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Volume One, Two Hundred and Forty-Four, Forced Surrender

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    Li Chimei looked up at the Jinwu Guards battle flag floating on the Jincheng City in the distance, with a gloomy face and an extremely bad mood.

    ¡°To this day, he still can¡¯t figure out how Jincheng was lost.  From the time he saw the beacon smoke at the top of the city and called the police to the time he heard the news and rushed there, it only took an hour at most.  When I arrived, I saw that the battle was over, and the flag of Jinwu Guard was hanging on the top of the city.

    At this moment, Li Chimei really had the urge to yell loudly without caring about her face: You bastards left behind in the city, how useless do you have to be to have the city taken away in such a blink of an eye?  Even if you need to pee, you still have to unbutton your pants, right?

    Thinking of the black panther armored fighter who killed dozens of his subordinates, Li Chimei felt his teeth itching with hatred.  This man is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also has great acting skills.  He pretended to negotiate and deceived himself, but behind his back he suddenly took action and captured Jincheng.  It wasn't until he saw Fengyan that he realized something was wrong. Recalling his shocked expression at that time, Li Chimei felt ashamed - how could he be so stupid? This was just a rudimentary plan to hide the truth and trick the tiger away from the mountain!

    The subordinates followed Li Chimei with the same solemn expressions.  The army's retreat was cut off, and everyone knew the consequences of this.

    A battalion officer came out of the crowd and asked Li Chimei to fight: "Commander of the brigade, let me lead the troops and horses to test and attack, so as to find out the strength of the enemy forces in the city."

    Meng Ju waved his hand impatiently, signaling the other party to step back.

    At this time, he had already seen the enemy armored warriors wandering on top of the city. There were no less than a hundred of them.  According to convention, half of the armored warriors should be left to rest and prepare for battle, which means that the enemy has at least two to three hundred armored warriors in the city.  With such a force, even if they encounter their own Red Eyebrow Brigade in a field battle, they will lose a lot.  What's more, the enemy still occupies the city, occupies a favorable location, and is waiting for you?  What's more, among the enemies, there is probably the "Black Panther" armored fighter?

    Li Chimei had no confidence in seizing the city by force, but he still had a way out: Although Jincheng was captured, he could still lead his troops around the city.  But there are also risks - will Jincheng's enemies let him pass easily?  Okay, maybe there is no problem for the Doukai troops to force their way through, but in addition to the Doukai, I also have more than 3,000 infantry and cavalry.

    It is a very difficult military action to deploy thousands of soldiers and horses horizontally in front of the enemy, and use battle armor to cover the passage of the infantry, but this is not the main reason for Li Chimei's troubles.

    What worries him the most is that even if he can fight his way out of Jincheng and rush back to the border army base camp, what will he do after he returns?

    Governor Tuoba Han was captured and Jincheng was lost again. Li Chimei believed that he had no fault in this fiasco - even if he had, it was only a small fault.  But the problem is that of the five generals above the level of brigade marshal, including Tuoba Han, he is the only one to return alive, which means that he will bear the wrath of the marshal independently.  Now, Tuoba Han is in the hands of Jin Wuwei. If he does anything wrong, the marshal will definitely turn his anger on him, and he may be in danger of losing his life!

    At this time, Li Chimei even came up with the idea: No matter what, I will join the Jinwu Guards!

    In this troubled world where rituals and music have collapsed, it is not unusual for military generals to defect to the Ming Dynasty, especially when both warring parties are from the Xianbei royal family. This makes Li Chimei feel that either side is considered the imperial court of the Wei Dynasty anyway, so he will vote for him.  It¡¯s not a shame either.  What's more, I have always been a maverick and my popularity within the border army is not very good. Otherwise, with my reputation and record, I wouldn't be just a brigade commander now.  Even if he voted in, he wouldn't have much pressure on his conscience.

    But Li Chimei was just thinking about it. If he really wanted to throw himself in, he still wouldn't dare.

    First of all, the current situation is that the frontier army is in good condition, while the Jinwu Guards are retreating steadily and can only barely hold on.  Throw yourself over, if the Murong family is defeated then, you will really have nowhere to escape;

    Secondly, Li Chimei also had concerns. At the beginning of his journey south, he was eager to make a contribution and defeated the Jinwu Guards. He killed two generals at the brigade commander level, and even more officers at the leadership level.  Too many to count.  Luo Jing's family of generals are all closely related and sympathized with each other. He has really offended them so badly that he probably hates himself to the core of his bones.  This group of people are not very good at fighting, but they are first-class in their tricks.  If you really want to surrender to the Jinwu Guards, how can you not be tortured to death by these guys if you are a demoted general with no backing or support?

    After much deliberation, Li Chimei still feels that the most urgent task is to find out first, is that good-for-nothing Tuoba Han dead?  Only after you figure this out can you decide where to go next.  He called a subordinate and gave him instructions for a while. The latter was very surprised and confirmed again and again.Then he took the order and left.

    ????????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    "What, the border army wants to negotiate?"

