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Volume One Two Hundred and Forty Night Walk

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    Two Hundred and Forty Night Walk

    In the next few days, Meng Ju¡¯s life was very pleasant.

    His soldiers and horses belonged to the Second Town of the Hou Army. According to the practice in the Wei army, soldiers and horses who did not participate in the war had to participate in drills or undertake some camp chores in their free time. But in fact, no one came to Meng at all.  Meng Ju and his officers and soldiers had enough to eat and drink every day, and no one came to inform him of his mission or participate in drills. Meng Ju and his officers and soldiers were so idle that they almost got moldy.

    Therefore, Meng Ju¡¯s Beijiang Camp became a unique landscape in the camp.  While the soldiers of other armies were sweating profusely in drills or working, the soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Battalion sat happily on the wall, enjoying the sun and watching the scenery. They waved to them in a friendly way and said hello: "Brothers, do your best!  "¡ª¡ªThat kind of self-satisfied villain makes people hate him with itch.

    The commanders of each battalion protested to their superiors: "It's fine that the Northern Xinjiang battalion is given preferential treatment and doesn't have to work, but can you ask them not to wander around? When I see them again, my men are about to mutiny. It's really damaging to morale!"  "But the problem is, their protest is in vain.  Now the patrol officers who are inspecting the military discipline will quickly walk around when they see the soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Battalion. As long as they don't kill people and set fires, who dares to care about these uncles' affairs?

    The preferential treatment received by the Northern Xinjiang Camp does not stop there.  In the past, when Meng Ju went to the military depot to receive food for his soldiers and horses, he always had to give some discounts. It would be good to get a score of seven.  Meng Ju understood this very well: This was also a characteristic of the Wei Dynasty. Although the emperor changed from Tuoba to Murong, this did not prevent the greed of logistics officials.  Because of Murong Yi's additional subsidy, Meng Ju didn't really care about the deduction of salary.

    But now, a miracle happened.  There was no need for Meng Ju to come to the door. The doctor at the military station obediently sent the military pay and supplies to Meng Ju's camp. Moreover, it was full pay without any discount.  Not only that, the Northern Xinjiang soldiers and horses also received summer clothes for each person - although they were just coarse military uniforms, Meng Ju knew that there were many direct troops of the Murong family who were still wearing last year's winter clothes.  The troops and horses were received first.

    Hundreds of clothes are not worth much, but it shows the friendly attitude of the military station.  After hearing the report, Meng Ju was very happy and went to the baggage team in person to express his gratitude to the hard-working and honest doctor.  Unexpectedly, when he saw Meng Ju coming over, the doctor at the military station immediately turned pale. He said a few perfunctory words, said goodbye in a panic, and as soon as he went out, he ran as fast as he could with his official robe.  It was as if there was a ghost chasing him from behind, and he disappeared in a flash.

    After eating and drinking for several days, Meng Ju was living a rough life. He suddenly thought of something: Now that he has come to Xiangzhou, should he go to the nearby camps to greet the friendly generals?  Let's get to know each other first so that we can have someone to look after us on the battlefield in the future.

    Those high-ranking officials such as town marshals and road managers were too high-ranking, and Meng Ju was too embarrassed to come to avoid embarrassing himself. However, compared with those Zhonglang generals at the brigade marshal level, Meng Ju felt that they were of equal status - and even slightly superior to himself.  Yichi, they shouldn't not give themselves face, right?

    As soon as he thought of it, Meng Ju set off immediately.  The first person he visited was Meng Ju's left neighbor, Guo Deng, the lieutenant in the army.  Meng Ju led his entourage to the gate of the opponent's military camp and ordered the sentry to report that Meng Ju, the governor of Dongling Guard Town in Northern Xinjiang, was visiting.  The sentry went in, and after a while, a camp commander came out and told Meng Ju politely: "Master Meng, I'm sorry, General Guo Zhonglang suddenly fell ill last night. He is still bedridden and cannot see the guests. If Master Meng has any  If you are given any instructions, just tell me your humble duty, and we will do our best."

    Meng Ju had nothing serious to do. Since the other party was ill, he didn't want to disturb him. He said a few polite words such as hoping for a speedy recovery, and then left.

    Then, Meng Ju went to visit his right neighbor, Anyuan Zhonglang General Yan Mu.  Unexpectedly, when they got there, the same camp commander came out and told Meng Ju that Mr. Anyuan Zhonglang was out on business and it was unknown when he would come back.  Is there anything important, Governor Meng?  If you have something to ask, even if Zhonglang is away, he can handle it for you.

