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Volume 1, Chapter 272: Complaints of Injustice (Part 1)

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    Two hundred and seventy-two: Complaints of Injustice (Part 1)

    Xu Bingyan knelt down on the ground, pressed her forehead to the ground, and held her breath.  She could feel the pressure above her head pressing down like a mountain. The pressure was colorless and invisible, but it was tangible.

    The girl kneeling in front of her had dark silk hair covering her slender neck, and her skin was as white as gel.  She was lying at his feet, her posture graceful, submissive and obedient.

    "Miss Xu, please stand up and speak. What is going on?"

    The slender body of the girl in front of her trembled, but she did not stand up. She whispered: "If you don't agree, I will kneel here and not get up."

    Meng Ju snorted. He didn't like this very much. The other party knelt down without speaking clearly. This made him feel as if he was being forced. You want to say it or not, but I, the mighty Governor of the Six Towns, can still do it?  Is it possible to be blackmailed by a little girl like you?

    Without saying a word, Meng Ju immediately turned around and walked out, and was out of the hall in a blink of an eye.

    Xu Bingyan was still kneeling on the ground. She didn't wait for Meng Ju's response, but she heard the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing. She looked up in shock, only to see Meng Ju's figure flashing out of the door.

    He actually left!  ?

    Xu Bingyan's heart felt cold, her legs were weak, and she fell to the ground. She tightly grasped the carpet with her delicate hands, tears streaming down her cheeks.

    ¡°Dad, my daughter is incompetent and cannot avenge you!


    During the stay in Meng Ju, the entire Wanxiang Tower was surrounded by officers and soldiers.  Meng Ju came out all the way and saw that there were guards with knives everywhere in the corridors, corridors, stairs, halls, etc., with a post every three steps and a sentry every five steps.  Seeing Meng Ju, the guards all stood up and saluted, and Meng Ju responded kindly: "Thank you for your hard work."

    Surrounded by his personal guards, Meng Ju went down to the first floor of the restaurant.  There were many people sitting in the hall on the first floor.  Meng Ju glanced around and saw Lan Zheng, Xiao Heng and other old subordinates, as well as Shuozhou Governor Sun Xiang and others.  They all sat quietly in the hall drinking tea, but their chatter was very low, as if they were afraid of disturbing something.

    Seeing Meng Ju coming down, everyone stood up one after another and greeted each other one after another: "Good morning, Lord Governor."

    "Greetings to the Governor."

    Meng Ju returned the greeting with a smile on his face: "Good morning, everyone. Did you have a great time drinking last night?"

    The generals laughed loudly. Sun Xiang, the governor of Shuozhou, came closer and asked flatteringly: "Grand Governor, where are you going?"

    "I'm going back to the camp. If Governor Sun and you guys have anything to ask me for, please go to the military camp and talk to me."

    Sun Xiang was startled, wondering if he had not treated him well. Lord Meng would rather go back to the cold and dull military camp than stay in Wanxiang Tower where there are so many beauties?  He didn't dare to ask any more questions and accompanied Meng Ju all the way out with a smile on his face.

    At this time, many officials and military officers were waiting outside the lobby of Wanxiang Tower. When they saw Meng Ju coming out, they shouted loudly: "Greetings to the Governor!"

    Among the crowd, Meng Ju saw an acquaintance at a glance, and it turned out to be Liu Zhen.  He stopped and shouted in surprise: "Fat Liu, why are you here?"

    Among so many people waiting, the governor recognized him at a glance and took the initiative to say hello to him. At this moment, Liu Zhen felt that there was no greater glory in life than this. All the bones in his body were a few ounces lighter, and he was so light.  About to fly.

    He came up with a smile and saluted: "Boss Meng, you are finally back. I miss you so much! Boss, your eyesight is really amazing. With so many people, you recognized me at the first sight."  When he came out, he was really that one - what do you scholars say? He really has eyes as bright as candles and has a far-sighted vision!"

    Seeing Liu Zhen, Meng Ju showed a knowing smile.  This fat man is clumsy, timid, and greedy for money.  Among his subordinates, there are a lot of people who are more capable and better than him - but how to say it?  Some old friends may not have seen you for a long time, but when you think of them, you feel warm and kind in your heart.

    "Fat man, don't come here anymore! Look at you, your belly is bulging, and you look like a top just standing there - it's hard not to see you! What, you came to Shuozhou too? Why didn't I see you last night?"

    Liu Zhen smiled and said: "Boss, Boss Lan is not funny. They knew you were back and wanted to come to Shuozhou to pick you up, but they didn't notify me. Later, I met Xiaojiu and got the news from him. After getting the news, I  I came here with Xiaojiu overnight, but we only arrived this morning. We happened to meet the boss on the sixth floor, and he said you were in Wanxiang Building, so we ran all the way here."

    "Wang Jiu is here too? Where is he?"

    A tall and thin young man squeezed out from behind Liu Zhen. He knelt down to Meng Ju and said, "Sir, I wish you well! Welcome home!"

      Seeing Wang Jiu, Meng Ju was stunned, and thought: "Xiao Jiu, you came at the right time. I have something I need you to do."

    Wang Jiu quickly got up: "Yes, what are your orders?"

    Meng Ju leaned close to his ear and whispered: "The woman in my room seems to have something to say. Go and ask clearly, and then report to me."

    After saying that, Meng Ju nodded at him and took Liu Zhen away.