    Hearing the report from his subordinates, Meng Ju was very surprised - Damn Li Chimei, are you really enjoying the negotiation?  You just suffered a lot because of the negotiation, and you want to continue the negotiation?  Are you having a brain cramp?

    But Meng Ju was naturally not afraid of the other party's request to talk - he was sitting in the city, eating, drinking and resting, so he was naturally not afraid of Li Chimei, who was camping in the wild, trying to delay.  Moreover, Meng Ju was also curious as to what else Li Chimei wanted to say at this time.

    The negotiator sent by the Red Eyebrow Brigade was a tall officer. He was hoisted up to the top of the city in a hanging basket. When he was brought to Meng Ju, fear was clearly visible on his face: he had recognized him.  Well, the black panther armored fighter in front of him was the master who had just massacred a battalion of the Red Eyebrow Brigade.

    Therefore, in front of Meng Ju, he appeared very submissive and carefully conveyed his parents' request: Li Chimei said that since the Jinwu Guards had recaptured Jincheng, they should return Governor Tuoba Han as agreed in the previous negotiations.  To the border troops.  As the ancients said, you can't stand without faith. As the leader of an army, how can you be without faith?

    Meng Ju almost burst out laughing.  This guy Li Chimei is so funny. He really thinks that he is one of those sad scholars who study hard. It is too easy to think of him as someone who wants to make friends with this level of provocation.

    "You go back and tell Li Chimei: We took Jincheng ourselves, not him. So, if you want to replace Tuoba Han, let Li Shuai come up with something new."

    As if he had been prepared for this sentence, as soon as Meng Ju finished speaking, the officer immediately took up the topic: "Your Excellency, you are right. If your Excellency, you can return what Governor Tuoba Han gave us, there will be some benefits for us here.  Go up¡ªplease take a look at it, my lord, this is the gift list.¡±

    Meng Ju took the gift list and glanced at it. Even with his vast knowledge, he couldn't help but feel a little trembling in his heart.  The gift list was filled with all kinds of treasures and gold and silver, including one hundred thousand taels of silver alone.

    Meng Ju stared at the officer suspiciously for a while: "In order to redeem Governor Tuoba Han, you are really willing to spend money. But, does Li Chimei have that much money?"

    "Sir, please rest assured that our army's reserves are sufficient to pay. However, we, Li Shuai, hope that we can see Governor Tuoba in person during the transaction."

    "That's good. Let's do this. On the open space in front of the city, there will be one person on each side of you and me. When we see your Li Shuai coming with some silver, we will go down. We will hand over the money with one hand and the person with the other.  Bar."

    The officer nodded repeatedly, said goodbye, and went down from the city in the hanging basket as usual.  Looking at his back, Meng Ju felt vaguely that something was wrong?

    ????????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    When listening to the reports from his subordinates, Li Chimei looked solemn.  He asked repeatedly: "Are you sure he agreed readily and without any hesitation?"

    "Yes, Brigadier. The man only asked Beizi if we had so much money to redeem people. Beizi said yes, so he immediately agreed - Beizu couldn't see his face, but listened to him  I agreed very simply and without any hesitation.¡±

    Li Chimei pondered for a long time and waved his subordinates to retreat.  His face was as gloomy as if it was about to rain, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

    The subordinates were puzzled: "Commander of the Brigade, since the enemy promised to take the money to release the governor, isn't that a good thing?"

    Li Chimei smiled bitterly for a long time and lamented: "If my guess is correct, Governor Tuoba, he should be no longer alive at this moment."

    The subordinates were all shocked and asked for the reason, but Li Chimei just sighed and said nothing, feeling distressed in his heart: If the enemy really had Tuoba Han in their hands, they would definitely not agree to redeem him so readily, and they would definitely have to pay more for the ransom.  Bargain with yourself.  Now, the enemy agreed immediately, which shows that the other party actually has no sincerity in the transaction, and is probably just trying to kill people and grab money when the time comes. Well, Li Chimei admitted that in fact, he sent people to negotiate, and he had no intention of being sincere.  trade.

    Li Chimei ordered his men to fill several iron boxes with stones and sand, and then ordered several strong armored fighters to move the boxes to the open space in front of the city.

    He stood alone in front of the box, waiting for the other party to negotiate.  About a quarter of an hour later, someone came from the direction of Jincheng.

    Seeing the familiar black figure walking from a distance, Li Chimei felt his scalp go numb - Damn it, that murderous guy is here again!

    He immediately made preparations to escape - the other party didn't bring Tuoba Han out, so it seemed that the idiot was probably dead.  If you don't leave, you'll wait until the other party finds out that the box is filled with sand.It's not silver, why don't you behead yourself on the spot?

    "Li Shuai, it's been a long time since we said goodbye to Leping. I didn't expect that we would meet again here!"

    Li Chimei stopped and stared suspiciously at the armored fighter who was slowly walking towards him: "Who are you?"

    The black panther armored fighter took off his helmet, revealing a handsome and energetic face.  Seeing him, Li Chimei was stunned for a moment and cried out: "You you are Governor Meng of Dongping!"

