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Doukai 5200 Text Doukai Outer Chapter Jiangdu Dream (3)

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    "I'm afraid I won't come."

    Meng Ju was slightly shocked when he heard this. Emperor Li Gongwei of the Southern Tang Dynasty came straight to the point, which really shocked him.  But the problem is that the emperor, who is above the throne, can say whatever he wants. If he, a minister who is dependent on someone else, follows suit, the consequences will not be good.

    "Your Majesty, your Majesty, I'm here without telling you. I'm afraid it will disturb your Majesty's interest in hunting."

    "It doesn't matter." Li Gongwei smiled heartily, showing his neat and white teeth.  He took Meng Ju's arm affectionately and said, "General Meng has come at just the right time. We have just finished hunting and are about to have lunch. General Meng has come at just the right time. Why don't you come to dine with us?"

    "Your Majesty gives me a banquet. It is a great honor for me. I dare not refuse."

    Li Gongwei smiled. He glanced at Meng Ju a few more times. This general from the Northern Dynasties was very interesting.

    "General Meng, come with me."

    Meng Ju and the group of well-dressed young men followed Li Gongwei up the mountain. The group went up the mountain road and saw deep forests, lush vegetation and beautiful scenery. At the corner of the mountains and forests, they could see Jiangdu City down the mountain in the distance.  Looking down from here, we can see the majestic city and the densely packed buildings. The only eyesore is the red-clothed Imperial Guards who can be seen everywhere on both sides of the mountain road. They appear or disappear. When they see the emperor and his entourage approaching, they bow and salute, and then retreat into the forest.  .

    On the way, Li Gongwei and Meng Ju chatted as usual: "General Meng has just arrived in Jiangdu, but has he been to the city? Not yet. There are several good places in Jiangdu, such as the singing and dancing at Chunhua Tower, Luzhou Pavilion  The sea bass at Jiangshui Pavilion and the entire Nianhua meal at Jiangshui Pavilion are all very good, I¡¯ll take you to try them when you have time.¡±

    "Your Majesty is in high regard, but the ministers are frightened and uneasy. How can they dare to work on your Majesty's jade toes?"

    "Actually, I am also relying on General Meng's blessing." Li Gongwei winked at Meng Ju.  He lowered his voice and said: "They always say that the emperor's golden body should not be touched lightly. I can't even go out to eat in disguise. However, when the time comes, I say that I want to entertain General Meng and important state guests, and they can't stop me.  Am I done? Haha."

    Meng Ju couldn't help but smile.  Li Gongwei's appearance reminded him of a rebellious boy restrained by adults, full of youthful vitality and eager to try.

    Because I¡¯m new to your place, I don¡¯t know the taboos of the Southern Dynasties.  Meng Ju was cautious in his words and deeds all the way, listening more and speaking less.  Listening to the conversation between Li Gongwei and the others, he could tell that most of the young men who accompanied Li Gongwei on the hunt were noble sons of the Southern Dynasties.

    As if because of familiarity, these young men were not very formal when dealing with the emperor. Everyone called Li Gongwei not "Your Majesty" but "Third Brother". Li Gongwei also did not address the young men by their names but only by nicknames: "  "Lao Wu", "Xiao Liu", "Ah Qi", "Lao Yao"

    Meng Ju didn¡¯t know the identity of these teenagers, but looking at their confident and high-spirited appearance, Meng Ju believed that the family backgrounds of these people must be extraordinary.  Seeing Li Gongwei and his friends cheering and cheering, Meng Ju suddenly felt something.  He had returned to his previous life and was going on an outing with his companions.

    The place to eat is in a pavilion on the mountainside.  When Li Gongwei and his party arrived, the banquet in the pavilion had been prepared, and several dining tables were placed in the pavilion.

    Li Gongwei took Meng Ju to his seat together: "Come, General Meng, sit here, come closer, and talk to me. Mr. Su, you also sit down. I haven't seen you for a long time since you left for the Northern Kingdom for half a year."

    Seeing that the dining table was second only to the main table, Meng Ju hesitated slightly, but still agreed: "Since the emperor gave me the opportunity to sit down I was afraid." After thanking him, he sat down safely.