    In this way, Meng Ju spent a whole day and visited five camps in a row. The hosts were either seriously ill or out on business, and he couldn't see any of them anyway. After hitting the wall five times in a row, Meng Ju would wake up no matter how stupid he was.  Come on, things are not that simple.

    Meng Ju returned to his camp and called Eunuch Ma over.  He told what happened today angrily: "Father-in-law, tell me, what is going on?"

    Eunuch Ma smiled bitterly: "Superintendent, it's possible The generals are really busy, so it's inconvenient to see guests, right?"

    Meng Ju squinted at him: "Eunuch Ma, when you say such things, do you think that Meng is a fool? - That's right, Meng knows that the father-in-law is a noble person next to the emperor, and Meng is from Northern Xinjiang.  Those who came to fight with the soldiers were vulgar.I don¡¯t understand etiquette, so what do you think of me?  To have a friendship with such noble people as my father-in-law is just a wishful thinking on the part of Meng.

    ??????????????????????????? That¡¯s all, father-in-law, please come back now, I¡¯ve thanked you very much for today.  "

    Ma Gui was startled when he saw that the angry and impulsive Governor Meng was showing signs of getting angry again.  He quickly said with a smile: "What did the governor say? A servant in our family who serves others is not a noble person. You, the governor, are the noble person of our family!"

    ¡°We really don¡¯t know why you encountered this incident today, Governor.  However, our family has some guesses, and we don¡¯t know whether they are correct or not. We dare not say them out rashly, for fear of misleading you, the Superintendent.  "

    "Guess? Huh, just say it."

    According to Ma Gonggong's guess, the Zhonglang generals should have been frightened by Meng Ju's reputation for being fierce: the emperor's brother-in-law, Marshal Xuan, who was in charge of the second town of the rear army, such a heavyweight and powerful official was actually taken over by a new town governor.  He was scolded until he vomited blood, but he had no way to retaliate afterwards. This general from northern Xinjiang was too fierce and difficult to deal with.

    We really can't afford to offend this kind of rampaging idiot. If we want to get close to him, we are afraid that our boss, General Manager Xuan, will hold a grudge. After thinking about it, the generals all feel that the best way is to deal with him.  Mr. Meng respected ghosts and gods and stayed away.

    Ma Gui said this meaning very cryptically, but Meng Ju still understood it.  He didn't know whether to laugh or cry: He didn't expect that the act of establishing his power that night would bring such consequences to himself.

    "Governor, outsiders don't know the truth and spread rumors, so the rumors are wrong." Ma Gui smiled awkwardly and said: "But people's hearts are revealed over time. I think as long as the governor gets along with everyone for a long time, the misunderstanding will gradually dissipate."

    Meng Ju was very interested: "Oh? What is the rumor about me like?"

    Eunuch Ma's eyes were a little dodgey: "Well, rumors stop with the wise. The Governor is an extraordinary person, so you don't need to pay too much attention to those mediocre people's rumors. Our family is with you day and night, but it couldn't be clearer.  Lord Governor, you are actually a very reasonable person!"

    Meng Ju laughed loudly when he heard this, but he understood the reason in his heart.  Xuan Wenke suffered a big loss on his side that night. Naturally, he would not give up and would definitely go to Emperor Murong Po to complain.  Unexpectedly, Murong Po favored him. Not only did he not punish him, he also sent a eunuch to support him as a supervisor.

    Seeing that there was nothing he could do about it, General Manager Xuan had no choice but to resort to the best skill of rogue writers since ancient times, which was to spread rumors.  He spread rumors on various occasions, exaggerating how arrogant and domineering he was, how unreasonable, and how narrow-minded he was and how he was bound to retaliate. In short, he wanted to make Meng Ju look like a mad dog that bites everyone he sees.

    Seeing Meng Jule¡¯s cheerful smile, Eunuch Ma was puzzled.  He asked cautiously: "Lord Governor, you don't seem to be angry?"

    Meng Ju smiled and said nothing.  What Manager Xuan didn't expect was that his rumors would actually help Meng Ju.  No one would want to provoke a reckless and unreasonable man who was known for his retribution. For example, the military station no longer dared to deprive Meng Ju of his food and grass. For this reason, Meng Ju almost wanted to send a banner to thank General Manager Xuan.  .  As for the so-called reputation - I don't plan to develop in the Murong family's army, so what use is this thing to me?