    Leping's defeat can be called the shame of Li Chimei's life - of course, now Jincheng has to be added.  Therefore, he had a very deep impression on Meng Ju and recognized him at a glance.

    Li Chimei was very upset: she was so stupid. After talking face to face with Meng Ju for so long, she didn't recognize him.  Although he was wearing a battle armor and covering his face, looking at his height, body shape, accent, and wasn't Meng Ju known as the "Blood Leopard" in the legend? When he saw this leopard-style battle armor, he should have thought of it.  ¡ª¡ªAhem, I am really stupid. There are not many masters of this level in the world!

    With an apologetic smile on his face, Meng clasped his fists at Li Chimei from a distance and said loudly: "It's a last resort. Meng is offended. I hope Brother Chimei doesn't blame me. When I return to Dongping another day, Meng will definitely serve the wine."  Apologize to Brother Red Eyebrow." That humility and politeness was like meeting old friends. How could you tell that they were enemies on the battlefield?

    Looking at Meng Ju, Li Chimei opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word - his subordinates were not far away, and everyone could hear Meng Ju's shouts clearly.

    He looked at the boxes filled with "gold and silver" at his feet, with a wry smile on his face - he was plotting against Meng Ju, so why wasn't the other side plotting against him?  The other party agreed to meet not for the "gold and silver" at all, but to completely cut off his own escape route.

    Last time in Leping, I escaped unharmed from the hands of Meng Ju. There were rumors in the army that I was secretly colluding with Meng Ju. Fortunately, the marshal was generous and finally exposed this matter.  This time, he was defeated miserably at the hands of Meng Ju again. He lost the golden city and the life of the marshal's son, but it was Meng Ju who let him back alive again - to say that there was nothing fishy in this, let alone others.  Even Li Chimei himself didn¡¯t believe it: How could such a coincidence happen in the world?  Even if you meet Meng Ju, everyone else is dead. Only the soldiers and horses of your Red Eyebrow Brigade came back intact. This was the case both times!

    Meng Ju¡¯s clear identity and a shout out have completely cut off his retreat!

    Li Chimei smiled bitterly and cupped her hands: "Governor Meng is not only mighty and powerful, but also has extraordinary tactics. Li Mou is convinced that he lost. In the end, he pulled the firewood from under the cauldron and made him disappear even more!"

    "Oh, I'm ashamed of myself. Meng's previous small victory was all based on deception, which is not fair."

    "On the battlefield, it is normal for a man to use his best in every possible way. It is normal for a man to fight with his wits but not his strength."

    Both of them are smart people, so Li Chimei doesn¡¯t resent Meng Ju very much.  On the battlefield, everyone does their best for the master, and he still understands this truth.  Last time, when Meng Ju had an absolute advantage, he did not kill everyone, but let himself go, and then gave back a batch of battle armor so that Li Chimei could keep up with the officials. Li Chimei felt that this  Governor Meng is a very good friend.

    After the greetings, Meng Ju handed a wooden box he was holding to Li Chimei. He said seriously: "Li Shuai, you have been looking for the whereabouts of Governor Tuoba Han of your army. I am also deeply moved by the deep love you have for me."  . I ordered my men to check and found that Governor Tuoba had unfortunately died in the melee last night. I hope that Li Shuai will express his condolences. This is the governor¡¯s head. I will give it to Li Shuai and take it back. "

    Li Chimei took the wooden box with a sullen face, opened it and looked at it, then sighed and closed the wooden box.

    At this moment, his mood actually calmed down - a person who has fallen to the bottom is much more at ease than a person hanging in mid-air. Tuoba Han is indeed dead, and he has nothing to hesitate about anymore.

    He said with a dull face: "Thank you, Governor."

    "Li Shuai, cheating was a last resort. But now that the overall situation has been decided, Meng is still willing to talk about friendship. If Li Shuai and your brothers want to go back, Meng will not stop them, and the Jincheng garrison will not leave the city.  Attack, Meng can guarantee this, please don¡¯t worry Li Shuai.¡±

    Meng Ju said while observing Li Chimei's expression: "But Commander Li, this time your army was defeated and the general died in the battle Someone heard that Marshal Tuoba's tolerance is not very broad. If you go back like this,  I wonder if there is any hindrance?¡±

    Li Chimei listened in silence. He bent down and placed the wooden box containing the head on the ground casually. Then he stood up straight and stared at the northern sky for a while.  Then, he turned around and said bitterly to Meng Ju: "The governor is right. There is indeed no place for Li on the border army. Governor, Li is willing to surrender, but I don't know how valuable he is."Is the army willing to accept a down-and-out person like me?  "

    Meng Ju said seriously: "Li Shuai is the leading general in Northern Xinjiang. It is Meng's honor that you are willing to join. Our army is willing to step down to welcome you."

    Rather than surrendering to other Jinwu Guard generals, Li Chimei felt better by surrendering to Meng Ju, whom he had a close relationship with.  Therefore, when Meng Ju expressed his solicitation again, Li Chimei readily agreed and expressed his worries: he had too many enemies on the Jinwu Guard side, and if he voted for Jinwu Guard, he was afraid of being retaliated and plotted against.

