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Doukai 5200 Text Jiangdu Dream (10)

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    Meng Ju was also surprised. Did Mr. Li Chaoyang take the wrong medicine or something?  Why do you keep looking for trouble for yourself?  Don¡¯t you know that you are the host and guest tonight?  Doesn't he know that his status is much higher than him?

    So, the ideas between people are really very different.  In Meng Ju's view, the status and title he obtained from scratch, through bloody battles, and through his own efforts are the most glorious, because this proves his ability, which is much better than those aristocratic princes who rest on the merits of their fathers.  .

    ¡°As everyone knows, in the eyes of the aristocratic young master Li Chaoyang, their long-standing family tree and genealogy are worthy of pride.

    You must know that within the Southern Tang Dynasty, aristocratic families are also divided into hierarchies. A family with a history of 300 years is still more important and more confident than a family with a history of less than 100 years.  The longer the history of nobles, the more time they have to develop, run industries, layout the court, control all walks of life in Jiangdu and Datang, and have great influence in the court, the army and the people.

    The scary thing about aristocratic families is not just that. No matter how strong a single noble is, it can't be much stronger. But for hundreds of years, various aristocratic families have married and cooperated with each other, and the intricate network of relationships formed by this is what makes them so terrifying.  Terrifying.  Although the nobles have many conflicts and disputes with each other, when dealing with the outside world, the nobles are often able to stick to the same roots and unite as one. This is what is truly scary about them.  Faced with such a complicated network of relationships, even Emperor Li Gongwei did not dare to act rashly if he wanted to touch any noble person.

    Although newly minted marquis like Meng Ju was officially canonized by the imperial court, he had little status in the aristocratic circle of Jiangdu and could not integrate into the social circle of Jiangdu aristocrats.

    Therefore, in Li Chaoyang's view, Meng Ju's status is respected.  But after all, he was just a general who surrendered from Jiangbei, and he was really different from the family of hereditary generals of the Southern Tang Dynasty like them.  At first, because he still had something to ask for, he could still be patient and polite to Meng Ju. However, after Meng Ju rejected him, the arrogant young master suddenly felt that his self-esteem had been greatly affected.  Isn't it just a rough martial artist to strike?  How dare you refuse this young master?  This is really unreasonable!

    Of course, Li Chaoyang is not the kind of ignorant playboy. He really wants to do something with Meng Ju because of such a trivial matter, but that's not the case.  He still has this sense of propriety.  But subconsciously, he really wanted to make Meng Ju look embarrassed.

    In Li Chaoyang's opinion, it would be too easy to make Meng Ju look bad. Isn't this martial artist illiterate?  Then I will deliberately talk about poetry and poetry tonight.  Rafting on the river.  Watching the moon and reciting poems is a graceful and elegant thing.  No one could say anything.  This is Li Chaoyang's plan so that this ignorant warrior can't say a word, and I will occasionally say a few words to him to see how he reacts in embarrassment, embarrassing him in front of so many beauties and not being able to speak out.

    Meng Ju couldn¡¯t guess what Li Chaoyang was thinking.  But Meng Ju could hear the provocation in the other party's words.  Under the pitiful eyes of everyone, he felt drunk for a while.  Meng Ju was also slightly embarrassed and wanted to compete with me on poetry and poetry?  You kid is really looking for death!

    Meng Ju held the wine glass and squinted at Li Chaoyang impolitely: "Master Li is interested. But poetry is a minor art and this technique is not beneficial to the country, so Meng is not very concerned about it, although he has one or two poems.  But in front of all the wise men, Meng has no intention of showing off his shame."

    Meng Ju said he had poems?

    How dare this martial artist shamelessly say that he also has experience in poetry?

    For a moment, Li Chaoyang really had the urge to laugh. He quickly said: "Meng Guan is too modest. I think Meng Guan's masterpiece must be excellent. Please don't be polite and let us have the opportunity to feast our eyes on it."  Bar!"

