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Text Three Hundred and Twenty Six: Reorganizing the Army (Part 2)

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    After listening to Meng Ju's words, Mr. Yi was silent, and then he sighed: "In this case, you can only draft a memorial and let me take it back to the court. But Meng Shilang, taking advantage of this free time, you can also  It¡¯s time to clean things up internally. Those who want to do great things should not have a stable foundation."

    Meng Ju nodded his head, deeply convinced.

    In fact, Mr. Yi did not need to remind him that Meng Ju had always had the idea of ????reorganizing his troops before going south. At that time, the targets he wanted to reorganize were several frontier generals such as Yi Xiaodao, Guan Shanhe, and Bai Yubian.  , but before he could implement it, the southward campaign was imminent. He had to interrupt the matter and hurried south with his men.

    Now, Dongping Army troops from all walks of life have gathered in Jeju, and the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Murong family are fighting fiercely. No one comes to provoke him. This is the best time to reorganize the troops. Of course, Meng Ju will not be polite and will take drastic measures.  The ground became dry.

    Now, the biggest problem of the Dongping Army is that the guest is strong and the host is weak. The Dongping veterans, who are direct descendants of Meng Ju, only have more than 10,000 people. Even if Wang Beixing and Yi Xiaodao come, they still number less than 20,000, just five brigades.  The number of newly added border troops exceeded 30,000, exceeding the number of the Ninth Brigade.  Therefore, the biggest purpose of Meng Ju's reorganization was to weaken the military power of the generals who came to join the border army and reduce the number of troops they commanded.

    Of course, Meng Ju could not express this kind of intention in his mouth.  In front of everyone, Meng Ju made a bunch of excuses, saying that it was to improve combat effectiveness, regularize troops and horses to facilitate dispatch and management, and facilitate logistical supplies.

    He was uneasy, worried about such a bad excuse.  Will the border army generals accept it? Will they rebel in groups? Mr. Wen sneered at him: "My lord is overly concerned. This reorganization will go smoothly."

    "Ah? How can you see it?"

    "My lord is worried about nothing more than the fact that the newly surrendered border generals have too many troops under their control, which leads to the overestimation of the master and the guest. But lord, I need to know how many generals can survive the counter-insurgency war, and how many generals can abandon the secret and surrender in time."  They defected to their lord. Not only were they good at fighting, but their mental agility and flexibility were far beyond ordinary people.

    Lord, if you can see something, they can definitely see it too.  In order to eliminate the lord's suspicion, and to ensure that the monarch and his ministers can live in peace and harmony for a long time, as long as they are smart enough, they will definitely cooperate actively.  "

    Mr. Wen¡¯s prediction is very accurate.  As soon as the news about Meng Ju's reorganization of troops was released, Shi Wenting, commander of the Thunder Brigade, took the initiative to come to see him. He handed in a submission, claiming that he had too many troops and horses under his command, which was beyond his ability to command.  Due to his lack of talent, Shi Wenting is now willing to hand over two battalions of 800 soldiers and 40 armored warriors to his headquarters.  Please appoint a capable general to lead the army.

    Meng Ju was polite, but Shi Wenting was very determined. In the end, Meng Ju had no choice but to accept the troops.

    After the news of Shi Wenting's initiative to reduce troops was released, border army generals arrived one after another.  Huang Min, Zhao Kuang, Luo Xiaocheng, Xiong Gang and other frontier generals came to Meng Ju to submit their submissions.  They all said that they were not talented enough to lead the troops under their command, so they asked to reduce the number of troops under their command. The reduction ranged from a few hundred to a thousand troops. Meng Ju did not know whether they had discussed it in advance. After the reduction, what was left for each person?  There are only about two thousand troops left.

    Since the border marshals were well informed, Meng Ju was no longer polite and accepted them all.  After a few days, the brigade commanders handed over a total of 8,000 soldiers and 400 battle armors.

    Then, Meng Ju used these 8,000 border soldiers to form three brigades, and appointed three new brigade commanders, namely Cao Lin, Hu Shuangyin, and Lu Qi.

    Among the three newly appointed brigade commanders, Cao Lin was originally the brigade commander of Wang Hu's brigade, while Hu Shuangyin was the battalion officer of Qi Peng's brigade, and an officer named Lu Qi was the captain of the guard under Meng Ju's command.  These three people had followed Meng Ju south to help the Murong family in the war. They fought bravely and performed outstandingly in all the battles, which impressed Meng Ju so much that he took advantage of this opportunity to bring them up.

    Seeing that Meng Taibao had formed three new brigades, his subordinates were very excited and came to come up with ideas to help name them. This is also an old tradition that has been in the frontier army era. When each brigade is newly established, it must be named.  Give a brave name based on the name of the brigade commander, such as Yi Xiaodao's "Hengdao" brigade, Shi Wenting's "Thunder" brigade, Zhao Kuang's "Crazy Lion" brigade. The more powerful and scary the brave name, the better.

