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Volume 1 Chapter 204 Begging for mercy

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    Two hundred and four, plead for mercy

    Meng Ju's expression changed drastically. He stood up and shouted in a low voice: "Inspector Ouyang, have you drunk too much! You will lose your head if you say such arrogant nonsense!"

    Ouyang Hui was sweating profusely, but he still insisted: "Sir, this is not what I said! This is what the people from Luojing Dongling Guard said, and their people are still outside!"

    "Let's go, take me to have a look." Meng Ju was eager to follow Ouyang Hui out. Wang Jiu said cautiously behind him: "Superintendent, Miss Ouyang's matter"

    But at this time, Meng Ju didn't care about Ouyang Qingqing's affairs. As he walked out, he said quickly: "Xiaojiu, please see Miss Ouyang off and take her to a safe place. Be polite" As he spoke,  , he was out the door quickly.

    Ouyang Hui led the way, leading Meng Ju in a hurry. They passed through the courtyard and came to the office of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.  Meng Ju noticed that two horses were tied at the door of the government office. The horses were covered with dust and looked very tired.

    "My lord, it's over here." Ouyang Hui led Meng Ju in, passed through a dark corridor, and arrived in front of Ouyang Hui's government office.

    The lights in the official office were brightly lit. When they heard the sound of Meng Ju coming in, the two unfamiliar-faced Lingwei officers who were dozing on the chairs were awakened. They stood up in a hurry and saluted: "Sir!"

    Meng Ju looked them over. The two officers were very young. Judging from their attire, they were just commanders.  Their clothes were disheveled, covered with dust and dirt, and looked filthy.  Their faces were haggard, their eyes were bloodshot, and both the people and their clothes looked sloppy.

    Meng Ju looked them over and asked directly: "Are you coming from Luojing?"

    "Yes!" The two officers were not sure of Meng Ju's identity, but seeing Ouyang Hui following Meng Ju respectfully, they also guessed that this was an important figure in the Dongling Guards of Dongping. The officers replied in a low voice: "Insignificant position"  It¡¯s Luo Dafang, the commander of the Dongling Guard Criminal Case Division in Luojing, sir!¡±

    "My humble position is Cao Yuanlun, the commander of the Luojing Dongling Guard Search Division. See you, sir!"

    Meng Ju asked: "Where are your identity cards and waist badges? Can you take them with you?"

    The two captains were obviously well prepared. They both took out their waist tags and identity papers from their waists, but they held them in their hands without handing them over. They said, "Sir, you want to check our waist tags. Do we have any?"  I am honored to know your identity?"

    Ouyang Hui shouted: "This sir is Governor Meng of the Dongling Guards in Dongping. You must not be rude!"

    Meng Ju waved his hand and called out to Ouyang Hui: "It's okay, we don't know each other. It's really me who should show my badge first - well, did you see it?"

    "It's disrespectful to be humble!"

    Seeing the silver belt in Meng Ju¡¯s hand representing a senior officer, the two captains¡¯ attitudes became even more respectful.  They bent over and handed over their waist badges and confessions, and Meng Ju handed them to Ouyang Hui.  The latter leaned in front of the lantern and looked at it carefully, then turned around and said, "Governor, both the badge and the identity card are true."

    Meng Ju also knew that this was probably not fake, and he just checked it first just to be safe.

    "Take a seat. Commander Luo and Commander Cao, what news did you bring from Luojing in such a hurry? I heard Inspector Ouyang say that you said that the Murong family and His Majestyis this true?"

    Luo Dafang Su Rong cupped his hands and said: "Master Governor, I don't dare to lie because of my humble position. Here is a letter written by Mr. Bai. The Governor will know it as soon as he sees it."

    He took out a letter from his belt, and as soon as Meng Ju took it and opened it, his expression suddenly changed: the handwriting was stained with dark red, and it was clear that it was written with blood.

    "Meng Ju, governor of Dongping Town:

    There was a big change a few days ago, the Murong clan rebelled, His Majesty passed away, and the Prince was also killed.  We intend to elect King Qi to the throne and vow to fight the rebels to the end.  The General Administration is under siege, and the rebels are besieging it day and night. You quickly send King Qin's troops to come to the rescue and protect the new king. King Qin will fight against the rebellion and restore the country!