    "If Li Shuai is worried about this"

    Meng Ju pondered for a moment and said cheerfully: "Li Shuai, your concerns are indeed justified. The relationships between the generals of various Jinwuwei families are so complicated that even Murong Po will have a headache. If you can afford it, how about you come to my place?"

    We Dongpingling Guards and Jinwu Guards are just allies, not their subordinates.  After this battle, we will return to Northern Xinjiang.  I don't believe it. Those people still have the ability to reach out to northern Xinjiang to retaliate against you?  Of course, our temple is small and cannot compare with the wealth and wealth of Jin Wuwei, so I am afraid that we will feel wronged by Li Shuai for a while.  "

    However, Li Chimei was very happy and nodded repeatedly: "I have my wish, but I don't dare to ask for it! Li is willing to follow the master's wings, fight for the master to clear the way, and fight to the death!" - In Li Chimei's view, Meng Ju is magnanimous and generous in using troops.  Like a god, there is no other hero that I have ever seen in my life who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.  The Dongping Lingwei are not very strong at the moment, but Meng Ju is so young, capable of fighting, and has a strong army. In this troubled world, it is easy to get ahead, and it is not surprising that he will cede territory and become a king in the future.  What's more, he is the leader of the Han army. It is better to follow him yourself than to join the Jinwu Guard where Xianbei nobles gather together.

    As for Li Chimei's other worry - that the Jinwu Guards were weak and might not be able to win in this war, he did not mention it at all.  After seeing Meng Ju on the battlefield with his own eyes, Li Chimei immediately knew that the Jinwu Guards could not win this war.  With the addition of Meng Ju and his strong Dongping soldiers, Jin Wuwei's troops have made up for his own shortcomings - not to mention his own defections and joining?

    An entire town of nearly 10,000 border troops were annihilated and surrendered - one was declining and the other was declining. Li Chimei did not dare to be arrogant and say that this was a fatal blow to Tuoba Xiong, but at least it was a major reversal that affected the situation of the war.

    Now that they have decided to surrender, both Li and Meng are practical people and do not talk nonsense, so they quickly get to the point.  Meng Ju asked Li Chimei: "Li Shuai, don't blame me for offending you. How many reliable troops do you have on hand that you can really control?"

    "There are more than a hundred people in the Doukai team. I usually treat them as brothers and sisters. We eat and live together. I am confident about them. From the commander to the captain of the cavalry battalion, they are all released by my own soldiers.  There will be no problem; one of the four infantry commanders is my compatriot and the other is my fellow countryman, and the other two commanders will not interfere with our affairs. The trouble is our brigade Sima, who was sent down from above  Yes, they may not come with us - Governor, don¡¯t worry, for those who don¡¯t want to come with us, we can just let them go with Tuoba Han."

    It is a major and dangerous matter at any time to change sides and change flags in the face of battle.  It doesn't just mean changing the flag to another, a lot of detailed preparations have to be made. It is not uncommon in history for generals to fail to defect but to be killed by soldiers loyal to the original master.

    Li Chimei has been in the army for a long time and understands the key: the key is to incite his subordinates.  After returning, he immediately summoned his close officers and told everyone frankly about the current situation: Jincheng was lost, the army's retreat was cut off, the baggage and food were taken away, Governor Tuoba Han was also dead, and the army was in a difficult situation.  .

    Even if you are lucky and everyone can escape from Jincheng, the ending will not be good, because Marshal Tuoba has a nephew who died, and he will definitely anger everyone.  The soldiers may still have a way to survive, but the officers¡ªthat is, everyone here¡ªare at risk of death. As for Li Chimei himself, there is no doubt that he is determined to die.

    "Li is incompetent and has brought all of you brothers to such a desperate situation. I'm sorry to you brothers. Now, Li is totally helpless. What should I do? Let me tell you, brothers."

    Li Chimei¡¯s voice was low, and his face showed deep sadness.  A sad and solemn atmosphere enveloped the whole place, and all the officers had solemn faces, sad, angry and hesitant.

    "Commander of the Brigade, that good-for-nothing Tuoba Han is looking for death. How can he blame us?"

    "Master Li, I don't accept it! We fought with blood and fought desperately with the Jinwu Guards. How many brothers have died, and we ended up like this?"

    "That good-for-nothing Tuoba Han killed so many of our brothers! If we weren't looking for him, we would have returned to Jincheng long ago. How could we let Jinwu take advantage of the situation and steal the city, and how could we end up like this? Now we still have to do it.  Punishing us is not a good ideaDoes it make sense?  "

    "Reason, when did the marshal tell us the truth? After so many years, our Red Eyebrow Brigade has received the lowest pay, but we have not lost a hard battle!"

    "Last night, when we were about to take over the Jinwu Guard's baggage, didn't that damn Tuoba Han drive us away? If this guy hadn't been greedy and wanted to eat alone and separated all the troops, how could the Jinwu Guard be captured?  Was the counterattack so brutal?"