    Seeing Meng Ju sitting steadily, with his back straight and his eyes level, neither humble nor arrogant, Li Gongwei secretly praised the power of the emperor. This is no joke.  Although some of the courtiers who came to the Holy See for the first time could be called powerful men, when they came to see the Holy Spirit for the first time, they were either so nervous that their whole bodies were as stiff as marionettes, or else they were so nervous that they were sweating profusely and behaved awkwardly.  normal.  It is indeed rare for Li Gongwei to see someone like Meng Ju who behaved with thorough etiquette and natural calmness during the first meeting.

    "It seems that this general who conquered the north has been through a big event, and he is not an ordinary rough warrior."

    Li Gongwei looked at Meng Ju and said with a smile: "General Meng came from the north. He came in a hurry today. I didn't prepare northern dishes in advance. I don't know if this Jiangnan food will suit the general's appetite."

    "Let Your Majesty worry about it. Weicheng was born in the army and is used to eating and sleeping in the open air. He has endured hardships and can eat anything. The food in the south of the Yangtze River is famous all over the world. Today, Weicheng is very grateful to be given a feast by Your Majesty. Your Majesty  There¡¯s no need to worry about Wei Chen.¡±

    "That's good. General Meng, please relax and feel free to do whatever you want without restraint."

    Although it is just a casual meal in the wild, thisBut it was not simple. The waiters in Tsing Yi brought the dishes to the table like water, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen large and small dishes were placed on the table in front of Meng Ju.  Because it was a casual meal outdoors, there were not so many rules. Emperor Renxing just raised his glass and said, "General Meng, and all the gentlemen, please do as you please."

    Meng Ju raised his cup and imitated everyone else in replying: "Blessings to the Holy Spirit!"

    Then the meal began.  Meng Ju served as a high-ranking official in the Wei Dynasty, but he had been living a military career in the military camp and had no chance to experience the luxury and finesse of the upper-class noble life.  The food flavor in the south of the Yangtze River is very different from that in the northern Xinjiang. Looking at the dishes on the table, most of them are fish and shellfish from the water.  Fortunately, compared with the various recipes of later generations, the cooking techniques of the Southern Tang Dynasty are not very complicated. The so-called palace dishes only have more refined ingredients, and the cooking methods are mostly just ordinary steaming, boiling, and stewing, so Meng Ju is not that complicated.  What a joke.

    Unlike the north, the court in the Southern Tang Dynasty adhered to the rule of not saying anything when eating. In about two quarters of an hour, everyone finished eating.  Li Gongwei waved his hand, and the waiters came forward to remove the dining tables, and brought out cleaning dishes, cleaning towels and other supplies for everyone to clean their hands and mouths.

    After all this work was done, Emperor Renxing called the tall noble disciple called "Lao Wu" to him and said a few words to him. Lao Wu responded: "Third brother, I understand.  "

    After saying that, he stepped back and said hello, and all the distinguished disciples followed him out of the pavilion and continued to climb higher along the mountain path.  Watching their figures go away, Emperor Renxing smiled and introduced to Meng Ju: "Lao Wu is the son of Boyang Hou. Although he has a bold temperament, he is a bold man. He has a wide circle of friends. This friend will be General Meng in the future.  You might as well hand it over."

    Meng Ju nodded: "Yes, I will obey your Majesty's will."

    "Haha. This is not a palace. The general does not need to be so formal. When did the general arrive in Jiangdu?"

    "Wei Chen just arrived in Jiangdu today and immediately came to see the Holy One."

    Emperor Renxing glanced at Su Moyu.  There was a hint of reproach in his eyes, and Su Mo Yu smiled bitterly, but he couldn't explain it.

    "General Meng first came to Jiangdu, and he came to see me immediately before he had washed his hands of his travels. I already understand this sincerity, but it seems that we are treating our distinguished guest a little too slowly. Mo Yu, how did you arrange General Meng's residence in Jiangdu?  ? We can¡¯t treat him badly.¡±

    Su Moyu attended, and he responded: "Your Majesty. Regarding the reception and arrangements for General Meng, Your Majesty must make a decision on this matter."