    Huang Changlv and Cao Shuang also echoed: "Yes, Meng Guan people have poems, so why should they be stingy? Tonight is a clear breeze with a bright moon, and a beautiful woman is by your side. It is a good time to appreciate the moon and recite poems. Meng Guan people  Please give me some advice."

    Prince Xu Yan looked at the crowd and then at Meng Ju, with a hint of worry in his expression.  He had already felt that the atmosphere in the banquet was not normal, and everyone was vaguely interested in Meng Ju. He was about to come out to change the subject, but Meng Ju spoke first: "Since you are so kindly invited,  Then I won't be polite. Just now, I suddenly got the inspiration to compose a poem, and I would like to ask all you gentlemen to give me some advice."

    The young masters laughed and laughed: "The masterpiece written by Meng Guan must be good, so we are all ears!"

    "Well, I'll show my shame!" Meng Ju stood up, walked a few steps, raised his head and chanted: "If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and rushes to the sea and never returns. If you don't see it, the mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and looks like  Green hair turns into snow at dusk. If you are proud of life, you must have all the fun. Don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon. I am born with talents that will be useful. I will come back after all the gold is gone??¡±

    Yes, what Meng Juyin wrote was Li Taibai's eternal masterpiece "The Wine Will Come in".  With memories from thousands of years later, Meng Ju has countless wonderful works hidden in his mind.  Meng Ju had never used those famous poems to show off in the past. Firstly, he felt that it was boring to rely on these poems to gain fame. Secondly, it was also because he disdained to gain fame by plagiarizing ancient poems in this troubled world dominated by force. Even if there was a peerless poet.  What about the reputation of a literary giant?  I am following the warlord route, not the civil servant route.

    When he was in the north, Meng Ju also thought about whether he should write a few poems to gain a reputation as a Confucian general with "both civil and military skills"?  But unfortunately, he never found a chance. His subordinates, Lu Liulou, Wang Beixing, Wang Hu, Qi Peng, Xu Haojie all of them are genuine martial artists. Talking about poetry with them would be a real match.

    Later, when the territory of the Dongping Army expanded, Meng Ju also had the opportunity to contact local literati and gentry, but he still couldn't find a chance to show off: Who doesn't know that Governor Meng was a warlord leader with a background as a border warrior?  Any ignorant helper would come and "ask Governor Meng to compose a poem" as a joke, hoping to make Governor Meng look embarrassed. Do you think you have too many brains?

    Therefore, even though Meng Ju was full of famous works, he never had a good opportunity, so he could only keep his countless wonderful literary talents in his stomach.  On an occasion like tonight, with the bright moon in the sky and the courtesan by your side, it's the best time to show off.  Of course Meng Ju wouldn't let it go. He immediately used Li Taibai's article to slap him in the face. He didn't believe it. Faced with such a magnificent and famous article that has been passed down through the ages, which of you dare not be convinced?

    After Meng Ju finished memorizing "Journey into the Wine", the scene was completely silent. Everyone looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, their eyes widened.  Looking at the dumbfounded crowd, Meng Ju politely and humbly said: "This is a hasty work. You gentlemen and everyone are proficient in poetry. I hope you can give me some advice."

    Everyone: ""

    Meng Ju waved his sleeves.  He sat down very casually, but he felt a little regretful in his heart: after other time-travelers copied the poems and performed them, they won thunderous applause and floods of praise. How come after my own performance, I got a pair of  Those dull dead fish eyes belong to your sister.  Even if you are stunned and speechless by my unique talent, you can always give me a few applauses!

    But fortunately.  There are always people who know the goods.  The girl Li Xiuyu sitting next to Meng Ju had beautiful eyes.  His whole body softened and he leaned against Meng Ju.  She looked at Meng Ju and said excitedly: "Meng Guanren's poem has a plain poetry, but it is magnificent and imaginative. It can be called a peerless work. What is the name of this work?"

    "You are so polite, Li. This poem is called "The Wine Will Come in" and was written by Meng in his spare time. Please give me your feedback."