    He looked at Ma Gui jokingly: "Father, wouldn't you be afraid to hear such rumors that you were sent to our army?"

    Ma Gui looked embarrassed: "Well, I'm not afraid of the Governor's ridicule. Before I came, our family was really a little trembling at the thought of your majestic power. It's just because of the emperor's orders, we couldn't help but come.

    "Speak from your heart, Governor, now we are two grasshoppers connected together.  Now, our family hopes that you, the Governor, can win more battles and get more rewards, so that our family can also share some military merits, right?  "

    "Don't worry, Eunuch Ma. You want military glory? As long as there is a war, isn't it easy?"


    Days passed by, and Meng Ju lived a leisurely life in Xiangzhou, but the war situation in the Murong family became increasingly serious.  Although Jin Wuwei did not officially announce the situation of the war, Eunuch Ma Gui was a well-informed person and could find out a lot of news every day and come back to talk to Meng Ju.

    "General Bian Xia Zhonglang suffered another defeat. He was defeated by the Northern Xinjiang people in a field battle outside Hugui County. I am afraid that Hugui will not be able to hold on any longer."

    "It has been almost two months since Gaoye County was besieged by the Northern Xinjiang Army. The reinforcements led by Generals Wenshan Zhonglang and Li Qizhonglang failed to relieve the siege."

    "Governor Qiao from Jincheng has sent a request for reinforcements again. His Majesty is very worried about the situation in Jincheng and wants to send troops there for reinforcements. He intends to let General Xuan take charge of the reinforcements, but General Xuan thinks that the situation in Jincheng is good. Governor Qiao who is guarding Jincheng  Just inIt's just sensationalism.  But others said that General Manager Xuan did not dare to lead troops to reinforce Jincheng because he was afraid of Li Chimei.  "

    "Wu Xiang, the censor of the imperial censor and the military envoy of Xiangzhou, encountered the Northern Xinjiang army in Nanmengou. The situation of the battle is unknown"

    "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has sent reinforcements again. The four new Doukai brigades arrived at the rear camp yesterday. They have been incorporated into the third line of the rear camp by His Majesty and are under the control of His Highness Murong Nan."

    The information he inquired about were only fragments of rumors, but based on these fragments, Meng Ju was able to roughly outline the situation of the two armies.  Murong Po's strategy in Xiangzhou was to focus on the front and the rear. He appointed his trusted generals to guard key strongholds such as Gaoye, Jincheng, Hugui, and Nanmen. He relied on these strongholds to form a continuous line of defense, and he himself controlled a huge army in the rear.  Reserve troops.  In this way, no matter where the Northern Xinjiang Army breaks through, the Murong family can quickly counterattack to block the gap, or organize a second line of defense to continue blocking.

    When he was in Luojing, Prince Murong Yi was very pessimistic, as if the Murong family would collapse tomorrow.  But after visiting the front line in person, Meng Ju felt that Murong Po was worthy of being a famous Wei general who had been in charge of the Jinwu Guard for twenty years. He actually fought very methodically, and the main force did not suffer fatal damage. Although the defense line was broken through many times,  But they can all be replenished quickly.  The Murong family lost more than they won, but the Northern Xinjiang Army on the opposite side must have suffered considerable battle losses.

    If Meng Julai was asked to evaluate, he felt that Murong Po's sophisticated military tactics, which were designed to consume the enemy's strength and vigor without dying, were very clever, even far inferior to his own - to win the battle with a strong army.  , that is not surprising, but using a weak brigade to drag down a strong enemy to death requires very high military skills and a strong psychological quality.

    Meng Ju is very confident that even if Tuoba Xiong keeps "victory", in the end, the one who cannot hold on first will definitely be the Northern Border Army.

    But on May 4th, a sudden piece of news shook Meng Ju¡¯s confidence.

    In the morning, as soon as Meng Ju got up, Eunuch Ma trotted over and told Meng Ju in panic: Jincheng was lost.

    Jincheng County is located in the middle of the Xiangzhou Defense Line and is one of the central points of the entire defense line.  The fall of Jincheng suddenly created a large gap in the Murong family's already shaky defense line, putting the entire defense line in danger.

    Meng Ju was surprised: "So, didn't Manager Xuan promise to Your Majesty that Jincheng County can hold on for at least one month?"

