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Text 52 Storm

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    Katniss and others set out from Stromgarde and headed south. After arriving at the seaport of Hermes, they took a boat and turned east.  []

    " Dozens or nearly a hundred of them boarded two merchant ships provided by businessman Yao Xi, looking for the wind - Piao Tianwen -, and the journey was quite smooth.  Therefore, not long after, the harbor of the Papal State was already in sight, and there were gradually more ships on the sea.

    However, at this moment, something "accidental" happened in the sea

    The raven flying in the wind "accidentally" sneezed when it came to look for Katniss.  This was nothing at first, it was just a symptom of catching a cold at most, but at that time, the main controller of the Magic Network had just been transplanted into the body of the Angel of Death.

    So when she sneezed, she not only used Feng Feiyang's divine power, but also unintentionally mobilized a large number of magical particles Mana nearby.

    The divine power attracted large cumulonimbus clouds, and Mana caused a strong wind to rise on the sea surface.

    In an instant, the clear sky darkened, almost to night, and occasionally a few purple-red lightnings tore through the sky; the originally deep blue water turned as black as ink, swirling, and covered with white foam;  The seabirds playing at the stern of the boat also disappeared without a trace in a few snaps; then, the strong wind roared, and huge raindrops fell.

    Businessman Yao Xi bent over and ran to the bow of the ship with three shaking steps despite the strong wind. He shouted to the captain who took the helm personally, "What's going on?"

    The captain didn¡¯t know either Before the weather changed, he and the experienced second officer were both sure: today will be a good day!  Although the wind is a little light, it will not affect the scheduled itinerary.

    But who would have thought that just after noon, the sky would turn like this without any warning!

    So when he was questioned by his boss, the old captain felt a little embarrassed, but he still reminded him solemnly: "Master, it's a little late to ask about the reason now - what we should consider most now is  , how to survive it!"

    Yao Xi heard the meaning of his words, and her face suddenly turned pale, but she didn't give up, "A strong storm?"

    "It's not clear yet, sir. But I have heard other people say similar things - it was also a storm without warning, and its power is almost unimaginable"

    "What should we do" Yao Xi's face turned even paler and he rubbed his hands subconsciously, "That lady and the red archbishop are on our ship!"

    "I think that the respected Father God will not put his people in danger" Men at sea always fear God less - they are more afraid of nature, and there are even some among sailors.  Those who worshiped were classified as evil gods and demons by the Father God Church - before that, they were once the sea gods in legends in some places.  [ ] This old captain seems to be like this, so he can still laugh heartily and joke about danger, "Especially when there are his favorite girls and loyal servants among them!"

    Looking back, the captain said to Yao Xi, "Master, please go into the cabin too. After a while, it will become very dangerous on the deck."

    When Yao Xi walked into the cabin, the wind on the sea became stronger and stronger. It rolled up huge waves, and they surged forward one after another.  These merchant ships were tossed up and down involuntarily as the waves rose and fell.  The heavy rain had already turned into a curtain of water, covering the sky and the sun, so that they could not even see the other ship behind them.

    The captain had already ordered people to lower the anchor and cut the sail.  Now all the sailors have come to the deck. They semi-fixed themselves with cables and followed the captain's command.

    But what can they do?  Under the awe-inspiring power of nature, they are simply too small.


    The sailors fought tenaciously against the waves for several minutes. Suddenly, another huge wave came and threw the ship in the air.  When the ship fell heavily, it made a huge noise. The main mast of the ship was overwhelmed and broke from it, hitting it diagonally rearward.

    "Get out of the way!"

    The sailors on the ship shouted, but the sound did not travel far in the storm.  The sailors at the stern did not hear it. When they realized the danger, it was already too late to dodge. At that moment, several people were swept away by the broken wood and were taken into the depths of the rough sea.