    "Will you be drinking? It's really a good name! Meng Guan is too modest, this poem has reached its peak. It is completely natural, how can we ordinary people judge it! The slave family dares to say that once this work is published, it will be passed down through the ages.  , all of us here tonight can be proud of both!"

    "Haha, everyone Li has given me the award, but Meng really doesn't dare to accept it."

    At this time, two famous prostitutes, Lin Jiayin and Lu Bingxue, also came over to toast Meng Ju. They both said they wanted to thank Meng Guan for giving them the opportunity to hear this masterpiece, and expressed their admiration for it.

    Naturally, Meng Ju was not polite to the benefits that came to his door. He welcomed all comers. While chatting, laughing and singing with the beautiful woman, he glanced sideways at Li Chaoyang and the others. The young masters finally recovered from their sluggishness.  They recovered from the situation, but they didn't look like they were "honorable" at all. You looked at me, I looked at you, with disbelief on their faces.

    Several courtesans didn't know Meng Ju's identity, and they could still accept the fact that Meng Ju "had become famous without making a fuss." However, the few present here knew nothing about Meng Ju's background, as he was a warrior from the northern border.  , I'm afraid he can't even write his own name, how could he possibly create such a masterpiece?

    If Meng Ju was a famous poet who was famous for his poetry, and he wrote such a shocking and handed down poem, everyone would understand it; if this poem was not so outstanding, but just a mediocre work, everyone would understand it.  It's acceptable; but now, in the hands of a rough martial artist like Meng Ju, he has written such a magnificent and famous novel. The psychological gap is really too great. That kind of shock will make you go to the vegetable market and buy a big book.  Baicai, when you meet a country woman vegetable vendor who can't even speak Mandarin well, she suddenly recites Shakespeare's original English works to you. Imagine the shock at that time, and you can understand the feelings of Mr. Li and others.

    When they heard this poem, their first instinct was: it was definitely not the martial artist¡¯s handwriting, but he probably plagiarized it from someone else.  But if such a masterpiece was written by someone before, it would definitely be a famous piece that has been spread all over the world. How could everyone not hear about it?

    So?, Li Chaoyang and others were very embarrassed: From a polite point of view, it would be neither polite nor graceful to praise such a masterpiece without saying a few words; but if you praise it, it is obvious that the martial artist stole it from somewhere.  Doesn't his poetry seem to have no knowledge?

    This is inappropriate, and that is inappropriate. Li Chaoyang sat in his original position, restless and flushed.

    But Meng Ju had no intention of letting him go. He said with a smile: "Master Li, what do you think? In your eyes, is this poem acceptable?"

    With such an eternal masterpiece in front of him, no matter how thick-skinned Li Chaoyang was, he could not deny it: "Meng Guan is really good at reciting poems, with magnificent momentum and one breath. I didn't expect that you would have such talents and leisurely skills besides serving as a soldier at the border."  , it really surprised us! It seems that the world has underestimated Meng Guanren. The world only knows Meng Guanren that your martial arts are unparalleled, but they don¡¯t know that you are even better in literature than you are in martial arts.  You have talent. It was really a waste when you gave up your writing and joined the army."

    Li Chaoyang's words contained a hint of irony that Meng Ju did not write the poem, but Meng Ju was in a good mood and did not argue with him. He chuckled and said, "Young Master Li, you're welcome. Meng's humble work is just a piece of advice.  I expect that all of you young masters and great talents will definitely have better works, and I am here to listen to them."

    Li Chaoyang really prepared a few poems in his belly, ready to show off in front of the beauties, but he was not afraid of not knowing the goods but afraid of comparing goods. Meng Ju threw out such a high level at once, and placed Li Taibai's famous work that has been passed down through the ages.  Before, how could Li Chaoyang dare to publish his own works again?  That was a real show of humiliation. Of course Li Chaoyang would not fail to understand, so he said a few words of vague humility.  He said he was unprepared and put the matter away.

    Although Li Chaoyang did not make a fool of himself, seeing Meng Ju shine, several famous prostitutes looked at him with admiration, and several dandies lost interest.  Everyone was perfunctory for a while.  They and others excused themselves because they were "too drunk" and left in despair.

