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Volume 1, Chapter 274: Complaints of Injustice (Part 2)

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    Two hundred and seventy-four: Complaints of Injustice (Part 2)

    The door opened and Wang Jiu walked in quietly.  Seeing Meng Ju and Liu Kongqin standing side by side very close to each other by the window, he was startled. He thought that he had come at the wrong time, but he did not dare to show any signs of it on his face, and whispered: "Governor, Mr.  I have something to report."

    "Xiaojiu? Tell me, what's the matter?"

    "Something went wrong with what you just ordered me to do."

    "What I just asked you to do - oh, I remember it."

    Meng Ju frowned slightly. He just asked Wang Jiu to bring one hundred taels of silver to visit Xu Bingyan - or Tang Xuanxuan.  Bringing one hundred taels of silver to someone, how could Xiaojiu mess up such a simple thing?

    He frowned: "What's going on?"

    Feeling Meng Ju¡¯s majesty, Wang Jiu trembled.  He bowed even lower: "Governor, according to your order, I called two personal guards, took the money to Wanxiang Tower, and found -" At this point, he took a sneak peek  Taking a look at Liu Kongqin, he saw that the latter's face was calm and showed no clues.

    "¡ª¡ªI found Miss Xu and handed the money to her, conveying the governor's good intentions. But Miss Xu refused to accept it, saying that what she wanted was not money"

    Meng Ju said calmly: "She won't accept it, just put it down and leave."

    "Yes, the younger one thought so too. The younger one also left, but Miss Tang chased her out with the money in her hands and wanted to return it. The younger one refused to take it. She insisted that she would not be rewarded for no merit - "

    Seeing Meng Ju's brows gradually rising, Wang Jiu also knew that if he continued to be verbose like this, he would be in serious trouble: "-Anyway, when the young one was about to leave, he suddenly heard an exclamation from behind him, Xu  The young lady was calling for help, and the voice was very real. The young lady sounded like something serious was going on, so she didn't have time to think about it. She rushed into the room with two guards, and happened to see a man in gray clothes stabbing him with a knife.  Miss Xu's attack on the chest was very cruel, and she actually wanted to kill Miss Xu on the spot."

    Meng Ju looked moved: "Someone wants to kill her?"

    "Exactly. Seeing this, the young boy was so frightened that his legs and feet were so weak that he stood there unable to move. Fortunately, the guard brother Zhang was alert and shouted: 'How dare you, thief! The officers and soldiers are here!' This loud shout,  The assassin was so frightened that when he looked back, the knife was deflected and only hit Miss Xu's arm.

    At this time, Brother Zhang and Brother Liu had already drawn their swords and rushed forward. Seeing that we were officers and soldiers, the man did not dare to fight, so he turned over and jumped out of the window. When we rushed to the window, he had already jumped into the street.  , fled far away.  We could clearly see that he was not alone. There were two men also wearing gray clothes who also fled with him. They were probably the manpower supporting the lookout below.  "

    Meng Ju frowned: "Is there anyone left to support Wangfeng?"

    "Yes, I saw it clearly. The three of them were all wearing gray clothes and they ran away together. They must be in a group. The guards Zhang and Liu also saw it. The mayor can call them up for questioning."

    Meng Ju waved his hand and closed his eyes. He already had a conclusion in his mind: a gang committed the crime, a very skilled killer, well-organized, and someone watching out to take care of it - this matter was most likely a good thing done by the Black Wolf Gang.  Those gangsters were the most cruel and ruthless. After killing Tang Zonghan, they also sent killers to kill his children and eliminate future troubles.

    Thinking of this, Meng Ju suddenly felt a surge of anger in his chest: He had just spent the night with Xu Bingyan at Wanxiang House, and as soon as he left, the Black Wolf Gang sent people to murder her - to beat a dog, it depends on the owner.  If you say you are a man who is Xu Bingyan, you can kill my woman if you want. Where can I put my face?

    Meng Ju pursed his lips, and his tone suddenly became cold: "Xiaojiu, where is Miss Xu now?"


    Wang Jiu clearly showed hesitation.  Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "Governor, the killers already know where Miss Xu lives. The several nursing homes in Wanxiang Tower cannot stop them. Miss Xu has injuries on her body. Thinking of her staying here  It¡¯s really dangerous there, so I made my own decision and hired a car to take her back to the camp¡ªand now she¡¯s outside, waiting for the town governor¡¯s orders.¡±

    "Hmph! Wang Jiu, you kid, you always make your own decisions like this - you won't do it again!"

    Wang Jiu suddenly felt reassured, knowing that the governor was actually not dissatisfied. He nodded hastily: "Don't worry, governor, there won't be a next time."

    He glanced at Liu Kongqin furtively: "Governor, Miss Xu is outside now, do you want to call her in for questioning?"