    "White without sand"

    The few lines written in blood already gave off a sense of danger and danger.  Meng Ju raised his head and asked, "Is Mr. Bai Town still well? Please tell me in detail!"

    The two captains looked at each other, and Captain Luo said: "Governor, when we set out, Commander Bai was still in good condition. He personally handed the letter to us."

    "Yeah. But you are people from Luojing Dongling Guards. Why did President Bai ask you to deliver the letter instead of people from the General Administration?"

    "Township Governor, Luojing Dongling Guards were attacked by rebels. Town Governor Yuwen died in the battle. Town Governor Su led us to protect King Qi and his family as they retreated. We retreated outside the city to meet up with the General Administration, but then the General Administration was also rebelled.  The army was besieged. Fortunately, the remnants of the Luojing Department joined forces with the black room troops of the General Administration, and we repelled a wave of enemy attacks. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the enemy's encirclement was opened, Bai BaiThe headquarter wrote a letter asking us to take them out to break out and ask for help. At that time, people on both sides were mixed together, and there was no distinction between the general office and the Luojing office.  "

    "Besides Dongping, where else did the General Administration turn to for help?"

    Captain Luo said: "Governor, we are just small soldiers, and we don't understand complex matters. But when we prepared our horses and set off, we heard that there were other brothers who were going to Xuzhou, southern Henan and Hanzhong for help.  I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s true.¡±

    Xuzhou and southern Henan were the heavily-armed front lines for the confrontation between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the Hanzhong area was the front line for the confrontation between the Western Expeditionary Army and Western Shu. Dongling Guards had heavy troops in these places, and Bai Wusha sent people there to ask for help.  Something to be expected.

    "You two, how did it happen? Please tell me in detail."

    Regarding the events of the Luo Jing Incident, the two commanders could not tell much.  All they knew was that late at night on August 14, they were on duty at the Luojing Department.  Late at night, the gong for emergency assembly suddenly sounded in the courtyard, and they hurried to the school grounds to assemble.

    The person who called the gathering was Yu Wenzhou, the governor of the Luojing Department. He seemed very impatient. Before the soldiers and horses were assembled, he asked everyone to bring weapons and follow him.  The two of them didn't know why, so they took their weapons and set off with the large group of people. Halfway through, they realized that they were heading straight to the south of the city in the direction of the imperial city.  Everyone was panicked. Only then did Yu Wenzhou tell everyone that the Murong family had rebelled and the rebels were besieging the imperial city. Now everyone was going to relieve the siege of the imperial city, so the people in the team calmed down a little.

    But unexpectedly, when the team was passing through Gangtuo Street, they were suddenly intercepted by a group of soldiers wearing Jinwu Guard uniforms.  Yu Wenzhou shouted: "These are rebels, defeat them and rush over!" Then a fierce street battle broke out. Dongling Guard officers and soldiers and Jinwu Guards started a fierce battle on Gangji Street. At first, Dongling Guard still had the upper hand.  , but then the reinforcements of the rebels came in like a tide, and even the Doukai troops came over. The Dongling Guards were beaten and retreated steadily. Governor Yuwen was sniped by the rebels' cold arrows while supervising the battle, so the army was even more  There is no fighting spirit and they fall into chaos.

    Fortunately, at this time, Su Rui, the governor of Tongzhi, led the black-room troops of the Luojing Department to attack, and the position was barely stabilized.  Su Rui commanded the team to withdraw from Luojing Department, but the rebels followed. After the two armies fought, the Dongling Guards were defeated again and had to withdraw from Luojing Department and fled out of the city.  Supervisor Su Rui led everyone to retreat to the General Administration and met with the soldiers and horses of the General Administration.  Not long after everyone settled down, the rebels came over again and the two armies fought again in the wilderness on the outskirts of Tangling. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and the rebels retreated again.  Taking advantage of the opportunity for the rebels to retreat, the officers shouted loudly, saying that they would recruit death squads to rush out for help. They both signed up and were brought to the front of Mr. Bai. Bai Wusha handed the blood letter to them.

