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Text Three Hundred and Four: Different Hearts (Part 1)

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    Meng Ju decided to accept Shi Wenting's surrender.

    Mr. Wen's analysis is very reasonable, but this is not the reason for Meng Ju's determination. It's just that Meng Ju feels that the border general who came to surrender is telling the truth - Meng Ju can't explain why, anyway, he is  He felt that the other party did not lie to him.

    Meng Ju called Shi Wenting up and told him directly: "Shi Shuai, I already know your intentions. If you want to abandon the dark side and turn to the light, that's not impossible, but there are two things we need you to do."

    Shi Wenting was relieved when he heard that Meng Ju agreed to surrender.  He clasped his fists seriously and said: "But just ask the Governor to give you orders, and the guilty general will definitely do it!"

    "Shi Shuai, I, Mr. Meng, always make ugly remarks in front of me when I do things. First: If you want to come over and continue to lead the troops, that's fine, but in the future your troops and horses will definitely have to go through our reorganization, and the officers will also have to go through it.  We will make adjustments and appointments. Second: The battle armors of your soldiers, horses and generals are now temporarily handed over to our army for safekeeping - can you do these two things?"

    Shi Wenting breathed a sigh of relief: He thought that Meng Ju was going to send him to do something dangerous - such as returning to the border army to get the heads of a few big shots to be surrendered, but he didn't expect that he was just going to reorganize his troops and hand over his battle armor.  .

    Shi Wenting also knew that according to the practice at the time, newly surrendered soldiers and horses could not be trusted immediately. They would definitely have to go through "sand-mixed" personnel adjustments and a period of testing before they could be trusted with them. However, others would not say it so clearly.  That¡¯s all.  Governor Meng spoke so directly to his face, which shows his honesty, and he really lived up to his self-proclaimed saying that "the ugly words come first."

    "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I am indeed sincere in my submission. Your instructions will be fulfilled by me!"

    After agreeing on various matters concerning the surrender, Shi Wenting said goodbye and left.  Only half an hour later, he came again, but this time, he did not come alone. He also brought seven or eight companions, including Huang Min, the commander of the Feihe Brigade.  There are also two deputy commanders, brigade commander and several battalion officers.

    Brigadier Huang Min is tall and thin. His expression is a little cold and he rarely speaks.  His suspicious eyes always reminded Meng Ju of the rats hiding in the cave.  Everyone could see that Huang Min still had concerns about surrender, unlike Shi Wenting who was as active.

    Meng Ju said to him: "Huang Shuai. Surrender and find a way out. This is a major event in your life. You should consider it carefully. Regarding your treatment after surrender, as well as the military pay and arrangements for your troops, I have just finished  We've discussed it with Shi Shuai. Are you dissatisfied with this? If so, you might as well speak up and we can discuss it later."

    "The Governor is generous and has given generous treatment to the guilty general. I would like to thank the Governor for his kindness on behalf of the brothers."

    "In this case, do you have any other concerns? I have always been open and honest. If you have any doubts, feel free to speak out. I can give you a thousand pieces of gold and a promise. No matter whether this thing comes true or not, I will guarantee your safety. Come on, everyone.  Go and be free. On this point, Huang Shuai can rest assured."

    Meng Ju repeatedly assured his safety, but Huang Min hesitated again and again, and finally said: "The Governor has a good reputation and is kind and generous. You promise not to blame the past. Of course, the guilty generals can be trusted. But this Governor, you are still a military commander of the imperial court after all.  . If the imperial court orders you to hand over our guilty generals in the future, what will we do then?"

    Shi Wenting scolded: "Huang Shuai, you are confused! What a hero the Governor is. He naturally promised to protect us, so he will not break his promise. It is superfluous for you to ask this!" As he spoke, he stole glances.  He looked at Meng Ju and looked at his expression nervously - not only him, but all the surrendered generals were looking at Meng Ju with anxiety.

    Knowing what these surrendered officers were worried about, Meng Ju immediately smiled - this kind of thing might be a bit embarrassing for other military attaches, but for him, an alien who has no loyalty to the Northern Wei Dynasty.  , this is nothing at all.

    Meng Ju curled his lips: "The imperial court, which imperial court? Those Xianbei people?" He curled his lips and smiled, and the contempt was clearly revealed in his smile.

    Seeing Meng Ju like this, the surrendered generals immediately knew: This Grand Governor seems to be a domineering and powerful master!  In the future, it is not yet known whether he will raise a flag against the imperial court like his predecessor Tuoba Xiong, but at least for now, it seems that he will definitely not take the imperial court seriously.

    The only thing the surrendered generals were worried about was that the Murong family's court would not let them go. Since Meng Ju was not afraid of the court, there would be no possibility of him yielding to the pressure of the court and surrendering. Everyone was immediately relieved.  At the moment, all the generals, led by Huang Min and Shi Wenting, knelt down and kowtowed: "See my lord! I have committed many sins in the past and caused great disasters. Thanks to my lord's generosity, do you dare not to die in the service of my lord in the future?"

    "Okay, everyone, get up, everyone! Generals, from now on, everyone is one of our own!"

    Meng Ju helped everyone up with a smile??, he once again said the old saying of "let bygones be bygones and do things with peace of mind", and with the intention of calming down the generals - he easily recruited two brigades of strong soldiers. At this moment, he felt that he was really a king.  The energy is radiating.