    Meng Ju actually had the intention to call Xu Bingyan in to ask a few words, but the problem was that Liu Kongqin was around - he wanted to propose marriage to the Ye family, and Liu Kongqin was the representative of the Ye family stationed in his army. After all, he was the last night  I just spent the night with Xu BingyanAfter all, he felt guilty for letting this brothel girl face off against Liu Kongqin.

    ?????????????????? But Liu Kongqin was so shameless. She knew clearly that she was discussing private matters with her subordinates, but she didn't know how to leave without knowing it. Instead, she stood there like a wooden stake and listened, making it hard for her to say a lot of things.

    While Meng Ju was hesitating, Liu Kongqin spoke up on his own: "Governor, I heard from Xiaojiu that a young lady named Xu was being hunted and was rescued by him? What on earth is going on? Can anyone tell me this?  Shall I tell you?"

    Meng Ju turned to look out the window and said calmly: "Wang Jiu, please tell Master Liu about the matter."

    The governor's face was calm, but Miss Liu looked curious - this atmosphere was wrong!

    "Xiaojiu is also very alert. Seeing the ambiguous atmosphere, he is also very careful about what he says.  He told the story very carefully, saying that a certain prefect named Tang in Huaishuo was murdered by the Black Wolf Gang.  The Tang magistrate had a daughter who escaped, but the Black Wolf Gang continued to pursue her. He happened to be there on business, so he bravely saved the young lady, and so on, and so on - in short, he did not mention a word about Meng Ju's presence last night.  Wanxianglou spent the night with Xu Bingyan.

    Liu Kongqin listened and nodded: "Black Wolf Gang? When I arrested Shen Tu Jue, I fought with them several times. This gang did a lot of evil. Then, this Miss Tang who escaped from Huaishuo was yesterday.  Did you stay with the mayor, Miss Xu Bingyan, at Wanxiang Tower tonight?"

    It turns out you know everything, why are you pretending?

    Meng Ju¡¯s face was twitching like a toothache, and he glared at Wang Jiu fiercely - the latter had a bitter look on his face, indicating that he was very innocent.

    Meng Ju had a dull expression on his face and gave a faint hum - except for this expression, he really didn't know what kind of expression he should use to face Liu Kongqin.  He said a few words with difficulty through his teeth with no expression on his face: "Last night, I drank too much."

    Liu Kongqin glanced at Meng Ju. This look contained infinite charm and profound meaning, which made Meng Ju's heartbeat suddenly accelerate.  Then, she said to Wang Jiu: "Miss Xu, please come in."

    Wang Jiu looked at Meng Ju, who turned to look out the window, pretending not to hear, so he whispered: "Yes, as ordered."

    Xu Bingyan came in. She was dressed in plain white, her features were picturesque, and she was still as beautiful as ever. She only had a piece of white cloth bandaged around her right arm, and a bit of bright red blood could be faintly seen.  But this did not detract from her beauty and appearance. On the contrary, it added a bit of pitiable frail beauty to her.

    Seeing Meng Ju, Xu Bingyan knelt down, with a hint of crying in her voice: "I pay homage to you, sir, and thank you for your life-saving grace. If you had not saved me, I would have died at the hands of a bad person. I really don't know how much I have saved my life."  How to repay."

    Liu Kongqin looked at it carefully and praised: "It is indeed a beautiful and fragrant country. It is so pitiful that I feel pity for it - no wonder."

    Meng Ju pretended not to hear: "Get up, Miss Xu - uh, maybe I should call you Miss Tang?"

    Xu Bingyan's face showed bitterness, she shook her head and said: "Sir, in order to avenge the family, I endured humiliation and lived an ignoble life, fell into the world, and humiliated the family. Please don't mention the old title. I need to teach you that the so-called Miss Tang family  , is no longer in this world. The only one left here is Xu Bingyan, a famous prostitute in Shuozhou¡ªplease forgive me."

    Hearing the miserable words of the beautiful woman in plain white in front of him, several people present could not help but feel pity.  Meng Ju sighed and asked: "Miss Xu, I heard what happened from Xiaojiu. I heard that you were injured, don't you know how serious it is? - Xiaojiu, can you take Miss Xu to see it?  Have you chosen the doctor?"

    "My lord, Mr. Wang has already taken me to see Dr. Jinchuangke. The doctor also applied medicine to me and said that there is no serious problem. Sir, I am concerned about you."

    Meng Ju nodded, but he was really in a dilemma as to how to place Xu Bingyan.

    Let her stay in Shuozhou?  That's definitely not possible.  Back then, when I was still the leader of the Dongling Guard, the Black Wolf Gang would kill anyone they wanted without taking it seriously.  If Xu Bingyan is allowed to stay in Shuozhou, the local government in Shuozhou may not be able to protect her safety. She can only wait for death if she stays here - it's fine if she doesn't know, but since she has bumped into her, she has to watch such a person in front of her eyes.  Meng Ju couldn't bear the death of a beautiful young girl at the hands of gangsters.