    After Meng Ju listened, he asked: "Is your Deputy Inspector Jin Dafu of the Criminal Case Division of Luojing Department okay? Is he still okay?"

    The two captains looked very surprised. They said, "Chief Jin Dafu is fine, but Superintendent, did you remember correctly? The deputy chief of our criminal case department is Inspector Bai Nan, and the Jin Dafu you mentioned is the internal security guard."  The deputy commander of the Corps, but he doesn¡¯t work in the Crime Branch.¡±

    Meng Ju nodded lightly: "Oh, in that case, I may have remembered it wrong."

    This time, he was even more sure that these two people were indeed officers from the Luojing Department.  It is impossible for the spy sent to pretend to remember a little-known deputy inspector in the Luojing Department. Only insiders would know this kind of thing.

    At this time, Ouyang Hui also asked: "Commander Luo, Commander Cao, where did you know the news about your majesty and the prince's death? But did you see it with your own eyes?"

    "My Lord Inspector, we didn't see this with our own eyes, but everyone said so, even our superiors said so, so it shouldn't be wrong!"

    "Is King Qi here at the Dongling General Health Administration?"

    "Yes, Mr. Bai will personally protect King Qi. Some people say that both His Majesty and the Crown Prince have passed away, and King Qi may be the new Majesty in the future."

    "The Imperial City is impregnably guarded, and is also protected by the most elite Yulin Army in the Wei Dynasty. How did the rebels break in? Couldn't the Yulin Army even protect His Majesty and escape?"

    "I don't know about this, even I. But everyone said that a general in the Yulin Army became a traitor. They opened the city gate and let the rebels in, but I don't know who the traitor is."

    "How many rebels are there? Who is the leader? How many ministers and nobles in the court are rebelling, and how many are trying to serve the king?"

    Neither the two commanders could answer this question.  They only knew that the rebels were members of the Jinwu Guards. During the battle, the opponent's army surged over like a tidal wave. Who knew how many they had.  As for the plans of the ministers in the DPRK, and who is loyal and who is rebellious, they have no idea.

    Meng Ju and Ouyang Hui asked them repeatedly:People kept asking until everyone was exhausted, and then the questioning stopped.

    "Okay, Captain Luo and Captain Cao, you have worked hard all the way, so go and rest first. We will pick you up after you have rested. Inspector Ouyang, you are responsible for arranging the reception. You two brothers have had a hard journey all the way.  .¡±

    "Okay, brothers, come with me!"

    Hearing these words, the two Luojing commanders felt as if they were on the verge of amnesty. They had traveled for three days and nights, sleeping in the open air. They were so sleepy that they could not even open their eyes. They had to be interrogated endlessly. They had already  Exhausted.

    Ouyang Hui led the two captains out, and Meng Ju called behind him: "Invite General Xiao and Brigade Commander Yi to the teahouse. I'll wait for them there."

    When Xiao Heng and Yi Xiaodao came in, they were both drunk and smelling of alcohol.  Seeing Meng Ju sitting alone in the corner of the tea room with his brows furrowed and deep in thought, the two laughed.

    "I just told you, Brother Meng, how could he be knocked down so easily? It turns out he was hiding here to take some time off! No, no, no, Brother Meng, you have to go back and fight with us for another 300 rounds!"

    Meng Ju raised his head and smiled, but his eyes were very serious: "Old Xiao, Lao Yi, please sit down and drink a cup of tea to wake up. Something big has happened, and we have to discuss it together."

    The two side generals were very disapproving: "Haha, what big thing can it be! Brother Meng, you can kill Changsun Shou and it's okay, who else dares to mess with you! Come on, let's have a drink!"

    "The Murong family rebelled, and His Majesty passed away."

    For five full seconds, Xiao Heng and Yi Xiaodao stared directly at Meng Ju, their bodies as motionless as clay sculptures.

    "Brother Xiao? Brother Yi?"

    Yi Xiaodao came to his senses first, and he blurted out: "It's not true, is it?" Then he smiled to himself: "I'm stupid, who dares to spread rumors about this kind of thing! Brother Xiao, sit down and have a cup of tea  Wake up first, this is indeed a big deal."

