achieved control over the Divine Works Group, he will have to bring these people together to achieve some results. Otherwise, he has just formed  The good situation was lost again.

    Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong did not hide the location of their landing, and directly asked Murong Jiu to send a car to pick them up at the beach.

    Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong did not expect that when they landed on the backs of two sharks, Murong Jiu was not the only one who came to pick them up.  Almost all the people from the Shengong team who were not on a mission or had just returned from a mission came to pick up Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong. There were about twenty people, divided into two rows, in front of Shen Ziqing and Xuanyuan Ruotong.

    Shen Ziqing was shocked by this formation: "What are you doing?"

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