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Volume One One Hundred and Ninety-Three Decision

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    One hundred and ninety-three decisions

    At four o'clock in the morning on June 19, the ninth year of Taichang, the Dongling Guards' attacking troops completely captured the Dongping Governor's Mansion.

    The last group of guards and officials of the Dudu Mansion who resisted hid in the strong fortress of the Dudu Mansion. Wang Beixing was furious and wanted to organize a death squad, but Meng Ju reminded him: "What's the rush? Attack with fire and burn these bastards to death!  "

    Wang Beixing then ordered his subordinates to prepare to set fire.  A funny scene occurred. When they saw Dongling Guards piling firewood high and pouring oil on the firewood, there was a commotion in the fortress, and the officials shouted: "Don't set fire, we surrender!"

    "Those who want to live, get out!"

    After a while, the door of the fortress opened.  The latest to surrender were the soldiers. They came out empty-handed without weapons.  The veterans looked carefully at the murderous Dongling Guard soldiers around them. They were afraid in their hearts but pretended to be nonchalant in face. They also said with airs: "Masters of the Dongling Guards, don't do anything! We are coming out."  , let¡¯s admit defeat! We all eat the food of the imperial court, what¡¯s not to say? Shangguan and gods are fighting, we Qiu Ba are not obliged to sacrifice our lives for them, right? Hehe, let¡¯s say - Oh, brother, there is no need to search, we really  No weapons! I said, brother, don¡¯t you need to tie the rope? It¡¯s so embarrassing, so embarrassing! Gentlemen, please don¡¯t be violent, why don¡¯t I let you tie it?¡±

    Seeing the sharp words of these soldiers, even Meng Ju, who was full of grief and indignation, couldn't help but smile, but immediately his face turned serious: following the soldiers, the officials trapped in the fortress also came out.  .

    Contrary to the soldiers who abandoned their weapons, the civil servants all came out carrying weapons. They held their ancestral swords incongruously, with unyielding eyes showing in their eyes, as if they were all mighty and unyielding imperial sons.  .

    Looking at the civil servants, the officers of the Dongling Guard showed contempt - looking at the posture of the civil servants holding their swords, they couldn't even kill a chicken.

    The officers do not despise the other side for surrendering. There is nothing shameful in admitting defeat if they cannot defeat them.  We are all in the officialdom. We meet each other in the same city without looking up or down. Even if we have no friendship, we all look familiar. This is Wu Changshi who gambles excessively, and that is Cao Canjun who likes visiting brothels. There is also a defaulter on debts.  Hu Sima, Liu Sima who embezzled public funds, Xu Dianshi, who extorted and accepted bribes, Zhang Tongzhi, who was as timid as a mouse, who among you still doesn¡¯t know who?

    It¡¯s not like the demons are calling. Who are you guys trying to coax by pretending like this? But then again, if the demons were really calling, these guys would probably just kneel down, so there¡¯s no need to dress up.  .

    Meng Ju glanced at them, but he could not find Changsun Shou among the officials.

    "Is there anyone else inside the fortress?"

    "For your information, Lord Governor, I have checked and found that there is no one inside."

    Meng Ju was shocked. This attack on the Governor's Mansion had caused such a big fuss. If Changsun Shou still couldn't be captured, how could he get off the stage?  He asked his subordinates to call over several captured officials of the governor's office and ask them where their eldest grandson, the governor, had gone.

    When the officials were arrested, they were very angry - or they tried their best to look angry.

    As the highest-ranking official of the Dudu Mansion present, Wu Changshi angrily shouted at Meng Ju: "Governor Meng, what do you mean? You led troops to attack the Dudu Mansion without permission in the middle of the night. Has the Wei Dynasty lost its royal power?  Are you planning to rebel?"

    Meng Ju said: "Yes, I am rebelling against you. Wu Changshi, what do you want?"

    "You, you, you, you are really treasonous!"

    In fact, Wu Changshi didn't really think that Meng Ju was rebelling. He was just using a big hat to suppress Meng Ju and show his loyalty in front of his colleagues. But when Meng Ju said this, he stopped him.  Meng Ju said "you, you, you" for a long time but did not dare to say anything, with a faint look of fear on his face.

    The officials looked at each other in confusion. Some people originally wanted to follow suit and perform a show of loyalty, but seeing Meng Ju's face as cold as water and filled with murderous intent, everyone trembled in their hearts and did not dare to say anything.

