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Text Two Hundred and Eighty-six Deciding the Strategy (Part 1)

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    ~.< >-~ The wind whistled outside the window, sometimes sharp, sometimes gentle, causing the window panes to tremble.

    Meng Ju held the tea cup in his hand. He pinched the tea body and slowly rotated the cup, as if he was observing the green glaze pattern on the cup body.  His hand was surprisingly steady and not a drop of tea spilled.

    After a long time, he sighed and said: "Mr. Wen, Meng is just a warrior who guards the country's borders and protects the Central Plains. This is enough for Meng. As for watching the world and competing in the Central Plains - Mr. Wen, Meng has never done anything like this.  Ambition."

    Knowing that Meng Ju was pretending to be clear, Mr. Wen smiled faintly: "My lord, what you said is wrong. The world is in chaos, wars are raging, and all the people are in ruins. As a minister of Northern Xinjiang entrusted by the imperial court, how can you, my lord, take care of yourself?"

    Shuozhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Pingzhou, Zhongshan and other places are currently under the control of rebels. The local people are trapped in the wrong hands and suffering from torture. They look forward to the king's rescue, just like waiting for manna after a long drought.  At this time, my lord, it is time for you to attack the rebellious masters, relieve the imperial court from danger, and save the people from hanging. This is an upright and righteous act, how can it be said to be ambitious?  "

    Meng Ju curled his lips slightly - Very good, we have the right to send troops.

    "But the imperial court has conferred on me the title of Grand Governor of Northern Xinjiang. If I send troops outside Northern Xinjiang, I might be suspected of overstepping my authority?"

    "I dare to ask my lord, when the rebellion started in Northern Xinjiang, did the imperial court send a decree asking you to go south to help in the war?"

    Meng Ju glanced at him and said calmly: "Yes. Murong Yi, the prince of the supervisory state, has written to me several times, asking me to go south to help in the war and flank the rebels."

    "That's it. Since there is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's decree, then when the Lord goes south, he is following orders to serve the imperial court. How can this be said to be ultra vires?"

    The smile on Meng Ju's lips flashed away, and he nodded: "That's right, since His Highness the Crown Prince has entrusted me to do things for the imperial court, it's not a big deal. It's just that the Northern Territory is not peaceful at the moment. I am a young man.  People like Yu Wentai are still ready to move. If our army goes south, I'm afraid they will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

    He slowly raised his head and looked directly at Mr. Wen with his eyes as sharp as a knife: "When the time comes, I will lead the army on an expedition, and if Yuwen Tairu makes trouble in my rear and cuts off my retreat - then, won't I have to fight again?  Are you going to make the same mistake as Marshal Tuoba?"

    Meng Ju looked very stern, but Mr. Wen was not afraid. He stood up and bowed deeply: "My lord is confused. Do you dare to analyze it for me? My lord's situation seems to be the same as that of the marshal, but it is completely different."

    "How is it different?"

    "The difference lies in three things: the enemy is different, we are different, and the current situation is also different."

    Meng Ju raised his eyebrows and motioned for Mr. Wen to continue speaking.

    "My lord is worried that after going south, Yuwentai will take the opportunity to get rich? This worry is completely unnecessary. There is no comparison between Yuwentai and you, my lord.

    First, my lord, you are a world-famous general, with a brave army that is invincible in every battle.  And what is Yuwentai?  He is just a dirty gang leader, and all he has under his command is a hastily assembled gang.  If the Black Wolf Gang holds Huaishuo, they might be able to fight on their own territory.  But if they leave their hometown and come to invade Dongping, how much fighting power can those rabble retain?  At that time, there is no need for the governor to take action personally.  An ordinary brigade commander under your command can easily defeat the invading army.  Therefore, Yuwentai himself does not have the strength to threaten Dongping.

    Second, my lord, you have courage and fearless determination.  Back then, my lord, you only controlled a weak brigade in Dongping, but you dared not to give in to the marshal and took the initiative to attack Wuchuan - such heroic and courageous behavior.  Yuwentai will not have it.  To strike a big blow with a small one requires extraordinary courage. The gangsters who come to power only dare to bully the weak and fear the strong, and go with the flow. They will not have the determination and courage to break the boat.  Yuwentai has expressed his kindness to the governor several times and asked for peace, which shows that he is afraid of you.  As long as you, my lord, don't push Yuwentai to a dead end, he will definitely not dare to attack you first.  "

    Meng Ju frowned. Some of what Mr. Wen said made sense, but he might not agree with the conclusion.  The weak side took the initiative to attack the strong enemy - Meng Ju didn't study history very well, but he still knew about major events such as the Pearl Harbor incident in later generations and the Chinese Volunteer Army entering North Korea to attack American imperialism.  Although it is illogical, it is not uncommon in history for hounds to bite tigers.

