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Text Chapter 321: Comfort (Part 1)

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    Late at night, Luo Jing's Hall of Supreme Harmony was still brightly lit, and a group of people were still discussing matters here.  In the center of the hall, there was a huge table with a huge map on it. Everyone gathered around the map, the atmosphere was solemn and depressing, and the men's voices were also low.

    Lu Fang, the minister of the Ministry of War of the Wei Dynasty, stood in front of the map and pointed: "Shuai Pu sent the seventh request for help to the Ministry of War today. He said that the Southern Dynasty troops had appeared in Xuzhou, Nanyuzhou, Chenjun and other places.  The army defeated our division, and the important military towns along the Huaihe River, such as Hefei, Shouyang, Xuyi, Huaiyin and Jiaocheng, were all attacked by the southern troops. The Huaihe River screens the river in the south and blocks the Central Plains in the north. Its position is crucial"

    Murong Po interrupted him: "The Jianghuai front line is so wide that it is impossible for the Southern thieves to use troops everywhere. Where does the Ministry of War think the main attack of the Southern thieves will be?"

    "The strength of the Southern Dynasty's Northern Expedition is unprecedented. The Southern soldiers are attacking everywhere in the Jianghuai Plain from Jiangdu to Jingzhou. However, Wei Chen believes that the current attacks from Xuzhou in the south to Yuzhou in the east are just to disturb people's eyes and ears.  It was just a feint attack with the partial division, and the purpose was to attract the main force of Wang Division to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.

    Wei Chen speculates that the real main force of the Southern Dynasty is now in Xiangyang!  Starting from Xiangyang and attacking Yuzhou and Liangjun, the connection between our Luojing and the Jianghuai Plain will be cut off, and the Jianghuai defense line will be cut into east and west sections.  Once this happens, Governor Pu's Jianghuai Army in the eastern section will not be able to sustain it for long.  Once Jianghuai falls, the Southern Army can send a partial force to contain and attack Luoyang. Our Jinwu guards and horses can only retreat to Luojing, while the Southern Army can march straight in.  It went straight down to Xuzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou, sweeping over half of our country. At that time, the great Wei Dynasty was gone.  "

    Listen to what Lu Shan has to say.  There was a buzzing and low-pitched discussion in the hall.  Emperor Murong Po asked in a deep voice: "Lu Qing, in your opinion, how should we respond?"

    "Your Majesty, the top priority is to strengthen the garrison forces in Yuzhou and Liangjun. In order to deal with the Southern Dynasty Jiangdu Military Town, Governor Park has tried his best. It is impossible for him to take care of both Yuzhou and Liangjun. So. This  We have to fill the gap. At least more than twenty field brigades must be sent there, otherwise it will be difficult to withstand the Southern Army's offensive."

    Judgment of Lu Shan, Minister of War.  The monarchs and ministers in the palace all agreed. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the weak defenses in Yuzhou and Liangzhou were indeed a big loophole in the Jianghuai defense line. But the question was where to find the reserve teams of twenty brigades?

    "Transfer Jinwu Guards from Luojing?"

    "No. The Southern Dynasty has heavy troops stationed between Xiangjing and Xiangjing. Once Luojing's defenses are empty, they will definitely be taken advantage of."

    "How many troops can be mobilized for the Western Expedition Army?"

    "Your Majesty, Yuan Biao, the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Expedition, asked me for pay last month. He requested 18 brigades with 110,000 troops He asked him to transfer 15 brigades back. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

    "What did Mr. Lu say?"

    "I think it's inappropriate. We need to know that Western Shu has returned to the Southern Dynasty, and Hanzhong's military strength is weak. If the Southern Dynasty rushes through the Shu Road - if Hanzhong is lost, the Wei Dynasty will be attacked on both sides, which is equally dangerous."

    "The Millennium Pass of the Shu Road is not so easy to break I will send 13 brigades back and leave five brigades to garrison Hanzhong. Inform the Yuan Dynasty Governor to immediately set off and rush to Luojing - where else can I be mobilized?  Soldiers and horses coming?¡±

    "Shuzhou can send one brigade Shangdang County can send one brigade of soldiers and horses Xiangzhou can send one brigade Your Majesty, there are still 21 brigades stationed in Luojing - Your Majesty, if our country  The total strength of the country can reach forty-two brigades, with a total strength of about 150,000. Coupled with Governor Park's troops, the total strength of our country is not inferior to that of the rebels of the Southern Dynasty. Therefore, Your Majesty and  Sirs, don¡¯t worry too much, our army still has a chance of winning.¡±

    In the main hall, Lu Shan, the minister of the Ministry of War, stood in front of the map and talked, but everyone in the hall did not feel relieved.  At this moment, those who can enter the palace to discuss matters are the core figures who can participate in the decision-making of the Wei Dynasty. They have a deeper understanding of the situation of the Wei Dynasty than outsiders.  The planning mentioned by Lu Shilang of the Ministry of War can only be regarded as an "imagination" under an ideal state.

    In the battle between the Murong family and the Tuoba family for hegemony, for more than a year, the Zhengxi Army stationed in Hanzhong and Guanzhong remained neutral. Regardless of the court's call or Tuoba Xiong's solicitation, the Zhengxi Army  Yuan Biao, the military commander, responded with silence.  Only recently, after the overall situation had been decided, did the Western Expeditionary Army send an envoy to congratulate the imperial court and express their respect.