    "Huh?" Li Gongwei raised his eyebrows.  He looked at Su Moyu, his eyes already showing dissatisfaction: Do you still need me to decide on such a trivial matter?  "

    "Your Majesty, because General Meng is also the envoy of the Ministry of War, the Privy Council, the Beifu and the Forbidden Army, all the yamen claim that they have the duty of reception. At the dock on the north bank of Jiangdu when they arrived, the officials of each ministry couldn't stop arguing about this. If Your Majesty doesn't  If the Holy Inquisitor says so, I¡¯m afraid they will continue to argue.¡±

    Li Gongwei suddenly understood, and he couldn't help but laugh: "I see." He pondered for a moment, then smiled: "General Meng, it is not my place to interfere with the official affairs between you and the various yamen, and I will let you negotiate on your own. But the matter of entertaining you,  This matter has nothing to do with government affairs, so I can still intervene and say a few words. Huaiyang Marquis Yang Jing committed a crime and was deprived of his title six months ago, and his mansion was also taken back by the prince. I have seen the mansion and it is okay. This way  , I will make the decision and give the Huaiyang Marquis Mansion to the general to open a mansion and use it as the general¡¯s residence in Jiangdu."

    Meng Ju hurriedly declined: "Your Majesty is so kind to you. It is difficult for a humble minister to protect his body if he is white. It's just that he is still white. If he stays in the prince's mansion, the specifications will be arrogant and not in line with the etiquette of the country."

    "What the general is worried about is that the Marquis of Huaiyang's residence still has the specifications of a marquis" Li Gongwei pondered slightly, then smiled: "But it doesn't matter, Mo Yu, later you remember to draft a document saying that General Meng abandoned  A high-ranking Tartar official was well-paid and defected to our court. He had made great contributions to the country and was commendable for his loyalty. The court specially awarded him the first-class Marquis of Zhengbei.

    General Meng, in this case, you have the status of a marquis and you will be fine if you move into the mansion.  "

    Meng Ju declined several times, saying that he had just entered the Tang Dynasty and had not made any achievements, so he was really too embarrassed to accept the honorary title. However, Li Gongwei's attitude was very firm. He said with a smile: "General Meng, the so-called golden words of the emperor have been spoken by me.  There is no reason to take it back. Could it be that the general wants me to be a renegade person?"

    Li Gongwei had already mentioned this, and Meng Ju really couldn't refuse. He thanked the favor, but felt uneasy in his heart: observing Li Gongwei's conversation, he was not a rash and impulsive person.  He seemingly granted himself a title casually, but Meng Ju believed that the real reason was not as simple as "to give Meng Ju an identity to live in the Marquis's mansion."

    Then, Li Gongwei chatted casually with Meng Ju for a while. He was interested in Meng Ju¡¯s experience in Luojing.?He was especially interested in Meng's experience of becoming a young scholar and then joining the army.  Meng Ju also gave a detailed explanation, and Li Gongwei nodded frequently, looking very happy.

    He said casually: "General Meng, I have heard that in order to win you over, the Northern Dynasty offered a very high price and even promised to make you king, but in the end, General, you still chose the Northern Dynasty. I think  I know, General Meng, what is the real reason for you to make such a choice?"

    He looked at Meng Ju with a sincere look: "General Meng, this is not a court meeting, and there are no outsiders except Mo Yu, so if you have anything on your mind, you can just say it directly."

    Meng Ju thought to himself that I would not be able to tell you the truth unless I was really out of my mind. But seeing Emperor Renxing¡¯s attitude being so sincere, I¡¯m afraid he wouldn¡¯t be able to do the job if he didn¡¯t come up with some useful information.  After pondering for a moment, he said sincerely: "Your Majesty's holy eyes are as bright as a torch, and even the smallest thoughts of a humble minister cannot escape your Majesty's discernment.