    "This is the law of heaven, retribution is not good! Greedy guys really don't deserve a good death!"

    The crowd was furious, and the officers continued to curse, and the more they spoke, the more outrageous they became. However, Li Chimei did not say anything to stop him, but watched in silence, and occasionally sighed to show that the anger in his heart was the same as everyone else's.

    Finally, someone shouted the words that Li Chimei had been waiting for: "Master Li, the marshal's rewards and punishments are unfair and his handling of affairs is unclear. I'm fed up with this! Why don't we go back!"

    Everyone was suffocated, and then all looked at Li Chimei - the young general had a gloomy face and remained silent.  As a result, everyone understood that the brigade commander did not object to this proposal.

    After this layer of paper was pierced, everyone no longer had any scruples. Tuoba Xiong had been suppressing the Red Eyebrow Brigade. The officers had long been resentful. Everyone expressed their opinions: With all your abilities, where can you be other than a soldier?  As long as the brigade commander says a word, everyone will follow you, no matter what!

    At this time, Li Chimei confessed to everyone: he had found out clearly that the commander of the Jinwu Guard opposite was Meng Ju, the Dongling Guard garrison inspector who had encountered him in Leping.

    Hearing that it was Meng Ju, all the officers looked happy: "If Governor Meng is here, things will be easier to handle!"

    Although Li Chimei kept the Leping incident a secret, this kind of thing has always been concealed, and the officers knew the truth afterwards.  Meng Ju spared everyone in the Red Eyebrow Brigade, and later gave them a batch of battle armors so that they could carry out their missions - compared with the tragic ending of the Tubao Brigade, Du Feng Brigade, Zhang Yi Brigade and other troops being annihilated, although the Red Eyebrow Brigade was damaged  He bought a batch of battle armors, but no one died. It can be said that his luck was extremely good. Everyone admired Meng Ju's affection.  At this time, I happened to meet an enemy general with whom I had friendship. This can not but be said to be God's will.

    At that moment, everyone was unanimous: "Governor Meng is a friend of Renyi, so we will vote for him!"

    Having won over his confidants, Li Chimei immediately began to surrender.  It doesn't matter what the soldiers think. What matters is the officers - especially those officers sent to the Red Eyebrow Brigade by the Six-Town Governor's Mansion. They will be the dangerous factors at that time.

    Fortunately, there are not many officers assigned to the Red Eyebrow Brigade, only about twenty.  Among them, there were only three or five people who dared to stand up and oppose.  But just in case, Li Chimei still took measures and sent his confidants to keep an eye on them.

    At night, when the soldiers and horses of the Red Eyebrow Brigade camped in the wilderness to rest, the operation began.  A large number of Dongling Guards' armored warriors appeared from the night without warning and entered the camp without any hindrance.

    Facing a large group of fighting armors, the officers and soldiers of the Red Eyebrow Brigade wisely gave up resistance and handed over their weapons in an orderly manner under the leadership of the officers.  They were horrified and confused: Why did the enemy appear in the camp as if they had emerged from the ground without hearing the early warning from the scouts and without resistance from the surrounding troops?

    Soon, the officer appeared in front of them and answered their doubts - in short, it is too complicated for you to understand. Anyway, you only need to know one thing: from this moment on, everyone will no longer eat.  The Tuoba family's salary has been reduced, and they now eat royal food from the court!

    The entire takeover process was very smooth. Except for Sima Huming, a marcher of the Red Eyebrow Brigade, who was killed by Dongling Guards Doukai in the chaos, this was basically a bloodless coup.  The soldiers accepted this fact obediently - what's the big deal? Instead of being soldiers and getting food, isn't it just a change of boss who distributes food?  Just do whatever the boss says.  I heard that the pay and treatment of the Jinwu Guards were much better than those of the border troops, and many soldiers were already looking forward to it with joy.

    ??????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    The sky is full of stars and the night breeze is blowing.

    Standing at the top of Jincheng, looking at the stars in the sky, Meng Ju was immersed in his thoughts, until the footsteps behind him broke his thoughts.

    "Informing the Governor, the Red Eyebrow Brigade has been settled and inventoried. There are 3,223 officers and soldiers in total, including 73 officers, 623 war horses, and 153 battle armors.  As for the other weapons, we haven¡¯t had time to count them yet.¡±

    Meng Ju turned around and nodded to Qi Peng and Li Chimei: "Thank you for your hard work, Li Shuai, let's take charge of it together. Is everything going well?"

    "Governor, Li Shuai and a group of brothers cooperated very well and got things done without any conflict."??.  Although the incident happened suddenly, most of the officers and soldiers of the Red Eyebrow Brigade obeyed the order and stayed in their respective camps to wait for arrangements. This shows that Li Shuai led the troops effectively and was highly regarded by the public.

    We came here because we have something to ask the town governor: How are we going to arrange the soldiers and horses of the Red Eyebrow Brigade tonight?  Should they be allowed to rest in the Golden City, or should they be allowed to camp where they are?  "

    Meng Ju looked at Li Chimei: "What does Li Shuai mean?"

