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Volume 1, Chapter 261: Rebellion (Part 1)

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    Two hundred and sixty-one: Rebellion (Part 1)

    On July 4th, Meng Ju quickly evacuated after catching Tuoba Xiang and others, cleanly and without disturbing anyone.  {¡¶¡·} Until the evening, Tuoba Xiang's subordinates thought that the eldest son was having a good time in the restaurant, and they never suspected it.

    Finally, it was the owner of Xutai Restaurant who went to the Shangdang Magistrate¡¯s Yamen late at night to report that a group of officers and soldiers drank too much and had a fight in our restaurant today. It seemed that many people died. They tied me up before leaving.  , I just managed to break free - do you, the government, care about this matter?

    Hearing that it was a riot caused by rioters, the prefect¡¯s Yamen didn¡¯t want to take care of it¡ªthose rotten Qiu Ba, what good things can they do if they drink too much?  It's normal to fight, and it's unusual to behave in a well-behaved manner, but when they heard that someone was dead, they still sent two government officials over to take a look.

    The two government servants noticed something was wrong as soon as they entered the restaurant - there was such a strong smell of blood. Has the restaurant been turned into a slaughterhouse?  They followed the smell of blood and opened the door to the box. They were stunned on the spot: the room was full of dead people, corpses lying on the floor around the wine table, and the blood was flowing gurglingly out of the box.

    Now, things are getting serious.

    In the middle of the night, Bing Beidao received a notice from the prefect¡¯s Yamen and sent a large number of people to the scene.  After examining the corpses, they found that the waistbands of the border soldiers who died in the box were all directly affiliated with the Yamen Army of the Metropolitan Governor's Office.  They quickly sent people to contact the two brigades of Huaishuo troops stationed outside the city: More than a dozen of your soldiers died in the Xutai Restaurant in the city. What did they do?

    The Huaishuo soldiers and horses outside the city became anxious when they heard this: Our brigade commander accompanied the eldest son to a banquet at Xutai Restaurant. Why did someone die?  Who did it?  what happened?

    The matter involves the eldest son Tuoba Xiang, and all forces are immediately nervous.  Official dignitaries such as the Shangdang magistrate, Shangdang Bingbeidao, Huaishuo Huxiao Brigade deputy brigade, Blade Brigade deputy brigade commander, Dongping new brigade commander Xian Yuba and other officials rushed to the scene to inquire about the eldest son and the generals.  's whereabouts.

    The officials asked each other, interrogated witnesses and inspected the scene, and quickly figured out the matter: During the day, Mr. Tuoba came to the Xutai Tower for a banquet at the invitation of several brigade marshals in Dongping. It turned out that Mr. Tuoba's  All the soldiers were dead, and the young master himself and the brigade commanders were all missing and their whereabouts were unknown.

    The bottom overcomes the top!  mutiny!  Pay!

    When people hear the introduction, these are the first words that come to mind.

    Because Prince Tuoba Xiang and a group of generals were missing, the highest-ranking military official on the scene was Dongping Brigade Commander Xian Yuba.  Logically speaking, at this time, he should stand up to coordinate various ministries and take charge of the overall situation - but Xian Yuba could not do anything.  The officers from Huaishuo surrounded him and asked aggressively: "What are you Dongping troops doing? Where did you take our eldest son and brigade commander?"

    Xian Yuba repeatedly explained that he knew nothing about the matter and it was none of his business. However, Huaishuo's officers were furious. How could they believe it: Who didn't know that you Dongping generals were all in the same group?  The invitation to invite the eldest son to the banquet also has your name Xianyu Ba. You were clearly involved, but now you dare to deny it?  You have a total of four brigades in Dongping in Shangdang County, and three of them are involved in this matter. If you Xianyu Ba says you don¡¯t know anything about it, who will believe you?

    The officers swarmed up and surrounded Xian Yuba, shouting non-stop, asking him to hand over the eldest son and brigade marshals immediately. Some people simply threatened, "Arrest Xian Yuba! Take him to the Dongping Army in exchange for our eldest son."  Young Master!"

    Xianyu Ba¡¯s temper was not very good either. He explained a few words but it was useless. He was also annoyed and yelled back: ¡°I don¡¯t know if I don¡¯t know! Do you Huaishuo Army want to bully others openly?¡±

    There were hot-tempered soldiers on both sides, who would take action if there was a fight. Xian Yuba led his soldiers and fought with Huaishuo's officers and soldiers.  Officials from the prefecture's Yamen and Bingbei Road were busy trying to persuade both sides, and finally managed to separate the exhausted two sides. During the melee, Xian Yuba's head was broken by someone unknown, and his face was covered with blood.

    At dawn, the officials who finally sat together made a decision: they immediately sent people to interrogate Yi Xiaodao, Guan Shanhe and Bai Yubian from the Dongping Third Brigade, asking them to explain the disappearance of the eldest son at the banquet.  .

    The remaining officials and officers stayed in the magistrate's office waiting for news. People looked gloomy. Although there were no signs, everyone had a premonition that something very unusual was about to - or had already - happened.

    In the afternoon, the envoys sent out came back, and they brought news: There was indeed something strange in the Dongping troops of the Third Brigade.  They had already broken camp overnight and headed north. Their troops and horses and supplies were winding along the road for more than ten miles.  The envoy failed to ask to see the commander of the third brigade. As soon as they approached, they were intercepted by the scouts of the brigade.  After hearing their purpose, the scouts didn't even bother to report to their superiors and just drove them away."They are heading north?"

