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Volume 1 Chapter 252 Alliance

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    "An alliance?"

    Hearing this, Meng Ju was stunned.  If Ye Jianxin hadn't stared at him with bright eyes, he would have thought that he heard the wrong words.  That proud and aloof Mr. Ye, is now actively asking for an alliance with him?

    Meng Ju felt a warm sense of pride in his chest.  Looking back on the past, he couldn't help but sigh: The little inspector who was so trembling in front of Ye Jianxin that he didn't even dare to breathe has grown up to be an equal with Ye Jianxin before he knew it.

    "The Ye family has been a powerful family for generations in the Wei Dynasty. I am just a warrior on the frontier. I am deeply honored to be appreciated by you. I just don't know how I can serve you."

    A smile appeared on Ye Jianxin's lips: "The Governor is too humble. With the Governor's bravery, there will be many places where our Ye family will rely on you in the future. So, what the Governor means is"

    "My father-in-law makes a lot of sense. The final general has Doukai, and the Ye family has Mingjue Master. The two families can complement each other, and there is no conflict of interest between our two families. If the two families join forces, there will be hundreds of benefits.  Damn it, I am very much in favor of your proposal! Thanks to your guidance, from now on, I will only follow your advice."

    Meng Ju agreed so readily, and Ye Jianxin was obviously very satisfied. They raised their hands and high-fived each other three times, smiling at each other.

    Ye Jianxin touched his palms and smiled and said: "Grand Governor, since we are already allies, we should keep track of each other's movements, so that we can protect each other and support each other - what are your plans for the future? Do you have any plans?"

    "Well, I have very little knowledge and am still clueless. I'd better ask my father-in-law to give me some guidance."

    "The Governor is too humble. That's fine. Ye, just give him some advice first.

    According to Ye¡¯s judgment, the internal strife among the Xianbei people should have come to an end.  The rebellion of the northern border troops will be suppressed soon - I estimate that it will be over within this year.  The Grand Governor may wish to add this to his consideration when considering future plans.  "

    Meng Ju was slightly startled: Ye Jianxin was very confident in what he said, but based on Meng Ju's personal experience, the battle between the two major military and political groups, the Northern Border Army and the Luojing Jinwu Guards, was a matter of course.  He is actually more optimistic about the border army.

    The conflict between the two armies is not simply a comparison of military and financial resources. Some invisible and intangible factors sometimes play a greater role.  When it comes to the talents of commanders, Murong Po and Tuo Baxiong are not far apart. Both of them can be called momentary heroes.  When it comes to strategic decisions, neither of them is too outrageous - but the problem lies with the executors of the decisions, the mid-level generals and officers.

    Based on Meng Ju's personal experience, compared to the sluggish Jinwu Guards, the generals and officers of the border army are obviously better.  The Border Army has an excellent group of officers who are tough.  Capable, pragmatic, proactive and proactive.

    In comparison.  The generals of Jinwu Guard gave Meng Ju the impression that they were a group of pigs that were dozing off after eating. These pigs were focused on fighting with their own people.  On one side are cunning and fierce generals like Yi Xiaodao, Li Chimei, Bai Yubian, and Hong Tianyi, and on the other side are Xuan Wenke, a gang of pretentious people who specialize in harming their own people - no matter how Meng Ju is asked to buy, he can't possibly give up his chips.  On Jinwuwei's side.

    If we say that after a long stalemate, the Jinwu Guards may rely on their advantages in logistics and supplies to wear out the border troops.  Meng Ju believed it.  But to say that Jin Wuwei can win a quick victory within this year - let's not say that, relying on the skills of those pigs, they have the ability to lose quickly. If they want to win a quick victory, I am afraid they can only rely on sleep.

    "My father's inference is quite novel. In fact, I also think that Jin Wuwei will win, but if we say that we will win completely within this year, I'm afraid it is too optimistic"

    Ye Jianxin glanced at Meng Ju and said: "Too optimistic? The Governor thinks it is a good thing that the Murong family will win quickly? Governor, what do you think Li Gongwei of the Southern Tang Dynasty is waiting for? If you were him, the best time for the Northern Expedition would be  When will you choose?"

    "Of course it's time for both the Murong family and the Tuoba family to suffer losses, and their strength has been exhausted - ah, the general understands what the young master means!"

    Meng Ju really understood that the Southern Tang court was constantly accumulating troops and supplies on the Jianghuai front line, but it never took action. Lack of preparation was certainly one reason, but there was another more important reason: the Southern Tang Dynasty  The court is still waiting for a better time to take action.  If we take action too early and arouse the vigilance of the Murong and Tuoba families, and force them to make a truce and negotiate a peace to defeat the Tang army together, it will be more than worth the gain.