    "Isn't it? Now that something like this has suddenly appeared, things are terrible." Eunuch Ma sighed: "I guess there must be big trouble with Mr. Xuan. This time, he will have a hard time in front of His Majesty.  .¡±

    Meng Ju was not interested in whether General Manager Xuan passed the test or not. Meng Ju would be happier if Murong Po killed him.  But Jincheng was suddenly lost and everything was shaken. This was a big deal. If the situation was not handled well, the Murong family might lose the war.

    At noon, Meng Ju and his men were eating, and Eunuch Ma came again.  He found Meng Ju with a solemn look on his face: "Governor, Your Majesty has summoned you, please come with me quickly."

    After arriving in Xiangzhou, this was the second time Murong Po summoned him. Meng Ju did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed Ma Eunuch to the camp.

    In the same inner hall as last time, Murong Po summoned Meng Ju, but this time he no longer summoned him alone. There were also several generals of the Murong family present.  Murong Po did not introduce the identities of these generals to Meng Ju, but for them to appear here at this critical moment, these generals must be the core pillars of the Murong family.

    The manager of Xuan Wenke was also standing in the crowd.  Compared to last time, his complexion was much worse, his face was gray and his expression was gloomy.  When Meng Ju looked over, he happened to look over as well. Their eyes met and they both quickly looked away.

    Emperor Murong Po is wearing armor today and is full of evil spirits.  Seeing Meng Ju come in, he nodded: "Mr. Meng is here, everyone is here, let's start!"

    This emperor, who was born as a general, is obviously a person who doesn't like nonsense.  There was no preamble. Murong Po's big hand stamped on the letter map: "Last night, the rebel forward made a sneak attack and suddenly captured Jincheng."

    Looking around at the generals, he emphasized his tone: "Jincheng County is only thirty miles away from us!"

    Before coming, Meng Ju had already understood the situation of the Murong family, but when he heard the news, he couldn't help but be surprised: Thirty miles?  If he put on his battle armor and marched at full speed, it would only take an hour - which meant that the Murong family's command center was almost nakedly exposed in front of the Northern Army.

    No one made a sound. The tense atmosphere in the air made people feel depressed and their hearts beat faster. Only Murong Po's angry voice echoed in the room: "Jincheng County is the key point of our army's defense line. If Jincheng is lost, the enemy will be able to break into us from here."  Behind the army's defense line, it threatened the food roads of Hugui and Gaoye, causing our army to be completely destroyed.Shaken¡ª¡ªwe want to take back Jincheng!  We have to be quick, we can¡¯t let them stand in Jincheng!  "

    When he said the last few words, Murong Po almost roared, and the reverberation made the whole room buzz.  He shouted sternly: "Xuan Wenke!"

    Manager Xuan came out and knelt down: "The minister is here!"

    "The loss of Jincheng is your fault. We will discuss this matter in the future! Now, I will give you a chance to atone for your sins - I will give you six brigade battle armor, plus 20,000 cavalry and foot soldiers. You can snatch Jincheng back to me.  !¡±

    Manager Xuan¡¯s face turned pale and he swayed unsteadily.  Everyone could see that he was not very confident about this mission, but he still gritted his teeth and shouted: "Your Majesty, don't worry, even if you lose your life, I will definitely take back Jincheng!"

    Looking at Xuan Wenke, Murong Po's eyes were a little complicated, then he nodded slightly and said nothing.

    When he looked at Meng Ju, Murong Po's expression softened a lot, and he said in a deep voice: "Governor Meng, I have heard for a long time that the Dongling Guards in Northern Xinjiang are brave and good at fighting, far surpassing all the Jinwu Guards. I'm just worried that the Governor's troops are far away.  I was tired, unaccustomed to the local environment, and had not yet recovered, so I never sent out to fight"

    Hearing the string and knowing the elegant sound, Meng Ju immediately knew what Murong Po meant.  He responded: "Your Majesty, the general has brought two brigades of armored warriors from northern Xinjiang. They are all elite warriors who dare to fight. Our troops have been treated well by your Majesty for many days. Now that your Majesty has sent you something, the soldiers should regard themselves as  Your Majesty will fight to the death, but"

    He glanced at General Manager Xuan. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes expressed his thoughts clearly: Boss Emperor, it's okay to fight for you, but this coach doesn't seem to be very reliable, right?

    Manager Xuan gritted his teeth tightly and said nothing.