    That night, the generals of the Dongping Army and the surrendered border army generals stayed on the city tower to discuss various matters of surrender. They continued to discuss until the sky in the east turned white, and when the white fish belly appeared in the east, the border army generals took their leave.

    When the sky was getting bright, the two brigade commanders from the border army visited for the third time. This time, they brought the rosters of officers and soldiers of the Thunder and Feihe brigades, and also placed all the battle armors in the open space in front of the city.  Please accept it from Dongping Army.

    According to the previous agreement, Brigade Commander Xu Haojie of the Dongping Army led a brigade out of the city and took over the troops of the Thunder and Feihe brigades.  Because Tuoba Xiong's army was behind and could be killed at any time, the reorganization operation was carried out in a hurry. The receiving officer could only hurriedly count the number of people in each battalion according to the roster, and then transferred a group of veterans from the Dongping Army to serve as commanders of each department.  The officers took them to the direction of Chu Nan Mansion, while the original officers of the border army at all levels followed the Dongping Army into the city to "rest" - as everyone knows, this is actually synonymous with house arrest.

    After separating the officers and soldiers, there was no leading officer and no powerful armor. Under the supervision of Dongping soldiers and horses, there was only a scattered border soldiers who could not make any waves even if they rebelled.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????No one from the border army came out to protest, they all accepted it silently - the border army officers all knew that they were desperate.  The iron law of the Wei Dynasty was that those who conspired to rebel would have the nine tribes destroyed.  Although the world is vast, except for Meng Ju, the governor of Northern Xinjiang, there are really few people who dare to shelter and protect their gang of traitors.  As long as they can get shelter, even if the Dongping Army's conditions are ten times harsher, they can only endure it - not to mention the Dongping Army's methods are not harsh at all.  It is normal for the other party to have doubts when he came to vote in a hurry.

    The reorganization operation lasted for a whole day, and it was not until dusk that the response from the frontier army and the Chinese army came slowly.  A group of cavalry escorted a frontier general from the south and went straight to the front camp of the frontier.  But they arrived too late. The Dongping Army had completely taken over the camp. This group of frontier soldiers and horses failed to enter the camp at all, and were intercepted by the vigilant Dongping Army scouts on the outside.

    After a fight, they saw more and more Dongping troops coming from all directions. Seeing that the situation was not good, this group of frontier cavalry turned around and left. When Wang Hu led his men to reinforce them, these people had already disappeared without a trace.  disappeared.

    After Meng Ju got the news, he kept saying "what a pity" - the person who could be sent to the army to restore the morale of the army at this time must be an important person with great prestige and weight, and it might even be Tuoba Xiong himself.  He felt deeply regretful when he let the big fish go, and said to Wang Hu: "Huzi, why can't you be smarter? Can't you let him in before doing anything?"

    Wang Hu was dejected: "The general also knows his mistake. Next time, the general will definitely"

    Meng Ju interrupted him: "It is impossible that such a good thing will happen again in ten thousand years! Do you really think that Tuoba Xiong is a fool who puts his money in your pocket every day?"

    In the afternoon of the third day, Tuoba Xiong¡¯s main force arrived on the outskirts of Anping.  From the top of the city, one could clearly see that on the far horizon, along the official road, large brown outlines appeared, and various troops and horses of the frontier army were marching towards the city.

    It happened to be a clear sky, and people at the top of the city could clearly see the soldiers and horses of the border army: large groups of armored warriors were distributed on both sides of the official road, acting as flank protection for the army. On the official road, those densely packed cavalry and infantry  They formed a long dragon with no head and tail. Under the sunlight, countless swords, armors and battle armors emitted dazzling light, sweeping in like a river and ocean tide.

    The queue of frontier troops is very long. The front troops have stopped and set up camp, but the Chinese troops are still coming in a steady stream.  Meng Ju watched at the head of the city for two full hours. From afternoon until he saw the sun setting in the west, he saw the rear troops of the border army and the baggage convoy arriving.

    The march of the regular army is indeed spectacular.  Tuoba Xiong deliberately chose to march in broad daylight, so that he could openly and openly deploy his troops in front of the Dongping Army. This was not only a threat and intimidation, but also a display of strength by the former King of Northern Xinjiang, showing that despite repeated defeats, the troops of the frontier army could not be defeated.  It is still a powerful team that no one can underestimate.

    If it had been a few days ago, Meng Ju might have been shocked by the huge lineup of the frontier army, but now, after understanding the inside story of the frontier army, Meng Ju didn't take them seriously at all - the morale of the generals was demoralized along the way, and the soldiers and horses were disengaged.  , no matter how many people there are and how glamorous the appearance is, they will not have much combat effectiveness.

    To be honest, Meng Ju felt that Tuoba Xiong put himself to death and then dragged himself into trouble to make the Murong family worry. This move could be regarded as a clever move.  But the problem is, no matter how good the strategy is, it still needs people to execute it.  The generals of the border army rebelled and surrendered one after another, so TuobaAll his trump cards were revealed.  Now, in Meng Ju's view, Tuoba Xiong, a prominent figure that he could only look up to in the past, is no longer a serious enemy - he is no more than a mad dog at the end of his rope.  (To be continued)

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