    The Tartars indeed gave me good conditions. They promoted me from the end of his career to an important minister, and they were indeed kind to him.  It's just that although Wei Chen is in the army, he also came from a reading of sages and sages, and he also understands the principles of what not to do and what must be done.  The dynasty is about to unify the world. This is a thousand-year opportunity for the unification of China and the revival of the Han Dynasty. If minor ministers bring ruin to the world for their own selfish interests, it will delay the thousand-year opportunity for the revival of the Han Dynasty.  Wei Chen really didn't dare to do it.  Otherwise, under Jiuquan, you will have no face to face your ancestors.  "

    Li Gongwei nodded frequently.  He praised: "The Meng family is worthy of being a well-dressed Chinese family of the previous dynasty, with clear righteousness and rationality. Only in this way can they cultivate a loyal and loyal person like the general who understands righteousness. General Meng, you are right. The small kindness of the Xianbei people,  It is not enough to think about it. A true man should look at the world and put the country and the country as his top priority. The generals should put all the people as their top priority and give up their personal interests. With such kind thoughts, they will bring about the well-being of all people, and they will surely bless future generations and their kindness will continue.

    General Meng did not fall in love with the temptation of Xianbei's high-ranking officials and generous salaries, and resolutely defected to orthodoxy and returned to the country. This incident will surely become a legendary story of our country. The court should also vigorously reward and publicize this to demonstrate our country's purpose of praising the loyal and denigrating the traitor.  Inspire people with lofty ideals all over the world to forge ahead.  "

    Meng Ju quickly declined: "Your Majesty's grace, I am sincerely frightened. But the Northern Expedition is currently in full swing. The Forbidden Army, Xiangyang Army, Xishu Army and other troops are fighting a desperate battle with the Tartar troops on the front line. The court should publicize this at this time.  What is more important is the bravery and loyalty of the King's officers and soldiers, which inspires the soldiers to fight harder to serve the imperial court. Compared with the illustrious martial arts of the King's officers and soldiers, this trivial matter of a humble minister is really not worth mentioning."

    Li Gongwei glanced at Meng Ju with a smile. This Northern Dynasty military general knew how to measure his position and understood the hidden truth of Tao Guang. He did not want to be too high-profile and attract attention.  However, this is reasonable. If Meng Ju was the kind of reckless man who only knew about force and fought fiercely to show off his strength, he would not have become a warlord with heavy military force in the Northern Dynasty at such a young age.

    Meng Ju originally thought that Li Gongwei would continue to talk to him about the Northern Xinjiang Army.  But he didn't expect that after talking about this matter, the emperor's topic would no longer involve military and political affairs, but would turn to outright small talk.  He curiously asked about Meng Ju's war experience in northern Xinjiang, and also asked about some things about Murong's family.  He was particularly interested in Murong Yi and asked him in great detail: "General Meng, did I hear that you had a relationship with Murong Yi, the false prince of Beilu? What kind of person is he?"

    Meng Ju pondered for a moment and replied: "As far as I know, Prince Murong Yi has a calm temperament, is resolute, has a thorough knowledge of military tactics and strategy, and has rich experience on the battlefield. It is said that the puppet government has put him back in power and in charge of the southern expedition camp.  In the future, if the King's division encounters this person commanding the army, he should be more careful."

    Li Gongwei nodded and said: "The Jinwu Guard has decayed, the soldiers have no morale, and the generals have no fighting spirit. All the generals are mediocre people, I don't worry about it. Among the royal nobles in Xianbei now, only Prince Murong is comparable.  Fight.

    But our advantage over Xianbei is overwhelming, especially after General Meng surrenders, the Xianbei people will face the dilemma of being attacked from the south, north, and west. This is the general trend and cannot be reversed by him alone.  Especially after General Meng surrendered to our government, this was another major blow to the puppet government. Their morale has dropped to the lowest point. Not only the local bureaucrats and generals have asked our army to surrender, but even the pro-Tatar troops  There are also generals among Jinwu's guards who proactively contacted our court to request surrender.  Therefore, although Prince Murong was capable and good at fighting, his subordinates were disorganized.  Maybe he can win one or two battles, but he definitely can't reverse the overall situation.  "

    "Your Majesty has far-reaching information and accurate analysis, and I am deeply impressed by your Majesty's words. Even though Murong Yi still has some talents, under this general trend, I don't expect him to be able to resist the power of the king's master."