    Murong Po also looked at Xuan Wenke and said: "Governor Meng, I also know that there is some misunderstanding between you and the manager, but it is just a dispute of words, not a big deal. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. I wish  I want to be a peacemaker and mediate for you - I believe that both generals are the pillars of the country, and they should have the heart to tolerate each other for the sake of the country. Governor Meng, don't you think so?"

    You, the emperor, have blocked your words. What else can I say?  Meng Ju was muttering in his stomach, but his face was very respectful: "Your Majesty's golden words are so right. The general is young and energetic, reckless and ignorant. He should not have offended the general manager. The general general has made mistakes, and he is willing to apologize to the general manager.  "

    Xuan Wenke quickly added: "What did Governor Meng say? At that time, it was only the minister's impulsiveness and excessive words that led to the quarrel - Your Majesty, what happened last time was the fault of the minister, and we cannot blame the governor."  Yes, I hope the governor will not care about it."

    "No, no, no, the general manager has said it. The general has offended the general manager regardless of his superiority and inferiority. This is a big mistake. I heard that the general manager was slightly ill because of it afterwards - oh, the general is so scared. It is really a serious sin.  !¡±

    Meng Ju and Xuan Wenke went back and forth performing "general harmony". The more they talked, the more polite they became, but each other's eyes were avoiding each other's gaze.

    Looking at this scene, Murong Po's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.  He nodded and said: "Very good, the generals are in harmony. This is the basis for victory. I am very pleased. The guards of the Northern Xinjiang Mausoleum are good at fighting bravely. With Meng Zhengdu leading his elite troops to join, our army's chances of victory will be greatly increased."  Governor, go down and prepare first, we will set off tonight."

    Back in the camp, the officers had already been ordered to gather in Meng Ju's room. Meng Ju announced the military order to them, and then said: "Let's cook in advance tonight and rest for two-quarters of an hour after dinner. We will set off overnight. Go and prepare!"  "

    When Meng Ju read out the order, Ma Gui, the young eunuch of the imperial horse supervisor, was also present. He was deeply impressed by the officers' obedience to Meng Ju.  You must know that the current army of the Wei Dynasty has long been ruthless. If the Jinwu Guards had to carry out such a dangerous task of traveling all night to fight, the generals would not be able to mobilize the army without a large amount of reward money.

    But here in Meng Ju, the officers present accepted the order naturally and went back to their respective units.  From beginning to end, no one raised any objections, and no one clamored for departure fees or rewards.

    Seeing this scene, Ma Gui was very emotional.  He said to Meng Ju: "The governor's orders came out like mountains, and all the troops dared not to obey. Today I saw the commander in person giving the battle order, and none of the generals dared to say anything. Only when he marched forward with swords and mountains of fire and seas of fire did he know the majesty of the governor."

    Although Meng Ju knew that the other party was flattering him, he still felt very comfortable.

    "My father-in-law, I'm sorry. It's our duty as warriors to kill the enemy as ordered, so we can tolerate their nagging."

    Eunuch Ma was shocked, but in Meng Ju's view, things were actually ordinary.  When he first rescued Akagi, he led his troops to march for four consecutive days and nights in the wind and snow. After arriving, he immediately entered the battle and still defeated the Northern Demon - after all, it was still Luo's fault.?Jin Wuwei was too delicate and could not withstand a hard fight. No wonder he was beaten to a pulp by Tuoba Xiong.

    Eunuch Ma nodded and said: "That's the case, thanks to the strict supervision of the town governor and the army. Another thing is that when our family came out, His Majesty specially allocated a sum of money to our family to appease the morale of the army. Now it seems that this is unnecessary  Okay. Well, our family will give this money to the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief will distribute it to reward those meritorious soldiers. This is a note signed by your majesty. Take it to the supply and demand officer, and you can withdraw one hundred thousand  Two pieces of silver."

    Meng Ju took the note and was slightly surprised.  Then, he smiled: "My father-in-law is so kind, so I feel ashamed."

    Ma Gui quickly declared: "Commander, this is your Majesty's wish. Our family is just a handler, so we should thank your Majesty."

    "I understand. In short, Meng understands what father-in-law wants."

    The two looked at each other, Meng Ju nodded slightly, and Eunuch Ma quickly lowered his head and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare." There was a hint of pride in his expression - although Meng Ju felt that it was really true that he had the same connection with a eunuch.  It is a very shameful thing, but this matter cannot but be attributed to Eunuch Ma.  When the generals gathered just now, Eunuch Ma did not take out the 100,000 taels of silver and distribute it on the spot, but handed it over to Meng Ju for disposal afterwards. This vaguely showed that he had no intention of winning the hearts of Meng Ju's army.