    Li Chimei bowed slightly: "It all depends on the governor's decision. The general will have no objections."

    "In this case, what I mean is -" Meng Ju pondered slightly and said: "I have wronged the brothers of the Red Eyebrow Brigade for the time being. Let's continue to spend tonight outside the city."

    Li Chimei's expression darkened, and the look of disappointment flashed across his face. He forced a smile and said, "Okay. Governor, don't worry, those guys are very strong. They usually sleep in the open air and have suffered all kinds of hardships. It's just one night.  The cold won¡¯t damage them.¡±

    "Commander Li, there's no need to be suspicious. It's not that I don't believe that the Red Eyebrow Brigade doesn't dare to let you enter the city. It's just that the army has just surrendered and it's better to be quiet and not to move. If everyone stays in the original camp, it will be safer. It would be bad to break camp rashly and cause chaos."  . It would be more appropriate to wait until the military morale stabilizes before moving the camp."

    Li Chimei suddenly said cheerfully: "The governor has thought carefully about this. The general really didn't expect this."

    "There is another reason - Li Shuai, do you think there are any people in the Red Eyebrow Brigade who are loyal to Tuoba Xiong and unwilling to follow us?"

    Li Chimei said with certainty: "Yes, there must be. Everyone has been in the border army for more than ten years, and even dogs have developed feelings. Some people are nostalgic for the past, and some do have some unavoidable difficulties. Their families are still there.  Over there is the border army. Speaking of which, I would like to ask for a favor from you, the town governor, and I want to ask you a favor."

    "What's going on?"

    Li Chimei hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: Although most officers and soldiers agreed with the surrender of the Chimei Brigade to the Jinwu Guards, there were still many opponents in the army.  Although they were being monitored by Jin Wuwei's battle armor, they did not dare to resist openly, but in their hearts they were still looking forward to going back.

    "Although these guys are ignorant and stubborn, well, no matter what, after sharing the joys and sorrows together for so many years, they are usually just a partner who is always a scoundrel, and they will never be able to do it.

    Therefore, the general had the audacity to plead with the governor, asking you to let them go back.  There weren't many anyway, just a dozen or so officers. If there weren't too many of them, there wouldn't be much of a problem.  "

    Meng Ju nodded slowly as he listened. He did not express his position immediately, but turned to look at the horizon in the distance.  On the horizon, a bright full moon is rising.

    After a long time, Meng Jucai turned around and said in a deep voice: "Li Shuai, actually we want to go together. It's not sweet to force the melon. They want to go back. It's useless even if we force them to stay. If they are unwilling  If they were forced to stay unwillingly and resented themselves, but instead they made trouble for us in everything, and even secretly colluded with the border troops, wouldn¡¯t our losses be even greater?"

    "The governor is wise, that's exactly what it is!"

    "So, my opinion is that the Red Eyebrow Brigade will stay outside the city for the time being. We will not set up sentries and patrols outside the camp tonight. We will only leave guards at the arsenal and baggage. Those who want to leave, we will give them to them tonight.  They have a chance. No matter whether they are officers or soldiers, anyone who wants to leave can leave - what do you think?"

    Qi Peng and Li Chimei both agreed with Meng Ju's idea, and both praised Meng Zhengdu's benevolence and righteousness. Compared with the warlords of the same era who forced the people to attack and drove the people into battle, Meng Ju's approach  Kindness to the point of suicide.

    Li Chimei felt even more guilty. He thought that this was because Governor Meng sympathized with his difficulties and went out of his way to help him maintain his brotherly love.  He was secretly grateful in his heart and vowed to fight hard to repay Meng Ju's kindness.

    Listening to their compliments, Meng Ju just smiled faintly.  He said: "After two days, those people with different intentions will probably have left, and then we will move the Red Eyebrow Brigade into the city." He secretly added in his heart: At that time, it is estimated that the Jinwu Guards will have reinforcements  The soldiers and horses should have arrived, and even if something went wrong, I wouldn't be afraid anymore.

    ????????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    At dusk on May 7th, the third day after Meng Ju captured Jincheng, reinforcements from the Jinwu Guards finally arrived at Jincheng.  Having been notified in advance, Meng Ju led his men out of the city to meet the reinforcements coming from the camp.

    The troops that reinforced Jincheng this time were large in size, with four brigades, more than 16,000 infantry and cavalry, and more than 600 armored fighters.  Meng Ju had received the news in advance. This reinforcement force was hastily formed. Some were from Kutang Town and the remnants of the original Jincheng garrison.They are the newly transferred Luo Jing soldiers and horses.

    The commander leading this reinforcement was Qiao Ying, the former governor of Shuzhou, former commander-in-chief of Jincheng, and imperial censor Qiao Ying, a middle-aged general in his forties.  At the city gate, Meng Ju had a brief meeting with him. The introducer was Ma Guima's father-in-law, who came with the army.