    Seeing that Meng Ju agreed with his opinion, Li Gongwei smiled slightly. He stared at Meng Ju deeply and said calmly: "General Meng, there are no outsiders here. You and I can do whatever we can."Let me tell you boldly and I guess that before you returned to the court, someone must have advised you something like "flying birds are good and bows are hidden", right?  Do you also have this scruple in your heart and dare not believe it, so you are not willing to return to the court until now?  "

    Meng Ju's heart was shocked. He didn't dare to look Li Gongwei in the eyes, and he left his seat and knelt down: "WeichenWeichen will die! Weichen came to court alone because Weichen is completely loyal to the court and to His Majesty.  I have no doubts about your father¡¯s heart, please be clear to your majesty!¡±

    Su Moyu was also shocked. He also stood up and knelt down: "Your Majesty, General Meng is indeed loyal to the imperial court and has no such intention"

    Li Gongwei waved his hand: "Hey, General Meng, Mo Yu, all of you, get up. There are no outsiders here. We are just chatting. There is no need to be so excited, General Meng. I know that you are a loyal minister and a pure man who puts the world first. Otherwise, you  With your strength, you can build your own country and become your own king, or help the Xianbei people. It would be more comfortable and happy than going to Jiangdu to submit to me in the south. But to be honest, if you say that you don¡¯t have those worries in your heart, I don¡¯t believe it.  "

    "This I will die in vain, but I will never dare to have such a treasonous thought"

    Li Gongwei sighed: "General Meng, what's so treasonous about this? Since ancient times, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Not only do you understand this, but I also understand that loyal ministers and innocent sons must also consider it when serving the country.  It's just human nature that you have such thoughts about your own property and life. I'm not surprised that you have such concerns, you are a normal person. If you don't have such thoughts, it's abnormal, and I'm not worried about it."

    Li Gongwei spoke frankly and directly. Meng Ju was stunned when he spoke directly to his heart.  I didn¡¯t know how to respond well, so I could only keep replying: "I will definitely die. I don¡¯t dare!"

    "Haha, there is no need to be suspicious, General Meng. I mentioned this matter just to dispel the suspicions of you and me. It is natural that the birds will use up all the good bows, but what if the birds will never be used up?"

    "The birds will never be extinct?" Meng Ju was at a loss: "Your Majesty's words are too profound and unfathomable. Forgive me for being stupid and unable to understand your Majesty's holy will."

    Li Gongwei stood up. He stood in front of the pavilion and looked at the vast Jiangnan plain at the foot of the mountain. He saw towering cities, crisscrossing lakes, and hundreds of fertile fields.  He didn't turn around, and Meng Ju heard his deep voice coming from afar:

    "The power of our country is like the rising sun rising in the east. In comparison, the Xianbei Qun Chou who stole the Central Plains are nothing more than bones in their tombs. But recovering the Central Plains is not the end of our country, but the first step of our military strategy.  That¡¯s all.

    After regaining the Central Plains, our country, the Tang Dynasty, is still surrounded by enemies on all sides.  Liaodong in our dynasty was occupied by the Khitan barbarians. The Khitans had begun to try to end their nomadic life and began to build cities and institutions. The next step was for them to establish a country and proclaim themselves emperor;

    On the northern grasslands, there are demon tribes led by Rouran, Turks, and Gaoche, as well as a large number of vassal tribes. The barbarians are ambitious. They always dream of being like the Xianbei people, breaking through our frontier fortress again, and going south to plunder the Central Plains;

    In the northwest and western regions, where Liu Han's former Western Region Protectorate was located, it was occupied by the Wusun, Cheshi, Yanqi, Qiuci and other kingdoms, as well as the Hujie, Jiankun, Dingling, Xiqiang and other tribes.  The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest is occupied by the Tuyuhun barbarians, who have begun to establish a dynasty

    General Meng, you should understand what I mean, right?  Even if the Xianbei people are wiped out, the world is far from peace. The barbarians are still wandering on the borders of the Tang Dynasty. Your good bow will never be hidden

    Li Gongwei turned around, a faint blush appeared on his handsome face due to his excitement, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "General Meng, Mo Yu, I have always had a dream since the day I ascended the throne.  This dream is so arrogant that I never dare to mention it to anyone for fear of being laughed at. Today, I tell you for the first time: My dream is to let the Tang Dynasty conquer all the lands, whether it is Liaodong, Saibei,  The Western Regions or Qinghai-Tibet, let all this land be bathed in the glory of our Tang Dynasty, let us Han people hold our heads high under the white clouds of the sky, and let our territory of the Tang Dynasty extend to the end of the sky and the sea!