    Since the other party was informed and interested, Meng Ju didn't care too much for himself. He immediately became affectionate towards Eunuch Ma, and he also told Eunuch Ma in a friendly manner to bring more clothes to keep out the cold when setting off at night. Eunuch Ma was flattered, but he cursed in his heart: "Really?  Barbarians who are greedy for money, Qiu Ba in Northern Xinjiang, whether it is the mausoleum guards or the frontier troops, they are all the same!"

    ??????????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    After resting for half an hour after dinner, the Northern Xinjiang Dongling Guards began to leave the camp and embarked on the road north.

    Meng Ju and his gang had just arrived and knew nothing about the roads.  Fortunately, they don't need to know the way. They just need to follow the troops in front. Everyone is holding torches anyway, so they don't have to worry about getting lost in the dark.

    The night was deep, and the north wind blowing in our face was as biting as a knife.  The vast plains of the Central Plains are boundless in the deep night, and the outline of endless mountains faintly appears on the distant horizon.

    Meng Ju rode his horse, trudging one step at a time on the dark road, feeling like a donkey being led by the reins.

    He looked forward and saw a long dragon of torches with no end in sight; looking behind him, he also saw a long dragon of torches with no end or end in sight, winding on the dark road.  In the dark night, the breath from the mouths and noses of the men and horses condensed into a large white mist. Along with the crackling sound of torches, the sound of dense footsteps and horse hooves spread far away in the quiet night.

    Meng Ju was very unsure about the upcoming battle: he didn't know where he was going or what the enemy's situation was. He didn't even know who his front and rear armies were, and which generals were leading them.  Know.  He cursed in his heart: Xuan Wenke, this loser, rushes the army in such a hurry in the dark. Once he encounters the enemy, how will all the troops and horses cooperate in fighting? He didn't make any arrangements or plans in advance?  It would be unreasonable for such a hastily gathered mob to really win.

    The team kept moving forward. At the fourth watch, the team stopped and rested next to a deep forest.  Someone in front of me sent word that I needed to rest for a quarter of an hour before going on the road.  Taking advantage of this break, Meng Ju summoned Eunuch Ma: "Eunuch, where are we going?"

    Ma Gui was riding a horse, his body tightly wrapped in a sheepskin blanket, his face turned pale by the sharp cold wind.  His voice was trembling a little: "Governor, our family has heard that we are going straight to Jincheng."

    "Isn't Jincheng lost? There are already soldiers and horses from Northern Xinjiang stationed there, and we just go there like this?"

    Ma Gui explained to Meng Ju that although Jincheng was lost, the defenders of Jincheng were not completely wiped out.  After the fall of Jincheng, Governor Qiao, who was guarding Jincheng, led his troops to retreat to Kutang Town outside the city and continued to confront the Northern Xinjiang Army.  Now, the reinforcements are rushing to Kutang Town to meet with Governor Qiao before trying to recapture Jincheng.  According to the itinerary, the army should arrive at Kutang at dawn.

    Meng Ju smacked his lips. He felt it was inappropriate: "Isn't it too risky for us to march all night with torches and no defense? Can't we arrange a few soldiers and horses in armor to act as cover, or wait until daytime tomorrow before marching?"

    "General Manager Xuan said that this is for the sake of speed. If we have to arrange for the armor to cover in shifts, our speed will slow down. The rebels in Northern Xinjiang have just captured the city, and their soldiers and horses are also tired. We rush over quickly, otherwise we will wait for them  After the reinforcements come up, it will be difficult to retake the Golden City."

    Meng Ju sneered.  Manager Xuan was scolded by Murong Po. His mentality was like that of a gambler who loses money.Usually, they don¡¯t care about anything and just want to make a desperate investment to get their money back.  The lone army advanced rapidly, marching hundreds of miles to the general, marching with torches at night, and no covering troops were arranged - Xuan Wenke, this stupid scholar, almost violated all the taboos of military strategists!

    "Mr. Ma, we can't go through like this. As long as the Northern Xinjiang Army comes to ambush, our entire army will become a meal for adults! Go and tell General Manager Xuan that at least two brigades should be sent out to act as cover troops."