    He pulled Xiao Heng to sit down together, and the latter came back to his senses and asked repeatedly: "Isn't it true? Isn't it true? How could your Majesty just go like that?"

    "I don't know the specific details, but the Murong family rebelled and His Majesty and the Crown Prince were killed. There should be nothing wrong with this. I received an urgent report from the General Administration and found out first. I estimate that in two days, you guys will  The border army will also be notified."

    Having been frightened from drinking just now, the two generals looked stern and uneasy.  Xiao Heng sighed: "Your Majesty and the Crown Prince have both been killed, and there is no owner of the throne. The world of the Wei Dynasty looks like it will be turned upside down! Alas, the world is about to be in chaos!"

    The corner of Yi Xiaodao's mouth twitched, but he didn't answer.  Meng Ju looked at him, their eyes met, and they both saw the secret joy in the other's eyes - for the two Southern Tang spies, what better news could there be than hearing about the civil strife in the Northern Wei Dynasty?

    Meng Ju coughed dryly and said: "Brother Xiao, I heard that Murong Po, who rebelled and rebelled, was also an orthodox member of the royal family of the Wei Dynasty. We are the only brothers here. To put it bluntly, if the Murong family really sits  Now that you have stabilized the throne, what are you going to do?"

    "The Murong family is the emperor?" Xiao Heng was stunned. He looked confused and didn't speak for a long time. He just kept shaking his head and sighing.

    Yi Xiaodao followed up with a tacit understanding and said: "Or, Brother Xiao, is planning to raise an army to serve the king and fight against the rebellion? That's fine, let's raise an army together and raise the banner to Luojing to help the orthodox royal family!"

    "This uh" Xiao Heng was a little embarrassed: "For such a big matter, let's take a long-term view first Besides, we haven't received the exact information yet, and we have no intention to go to Beijing"

    Meng Ju and Yi Xiaodao looked at each other again. In those two sentences, they had figured out Xiao Heng's thoughts.  Xiao Heng was indeed a little dissatisfied with the Murong family's sudden revolt and the seizure of the Tuoba family's throne.  He didn't care whether the emperor's surname was Murong or Tuoba, but he was disgusted that Tuoba's family had caused turmoil.  But if Xiao Heng really raises an army to fight the rebels to the death, he is not that stupid and loyal. This is probably the common mentality of frontier generals. Whoever becomes the emperor, as long as the salary can be paid, then just work for him.  .

    None of the three people spoke, they were all thinking in silence.  After a while, Xiao Heng sighed: "Luo Jing's matter is very important, but it is too far away from us. Brother Meng, instead of worrying about that, you should worry about Marshal Tuoba, he is the real threat."

    Of course Meng Ju understood this - in fact, he thought of this the first moment he received the news.  Meng Ju killed Changsun Shou and caused great losses to the border troops in Wuchuan. Tuoba Xiong had long wanted to tear him into pieces, but last time Wei Ping came in person, Tuoba Xiong had to give face to the court.  He suppressed his anger.  Now that the Murong family has done this, the imperial court's vitality has been severely damaged, and whether it can survive is unknown. Tuoba Xiong naturally has no scruples anymore.?With Marshal Tuoba's vengeful character, revenge against Meng Ju will come very quickly.

    Yi Xiaodao shook his head: "Brother Meng, based on my understanding of the marshal, he is good at holding grudges, but his ambitions are even more lofty. I think he will not care about Brother Meng for a while. On the contrary, he is likely to still  I have to come here to make peace with Brother Meng!"

    "Brother Yi, why do you say that?"

    "Both your Majesty and the Crown Prince died in the rebellion. As the emperor's uncle, Marshal Tuoba wants to raise rebel troops in Northern Xinjiang to attack the rebellious Murong family. Is this justified? Then the Marshal will lead three thousand Northern Xinjiang Doukai  With one hundred thousand elite border troops, they marched south to Luojing in the name of supporting the royal family and avenging rebellion. Will the provinces and counties along the way surrender? His Majesty and the Crown Prince are both gone. As the marshal's legitimate uncle, as long as he can  Luo Jing defeated the rebels of the Murong family, and to pacify the world, just a piece of paper is enough."