    Take her back to Dongping Jing¡¯an?  Jing'an is his base camp, and there should be no problem in terms of safety. But Meng Juke remembered that there was Ouyang Qingqing waiting for him to marry him at home, and there were two girls, Jiang Leilei and Su Wenqing, waiting eagerly.  He walked into his own house - the beauties in his house were still at odds with each other, so how could Meng Ju dare to provoke her outside?  As for bringing a beautiful woman home, isn't that asking for death? Several girls would drown Meng Ju in tears.

    Meng Ju was still pondering, but Liu Kongqin was already speaking: "General Meng??, the Black Wolf Gang murdered Zhongliang, killed women and children, committed many evil acts, and was lawless. You were also their victim back then.  Now, since you are the governor of the six towns appointed by the imperial court, in charge of the military and civil affairs of the six towns, with heavy troops and great power, why don't you eradicate these evil people and restore justice to the world?  "

    Hearing what Liu Kongqin said, Xu Bingyan¡¯s eyes lit up, and she looked at Liu Kongqin¡¯s eyes with indescribable gratitude.  She looked at Meng Ju eagerly with her beautiful eyes, full of hot expectation, and tears in her eyes.

    Meng Ju rolled his eyes - it is naturally very simple to stand aside and shout a few words of "justice", but as the controller of the six towns, Meng Ju has to consider issues that are far more complicated than the word "justice".  We must consider the millions of border residents in the six towns.

    It¡¯s not impossible to deal with the Black Wolf Gang now, but the price to pay is too high.  Even though the Black Wolf Gang has done many evil things, they are now guarding the border of Huaishuo Town and protecting hundreds of thousands of border residents.  If the Black Wolf Gang falls now and the Dongling Guards are still unable to take over, Huaishuo Town will surely fall into the hands of the demons, and hundreds of thousands of border residents will also suffer. The price is too high.

    Meng Ju said calmly: "The time is not yet ripe to deal with the Black Wolf Gang now."

    Seeing the light in Xu Bingyan's eyes dimming and her expression lost, Meng Ju couldn't bear it.  He said: "Miss Xu, be patient. We can't solve the Black Wolf Gang for the time being, but that doesn't mean it will never be solved.

    You have to believe that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and God will repay you. As long as you remain patient and wait well, there will be a day in the future when such a great revenge will be repaid.  So, in order to see that day come, you have to take care of yourself¡ªsurvive first, and then talk about other things.  "

    Xu Bingyan bowed deeply: "Yes, thank you for your teaching. I have learned from it. Your Majesty is busy with things, so I don't dare to disturb you. Please allow me to take my leave for now."

    Meng Ju stared at her for a long time and nodded: "Okay, let's go."

    Xu Bingyan nodded slightly, turned around and walked out.  When she was about to leave the door, she turned around, knelt down solemnly, kowtowed first to Liu Kongqin, and then to Meng Ju.

    Liu Kongqin was startled and quickly rushed to help her up: "Miss Xu, why are you doing this?"

    Xu Bingyan smiled and said: "Sister, I don't know who you are, but you speak for me. I really don't know how to repay this kindness, so I can only express my gratitude. And Mr. Meng, how can you express my gratitude to me?  For your life-saving grace, I will allow you to repay me with a knotted grass in your next life."

    A smile appeared on her pale face, looking so sad and helpless. Meng Ju was shocked when he saw that smile.

    He is so experienced that only those dead men who are in desperate situation and have the intention to die will have such a look in their eyes.  Meng Ju didn't know what the beautiful woman in front of him was planning to do. He only knew one thing: a man with such eyes was the most terrifying death warrior; a woman with such eyes was a stupid girl who was ready to do something stupid.

    Meng Ju sighed: It was obvious that the other party did not listen to what he just said.

    Liu Kongqin looked at Meng Ju reproachfully and said, "Governor, are you too hard-hearted?"

    Meng Ju sighed, pondered for a long time, and said: "Miss Liu, if you want to take Miss Xu away, I am in the military camp, and it is really inconvenient for the general to bring his female family members"

    Liu Kongqin immediately understood what he meant when he heard the string and knew the elegant sound: "If you are at ease, Governor, you might as well let Miss Xu follow me. With me, I don't believe that the Black Wolf Gang can still hurt her."

    "In this case, Miss Lao Liu will be there for you."


    (There will be a double monthly ticket activity during May Day and National Day, usually starting from the end of the previous month.

    Those members of the Pig family who have votes this month would be very grateful if they could save it until the end of the month to vote for Pig!  )


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