    Eunuch Ma looked troubled, but Meng Ju's attitude was resolute. He couldn't resist it, so he could only pass by in anger.  Meng Ju waited in the woods for about a quarter of an hour before Ma Gonggong bent over and trotted back.

    "Manager Xuan said that he has made complete arrangements. Please don't worry, Governor Meng."

    "I don't know whether it was because he was afraid of the cold or for some other reason, but Ma's father-in-law's face turned blue and white at turns, which made him very ugly. So Meng Ju guessed that Manager Xuan's original words must not have been so polite.

    "What arrangements does Mr. Xuan have?"

    "He didn't tell our family about this. But, Governor, he is the leader of this mission anyway, so we think you don't have to fight with him. If the mission goes awry, he will be the one your Majesty wants to deal with.  , it¡¯s none of our business, don¡¯t you think?¡±

    Meng Ju shook his head, Eunuch Ma didn't care about victory or defeat. Even if he lost his troops in this attack, the responsibility was not on him, but he couldn't.  The armored warriors who went out with him this time were all elites in his army, loyal and capable. He led them on a journey of thousands of miles, and their knowledge and courage were all gained through experience.  If these people can return to the Northern Xinjiang Army alive, they will all become officers.  If the damage to this batch of good seedlings is too heavy, even if Murong Po chops up Xuan Wenke and makes meat buns, Meng Ju's losses will not be restored.

    ¡°Father-in-law, go and ask Manager Xuan where his covering troops are? Why didn¡¯t I see them?¡±

    Eunuch Ma left as ordered, and then came back with a grimace to report: "Supervisor, General Manager Xuan said, it is the commander's decision as to which troops to arrange for cover. I don't need you to worry about it, Supervisor. Just go on your way without worry."

    "Father-in-law, please make another trip: we are only more than ten miles away from Jincheng, and we are already within the attack range of Beijiang Doukai. It will be very dangerous if the army does not have strong cover - this is the key, father-in-law, you must tell Mr. Xuan  Explain clearly!"

    "Governor, our family is back. We have brought you your words completely. Manager Xuan said that this road is safe. Governor Qiao has already checked it and there is no news about the rebels from Northern Xinjiang.  You can just go on your way without worrying about anything else - the Governor, General Manager Xuan has warned me that we are not allowed to go over and disturb him again, and he will be rude if we go again."

    Meng Ju took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Father-in-law, please make one more trip and tell the manager: Our unit volunteers to serve as flank cover for the army."

    "Do you still want to talk?" Eunuch Ma looked at Meng Ju sadly, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't know if they were blown by the wind.

    Meng Ju and Xuan Wenke, one is stubborn and arrogant, the other is unruly. It is really a chore to be caught between these two bad-tempered guys and send messages back and forth. Looking at the angry face of Manager Xuan, he almost cursed.

    ¡°Obviously, from Manager Xuan¡¯s point of view, Meng Ju¡¯s frequent interference in his command as the head coach was simply a blatant provocation, and he who helped pass the message back and forth was undoubtedly an accomplice of Meng Ju¡¯s provocative actions.

    But Eunuch Ma did not dare to refuse the message, because Emperor Murong Po sent him to Meng Ju's army in order to mediate the conflict between Meng Ju and Xuan Wenke.  He was passing the words back and forth in the middle, and there was still some room for buffering. Otherwise, if the two enemies came together and had a direct conversation, if the two sentences were wrong, there would be a possibility of a fight on the spot.

    "Okay, okay, Governor, we will listen to you. The worst we can do is get a spanking from Manager Xuan over there." Eunuch Ma muttered and staggered over. Meng Ju looked at the desolate figure in amusement.  .

    After a while, Eunuch Ma came back dejectedly. He looked at Meng Ju pitifully: "Governor, Mr. Xuan said, I really don't need to worry about you. Just restrain your troops and go on the road, don't fall behind and get lost.  ¡ª¡ªTown Governor, please do a good deed and take pity on our old bones. If we go over there, our family will really get beaten. Manager Xuan can do this kind of thing. He is really angry.  Our family can see that.¡±

    Meng Ju sighed. In the end, Xuan Wenke chose to be stubborn.  Murong Po had just mediated for him today. For the sake of his face, Meng Ju didn't want to use those violent methods to break up with Xuan Wenke, but now he really had no choice - no matter how much face Murong Po had, there was no way he would agree to accompany him.  Zhu Xuan Wenke died together.