    From the perspective of the decision-makers of the Southern Tang Dynasty, the best time to take action was naturally the moment when the Murong or Tuoba families decided the winner: the exhausted victor had lost his troops and generals before it was too late to take over the opponent's army and territory.  Tang's long-awaited thunderous strike was already coming.For the officers and soldiers of the Murong family, they have just ended a war with heavy casualties. Before they can take a breath, they will soon face another more cruel and terrifying war. The sense of despair will force them to  Crushing - this kind of mental blow is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back, taking the lead before a fight.

    Meng Ju pondered and said: "The Southern Dynasty is eyeing it, and it is indeed a great threat. What do you think we should do?"

    "What to do is up to the Governor himself. There is only one judgment that Ye can give to the Governor: within half a year, the border troops of Northern Xinjiang King Tuoba Xiong will be wiped out. The Jinwu Guard Group of the Murong family will be wiped out.  It will also suffer heavy losses and be unable to maintain its rule over the Wei Dynasty.

    "Grand Governor, if you are thoughtful, you should start making preparations now - think more, as long as you think enough, you will naturally understand what to do.  "

    Meng Ju was still in a daze, but Ye Jianxin had already turned his head. He looked at the western horizon that was glowing with dark red light, and said lightly: "It's getting late, and Ye doesn't dare to delay the governor's rest."

    Knowing that this was the other party's order to expel guests, Meng Ju stood up and saluted: "I am able to meet with you today. I am grateful to you for your generous teachings. I will benefit you a lot. I am really grateful. I will say goodbye."

    Ye Jianxin nodded indifferently, waved his hand, and Meng Ju walked out knowingly.

    But halfway through, he stopped and turned around and asked: "Master, there is something that I have never been able to figure out: it has only been a few days since Eunuch Ma and I parted ways, and you are here in Qifeng County  You've caught up with us - how did you come so fast? I previously estimated that it would take at least seven or eight days for the news to reach Xiangzhou."

    Ye Jianxin glanced at Meng Ju contemptuously, as if he had asked a very stupid question.  Seeing that Meng Ju still didn't understand, he said impatiently: "Master Ming Jue!"

    Meng Ju immediately realized: he really asked a stupid question.  The answer is so simple: beside Ma Gui, there is Master Mingjue.  When he found that something was wrong with him, he could report it to the Xiangzhou camp immediately, and the Ye family could respond quickly and send someone to catch up with him.  I was too contemptuous of Ma Gui at that time, thinking that even if he made trouble, he would not be able to stir up any trouble. This was really a mistake.


    The sky was completely dark, and the woods and hills far and near were shrouded in the deep night.  On the tree-lined avenue in the distance, someone lit up lanterns one after another, and the dots of firelight shone far and near, complementing the stars in the sky.

    Meng Ju has been away for a long time, but Ye Jianxin is still sitting on the mat thinking.  His eyes stared at the starry sky, as if there were answers to his search in the dark starry sky.

    "Uncle Xu."

    "The old slave is here." A voice came from the dark corner: "Master, it's late at night, can you light a lantern?"

    Ye Jianxin shook his head slowly and said, "Uncle Xu, did you hear what I was talking to Governor Meng just now?"

    "Yes, the old slave has listened."

    "Is what the Governor said just now the truth?"

    "Master, when Dudu Meng proposed to the master of the house, his words really came from the bottom of his heart. If the master gives the young lady to this young man, the old slave will be very happy. The old slave feels that this Master Meng is more powerful than the young master.  The two young masters from the Murong family are here, Mr. Meng"

    The voice in the darkness paused, as if Uncle Xu was considering his words: " This makes me feel more at ease. He will be a good husband for our young lady, and he will definitely be able to carry forward our Ye family in the future."  "

    Ye Jianxin smiled faintly: "Whether he can marry Canaan depends on his own luck and understanding - Uncle Xu, you should know that this is not what I want to ask you."

    "Master, although Mr. Meng promised to form an alliance with you, his words did not come from his heart."

    A smile appeared on Ye Jianxin's lips: "I guess so. He agreed too readily, and he was obviously perfunctory with me."

    "Old slave, it seems that Mr. Meng's reaction is actually quite normal. He was captured by mistake and was in the hands of others. He was wary of the young master and could not believe your sincerity. This is human nature. In fact, young master, we want Mr. Meng to believe in us.  Sincerity, there is actually the simplest way, as long as we"

    "I know, I have my own sense of discretion in this matter. Uncle Xu, you go down and rest. I'll think about it some more here."

    Ye Jianxin was stubborn, and a disappointed sigh sounded in the darkness: "Yes, the old slave has retired."


    Commander Qi led several warriors in green clothes carrying lanterns to send Meng Ju back to his residence.  He sent Meng Ju to the path in front of his residence.?, he stopped and bowed slightly: "Grand Governor, your residence is in front of you. I will not follow you. Please rest early."

    "Thank you for your hard work."

    Watching Commander Qi and a group of warriors disappear at the end of the path, Meng Ju breathed out a sigh of relief.  He turned around and walked towards his residence, and suddenly stopped: his house was brightly lit, and in front of the bright window and bright window sill, a slim silhouette of a woman stood out in front of his eyes.

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