    The conflict between the Lingwei and the border troops has been going on for a long time, and conflicts have always existed.  The Dongling Guards' attack on the Governor's Mansion was considered treason at the most serious level, but it was just a large-scale gang fight at the most minor level. It's not like there is no precedent for this kind of thing. Shen Tu Jue's subordinates also attacked the Jing'an Mausoleum Office back then.  of.  How this kind of thing ends, whether Meng Ju, the leader, lives or dies, is decided by the big bosses of the Border Army and Dongling Guard, and has nothing to do with little shrimps like himself.  But now if you make Governor Meng angry and really force him to rebel, then you are the best candidates to sacrifice the flag. Wouldn't that be an injustice?

    Someone said timidly: "Mr. Meng, every wrong has its own owner, and every debt has its own owner. You have a problem with the eldest grandson, the governor, and this is none of our business."

    ??????????????????????????????????Hehe: "Yes, Governor Meng, please don't make a mistake with your enemy. We have never offended you!"

    Meng Ju said coldly: "My search for Changsun Shou really has nothing to do with you. But if anyone conceals and protects him, then I don't care how many more people are killed - tell me, where has Changsun Shou gone? Those who tell the truth can live.  "

    Meng Ju was full of murderous intent, and the scene was as quiet as a tomb. Only the crackling sound of burning torches was heard. The officials looked pale, but no one spoke.

    "Wu Changshi, tell me: Where did the eldest grandson, the governor, go?"

    The first one whose name was called by Meng Ju was Wu Changshi, whose face suddenly turned pale.  He regretted it so much. Why did he act so loyal and loyal just now?  Now he is worried about Meng Ju.

    To say it, or not to say it?

    In the presence of so many colleagues, if he betrayed his eldest grandson, he would probably never have peace in the future, and he would not be able to serve as an official.

    If you insist on refusing to say anything - Meng Ju may not be that bold, what can he do to you?  If you can survive this test, you can gain a reputation as a loyal and unyielding person. From now on, there will be a story about "the scholar Wu Wenhui's loyalty conquered the barbaric governor", and the big bosses of the border army in the six towns will hear it.  A successful career is out of the question.

    Having made up his mind, Wu Changshi suddenly became bolder.  He shouted loudly: "Governor Meng, don't underestimate me! I, Wu Wenhui, am a second-ranked Jinshi and an official of the court! I am loyal to the court and loyal to my friends. I will never betray my friends! If you have the guts, you can kill them.  Just kill me!"

    The officials immediately praised him one after another. They all said that Wu Changshi was really loyal and did not lose the face of the officials of the Wei Dynasty. He was really a model of literary character for our generation.

    Meng Ju smiled, showing his white teeth.  He said: "Wu Changshi is really loyal. Come, please send Wu Changshi, who is so loyal, on his way, so that he can be loyal to the court."

    Several mausoleum guards immediately pounced on him. They pushed Wu Changshi down like wolves and forced him to kneel down. A black-robed mausoleum guard officer holding a ghost-headed sword walked over quickly, with a cold face.  Water, full of evil spirits.

    Looking at this posture, Wu Wenhui suddenly felt something bad: What's going on? This thing seems to be different from what is written in the book?  Not only was the man surnamed Meng not "impressed", he seemed to be serious about it!

    Before the execution officer could approach, he howled like a pig: "I say, Governor Meng, spare your life! Governor Meng, please spare your life! Chang Sun Shou ran away, Chang Sun Shou ran out of the dog hole in the wall!"

    Wu Wenhui screamed repeatedly, the officers of the Dongling Guards laughed and laughed, and the captured officials of the Governor's Palace were as depressed as mourning for their heirs, with their heads bowed so hard that they could not lift them up.  Everyone didn't know whether to despise Wu Changshi or Changsun Shou who escaped through a dog hole.  Every time Wu Wenhui shouted for mercy, it was like a slap in the face. The Governor's Mansion was completely humiliated by these two guys!

    Meng Ju frowned.  Unlike others, he was more afraid of Changsun Shou.  This guy is really a character. He is arrogant when he is in power. When the situation turns bad, he is the governor of a province. He is not even afraid of crawling into a dog hole when trying to escape. Such a flexible and flexible person is a good material for a hero.

    Meng Ju was still afraid that what Wu Wenhui said was untrue, so he asked the officials separately, and the answers were all similar. At about three o'clock in the morning, after receiving the news that the Dongling Guards were dispatched, Changsun Shou summoned the cultural relics officials of the Dudu Mansion and ordered  Organize defense.  At that time, everyone was in panic. In the chaos, they didn't know when Changsun Shou ran away.