    According to Mr. Wen, since that Yuwentai has the appearance of an emperor, he must have the courage to risk everything and make a desperate move at a critical moment. Meng Ju feels that Dongping's safety rests on Yuwentai "who dare not take action"  "Yes, this is too much.

    "Mr. Wen, if what you said is true and Yu Wentai really has the so-called emperor's appearance, if I leave him alone, I'm afraid it will be a disaster - if I divide my troops into two groups, go south all the way, and conquer Huaishuo all the way.  , so what???

    "Lord, this must not be done. My subordinates have said before that it is not difficult for you to occupy Huaishuo, but it is extremely difficult to kill Yuwentai. Yuwentai has the image of a dragon, but now he is hiding in the shallow pond of Huaishuo.  , this is the so-called hidden dragon, we must not wake him up.

    "My lord, after you went south, you occupied Youzhou and Pingzhou bordering Huaishuo, which locked Yuwentai's southward development. With his character, he would not dare to take the initiative to break the situation with you.  In this way, even though Yu Wentai's destiny is as high as the sky, his strength is always limited to Huaishuo and cannot develop. Even a dragon will turn into a loach after being trapped for a long time.

    But if you, the governor, send troops to Huaishuo, drive Yuwentai out of Huaishuo, and let him flee to the Central Plains - if the dragon comes out of the pond, he will turn into a real dragon. At that time, my lord, you will help him.  It's something big and bad.  "

    Mr. Wen kept saying that Yuwentai had a very tough destiny and Meng Ju would definitely not be able to kill him.  To be honest, Meng Ju really didn't believe it.  But he is no longer a young boy. He has passed the age where he has to try everything and get a bloody head before turning back. No matter when, it is a taboo for military strategists to open two fronts at the same time.  Now that he was sure that going south was the best option, he certainly would not divide his troops to fight Yuwentai again.

    Meng Ju drank tea in silence, one cup after another. Sometimes he looked at the oil lamp on the table, sometimes at the dark window.  After a long time, he sighed: "Mr. Wen, this trip to the south is not going to end in bad luck!"

    "Who are you worried about, my lord? Yuwentai is just a guard dog and is not a threat. Could it be that my lord is worried about Emperor Tuoba?"

    Meng Ju smiled bitterly, thinking that Mr. Wen, you are still pretending to be stupid with me.  What does Tuoba Xiong have to worry about? The border army is at the end of its strength. Their main force is gathered in Xiangzhou, and it is impossible for them to have too much power to stop their advance.  I'm worried about it.  Rather, he is his ally and nominal monarch.  The Murong family who occupies Luojing.

    Thinking about it, you can see that the Murong family used all their strength to fight against the border troops in Xiangzhou, killing nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses, and suffering huge losses. After finally suppressing the border troops, they suddenly jumped in from the rear.  Without even saying thank you, he took away most of Tuoba Xiong's territory in one fell swoop, leaving the Murong family with nothing to lose after years of hard work - Mr. Wen put it nicely, saying that this was to share the worries of the imperial court.  But both of them knew it well, and when they heard the news, the Murong family would probably eat Meng Ju alive.

    "If I go south, the imperial court's will will be unpredictableit's really hard to predict how it will act."

    "My lord is worried about the court?" Mr. Wen said with a dumb smile: "My lord is too worried. If my subordinates' expectations are correct, the court will definitely not take any action against my lord."


    "My lord is following the orders of the imperial court to go south to quell the rebellion and help the war. This is an aboveboard matter. The imperial court cannot make mistakes. There is no reason to stop you."

    "What if the imperial court breaks out and orders me not to go south?"

    Mr. Wen said categorically: "They don't dare! Before the emperor's uncle is pacified, the court is determined not to offend you, my lord. The Murong family knows your fighting prowess - back then, my lord, you could almost completely reverse the situation in Jincheng with one person."  Aren't the Murong family afraid of the situation of the war? After a complete rift, the lord turns to Marshal Tuoba to help in the battle and reverses the situation again?"

    Meng Ju laughed and said, "I have a bloody feud with Emperor Tuoba. How can I surrender to him again?"

    "This. Soldiers are unpredictable, and water is unpredictable. As long as the situation forces it, nothing is impossible - well, even if the lord is determined and refuses to return to the marshal, how do the Murong family know? They use their own judgment.  People will naturally feel that if the lord is pushed too hard, the lord will naturally vote for Marshal Tuoba."