    "Eunuch Ma, don't worry, you don't have to go there. After the general detects signs, the Northern Xinjiang Army will make a sneak attack in the middle. To ensure the safety of our army's flanks, I plan to lead my troops to patrol. Eunuch, you come with us.Let's go together.  "

    Eunuch Ma was stunned. It was not until the soldiers and horses of the Northern Border Guards left the resting place neatly that he woke up as if from a dream, hugged Meng Ju and cried: "Governor, Governor! Don't be confused! In wartime  Leaving the team without authorization is a capital offense!"

    Being held by an eunuch, this kind of physical contact really made Meng Ju's hair stand on end. He quickly pushed away: "Father-in-law, let go, let go - who said I am leaving the team? I found traces of the enemy, and now I am going to attack them to drive them away.  !¡±

    Eunuch Ma was confused for a moment, but he immediately came to his senses.  He howled like a pig, his voice shrill and shrill: "But the general has no order! If the general leaves the team without consent, that is defection, and he should be killed according to the law! Governor, if you do this, we will all die, die  of!"

    Meng Ju was very impatient: "Tsk tsk, didn't I send my father-in-law to ask for instructions? How can this be considered as not asking for instructions? Father-in-law, stop being so nagging, come with us. Be good, don't make any noise."

    Eunuch Ma really wanted to continue making noise, but two strong armored fighters pinched him from left to right and lifted him up like a little chicken.  Meng Ju waved his hand: "Let's go!"

    There were more than 32,000 troops to reinforce Jincheng. Even if Meng Ju's men included auxiliary troops and baggage, they were only about 2,000 men. They were just a short section of this long dragon. Therefore, Meng Ju's troops  The horses were fully armed and left the resting place without causing much commotion. However, the patrol officer led people to chase after him and asked. Meng Ju replied: "My department was ordered to perform a mission."

    Meng Ju had a reputation for being evil. When he saw him, the patrol officer became timid at first, and because he was confused, he did not dare to stop him. He just watched Meng Ju's team walk away.

    After leaving the team, Meng Ju did not stop and led the team five miles away in one breath. He stopped in front of a small hill and arranged for the men and horses to rest.

    Eunuch Ma came over again. His eyes were red, he was panting, and he looked like he was about to cry: "Governor, are you really sure that the enemy will attack you? The rebels have just captured Jincheng, and their foothold is not yet stable.  , how can you have the spare energy to do this?¡±

    "It is precisely because they have not established a firm foothold that they will definitely be doubly wary of our sneak attacks. For this reason, they will definitely send hundreds of scouts to the south to serve as early warning. When those scouts found that there were tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, they would not fight  There is no flank cover for the outpost, and we are walking defenselessly in the dark with a torch - father-in-law, if you were the commander of the Northern Xinjiang Army in Jincheng, what would you do?"

    "Manager Xuan said he is ready"

    Meng Ju snorted disdainfully: "I didn't see his preparation."

    After saying that, Meng Ju turned around and looked around. Even a few miles away, he could still see the army that had just left. The long dragon of torches was winding across the Central Plains, making the stars in the sky eclipse.

    Following Meng Ju¡¯s gaze, Eunuch Ma also looked at the army in the distance, feeling extremely bitter in his mouth.  Governor Meng had caused a big disaster this time, and he himself, the supervisor, could not escape the blame.  Meng Ju and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince helped to intercede. His Majesty may not know how to deal with him, but he, a eunuch without a backing, would be in dire straits, and he might even lose his head.

    He stared at Meng Ju hatefully, feeling angry in his heart: This time he was badly hurt by this barbarian from Northern Xinjiang!

    As if aware of Ma Gui's thoughts, Meng Ju turned to look at Ma Gui. His face was blurred in the dark night, with only a pair of sharp eyes shining with a compelling light.

    "Mr. Ma, Meng also knows that doing this is indeed against the rules. I just offended someone, so Meng needs to apologize first. If Meng makes a mistake in judgment, after returning home, Meng will plead guilty and receive punishment from His Majesty, and His Majesty will fight  You can be punished no matter what."

    He exhaled and his voice became colder: "But there is no luck in fighting. Meng has gone through hundreds of battles since his debut, and luckily he has never been defeated. If there is any experience, it is that he never leaves his life or death in the hands of others.  Go up - give the order: put out the torches, and the men and horses will carry their heads. When the brigade advances, we will follow them on the flanks!"

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