    When the Dongling Guard came over, the follow-up troops had already blocked several streets near the Governor's Mansion. Meng Ju knew that Changsun Shou couldn't get far - even if he could sneak out, it would be useless. Every city gate was guarded by the garrison brigade.  Damn it, he couldn't get out of the city.

    "Chang Sunshou should still be hiding in the Governor's Mansion! Search for him, even if you dig three feet into the ground to find him!"

    When the search warrant was issued, soldiers and horses from all walks of life cheered loudly.  After entering the Governor's Mansion, the mausoleum guards were already salivating at the sight of the luxurious gardens and buildings inside, but they did not dare to mess around due to military orders.  When Inspector Meng Zhen issued the search warrant, all the troops immediately let go of their arms and legs. The soldiers cheered and poured into the luxurious mansions of the Dudu Mansion. The cheers of soldiers and the exclamations of women were heard everywhere.  and the man's plea.

    The officials¡¯ expressions suddenly changed.  Many of them settled in the Governor's Mansion. Meng Ju launched a massive plunder. They were all worried about their families. But Wu Wenhui had learned from the past. Meng Ju stood there with a sullen face, as fierce as a evil god. Who dared to  Get into trouble and plead with him?

    But there are people in Dongling Guard who can't stand it anymore and come out to speak.  Lu Liulou took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Governor, the soldiers must be restrained. Once the soldiers become wild, it will be difficult to lead them in the future."

    "I understand, Sixth Floor. You lead people to guard the feudal lord of the Governor's Mansion.Library, don't let anyone rob it.  "

    In the deep night, countless torches were flying fiercely, and the black figures of the Dongling Guards covered every corner of the Dudu Mansion. In the elegant and luxurious buildings of the Dudu Mansion, there were the sound of smashing doors and ferocious kicks everywhere.  The sound of shouting.  From time to time, men and women were driven out of the rooms where they were hiding. The sounds of begging and crying resounded, and the sound of crackling furniture was broken.

    Listening to the commotion in the distance, the officials' faces turned pale and their bodies were shaking like leaves in the wind.  They are not only worried about their families and property, they are also worried about their lives.  Everyone involuntarily turned their pleading eyes to Meng Ju.

    Meng Ju stood there, oblivious to the commotion in the distance.

    In fact, Meng Ju didn't want to lead an army of bandits - he had never eaten pork, and at least he had seen pigs running away. He had also seen the kings who had done nothing wrong in later generations in history books, but this kind of thing was easier said than done.  It¡¯s hard to come by!

    If he were an ordinary military commander of the imperial court, he could use the righteousness and discipline of the imperial court to restrain his subordinates;

    ¡°If Meng Ju has decided to rebel against the imperial court, he can also use his great ideals of conquering the world and enjoying wealth or expelling the Tartars and restoring the Chinese nation to deceive his subordinates into committing suicide;

    But now, Meng Ju's position is very embarrassing. He is still an official of the imperial court. He dare not openly raise the flag of rebellion, but he has to lead his subordinates to do some extraordinary things. There is no other way. Now he can only wave the big stick of money.  Eli moved it.  Otherwise, if such a big thing as attacking the Governor's Mansion does not bring any benefits to his subordinates, who will be willing to sacrifice their lives for him next time?

    At five o'clock in the morning, the long-awaited news finally came.  Only loud cheers were heard from the distance, and countless voices shouted at the same time: "Caught Changsun Shou! Caught Changsun Shou!"

    Hearing the call, Meng Ju suddenly turned around and looked up.

    A group of soldiers held torches and happily escorted a man over. Meng Ju looked from a distance and saw that the man was Zhang Sunshou.

    At this time, Governor Changsun no longer had the calm demeanor he had when negotiating with Meng Ju that day.  He was wearing old and dirty cloth clothes, with a dirty shepherd's leather hat tilted on his head. One of the leather boots on his feet fell off, leaving him with one bare foot.  Several soldiers twisted his arms fiercely and pinched him from behind. Changsun Shou was limping as if he had been injured in his leg.