    The Han Dynasty has prestige and leads all nations. Wherever the sun and moon shine, and where the rivers go, they are all my ministers and concubines of the Tang Dynasty. This is my dream!  Now I am standing up late this year. If God grants me a birthday, I still have more than thirty years to realize this ideal.

    General Meng, you can put the common people of the world first and give up the glory and power of the Northern Dynasty to join our dynasty. I respect your moral character and character very much, and I am very reassured.  Your reputation for martial arts is resounding throughout the world. You are the person I have been waiting for!

    General, would you like to lend me a helping hand?  Would you like to command the great army of the Tang Dynasty and become a sharp sword in my hand, so that I can see the flag of the Tang Dynasty flying in the four seas in my lifetime?  "

    Li Gongwei¡¯s words were so sincere that Meng Ju¡¯s heart was filled with excitement.He knelt on his knees and said, "I am willing! I surrender to your majesty for your sins. I am willing to conquer the barbarians for your majesty, open up and expand the territory for my Tang Dynasty in the ends of the world, and strive for supreme glory!"

    Li Gongwei laughed loudly, and he personally stretched out his hand to help Meng Ju up: "With the general, I will be more powerful than a tiger. Come, bring some wine, and I will have a good drink with the general. Haha, Mo Yu, don't even think about skipping the table. You  You also want to accompany me!"

    Su Moyu said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is short of alcohol. You and General Meng are both heavy drinkers, so there is no need for Wei Chen to accompany you, right?"

    "Haha, don't think about it. This is a royal gift. Do you still want to resist? Come here, bring me a big bowl and serve the wine!"

    During this meal, the three of them drank and chatted, drinking from afternoon until dusk.

    Li Gongwei's tone was heroic, and Meng Ju thought that his drinking capacity was equally heroic. Unexpectedly, Su Moyu, a scholar, had not yet fallen, but Li Gongwei, the emperor, was the first to be unable to hold on, and his people were all overwhelmed.  , still shouting randomly: "When China is strongwell, anyone who offends our strong men will be punished no matter how far away"

    Fortunately, there were many chamberlains waiting at the pavilion, and they worked together to lift the emperor up, stuff him into a sedan, and carry him down the mountain.  Watching the sedan go away, Su Moyu burped and sighed: "This is troublesome. Your Majesty is drunk again. General Meng, you and I will wait to be impeached by the imperial censor tomorrow.  , tempting His Majesty to indulge in wine and sex, I¡¯m afraid you and I won¡¯t be able to escape the reputation of being a ¡®flattery¡¯.¡±

    Meng Ju burped from the wine. He was a big warlord with a lot of troops, so he was not very concerned about the impeachment of the so-called censor.  He smiled and said: "Brother Su, I think His Majesty's drinking capacity seemsnot very high!"

    "Well, your Majesty is good at everything, but this is the only problem. He is a good drinker, but his ability to drink is not good. He gets drunk when he drinks, and talks nonsense when he is drunk. As a result, he goes back to the palace and lies down and is fine. But we, the ministers, want to  Being scolded by the censor Uh, no, the students are a little drunk, General Meng, let's go down the mountain right now."

    "Okay! Brother Su, let me help youBrother Su, don't talk about your majesty. Your majesty casually cited the Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty to fix the Hu stele. He is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. As expected of your majesty, his literary, Taoist and military strategies are all superhuman.  ah!"

    Su Moyu stood still. He looked at Meng Ju with a drunken look in his eyes: "Uh, General Meng, what did you say? Why did Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty designate a monument to Hu?"

    Meng Ju was stunned and stopped: "Brother Su, haven't you heard of the Dinghu Monument of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty?"

    Su Moyu turned his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head in confusion: "Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, which emperor of Liu Han is this? Students dare not say that they have read all the classics in the world, but students can still recite Liu Han's history books after reading them all.  Students are ignorant, how come they don¡¯t know that there was an emperor named Han Xuan in the Liu Han Dynasty?¡±

    Looking at Su Moyu¡¯s drunken face, Meng Ju felt a chill suddenly penetrate his body, and his whole body trembled.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    (to be modified)
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