    "Okay, for now, even after defeating Tuoba Xiong, the imperial court will be unable to stop me. But what happens when the imperial court eliminates Tuoba Xiong? It seems that it will be good if the emperor's uncle can persist until the middle of this year. At that time, the Murong family's ambitions are  To unify the Wei Dynasty, if I only separatize the northern territory, they can still tolerate me. But if I go south and occupy such a large territory, how can the court agree? "

    Mr. Wen said calmly: "Even if the imperial court can defeat the marshal, his own strength will inevitably be greatly damaged. It will be at least a year before they can regain their combat effectiveness against the lord.

    The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind it. Even if Emperor Tuoba is defeated, the court will still be in serious trouble - Southern Tang is determined not to miss this good opportunity.  Once the Southern Tang and Northern Expeditions began, it would be too late for the court to ask for help from the lord. How could they dare to argue with the lord?

    It¡¯s a time when the world is in a state of flux. Who can say clearly what the situation will be like in a year¡¯s time?  ¡ªWe might as well decide what to do in a year.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No matter how the situation changes, we will never go wrong by strengthening our strength.  The stronger we are, the better we can protect ourselves in the future.  Even if the situation in the future is not good, the Lord will rob her at worst.Forget about returning the acquired territory to the imperial court - to put it bluntly, even if the Southern Tang unifies the world in the future, even if we want to join the new dynasty, we still have to have some leverage, right?  "

    The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Meng Ju was startled: Are you really so smart, can you see all my little thoughts clearly?

    The more he talked with Mr. Wen, the more Meng Ju felt that he had found a treasure.  Although Mr. Wen is a scholar, he is not pedantic at all. He is knowledgeable and has a broad vision. In particular, his practical and eclectic style is very suitable for Meng Ju.  Many of his plans coincided with Meng Ju's. For a time, Meng Ju felt happy to have met his confidant.

    "Just like Mr. Wen's suggestion, it doesn't matter if it is proven, but why have I never thought of it?"  Not only could he not think of it, but none of his subordinates and staff could think of it either.

    Many things are worthless if they are broken, but if no one breaks the window paper, you will never think of it in your life - Meng Ju was very ashamed: After all, in the final analysis, it is because he is too small and not courageous enough.  Majestic, guarding the small foundation in northern Xinjiang, he was full and waiting to die, waiting for recruitment.  For those heroes who have the world in mind, why do they need others to remind them of this?

    That night, the two discussed repeatedly and repeatedly added water to a pot of tea, and finally drank it until it was weaker than water.  It wasn't until the windows were white and the sky was getting bright that Meng Ju reluctantly stood up and said goodbye.

    "Meng Mou has benefited a lot from having a long talk with Mr. Meng tonight. Mr. Meng is indeed an unparalleled national scholar, and Meng Mou has learned from it. If it hadn't been for Mr. Meng's guidance, I'm afraid Meng Mou would still be in such a state of confusion. Last night, I delayed my husband's visit.  Take a rest. Meng is very sorry and has to say goodbye. Sir, have a good rest. Meng will come back to ask for advice from you another day."

    "The Lord's words are serious. Since the student has surrendered to the Lord, from now on he and the Lord will become one, and they will be both prosperous and devastated. If the Lord can soar into the sky, the student also hopes to follow Jiwei and achieve great success and wealth!"

    Meng Ju laughed and said, "I'm afraid that Meng's qualifications are mediocre and he's doing nothing. I'm afraid he will live up to my husband's expectations."

    After leaving Mr. Wen¡¯s place and returning home, the first thing Meng Ju did was to summon Ouyang Hui.

    "Ouyang, please do something for me immediately: clean up a clean courtyard in the mausoleum compound, arrange furniture, supplies and servants. I want to arrange for an important guest to live in it - can you do it today?  ?¡±

    "Yes, don't worry, Governor, I can get it done in the morning." Ouyang Hui glanced at Meng Ju secretly and asked in a low voice: "I dare to ask, Is this distinguished guest alone or with a family? What's the daily routine for him?  Supply, according to what standards?¡±

    "He is only one person. His daily life just provide him with salary and food according to the standard of a general. After that, you will personally invite Mr. Wen to move in in the afternoon. You will be responsible for receiving and accompanying him throughout the whole process. You must entertain him well and make sure to satisfy him.  ¡±

    "Yes, I understand my humble position!" Ouyang Hui said with a bitter face: "But please let the governor make it clear, who is Mr. Wen you are talking about?"

    "That's the person who lives in courtyard No. 7 now."

    "Ah, is it the prisoner under house arrest?" Ouyang Hui was surprised: How could a prisoner who was locked up suddenly become a distinguished guest at the governor's table?  He didn't dare to ask in detail, but just nodded repeatedly: "I understand, Governor, I'll do the humble job now."

    "Go quickly - Oh, Mr. Wen likes to drink tea. Remember to prepare more good tea for him."

    ??~.< >-~

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