    Meng Ju was really happy that these nuisances were driven away in anger.  Xu Yan also wanted to leave.  But Meng Ju became interested and held him back: "Your Majesty, please don't leave. Let's drink. If we don't get drunk tonight, we won't get home!"

    Meng Ju didn¡¯t know how to play elegant things like drinking orders, but he could play fist-pumping and drinking games of later generations such as ¡°Two Little Bees¡±, ¡°Tiger Runs Fast¡±, ¡°One Five One Ten¡± and so on.  Meng Ju knows a lot.  Meng Ju taught everyone these guessing and drinking games. These drinking tricks from later generations were not only easy to learn, but also much more interesting to play than the literate drinking order cards. Everyone understood them as soon as they learned them.  After playing for two rounds, everyone became interested. The beauties who originally seemed very reserved and ladylike also let go. They were having a great time paddling and shouting in a way that was not ladylike at all.

    The most interesting thing is that the crown prince Xu Yan was still reluctant when Meng Juqiang stayed him. As a result, he lost the numbers after guessing and punching, and was fed several glasses of wine. His face was red and he chased after him.  Lu Bingxue, who had defeated him, was gesturing for revenge. Miss Lu was also a hero among girls and was not afraid. She rolled up her sleeves and started gesticulating with Xu Yan on the spot. The two of them kept gesticulating and punching, shouting so loudly that  With his voice hoarse, Meng Ju asked Xu Yan to stop but he refused, shouting: "Boss Meng, don't stop me, I have to fight this little girl today! I don't believe it, how can I win?"  I can¡¯t stand this little girl!¡±

    Lu Bingxue also drank until her face turned red. She shouted softly: "This young master, please don't be arrogant. Let's wait until we win against the slave family before we praise Haikou!"

    It was Meng Ju who taught everyone the drinking dramas of later generations, but the girls present were very smart and quickly mastered the tricks, and then they quickly became better than others.  Lu Bingxue and Li Xiuyu faced off against Meng Ju. They took turns to fight in a wheel battle with Meng Ju, but Meng Ju lost more than he won, and drank one glass after another.  Later, when Meng Ju was drunk, he realized that something was wrong. He wanted to drink more, but the two girls supported him side by side: "Meng Ju, you are a man, how can you not keep your word?"

    With the soft fragrance in your arms and the sweet voice in your ears, what else is there to say?  There is no other way, Boss Meng has no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.  For a while, there was a lot of singing and chattering, and everyone was laughing and having fun, laughing and drunkenly together.

    This night, Meng Ju couldn't figure out how much he drank, but before he collapsed, he still had some sense. He felt that he seemed to have forgotten something very important.  But he was feeling drunk, with the fragrance of powder in his nose, and the soft fragrance in his arms. He immediately put his worries aside and ignored him. I have wine tonight and I will get drunk tonight. Let¡¯s talk about other things after tonight


    Early in the morning, Jiangdu Palace, the imperial garden outside Chunyuan Pavilion.

    The sun has just risen, and there is a layer of milky white mist in the sky. The air in the garden is fresh and filled with a rich scent of vegetation.

      Around the exit of the Royal Garden, a group of armed palace guards were scattered densely, and they were heavily guarded.  Seeing this formation, everyone in the know would know that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty must be doing morning exercises inside.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off the Holy See is young and full of energy.  Not only did he like to take a group of his buddies out of the city to go sightseeing and hunting in his spare time, but even when he was in the palace, he liked to run a few laps around the imperial garden every morning and then do some boxing and kicking to keep active.

    The Holy Spirit is so restless, which obviously does not conform to the concept of "accumulating virtue and cherishing blessings" taught by the Holy Spirit. The veterans headed by Mu Gong have come to remonstrate with His Majesty more than once. Their opinions are generally as follows: a person's energy and vitality are limited in a lifetime.  If you move too much when you are young, you will lose your energy when you get old.  Your Majesty is in the prime of life, so you should not waste your energy and vitality like this. You should rest and cultivate yourself. Only in this way can you live a long and healthy life. This is the blessing of the country!