    But this time, Meng Ju once again surprised everyone.  He named the three brigades on the spot: Cao Lintong led the 71st Dongping Brigade, Hu Shuangyin led the 72nd Dongping Brigade, and Lu Qi led the 73rd Dongping Brigade.

    Seeing that Meng Taibao randomly took a few numbers as his "brave number", all the generals were dumbfounded.  The three newly appointed brigade marshals were blushing and extremely embarrassed, but they were too junior and did not dare to protest.

    Wang Beixing was a little more familiar with Meng Ju, so he tried to persuade him: "Taobao, you are using this as your courage number. It seems like thisA bit childish?  We give a mighty name so that the enemy will be frightened and inspired when they hear it. Our soldiers can also add a bit of courage when they kill the enemy, and it costs nothing. Why not do this?  "

    "Beixing, the reputation of soldiers and horses comes from the hard work of the soldiers. I have never heard of any soldiers and horses that can win the battle by relying on the brave call. To win the battle, it depends on the general's command and the sergeant's bravery and fearlessness.  , doesn¡¯t it rely on a good name?¡±

    Meng Ju looked around at the generals: "Not only these three new brigades, but all the troops and horses of our army must be re-numbered. The new numbers will all be numbers. Please tell Mr. Wen what numbers you want for each brigade.  Sign up over there. If you don't sign up within two days, I will assign you a random number as your reference number."

    The generals were suddenly shocked, and Wang Hu shouted: "Lord, why is this?"

    "This is for the good of all of you."

    Facing the generals, Meng Ju patiently taught: "There is a saying in the art of war: know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Everyone should have heard this sentence. Everyone, I don't know if you have noticed that you all have some inherent habits when using troops.

    For example, when the two armies are facing each other, Wang Hu likes to take the initiative to attack, especially a full-scale attack, charging straight into the enemy's attack, and taking the lead; Yi Shuai is good at defense, waiting quietly for action, and attacking later; Qi Shuai likes to feign a frontal attack, and attack the enemy's flank with a partial division.  ; Beixing likes to attack the enemy with elite troops and horses.  Force it to collapse across the board.

    These are your respective military tactics, determined by the temperaments of the generals, with distinctive styles.  When facing off against the enemy.  If the enemy sees our army's battle flag and trumpet, then they will know the identity of our army's commanding general, and then they can easily guess our army's strategy and movements.  You can think of countermeasures and set traps.

    Therefore, our army uses numbers instead of brave numbers. When we confront the enemy in the future, the enemy will no longer be able to figure out the identity of our generals, and will not be able to guess our army's next actions and steps, which greatly increases our army's chance of winning.  In addition, our army uses numbers instead of brave numbers, which is also conducive to concealing the overall strength of our army.  This makes the enemy inscrutable to our army and dare not act rashly.  "

    Meng Ju¡¯s words sounded specious and reasonable, and the generals all showed thoughtful expressions.

    Changing the brave number to a number may not sound as loud as before, but it will not do any actual damage to the actual interests of the generals, since the governor has such considerations.  There's no need for anyone to offend the governor over such a trivial matter, right?

    At that moment, Brigadier Shi Wenting, who was sent by the border army, was the first to bow and said: "The Commander-in-Chief is far-sighted and considerate, and I will respect you. The Thunder Brigade is willing to follow the Commander-in-Chief's instructions and change the brave name to a serial number."

    The moment.  All the generals expressed their opinions one after another. Since the governor-general wanted to fight for convenience, then everyone was willing to obey the order and change the designation.  Wang Hu even shouted on the spot: "My Lord, our Tiger Brigade is willing to remove the name Yong, and our brigade is willing to change its name to Dongping First Brigade. Please give this designation to my brigade."

    Before Meng Ju could answer, Qi Peng had already shouted: "Huzi, you are so embarrassed! The number of the first brigade should be our brigade! Our brigade is a brigade established by the lord himself"

    "Nonsense, our Tiger Brigade was the earliest troops led by my lord. Back then we were the Dongling Guard's town hall brigade"

    Wang Hu and Qi Peng were both trusted generals around Meng Ju. The two brigade commanders did not care about anything because they were favored, so they started to quarrel in front of the generals.  In the end, Wang Beixing couldn't stand it anymore and stopped them: "You two, what are you arguing about here? The lord will decide who will be assigned the number of the first brigade! According to me, the number of the first brigade,  Are those meant for the two of you? You really don¡¯t know how high the sky is, that should be the number of the lord¡¯s personal guard horse!¡±

    Wang Beixing is the town commander, and he is higher than the two brigade commanders in terms of seniority and rank. When he scolded him, Wang Hu and Qi Peng did not dare to reply and retreated sarcastically.  Wang Hu muttered: "Even if the number of the first brigade is for the lord's own use, then it is our turn to have the number of the second brigade, right? Lao Qi, you are not allowed to steal this from me, or I will really fall out with you.  Ah, at most I can leave the number of the third brigade to you."