    Meng Ju said this, but Wang Jiu was shocked: Although he had just arrived in Shuozhou today, he had also heard the news and knew that the governor had spent the night at Wanxiang Tower last night, and that Shuozhou was with him.  Xu Bingyan, the first courtesan in the country - this kind of heroic and beautiful story is the most popular among everyone and spreads the fastest - then, isn't the woman in the governor's room the same Shuozhou courtesan Xu Bingyan who spent the night with the governor last night?  ?  This is the governor's woman, how can I get close to her?

    But the governor left in a blink of an eye, and Wang Jiu did not dare to pursue him and ask, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter Wanxiang Tower.  Fortunately, the guards here all knew him and knew that he was Meng Ju's personal attendant. Not only did they not stop him, they also asked him politely what he wanted to do.

    ¡°The Governor left something in his room and asked me to retrieve it¡ªWhich room did the Governor stay in last night?¡±

    "Oh, that's it. Then, please, Mr. Jiu, the mayor spent the night in the Tianzi room on the third floor last night. Just knock on the door, there is someone inside."

    Wang Jiu thanked him and went straight to the door of the Tianzihao room on the third floor.  He knocked on the door. After a while, the door was opened. A maid stuck her head out and looked at him: "Who are you looking for?"

    Wang Jiu waved Dongling Guard's badge: "I'm working for Mr. Meng, and I have something to do with Miss Xu Bingyan. Is Miss Xu in there?"

    ¡°I heard that he was Meng Ju¡¯s subordinate, so the maid didn¡¯t dare to neglect him and led him into the room.  A young girl in white clothes was sitting in front of the bronze mirror of the dressing table with her back to Wang Jiu. She stared blankly at the mirror and didn't look back when she heard someone coming in.

    Wang Jiu clasped his fists and saluted: "Excuse me, is this Miss Xu Bingyan?"

    "That's the slave family."

    "The villain Wang Jiu is a personal attendant of the Lord Mayor. The Governor asked me to come over and ask, I wonder if Miss Xu has any reason to report to the Governor? Please just tell me, and I will report the truth to you.  Lord Governor's."

    After hearing what Wang Jiu said, the girl's body trembled slightly.  She turned around, and a beautiful face appeared in front of Wang Jiu.  Looking at the beauty of the girl Chen Yuluoyan, Wang Jiu couldn't help but feel excited and his mouth went dry.  He didn't dare to look anymore, lowered his head and stared at his toes, but he heard the girl's gentle and clear voice: "Mr. Wang, I'm done. The slave family is responsible for the blood feud of the whole family and a great grievance. If the governor  The master can uphold justice for the slave family, and the slave family is willing to bear the ring knot grass to repay the kindness of the master."

    Wang Jiu shuddered when he heard the words "family blood feud": This seems to be really a big trouble.  But after following Meng Ju for a long time, he also developed a sense of calmness and fortitude. He said in a deep voice, "Miss Xu, you might as well start from the beginning and start slowly."


    After hearing Wang Jiu's report, Meng Ju stood in front of the window. After a while, he turned around and asked, "Xu Bingyan claimed to be the daughter of the Tang magistrate of Dingshuo Prefecture in Huaishuo? Her real name is Tang, and her name is Tang Xuanxuan? Has her identity been confirmed?"  "

    Wang Jiu said cautiously: "My lord, Miss Xu took out her household plate. I have seen it myself. It is true. There are still blood stains on the household plate."

    "A household disc is nothing. It may be picked up by chance."

    Meng Ju shook his head and asked, "Then, why did she kneel down and beg me?"

    "Miss Xu - well, I should say Miss Tang. She was originally the daughter of Lord Tang Zonghan, the prefect of Dingshuo Prefecture in Huaishuo. But when Marshal Tuoba retreated south, Lord Tang stood firm and refused to evacuate. As a result, he was killed by Black Wolf.  Gang leader Yu Wentai was killed. Not only that, Yu Wentai also killed the two sons of Mr. Tang. Only Miss Tang and her mother survived in the Tang Zhifu family. She escaped from Huaishuo, but she had no way to take revenge, and ended up falling into prostitution.  . Until she met you, the governor, she thought it was an opportunity, so"

    Meng Ju opened his mouth in surprise and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it out - this was really beyond his expectation. He originally thought that Miss Xu suddenly found him because she wanted to find a destination and a way out for herself.

    He frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "What does she want?"

    "Miss Tang said that her father was an official of the Wei Dynasty, but was murdered by the Black Wolf Gang. Now she can only hope that the town governor can help her avenge her revenge for the sake of everyone being officials of the Wei Dynasty.  As long as the mayor can avenge her, she is willing to work as a cow and a horse in her life to repay him."

    Meng Ju said "Hey" and asked, "Why did she ask me for help? Does she know my identity?"

     "Miss Tang knows that you are the governor, but she doesn't know what you do. However, she guessed that you must be a senior official of the imperial court.

    After escaping from Huaishuo, Miss Tang originally wanted to go south to Luojing to complain, but now that the Central Plains is in chaos, her way south has been blocked again. She has no way to go south, so she has to stop in Shuozhou.  But a few months ago, her mother fell ill, and in order to raise money for her mother's treatment, she had to sell herself to a brothel.  Since she could not contact the court and had no way to sue, she could only wait in Shuozhou. She was almost desperate, but unexpectedly she met you, the governor.  She doesn't know your identity as the Governor, but seeing that you are very impressive, you must be a high-ranking official in the imperial court, so she asked you for help.  "


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