    The officer leading the team ran to Meng Ju and reported happily: "Master Governor, we have captured Changsun Shou! This guy is really cunning. He changed his clothes and hid in the cafeteria pretending to be a busboy, saying that he was a busboy in the cafeteria.  Fortunately, the brothers are smart and don't look like this guy. After asking him a few questions, he revealed his secret. Thanks to Master Hongfu, I finally didn't let this guy slip away!"

    Seeing the officer's face flushed with excitement, Meng Ju showed a friendly smile.  He asked the officer's name and position, and found out that he was a team leader affiliated with the Provincial Department of Zhenbiao.

    Meng Ju encouraged him a few words, then turned to Ouyang Hui and said, "Write down this brother's name and give him a credit."

    "Yes, sir."

    After rewarding his subordinates, Meng Jucai turned his attention to Changsun Shou. Someone took a torch and illuminated Changsun Shou's face.

    Being dazzled by the light of the torch, Changsun Shou closed his eyes and turned his head, but someone forced his head back and shouted: "Changsun Shou, open your dog eyes and watch!"

    Meng Ju waved his hand: "Take the torch away - I didn't expect, Governor Changsun, that we would meet again so soon."

    Hearing Meng Ju¡¯s voice, Changsun Shou raised his head.  The two looked at each other silently, and finally, as if unable to withstand Meng Ju's gaze, Changsun Shou lowered his head in silence, his hunched back like a wounded wild wolf.

    "Captain Changsun, do you have nothing to say?"

    Changsun Shou slowly raised his head. His eyes were full of resentment and his tone was low: "Meng Zhengdu, this time, you won again, and I surrender. How much silver will it cost? You tell me. Two hundred thousand taels, or thirty  Ten thousand taels? Just make an offer!"

    Meng Ju shook his head, and his voice was surprisingly kind: "Captain Changsun, I don't want money this time. If you have anything else to tell your family, you might as well think about it now. If you want to write a letter, I can prepare some paper for you.  Pen."

    Changsun Shou was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned pale: "Meng Ju, do you want to kill me?"

    Meng Ju didn¡¯t answer, just stared at him coldly.

    Looking at Meng Ju¡¯s expressionless face, Changsun Shou knew the answer.  He screamed: "Why? It doesn't make sense!" In the silent night, his shrill scream spread far away, like a night owl's cry, which was chilling.

     "Captain Changsun, I have warned you before, 'If it happens next time, it won't be about money.' - Unfortunately, if you don't remember this sentence, there is nothing you can do about it."

    Changsun Shou shouted: "Meng Ju, this makes no sense! Although I sent assassins, you are fine, you are not even injured at all!"

    "I'm fine, but my brother died at the hands of your assassins."

    "Your brother - you mean the guard surnamed Wang?" Changsun Shou looked in disbelief. He shouted: "It's just a small officer who died. Meng Ju, why do you want to kill me like this? Are you out of your mind?"  Water got in?

    We are all officials of the same province, we fight and fight, we fight to the death, even if we send assassins privately, this is all political struggle, and it is all tacitly approved by the court!  Since you escaped, that's how it goes. What does it matter whether the soldiers below die?  You can make conditions, and I can also compensate. This is how everyone solves the problem. This is the rule of officialdom!  You want to kill me for this kind of thing - Meng Ju, do you know the rules of being an official? Do you know what the consequences of this will be!  "

    Changsun Shou roared at the top of his lungs: "I am the governor of Dongping appointed by the imperial court. I am a third-rank imperial official. I am not something you, a provincial governor, have the authority to deal with! If you kill me, you are killing the imperial ministers without authorization, and you are treason! The imperial court  I will never let you go, and Marshal Tuoba will never let you go. The army of the six towns will completely raze you and crush you into powder! Kill me and you will be finished. All of you Dongling Guards will be finished!  "

    Meng Ju said calmly: "I don't have to worry about my affairs, Governor. Governor Changsun, I don't understand the official rules you mentioned, but my rules are: Whoever wants my life, I will take his life."  Whoever kills my brother, I want him dead too.

    ¡°You break my rules and you die ¨C it¡¯s that simple.

    Governor, you don¡¯t have to worry about other things.  You might as well think about what else you want to leave for your family, and I can convey it to you.  Come, bring pen, ink and paper to the Governor.  "

    Someone handed Changsun Shou pen, ink and white paper. He sat cross-legged on the ground, staring blankly at the paper and pen in front of him, his eyes dull.  Then, he looked at everyone one by one, as if expecting someone to tell him that this was just a joke.

    Everyone looked at him with pity, like looking at a dead dog.