    At this point, the matter came to an end, and the brigade marshals left one after another and went back to discuss with their subordinates.  Meng Ju also returned to his residence. He called Mr. Wen: "Sir, I have something to trouble you in the past two days."

    The matter is not complicated. Meng Ju made it clear in two sentences: "In the past two days, the brigade marshals have come to your place to apply for a designation. Please register them, and then make a booklet and submit it to me. From now on, all departments of our army will  They will all be called by numerical sequences, and the original brave titles will be invalidated."

    Mr. Wen nodded and said: "Student, I obey. My lord, what if two brigade commanders both took the same number as their designation?"

    "This depends on which one of them registers first. The one who applies first is first served. The one who applies last, you let him"??Choose a serial number - oh, I almost forgot, the serial number of the Dongping First Brigade, please don't let it out, I will use this myself.

    From now on, the troops and horses in each department of our army will be named according to their sequence. The rolls of the staff, logistics, military pay, and supplies departments will also be made in accordance with the new sequence. This is a lot of work, thank you for your hard work, sir.  Please handle it as soon as possible.  "

    "Student understands." Mr. Wen said with a smile: "Student will definitely handle it as soon as possible and will never delay the Lord's important event."

    "A big deal?"

    "My lord, if you want to take back power, starting from here is indeed a good move."

    Meng Ju smiled and shook his head: "I really can't hide anything from you, sir!"

    Meng Ju was not surprised that Mr. Wen could guess the intention of his actions.

    For a long time, according to the tradition of the northern Xinjiang border army, each brigade was named after the general. This gave people the impression that the brigade soldiers and horses were the brigade commander's personal soldiers, which often caused the border army to  There are many problems such as generals being unruly, not listening to orders, and subordinates committing crimes against superiors.

    Just like when Meng Ju's enemy Chang Sun Shou was the governor of Dongping, he had five brigades of troops under his command. However, when he was besieged and killed by the Dongling Guards, no one came to rescue him, and no one avenged him afterwards.  It can be seen that the autonomy of generals at the level of brigade commander is so great that even the governor of a province can't find any way to check and balance them.

    Now, when the Dongping Army was first established, it was at a time when it was full of vitality. Because Meng Ju himself had strong military force and high prestige, the bad habits of those in the border army who did not obey orders and acted recklessly had not yet appeared in the Dongping Army, but Meng Ju still  Take precautions in advance and restrain them from the system first to prevent these Qiu Ba gang from returning to their old ways and committing old habits in the future.

    Changing the designation of each brigade from general nicknames to numerical sequences may seem like a small matter, but its implications are far-reaching.  This eliminated the obvious personal imprint of the generals on the soldiers and horses of each brigade, and instead emphasized the overall concept of the "Dongping Army".

    After changing the designation, the soldiers and officers of each department will subconsciously come to the impression that the brigade they serve is not a general's private soldiers, but a part of the Dongping Army. The object of allegiance should be Meng Da, the leader of the Dongping Army.  A handsome man, not a brigade commander - this was the purpose of Meng Ju's move.  This was a very subtle psychological suggestion technique that had little impact on the interests of the brigade commanders. As expected, it was successfully implemented without much resistance.

    "Actually, all the generals are smart people. It's not necessarily that no one can guess the lord's intention. It's just that it's hard for them to tell. My lord, after changing the numbers of soldiers and horses, what is your next plan?"

    "Next step, I plan to disrupt the team officers and battalion officers of each brigade, reorganize and reorganize them, and then let the brigade commanders rotate their posts. At the same time, we will form a system. Generals at the brigade commander level will change their posts every three years. They will not be allowed to stay for a long time.  Take charge of an army to avoid disadvantages over time.

    At the same time, I plan to assign military judges under the Dongling Guard to each brigade, who will be responsible for administering military and criminal laws and monitoring changes in the military. At the same time, I plan to appoint the brigade Sima to be responsible for the payment of military pay, logistics supplies, and military merit records; while the brigade commander only needs to focus on combat affairs.  That's good - each official performs his or her duties without interfering with each other but checks and balances each other. What does Mr. Wen think?  "

    Mr. Wen was silent, as if he was savoring Meng Ju's steps, and then he sighed sincerely: "My lord, this plan is wonderful. The student originally wanted to offer advice, but what he thought was inferior to the lord's plan."  The difference is more than a mile away.

    What the Lord does is a conspiracy, advancing steadily step by step, and like spring rain moistening things silently, making it impossible to resist.  The Lord behaves like a majestic king.  "

    (Seeing that the end of the month is here, this week¡¯s task pig has been completed again. Do you want to get some monthly tickets, rewards, or something to reward the pig?).  .  )

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