    Everyone in the room was stunned.  While waiting, everyone has made a lot of guesses.  Most people felt that Yi Xiaodao and others had kidnapped the eldest son, probably because they had mutinied.  According to common sense, after the mutiny, the rebels should have quickly moved south to join the Murong family. Unexpectedly, they went against the grain and went north instead. Could it be that we all wronged Yi Xiaodao and the others, and they were not actually rebels?

    "What are these Dongping guys doing?"

    The civil servants and military attach¨¦s discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't get the point and were at a loss.

    According to common sense, no matter what the Dongping soldiers and horses want to do, what they should do at this time is to stop them immediately and interrogate the whereabouts of the eldest son and the brigade commanders.  But, as the old saying goes: everyone knows what to do; only God knows how to do it.

    The officials present here are both civil and military. The highest-ranking civilian official is the magistrate of Shangdang County, but he is a civilian official and cannot control the army; the highest-ranking military attache is Brigade Commander Xian Yuba, but the three Dongping brigades have all rebelled.  The fourth Dongping brigade commander, he was lucky that everyone didn't tie him up on the spot.

    Xian Yuba also knew that his identity should be avoided, so he wisely hid in the corner, hugging his injured head, and said nothing with a gloomy face.

    The remaining deputy commanders of the Tiger Roar Brigade, the deputy commander of the Blade Brigade and others were helpless - it would have been easier if Yi Xiaodao and the others had really made it clear that they had rebelled, and they were just fighting a new way, but they went north without saying a word.  Let¡¯s go. I don¡¯t know the reason or what they want to do. They really don¡¯t have the guts to take the initiative to send troops to attack. If you really want to say it, Yi Xiaodao and others are still above them in rank. It¡¯s not reasonable for them to make mistakes.  Come on, I really can¡¯t tell who the rebels are.

    "What's more, this matter involves the lives of the eldest son Tuoba Xiang, Gao Dujiang and others. Whoever takes action rashly? If something goes wrong and the eldest son's life is harmed, how many of them have heads that the marshal can chop off?"

    The civil and military officials were well aware of the stakes involved and knew that this matter involved too much and could not be carried by themselves, so they did not dare to say anything. There were people who could make the decision, including the eldest son Tuoba Xiang, General Gao Renyi, and even the brigade commander.  Li Hu, Xu Ruoheng, and Mr. Wen, as long as one of them is here, they are qualified to make a decisive decision.

    Unfortunately, they all fell into the hands of the rebels, so everyone could only stare at them.

    Everyone discussed until the afternoon, and finally reluctantly came up with a solution that was not a solution: immediately send people to Xiangzhou to report the camp, and wait for the camp order or appoint senior officials to come and deal with it. Although it takes a long time to go back and forth to ask for instructions, this is the safest method.

    Although the discussion is said behind closed doors, how can there be an airtight wall in the world?  That night, the news spread throughout the city.

    The Hengdao Brigade mutiny!  Guanshan Brigade mutiny!  The Border Brigade mutiny!

    The Dongping soldiers and horses of the third brigade of Shangdang County suddenly mutinied. The rebels captured Prince Tuoba Xiang, General Gao Renyi and the two Huaishuo brigade commanders, and are now heading towards Shangdang County!

    When the news came out, Shangdang County fell into a huge panic.  Common people all know that the only thing in the world more terrifying than officers and soldiers is officers and soldiers who are out of control.  That night, all the residents in the city closed their doors and the streets were empty. The huge city seemed like a ghostland in broad daylight.

    Fortunately for the residents of Shangdang County, the rebels did not enter the city.  The third brigade of soldiers and horses circled the city and went straight north. Upon hearing the news, the residents of the whole city were relieved.

    On July 12, the report from Shangdang military and political officials received the fastest reply - Marshal Tuoba Xiong had appointed Wuchuan General Hong Tianyi to come to Shangdang to handle the mutiny with full authority.

    It was only half a day later than this reply. That night, Hong Tianyi led a team of soldiers to the Shangdang County magistrate's office.

    Hong Tianyi¡¯s face was full of exhaustion, his military robe and cloak were covered with dust, and his leather boots were badly worn.  When he dismounted, he staggered, his feet were unsteady and he almost fell to the ground.  His soldiers were also swaying one by one, unable to stand firmly, and could only hold on to the wall to stand.

    Both the Shangdang Bingdao and the Shangdang prefect had their eyes on the situation. Seeing the behavior of Hong Tianyi and his party, they knew that the situation was urgent - for one of them to be so tired from traveling day and night, it shows how much pressure he was under.  .

    "Where are the rebels?" Hong Tianyi asked the first sentence when they met: "Is the eldest son safe?"

    " Two questions, Bing Beidao and the prefect could not answer even one.  They murmured and were thinking about how to word their words when Hong Tianyi's third sentence came out: "Find Xian Yuba, Qiu Min, and He Dachong immediately!"

    Qiu Min is the deputy commander of the Tiger Roar Brigade, and He Dachong is the deputy commander of the Blade Brigade.  Hearing that Hong Tianyi, the plenipotentiary ambassador sent by Xingying, had arrived, the three of them did not dare to neglect and came all night to listen.Life.

    The crowd was gathering, and Hong Tianyihu was sitting at the head of the table, sullen and silent.  He is not tall, with a pointed face like a weasel and a sharp beak and monkey cheeks, but no one would think that he is vulgar - his sharp eyes, like a falcon, full of murderous intent, have made up for the congenital shortcomings in his appearance, but only  I feel how smart and capable he is.


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