    "Bang!" The sound of the mast hitting the stern of the ship resounded in the cabin. Everyone who heard it turned pale and looked at each other. They were silent. After a while, someone asked in horror, "No, there won't be any danger"  ¡­¡±

    But no one can answer this question

    "When all the sailors on the ship were on the deck, the only ones left in the cabin were the priests and knights They may be very good at preaching and fighting But the current situation is not among themWithin the business scope of ??.

    They didn't know what to do in such a situation, and they couldn't help but think about the worst-case scenario. In addition, there were many first-time sailors who were seasick and a mess They sounded depressed and worried about the future.  In ignorance, they influenced each other and brought down the overall morale. Together with the dim lantern in the cabin, they made the atmosphere here really desolate.

    In the end, Bishop Bill, who was one of the leaders, stood up first. He swayed into the crowd amid the rocking of the ship.  He cleared his throat, attracted everyone's attention, and asked, "Have you ever thought about why we encountered such a storm when we were about to arrive at the Holy Hill?" Bill's voice was very good, and his words were full of emotion.  This inexplicable magnetism is very able to attract the attention of others and easily win their resonance.

    His questions were also chosen very well, and it was easy for everyone to temporarily forget their fear and loss and think along with his words.  But Bill didn't want to ask them to name possible answers.  So he quickly said, "I think this is a test given to us by our God."

    "Under the guidance of the Holy Son, we luckily took one step closer to our God than other people in the world - including our brothers and sisters at the Holy Mound before they made empty wishes and prayers to the statue of God.  By that time, we had learned how to communicate with our God"

    ¡°The purpose of our march to the holy post is to invite the Holy Son to stand in front of the world, to ask her to lead them as she leads us, and to teach them how to pray to God¡±

    "But we all know that it is not easy to do it Although we have received the gift from our Lord, according to the teachings, these hard-won magic cannot be easily shown to others More often than not, we  We still have to rely on our words and deeds to convince the world - the ignorant people among them are still good, and we can move them with sincerity The biggest difficulty we will face is likely to be our brothers, those  Guys who cling to the old holy book - they are unwilling to change even a word or a half in it, let alone believe that although God the Father is our God, he is one of the thousands of incarnations of our Lord.  Something happened."

    ¡°Bill spoke very slowly and clearly.  Although under the influence of the storm, there was a lot of messy noise in the cabin.  But the people sitting around still heard clearly. In Bill's words, they gradually straightened their backs. When Bill gave a few more examples of "difficulties they will encounter", the younger ones among them were very  The more impulsive ones have already clenched their fists, wishing they could stand in front of those "difficulties" right now and solve them for their gods.

    But at this point, Bill suddenly changed the topic, "So, compared with those difficulties, the storm we are encountering now is just the pebbles on the mountainside, the dew on the seasideit is not worth mentioning at all."

    "If we are so panicked when faced with such a thing, then how can our God trust us with the important task of spreading the gospel?"

    "And, most importantly, why did it happen that when we were about to arrive at the Holy Hill, we encountered this storm that suddenly appeared and was not noticed by even the most experienced sailors?"

    After talking for so long, Bill actually returned to the original question.

    But unlike last time, everyone no longer had to think about it. When the cardinal asked the question, they all answered in unison, "Because this is our Lord's revelation to us, and it is also our Lord's sincerity to us."  A test of faith!"

    Afterwards, these devout priests and knights no longer paid attention to the noise above the cabin and on the deck. They just prayed to their god, their master Feng Feiyang, under the leadership of Bishop Bill.


    Sorry, I have been doing a lot of shopping today and I am so busy

    There will be another update later in the early morning


    Although it is a little late, I still ask students to continue to support - please take out all the votes in your hand.


    ????????????????????????? Then there is the advertising time once a day

    ??The picture scroll of the late Ming Dynasty, the end of prosperity in the golden war and iron horse

    The same historical events, a new interpretation of the late Ming Dynasty

    Temuer's "Ten Years of Rebellion in the Late Ming Dynasty", ISBN 1256818

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