    Meng Ju was horrified to hear this.  He shuddered at the thought that his mortal enemy Tuoba Xiong might ascend the throne of Northern Wei Emperor.

    "Although His Majesty and the Crown Prince are deceased, there are still other clans here, so it may not be Marshal Tuoba's turn, right? For example, His Majesty's younger brother King Qi, I heard that many ministers plan to support him to succeed to the throne. Besides, since  In terms of blood and orthodoxy, it is more reasonable for a brother to succeed after the death of a brother than to succeed an uncle after the death of a nephew, right?"

    Yi Xiaodao sneered: "Bullshit legitimacy! The habit of Xianbei barbarians is that big fists are justified. The marshal has three thousand battle armors and one hundred thousand elite frontier troops. This is the legitimacy of the marshal! Compared with the marshal, King Qi has  What? There are only a few hundred generals of the Ding family who can stand up to the sky! Besides, don¡¯t we still know what kind of ministers in the court are? They are all people who adapt to the wind. As long as the marshal¡¯s army arrives in Luojing, I guarantee that they will  Come over and shout long live!

    Brother Meng, what the marshal wants now is the world.  I think he can't care about you now.  If we want to deal with you, that will have to wait until the marshal calms down after pacifying the Central Plains.  "

    "Yi Xiaodao's words are conclusive, but Meng Ju is half convinced."

    Thinking that earth-shaking changes are coming and that they will face a completely different world, all three of them feel uneasy.

    Xiao Heng murmured: "With the imperial court gone, who will we turn to for our salary and money next month? Who will we turn to for our grain and grass supplies?"

    He looked at Meng Ju inquiringly, and the latter nodded: "Brother Xiao, our Dongling Guards have some financial resources, so it is okay to support you with military salary and food for one or two months. As for the future, let's wait and see. Mr. Xiao  Brother, maintain your troops well. After these two months, things at the imperial court should be clear. Let¡¯s wait and see which side we should lean on!"

    Hearing that Meng Ju was willing to help, Xiao Henggru thanked him profusely for his amnesty.

    As the governor of a province, Meng Ju can still control his own independent vassal and arsenal, but the military material reserves at the border brigade level are very weak. If the supplies of grain, grass and silver are cut off, they will not be able to survive for a month.

    Seeing that Xiao Heng was reaping the benefits from Meng Ju's side, Yi Xiaodao also joined in and said, "Brother Meng, our Hengdao Brigade is also in a very difficult situation!"

    Meng Ju curled his lips and said, "Okay! I'll exchange it for a battle armor. A pair of battle armors costs two thousand taels of silver. I'll buy as much as you have!"

    Yi Xiaodao dismissed it: "Tch! At this price, I might as well sell it to the Montenegrin Army!"

    Meng Ju glared at him, and the latter realized that he had spilled the beans, but now that the court was gone anyway, everyone didn't worry about these things so much, so he just laughed and got over it.

    Everyone knows that without the suppression of the imperial court, the world will be in chaos. The Central Plains and northern Xinjiang will soon usher in a drastic change. The era of warlord warfare between the weak and the strong is coming.  Thinking of the brutal battle thousands of miles away, all three of them felt heavy.

    Xiao Heng first made it clear: "Brother Meng, Brother Yi, times have changed. There is no king's law and no laws. If you want to survive, brothers must stick together as a team. Brother Meng, from now on I plan to  You don¡¯t mind me being old for messing around with you, do you?¡±

    "Haha, Brother Xiao is willing to come over, I really hope for it! You are welcome to join our Dongling Guard!"

    Yi Xiaodao lowered his eyelids and said slowly: "Count me in. However, you also know that I am the adopted son of the marshal, so I can't get too close to you on the surface."

    Xiao Heng's eyebrows furrowed. At this time, Yi Xiaodao still wanted to step on two boats, which made him very unhappy. He was about to have a fit, but Meng Ju had already spoken first: "Okay.  .Brother Yi, from now on we are all our own people. We will share the hardships and the blessings!"

    That night, under the dim light, the three of them discussed until late at night.