    When they met, Governor Qiao had been looking at Meng Ju with strange eyes.  Meng Ju felt very uncomfortable when he looked at him. He thought there was something dirty on his face, so he touched his face again and again, but found nothing strange.

    Finally, Meng Ju simply asked directly: "Captain Qiao, you are looking at me like this Is there something wrong with my face?"

    "Ah, no, no!" Governor Qiao quickly withdrew his gaze, looking a little flustered: "I have heard about General Meng's reputation for a long time, but I didn't expect that the Governor is so young. Governor Meng, I heard in this town that the Governor only brought  He killed more than 200 people and defeated the entire frontier army. Isn't this true?"

    "It's true. Thanks to the emperor's great blessing and the soldiers' sacrifice, the general will win by luck."

    "This town also heard that during the Battle of Jincheng, the governor jumped onto the top of a three-foot-high city and killed countless border troops by himself. The top of the city flowed with blood, and he finally captured the city. Isn't this possible?  Is it true? They all said that the Governor flew up? "

    While speaking, Governor Qiao kept looking down at the ground, never daring to raise his head to look at Meng Ju, as if he was talking to his own shadow. Meng Ju had a hard time listening.

    "That's just a rumor. In the battle of Jincheng, the general did attack the city first, but he didn't kill many people - it seems that he only killed three people. Seeing that resistance was useless, the defenders surrendered."

    Governor Qiao secretly glanced up at Meng Ju, then quickly lowered his head. You could hear the sound of him swallowing saliva.

    "We also heard in this town that the town governor forced Li Chimei's entire brigade of more than 3,000 troops to surrender with the strength of 200 men?"

    "This matter, the general will not dare to steal the merits of Heaven. Li Shuai admires my emperor's mighty virtue and abandons the dark side for the bright side. I just followed the trend and gave the troops of the Red Eyebrow Brigade a chance."

    Meng Ju said it very humbly, but everyone present who was not a smart person knew that things could never be that simple.  Li Chimei is known as the first general in the frontier army and is a very popular figure among the frontier army.  If such a hero is not forced to do anything else, who would want to be a surrendered general?  Meng Ju said this just to save face for Li Chimei.

    Governor Qiao glanced at Meng Ju secretly, and a thought suddenly broke into his mind: This young man in front of him, he must not be an ordinary person, right?

    More than 200 people defeated an entire elite army of more than 10,000 people. Wearing battle armor, they leaped onto the three- to four-foot-high city wall. They single-handedly forced the entire city's defenders to surrender, and then forced them to surrender ten times their size.  The number one general in northern Xinjiang who has many soldiers and horses - is such a person a land god or an Arhat descending to earth?

    Thinking of this, his attitude towards Meng Ju became more respectful and he bent even lower. His attitude was not like treating a subordinate general, but rather like receiving a superior.

    At this time, there were Eunuch Ma Gui, Guan Hu Yong and other officials present, but no one laughed at Governor Qiao - obviously, he was not the only one who had the same idea.  Usually, these people couldn't help joking with Meng Ju, but this time they met, they seemed reserved and respectful, and they didn't even dare to look at Meng Ju.

    Meng Ju noticed something strange: "What? Everyone is so quiet? We haven't seen each other for a few days. Could it be that I have flowers on my face?"

    Eunuch Ma cautiously glanced at Meng Ju, then quickly lowered his head: "The Governor's bravery has shocked the past and present, shocking both China and foreign countries - Governor, you are a star from the sky descending to earth, we really dare not look at you seriously.  .¡±

    Meng Ju didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was just thinking about how to explain it. He just heard a few "pa pa pa pa" and someone applauded: "My father-in-law is right. Lord Meng's military achievements can be traced back to ancient times. After thinking about it, I'm afraid it's not the same."  Only the founding Tianwu of that year can compare."

    Meng Ju frowned slightly. In the Murong family camp, it was very taboo for him to be compared with Emperor Tianwu back then - maybe his subordinates also had this idea, but this bastard was so ignorant.  By saying it openly, are you trying to kill me?

    Meng Ju looked around and saw that the person speaking was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, and his voice still had the childishness of adolescence.  This young man has a tall figure, fair complexion, and handsome eyebrows. He is wearing a Jinwu Guard military robe, but the material is made of bright silk, and the bun on his head is tied neatly.  After a long journey, the officers were all gray and dusty, but this young man looked as if he had just walked out of his study, with a jade face not stained by dust, and a jade tree facing the wind, so handsome.  .  Before anyone even got close, a scent of powdery fragrance hit my nostrils.

    Meng Ju looked him up and down: "Who are you? I, the Great WeiDid you just say the title of the Holy King of the country casually?  "

    Unexpectedly, Meng Huiyi was so rude. The young man was stunned for a moment. Eunuch Ma Gui hurriedly stepped forward to rescue him: "General Meng, this is your Majesty's third prince. His Royal Highness Prince Murong Nan, please stop being rude."