    Before the imperial court could be happy for a quarter of an hour, the envoy of the Western Expeditionary Army immediately took out a petition and said with a sad face that the Western Expeditionary Army had been cut off for half a year and requested the imperial court to allocate money and food quickly, otherwise the soldiers and horses would mutiny.  At the possibility of separation, Murong Po turned pale with anger and walked away.

    Of course, what we are fighting now is to resist the Southern DynastiesThe national war is a fight for the survival of the entire Xianbei royal family. If the skin is not preserved, what will the general have?  This is still unknown.  Moreover, many of the forty-two brigades mentioned by Lu Shan were county garrison troops drawn from various places. Although the Southern Dynasty had similar troops, their troops were truly elite field soldiers¡ª¡ª  Therefore, looking at it now, the plan of the Ministry of War is just a castle in the air that "looks beautiful".

    Looking at the several huge red arrows on the map representing the Southern Army, Murong Po felt heavy. He bit his lips and looked up at his ministers: "The time required to wait for the Western Army to come back for reinforcements is not yet certain, but  However, the crisis in Jianghuai is imminent The enemy may send troops from Xiangyang at any time, and until the Zhengxi Army comes back for reinforcements, it will be impossible to save the fire from the distant water. Dear sirs, the national situation is critical, who has a good plan to offer?"

    A long silence enveloped the entire hall, and the Murong family ministers all closed their lips and remained silent.

    No one who can occupy a place in this palace is stupid.  Everyone can see the problem: the Murong family is short of soldiers and horses, but just over there in Jeju, the imperial court has ten brigades of 30,000 elite soldiers and horses, as well as tens of thousands of elite soldiers commanded by the governor of Northern Xinjiang.  These were elite forces that could have been put into the Jianghuai battlefield, but because of the impatience of the imperial court, they fell out with Governor Meng. Not only did the Northern Xinjiang Army lose hope, but the 30,000 elite troops led by Murong Huai were also trapped and unable to return.  .

    Ministers all know that the most correct approach now is to quickly reconcile with the Northern Xinjiang Army at any cost and rescue those tens of thousands of elite soldiers.  But the previous decision to provoke the Northern Xinjiang Army was made by Emperor Murong Po himself. If he mentioned it now, wouldn't it be a slap in the emperor's face?

    The ministers all understood the key, so they practiced the silent chant one by one. Everyone compared their opinions to see who could not help but speak first.

    Murong Po waited for a while and saw that none of the ministers had the intention to speak.  He was silent for a moment and then asked Minister Lu Shan expressionlessly: "Besides this, does the Wei Dynasty have no other troops?"

    Lu Shan hesitated slightly and replied: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of War has verified that all the troops and horses that can be mobilized are here. Apart from this, there are only the remaining troops and horses in Jeju under the command of my lord."

    "Jeju?" The emperor's blank expression seemed that he had never been to Jeju in his life, never heard of this place, and didn't even know how to write these two words: "Old Minister is over there, how are you doing recently?  "

    Knowing that the emperor was pretending to be stupid, Minister Lu Shan still answered honestly: "The battle situation is still at a stalemate. The rebels in northern Xinjiang are still surrounding the Wang Division's camp. I, the soldier, are still holding on and trying to protect the camp."

    "The same goes for the old minister. He is old and has a stubborn temper. Meng Taibao is young and energetic. One has a stubborn temper and the other is impatient. Let me see, if these two people get together, I don't know how long they will cause trouble!"

    The emperor shook his head and sighed, as if he was gossiping, but which of his ministers is stupid?  Everyone immediately understood the meaning of His Majesty's words - Meng Ju took the initiative to attack the imperial camp. This was a complete rebellion. However, the emperor downplayed it and described the war with thousands of casualties as a "small conflict".  By describing the Dongping Army's rebellion against the imperial court as a personal conflict with Murong Huai, Minister of War - His Majesty's intention of exonerating Meng Ju has become clear.

    Lu Shan, the Minister of War, immediately echoed: "Your Majesty's holy words are exactly right. Meng Taibao is a military attache. He has achieved great success at a young age and has won many battles. Some arrogance is inevitable. And the boss of our army is jealous of evil. They  If the two of them get together, they are definitely incompatible. Both of you are ministers of the imperial court, but they have gotten into this, which is really heartbreaking."

    He Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue said: "Meng Taibao was born in the army, and his temper is a bit reckless. He can't get along with Lord Shangshu. There is nothing we can do about it. Wei Chen feels that both of them are wise ministers of the court, but they are a bit hot-tempered.  , I was just upset for a moment. However, people are not saints, how can they be without fault?"

    "Exactly, exactly, the ministers and others also think so! Why should a small conflict between soldiers and men lead to a sword fight? Meng Taibao is young and ignorant, why should the old minister be as knowledgeable as him? Those soldiers  What Han Neng wants is nothing more than money, food and armor. Our great Wei Dynasty is rich all over the world, so why should we be stingy with these common things?"

    The ministers' words to each other created an atmosphere like a hypnosis: Meng Ju is a loyal minister, he is just having a temper.  .  .  Yes, he must have just lost his temper. He actually had no ill intentions towards the court.  .  .  He really means no harm.  .  .

    At first, everyone just wanted to help Emperor Murong get down the stairs, but as everyone talked and talked, the atmosphere heightened, and gradually even the ministers began to believe that Meng Ju really had a great interest in the great Wei Dynasty.  No objection - sometimes, if you tell too many lies, evenYou will fool yourself into believing it.  .  .  )

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