    At the third watch, Yi Xiaodao left first. Xiao Heng asked Meng Ju seriously: "Brother, why do you believe him so much? HeHe is Tuoba Xiong¡¯s adopted son!  If you believe him, if he turns to you at the critical moment, we will all be doomed!  "

    Meng Ju smiled, thinking that Yi Xiaodao was still the leader of the Yinghou of the Southern Tang Dynasty. It was really hard to say which side this guy would turn to at the critical moment.

    Early the next morning, when Meng Ju was still sleeping, Wang Jiu woke him up again: "Governor, it's not good! Luo Jing, someone is here again, and he wants to see you, the governor!"

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of discussion with Xiao Heng and the others until late at night, Meng Ju fell asleep just when it was getting dark.  He was suddenly woken up in the morning, and he was really furious. But when he heard that someone from Luo Jing was here, Meng Ju's anger suddenly disappeared without a trace: "The General Administration sent a messenger again? Take me to see him quickly.  .¡±

    In the meeting room of the government office, Meng Ju met Luo Jing's envoy.  When he saw the person coming, he was immediately stunned: "Are youare you the guard leader from last time?"

    The person who came was actually an acquaintance, the guard leader of Jinwu Guard who came with the imperial envoy last time.  He stood tall and straight, standing tall and saluting Meng Ju: "The last general is the guard Tiexin of the Jinwu Guard. It's hard for the governor to remember the last name of the last general."

    "Oh, hello, Guardsman! Didn't you go back with the imperial envoy last time? Why suddenly" Meng Ju said, and suddenly remembered one thing: Didn't the Jinwu Guards rebel with the Murong family?  Yet?

    Is the guard leader in front of me also a member of the rebels?

    Seeing Meng Ju¡¯s sudden change of expression, the guard smiled politely.  He said very kindly: "Don't worry, Governor Meng. I have no ill intentions at all, and I don't have any weapons. What's more, I don't dare to do anything for my job, and act recklessly in front of you, General Meng, who is an enemy of ten thousand people!"

    "Chief Guardsman, whose order did you come to us under?"

    "Governor Meng, an old friend of yours asked me to bring you a letter. Here is the letter. Please read it."

    Meng Ju hesitated for a moment, then accepted the letter.  As expected, it was indeed a letter from Murong Yi, but it was ghostwritten by the master.  There was nothing new in the letter. It said that the Tuoba clan had gone against the grain and had lost the support of the people.  The Murong family was determined to use force to restore the royal family and restore the right path of the Wei Dynasty.  A few days ago, the operation has been successful, and the puppet emperor Jingmu and his prince have been beheaded.

    "The enemy captives are leaderless and at the end of the road. The imperial flag of the Murong family is fluttering, and the response is like a cloud. All wise and upright people in the world are happy and encouraged. If there are ambitious people in the country, please come and join us in this righteous deed. We will be the first to honor the founding of the country and have a glorious future. Don't miss the opportunity!"

    This letter was probably written by Murong Yi's master. It was written in a formal style, like a second-rate recruitment announcement.  But at the end of the letter, Meng Ju saw Murong Yi's handwriting again. He wrote very simply, with only one sentence:

    ¡°Brother Meng, if great things come true, we will share the wealth and honor!

    "Murong Yi"

    After reading the letter, Meng Ju sighed and thought for a long time.  Then, he said: "It turns out that you, the guard leader, are Young Master Murong's subordinates! How is Young Master Murong doing now? Is he in good health?"

    "Young Master is in good health. Before departure, he asked me to say hello to you, Governor Meng."

    "How is Luo Jing doing now?"

    "Reporting to the Governor, Wang Shi held high the Zhengyi flag and marched with great momentum. On the evening of the 15th, Wang Shi captured the imperial city and killed the puppet emperor and his prince. Most of the puppet officials were captured, including Taishi Duanmu Liang and Yu Shi Zhongcheng.  Hundreds of senior officials of the puppet dynasty, including Wei Ping, He Tiancai, the Minister of Hubu, and Zhang Bing, the Minister of Libu, have all been captured, and many of them have followed the general trend and defected to the king's army. Zhengzhou, Sizhou, Hanoi and other counties around Luojing,  It has already surrendered to the wind and fallen into the control of our army."