    Every time, in front of those old ministers, Li Gongwei always promised: "No problem, I understand!" But every time he turned his head, he immediately put those "loyal words that are offensive" to the back of his mind: Anyway, those old ministers will continue to nag.  Nao, they can't enter the palace and can't control themselves.

    The fog gradually dissipated, and the figure of Emperor Li Gongwei gradually became clear.  He had just finished a ten-lap long run, and his short cloth shirt was soaked with sweat.  The emperor was breathing heavily, but he seemed fine. The personal servant came forward and handed the emperor a towel to wipe his sweat.

    Li Gongwei wiped the sweat from his head and face and asked casually: "Li Chaoyang, is he here this morning?"

    "Your Majesty, Guard Li is on duty today and is outside."

    "Let him come to see me."

    Li Chaoyang was guarding the entrance to the Royal Garden. When he heard the call, he ran all the way and came quickly: "Your Majesty, the humble minister is here!"

    Li Gongwei looked at him with a joking smile on his face: "You can still come today, but I thought you wouldn't come today. How about you, you weren't knocked down by Meng Zhengbei last night?"

    Seeing Li Gongwei¡¯s kind expression, Li Chaoyang also relaxed a little.  He said respectfully: "We still have to be on duty this morning. We are responsible for our duties. How dare we slack off? Weicheng didn't drink much wine last night."

    "Haha, I have given you special approval and allowed you to rest at home today. You can drink with confidence! Come and follow me."

    Li Gongwei turned around and walked towards the garden, and Li Chaoyang followed behind him knowingly.  While walking, Li Gongwei asked casually: "How did it go last night?"

    "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has failed to fulfill His Majesty's entrustment. Wei Chen, Cao and Huang have tried their best to persuade, but Meng Ju still refuses to let go and agree to the matter. Your Majesty has not done well in the matter. Please punish him."

    Hearing the news that things were not done properly, Li Gongwei looked calm and did not look disappointed: "I have also thought of it. The world only knows that Meng Zhengbei is a brave man who likes to kill. Don't they know that he was born in the army and became the prince of the puppet dynasty in just a few years?  What a treasurer. How could such a person be just a martial artist? The city government and conspiracy in this person's heart are probably very great. It is to be expected that he would not interfere."

    Li Chaoyang leaned over and said: "Your Majesty clearly knows that it is true. Meng Ju is no ordinary martial artist. I feel that this man is not only excellent in martial arts, but also has a deep knowledge of literature and art. He can be called both civil and military."

    Last night, Li Gongwei refused to admit that Meng Ju was better than him, but today, in order to cover up his failure in front of the emperor, he wanted to make Meng Ju very smart and powerful. Otherwise, even a stupid martial artist wouldn't be able to convince him.  Wouldn't that make him look even more incompetent?

    Sure enough, Emperor Li Gongwei became interested: "Meng Ju is both civil and military? How do you say this?"

    "Last night, I deliberately provoked the generals and aroused Meng Ju's desire to win. He composed a poem on the spot, which amazed everyone. We all felt ashamed."

    "Oh, this warrior can also compose poems? Tell me quickly, what poems did he compose?"

    "The poem is called "The Wine Will Enter". The poem is heroic and majestic. The minister boldly relayed to Your Majesty: 'If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns. If you don't see it, the mirror in the high hall will look sad and white-haired.  Like black hair turning into snow at dusk. If you are proud of life, you must have all the joy. Don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon. I am born with talents that will be useful. I will come back after all the gold is gone'"

    In an instant, the towel Li Gongwei was wiping sweat on his hand slipped to the ground.  Li Chaoyang hurriedly bent over to help the emperor pick it up. He was about to hand it back to the emperor, but found that the emperor's mouth was wide open, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was very strange.  It looked like the emperor had seen something incredible and was so shocked that he was speechless.  (To be continued)
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