    Meng Ju looked at the young man in front of him again. The pretty boy in front of him was Murong Yi's younger brother, his rival for the heir apparent?  No wonder he has a bit of Murong Yi's charm in his brows, but his temperament is more gentle and soft, and his complexion is as fair as finely crafted porcelain.  In comparison, Murong Yi's skin tone was darker and he looked too rough.

    I heard that in the battle to win the rightful son, Mr. Murong Yi was forced into a state of embarrassment by this pretty boy?  However, this pretty boy¡¯s aura is very weak and he seems to have no pressure at all!

    "It turns out to be His Highness the Prince. Meng is a reckless man from the borderlands. He doesn't know His Highness's true appearance, so he was rude."

    Before Murong Nan could speak, Meng Ju had already shouted at Ma Gui with a straight face: "Eunuch Ma, your Royal Highness has a distinguished status. It's not good to stay in the camp and come to the front line. If you are injured by an arrow stone, this  Should you bear the blame or should I bear it?"

    Ma Gui was dumbfounded by the scolding. He blinked, looked at Meng Ju, then at the third prince, and said cautiously: "Governor, you have misunderstood. Mr. Murong Nan did not sneak out. This was done with His Majesty's permission."  .Town Governor, His Highness Murong Nan is here as the military supervisory ambassador to Governor Qiao."

    "Supervising the Army?"

    Meng Ju looked at Murong Nan and cupped his hands again: "Master Supervisor, I'm sorry, General. By the way, our Dongping Mausoleum Guards have worked so hard. I wonder if Master Supervisor has anything to say?"

    ?????? Responsibilities such as supplying soldiers and horses with food and fodder, describing their merits, and rewarding them are all within the scope of the supervisor's responsibilities. However, the other party has just arrived and is clamoring for rewards before it has a stable footing. Meng Ju is also suspected of being a bully.

    Fortunately, Mr. Murong Nan seemed to have a good temper and did not appear angry. He said with a smile: "The Governor is indeed a fierce general. He is straightforward and frank. I like this kind of temperament very much. My father already knows the merits of the Governor."  Because the credit is too great, the final reward needs to be further discussed with the ministers. However, the father is sympathetic to the hard work of the soldiers and has already asked me to bring the silver reward to reward everyone."

    Meng Ju snorted softly, thinking that was enough.  The guy in front of him was Xuan Wenke's nephew and Murong Yi's rival. Meng Ju was not interested in dealing with him: "Governor Qiao, you are the governor of this city. Meng has already ordered his subordinates to move the defense. The governor might as well send his men there.  Take it over.¡±

    Governor Qiao was also an old fox. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he clasped his fists in salute and left happily.

    Murong Nan stood on the spot and said gently: "Governor Meng, I am new here and have no experience. I have to rely on you to arrange all the affairs. Please take care of me."

    "Young Master's words are serious. Thank you for your respect, I will definitely serve you wholeheartedly. Mr. Nan, you have worked hard for coming so far. Please go to the city to rest. I will report the details of the military information to you when we receive the Feng Banquet."

    Seeing Meng Ju¡¯s impatient expression, which was obviously insincere, Murong Nan didn¡¯t worry and instead leaned closer. A gust of powdery fragrance hit Meng Ju¡¯s nose. He calmly stood two steps away and said, ¡°Master?¡±

    "Governor Meng, you are brave and brave. I really admire you and look forward to making friends with you. My uncle was blind and offended you before, and I am willing to apologize for him - Governor, our two families are actually from the same family.  , but the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple earlier."

    Meng Ju glanced at him and thought, maybe this guy got dizzy on the road?  Seeing that he can fight, it is not unusual for him to want to win over him.  But I am a Han military general, so how can you, a member of the Xianbei royal family, be considered my own?

    "Young master, you are kidding. When we first met, we said that we are one of our own I really can't afford the responsibility. Oh, I almost forgot, the last general and your brother are close friends in life and death. Could it be that the master said that my family is  Do you mean this? This is indeed considered a friendship!"

    Meng Ju refused to eat hard or soft food, but Murong Nan was very well-behaved and did not show any shame or anger. Instead, he smiled gently and said: "The Governor really doesn't know anything about this matter - Governor, I heard that you and Luo  The Jingye family has a long history, you were from the Ye family back then, right?"

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly: "The Luo Jing Ye family is indeed kind to me."

    "Haha, that's right, we are actually a family!" Murong Nan felt relieved and said, "Before coming, my father-in-law, Mr. Ye, asked me to send my greetings to the governor and bring a letter to you.  Pass it to the Governor. My Lord, what I mean is that the previous misunderstanding was just a trivial matter"

    "Wait!" Meng Ju grabbed Murong Nan's wrist. He stared into his eyes, his voice became hoarse and low, like a wounded leopard: "Just now, what did you call Ye Jianxin?"?¡±

    Murong Nan's wrist seemed to be clamped by an iron plier. He couldn't bear it and cried out in pain: "Governor, let go, let go quickly My father has made an engagement with the Ye family for me. I  I am about to marry Miss Ye Zijun, the only daughter of the Ye family, so Mr. Ye is my father-in-law Governor, please let go! It hurts me to death!"

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~
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