    "Where is Murong Huai, Minister of the Ministry of War? He is in charge of the country's military, have you also arrested him?"

    The guard leader smiled: "Murong Huai Shangshu, haha, he is one of ours."

    "Oh, what about Prime Minister Gao and Chief Bai of Dongling Guard?"

    "Prime Minister Gao has not been caught yet, and we are stepping up the search now; as for the Dongling Guards in Baizong Town, they are heavily besieged by our army in the Dongling area in the suburbs. They are at the end of their rope and they can't escape."

    Meng Ju couldn¡¯t help but feel sad when he thought of Bai Wusha¡¯s care for him in the past.  He asked: "So, what does Mr. Murong want me to do?"

    "Although Master Wang has occupied the capital, we still have less response in northern Xinjiang. Mr. Murong hopes that it would be best if Governor Meng, Governor Meng, could respond to Master Wang and publicly support us by changing flags and creating momentum.  !¡±

    Meng Ju sighed and said, "I'm afraid we can't do this. The guard will show you. Our Dongping Town is bordered by Chicheng on the left and Wuchuan on the right. In front is the grassland of the demons, and behind is Shuozhou - these places, currently  Everything is still in the hands of the imperial court. If I change my banner, not only will the morale of my troops be in chaos, but also the conflict withTuoba Xiong, the vengeful governor of the six towns, could justifiably call on all the border troops to come and besiege Dongping. When the time comes, I am afraid that I will be weak and defeated.  "

    For Meng Ju¡¯s answer, the guard leader was obviously well prepared.  He said: "Mr. Murong also knows that Governor Meng is in a very difficult situation as he is confronting Tuoba Xiong in northern Xinjiang. If Governor Meng is in trouble, Master Murong will not force you to openly change your banner. But one day, if Tuoba Xiong  Tuoba Xiong led the northern frontier troops to move south in a large scale, and Mr. Murong hopes that you, Governor Meng, can cooperate with the king's army to attack Tuoba Xiong and threaten Tuoba Xiong's retreat, cutting off his supplies and backup."

    Meng Ju immediately agreed, and he said categorically: "Please report back to Master Murong and ask him to just rest assured. I will definitely be able to do this! As long as it is a matter of dealing with Tuoba Xiong, as long as Master Murong sends a message, I will  Absolutely nothing!"

    Hearing Meng Ju¡¯s affirmative reply, the guard leader breathed a sigh of relief.  He bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, the Governor is of high righteousness. I would like to thank you for your humble position."

    "It's just that I also have something to ask Mr. Murong for help. I would like to ask the head of the health department to convey it to me. Is it convenient?"

    "Governor, please tell me. I heard from my humble position that you and my young master have a life-saving grace. As long as the young master can do it, there will be no problem."

    Meng Ju said sincerely: "In this case, I take the liberty to speak: Bai Wusha, the general governor of Dongling Guard, is my old boss, and he has cultivated and supported me. Without him, I would never have achieved what I have today."  Although he does not understand the general trend of the world and resists Master Wang, he still has a foolish and loyal heart - if Bai Wusha dies in the battle, then of course nothing will matter; but if he is captured alive by Master Wang, will he be able to see the consequences?  For my sake, let him live?"

    "Let Bai Wusha have a way out?" The guard leader was stunned and looked a little embarrassed: "This person is the most stubborn and stubborn minion of the Tuoba clan. If we let him go, we will only be raising tigers, right?"

    "There is no need to worry, Chief of Guards. You must also know that the reason why Bai Wusha started his career was entirely dependent on the trust of Emperor Jingmu. Now that the puppet emperor Jingmu is dead, even if Bai Wusha is released, without his reliance, there will be no  What can he do if he joins the army? He is nothing more than a dead dog with its claws removed!"

    Wei Tie thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Mr. Meng, what you said is right. I will help you explain it to the young master when I get back. Meng Ming, it's now, and you still want to plead for Bai Wusha.  No wonder everyone says that Governor Meng is the one who values ??friendship and loyalty the most. Bai Wusha is really lucky to have a subordinate like you, Governor!"
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