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Text Three Hundred and Eleven One Night (Part 2)

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    The guard followed the order and left. Meng Ju turned back to Ma Gui and said, "You have seen it, Mr. Ma. I am so busy here that I can't get away."

    Meng Ju refused to specify the departure time, and Ma Gui did not dare to press for fear that Meng Ju would become suspicious.  He changed the topic and congratulated Meng Ju on today's good news, and asked Meng Ju how many beheadings he had, so that he could report to the emperor when he returned.

    Meng Ju said nonchalantly: "Who has the intention to do this? A bunch of miscellaneous soldiers, no matter how much they kill, they are not capable."

    "Yes, the Taibao Lord is so majestic. Our family is so impressed by it. Taibao Lord, do we dare to ask one more question, what are your next plans and how to use troops against the rebels? Knowing this, it will be easier for the camp to cooperate with you."  ah."

    Meng Ju's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he pondered: "What's the next step?" He was hesitating, but at this moment, rapid footsteps came, and a guard broke in from outside the door and said, "Governor,  There¡¯s someone coming over there.¡±

    "Is someone coming?"

    Meng Ju suddenly stood up, his expression excited, and he rushed towards the door like a gust of wind.  Ma Gui was at a loss and stood up: "Master Taibaoyou?"

    Meng Ju did not stop, but shouted: "Father, come with me!" Before he could finish his words, he had already rushed out.

    Ma Gui hurriedly ran out, but Meng Ju¡¯s steps were long and he was running fast. Ma Gui only saw him wandering around the corner of the corridor for a moment, and then he disappeared.

    Ma Gui held up his robe and ran after him. When he saw the corridor was deep and the courtyard was heavy, Meng Ju was nowhere to be seen.  He was so anxious that he jumped on his feet: "Barbarian, what a barbarian! Why did you just raise your feet and leave without saying hello? Our family is still an imperial envoy of the imperial court!"

    He turned around and grabbed the guard who came to report the news: "Where has the Governor gone?"

    The guard saw Ma Gui and Meng Ju having a long conversation while they were kneeling. Knowing that this was Meng Ju's distinguished guest, he did not dare to neglect: "There is an urgent message in the front hall. The governor should go over there. Father,  I'll take you there."

    So, when Ma Gui returned to the front hall, he still couldn't see Meng Ju.  A guard military attach¨¦ told him that the Governor had just left the Governor's Mansion.  Ma Gui's eyelids twitched slightly: "Where did the Governor go? You led the way for our family. Our family will follow too!"

    The military attache frowned and looked at Ma Gui: "Who are you? There is a curfew in the city at night, and you are not allowed to walk on the streets. I advise you to stay here and wait for the governor to come back. Otherwise, you will encounter patrols on the streets.  If the team is arrested as a spy, we will be in trouble."

    "Then - you send a guard to our family and send us to meet the Governor immediately."

    The military attache tilted his head and turned his head as if he didn't hear it - what a joke, a cat or a dog came from nowhere.  He felt very good about himself when he casually asked the governor's guards to be his guards.

    Seeing the attitude of the military attache, Ma Gui was furious, but he had no choice but to do anything about it - here, he was too embarrassed to bring up his status as an imperial envoy.

    at last.  It was the guard who brought Ma Gui out to help Ma Gui get out of the siege. He told the military attache that this father-in-law was a distinguished guest of the Grand Governor. He had just heard in person that the Grand Governor wanted this father-in-law to follow him, so this should  This is an important order from the Governor and should be obeyed.

    Hear this.  The military attache was more polite.  He told Ma Gui: "The Governor has gone to the south gate tower. Xiao Liu, I will give you a few soldiers. You can lead the escort of this distinguished guest and go over there to find the Governor."

    After leaving the Governor's Mansion and walking south along the street, Ma Gui was surprised to see soldiers and horses everywhere on the road.  Cavalry, infantry, battle armor, and teams of soldiers and horses marched one after another.  Drive towards the south gate.  No one spoke or made any noise in the queue.  I could only hear the heavy steps, the clanging of armor, and the neighing of war horses.  There were so many soldiers and horses marching that they even blocked the road. Many times, Ma Gui and the accompanying guards had to hide on the side of the road, waiting for the groups of soldiers and horses to pass.

    Ma Gui asked the guards for information: "Why are the Dongping Army mobilizing troops in the middle of the night? Are they going to go out of the city to attack the rebels?"

    The guard shook his head: "Father, I don't know either." But looking at his expression, Ma Gui felt that he should know something, but he just refused to say it.

    The journey from the Governor's Mansion to the south gate tower was only a short two miles, but because he had to avoid the various soldiers and horses, Ma Gui ran for a full hour and arrived at the tower at the third watch.

    This side of the city tower is also densely packed with soldiers and horses, and is heavily guarded, even more tightly than the side of the Governor's Mansion - the people posted here are no longer ordinary officers and soldiers, but fully armed armored warriors.  On the stairs of the city tower, two tall armored warriors stood every ten steps, the dark hundred swords in their hands shining brightly.

    Ma Gui panted and ran up the tower. Before he could look for Meng Ju, a strange scene caught his attention first.?: To the south outside the city, a large swath of flames was rising into the sky. The bright red flames illuminated the sky, and even the stars in the sky were eclipsed.  Even on the tower, you can feel the hot waves rolling in the air, making your cheeks feel faintly hot.

    From the side of the fierce flames, the sound of fighting could be heard faintly. The sound of killing, the sound of flames and the sound of the marching army merged into one.  Ma Gui poked his head out of the city tower and saw a large group of soldiers and horses leaving the city. Group after group of soldiers and horses were advancing towards the fire.  The fire in the distance was so red that it illuminated the wilderness and roads outside the city brightly. The soldiers and horses leaving the city didn't even need to use torches.

    Ma Gui was stunned for a long time as he looked at the flames soaring into the sky and the endless Dongping soldiers and horses.  He realized that tonight, just when he was talking to Meng Ju, something major and unusual must have happened.  But annoyingly, he didn't know what it was about.

    Under the fire, even the walkways of the city tower were illuminated red. With this light, Ma Gui quickly found Meng Ju.

    Meng Ju stood in the middle of the tower, talking to several military attach¨¦s.  There were about six or seven military attach¨¦s in the group. They gathered around Meng Ju, their heads lowered, and their attitude was very respectful.

    Ma Gui wanted to go forward and ask Meng Ju what was going on, but he didn't dare to go forward - just as he was about to get closer, a tall military attach¨¦ turned his head and looked at him. The gloomy look in his eyes made Ma Gui stop immediately.  pace.  The moment he was watched, he felt as if a sharp sword had penetrated his body.

    Several military attach¨¦s exude a frightening cold aura, a temperament that can only be honed through countless battlefield killings. They regard life as grass, hard and rough, and the weight contains murderous intent.

    Ma Gui swallowed his saliva and looked from a distance, not daring to come forward and disturb.  He vaguely heard the words "court", "rebels", "royal family", etc. He didn't know what they were talking about, but he could tell that it was a very serious and tense conversation because of the expressions of the military attaches.  They are all serious, without any smile at all, like a few cold rocks.

    After about a quarter of an hour, the military attach¨¦s all knelt down and kowtowed to Meng Ju.

    Meng Ju helped them up, while Ma Gui looked at them in confusion from a distance.

    Seeing that the atmosphere had become more relaxed, Ma Gui gained courage and shouted: "The Governor, the Governor!"

    Meng Ju turned around when he heard the sound and was a little surprised to see Ma Gui. He waved to Ma Gui to come over: "Eunuch Ma, you really have great powers. How did you find this way?"

    Ma Gui was stunned for a moment, and then said it. Meng Ju just said it casually, but now he must have completely forgotten it.

    He said with a smile: "Just now, our family and the Governor were discussing important matters. Unexpectedly, the Governor suddenly left on important matters. Before the discussion was over, our family also came to see and join in the fun."

    "Is it important? What military affairs?"

    "Meng Taibao, have you forgotten? How the Dongping Army plans to attack the rebels - we just talked about this, have you forgotten?"

    Meng Ju slapped his forehead: "I remember." He greeted several military attach¨¦s: "Come, let me introduce to you - this is Eunuch Ma, the royal horse supervisor of the imperial court.  The imperial envoys and supervisors stationed in our Dongping Army, when you see Eunuch Ma in the future, you must show respect, do you understand?"

    The military attach¨¦s all clasped their fists and saluted, and their voices were like thunder: "I understand, I will finally see my father-in-law!"

    Being among these murderous generals, Ma Gui felt as if he was in a cold ice cave, and his whole body was chilled.  He hurriedly responded: "I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it. Meng Taibao, our family has met Wang Shuai, Xu Shuai and Qi Shuai under your command. These generals, our family is really a bit blind.  I can¡¯t name him.¡±

    "Come on, let me introduce you to your father-in-law: This is Shi Wenting, the commander of the Thunder Brigade."

    A middle-aged general came out, saluted Ma Gui with fists in his hands, and then left without saying a word.

    "Haha, I have admired Shi Shuai's reputation for a long time. He is indeed a fierce general!"

    "This is the commander of the White Tiger Brigade Luo Xiaocheng, this is the commander of the Xiongba Brigade Xiong Gang, this is the commander of the Raptor Brigade Gao Fei, this is the commander of the Hengshan Brigade Li Che, this is the commander of the Feihe Brigade Huang Min,  This is Zhao Kuang, commander of the Crazy Lion Brigade"

    As Meng Ju signed up one by one, the generals came out one after another, clasped their fists and saluted Ma Gui. Ma Gui also greeted him politely, but vaguely felt that something was wrong - yes, why did Meng Ju's subordinates suddenly  Are there so many generals whose names I have never heard of?

    But this has nothing to do with Ma Gui. He asked Meng Ju: "Meng Taibao, when do you plan to attack the rebels? Please give an accurate date so that we can go back and report to His Majesty!"

    "Rebels? What rebels?"

      "Ah, Taibao, are you confused?! The rebels of the Tuoba Rebellion!"

    "Oh, well there are no more rebels." Meng Ju said lightly.

    Ma Gui stared at Meng Ju with wide eyes. Under his glare, Meng Ju said slowly: "Tonight, the generals of the border army woke up, abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, cooperated with our army inside and outside, and killed the rebel leader¡ª¡ª  Eunuch Ma, please report to Your Majesty and the court that tonight, the rebellion in the northern border troops has been completely suppressed.

    "The rebel leader, the emperor's uncle Tuoba Xiong, his son Tuoba Xiang, the rebel general Hong Tianyi and others have all been executed tonight. Their heads are here. Please inspect them."  "

    Meng Ju made a gesture, and the border military attach¨¦s came out with several wooden boxes that smelled strongly of blood. They almost stuffed them under Ma Gui's nose. They shouted in a rough voice: "Please check, father-in-law!"

    The wooden box was dripping with blood, and Ma Gui screamed in fright. He did not dare to reach out to pick it up. He staggered back a step, but he was unsteady and fell to the ground, which hurt his buttocks.  (To be continued)

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