    When he saw Wu Changshi and other acquaintances standing far away, Changsun Shou's eyes lit up, as if a drowning man had grabbed a straw. He stood up suddenly, staggered over there, and shouted  Said: "Old Wu, help! Help me!"

    Wu Changshi was startled.  He himself had just escaped from death, so how dare he come forward to save Sun Shou.  Seeing Changsun Shou rushing towards him like a mad dog, he screamed, turned around and ran away. Changsun Shou couldn't catch him and fell down, chewing a mouth full of mud, breaking his nose and bleeding all over his face.

    Unable to pounce on Wu Changshi, Changsun Shou pounced on Cao Canjun next to him, shouting: "Old Cao, you are the most loyal to me, come and save me, save me!"

    Cao Shenjun couldn't avoid it, and Chang Sun Shou hugged his leg.  He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he shouted: "Captain, there is nothing you can do about your humble position. Your humble position cannot save you. I really can't save you!"

    Cao Canjun screamed several times, but Changsun Shou seemed not to hear him. He just hugged his leg and kept shouting: "Old Cao, help, help!" Cao Canjun tried to break free, but Changsun Shou held him tightly.  He struggled for a few times but failed to break free. Finally, he calmed down and kicked Changsun Shou to the ground, and then ran away as if he was running for his life.

    Changsun Shou got up from the ground, covered in mud and blood on his face.  He looked around frantically, looking for someone to help him.  But the officials were all afraid of him and ran far away, and no one dared to get close.  Changsun Shou had no way to call for help, so he sat on the ground and cried loudly. Meng Ju couldn't bear to look at his miserable look.  He waved his hand and ordered: "It seems that the Governor has nothing to say - come here, send the Governor on his way!"

    Several sturdy mausoleum guards came over and picked up Changsun Shou like a chicken.  In this open space, they knelt down with Changsun Shou in hand, and slowly walked to Changsun Shou with their hands holding the sword.

    At this time, Changsun Shou was on the verge of collapse. His eyes were straight and distracted. He inserted his hands into the ground in front of him, grabbed a handful of soil, and shouted something incoherently. He struggled desperately, but was stopped by the soldiers.  They held it down easily.

    Both the supervisor and the executioner looked at Meng Ju, waiting for his final order.

    At this time, Liu Zhen approached Meng Ju cautiously, whispered in his ear: "Brother Meng, is this enough? If it continues, it will be too much. You don't really want to kill this guy, do you? -  - Let me help you talk to this guy. Seeing as he is afraid like this, he can get at least 300,000 taels of silver!"

    Meng Ju smiled, his smile filled with sadness.  The torch is burning fiercely,Governor Qingqing shouted clearly: "Do it!"

    The executioner looked at the supervisor again, and the latter nodded solemnly to confirm that the order was correct. He shouted loudly: "The supervisor has an order, and the execution will be executed!"

    So, the executioner gave a sharp shout, and the ghost-headed sword poured down like mercury. There was only a "click" sound that made the bones crack, and blood spurted and splashed. Changsun Shou's head flew out several times at once.  rice.

    Changsun Shou's head fell to the ground, and the officials all exclaimed: "Ah!" - Meng Ju had left a last message and talked to Changsun Shou just now. After lingering for so long, they thought Meng Ju was bluffing.  Only when they saw Chang Sun Shou's head fell to the ground did everyone realize how powerful Governor Meng was.

    Seeing Changsun Shou¡¯s head fall to the ground, Liu Zhen was also frightened and turned pale.

    "Brother Mengdid you really kill him?"

    "Fat man, are you scared?"

    "Laugh What a joke! I How can Master Zhen be afraid I, I, I, am not afraid at all! Just kill a lot of people, what is there to be afraid of!"

    Meng Ju smiled and said, "But I'm scared."

    "Huh?" Fatty Liu's expression suddenly changed.  Seeing Meng Ju execute Changsun Shou so calmly and decisively, he thought that Meng Ju had already prepared a backup plan.

    "Brother Meng, are you trying to scare me? Then why did you kill the thief Chang Sun?"

    Meng Ju sighed and called Wang Beixing: "Beixing, come here."

    Wang Beixing ran over quickly: "Governor?"

    "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first. You and Sixth Floor, Jiang Hai and the others can handle the rest of the matter. The brothers have been making trouble for a while and then asked them to close the team. Don't let the trouble get too violent - you can kill people.  No adultery is allowed.

    The arsenal and treasury of the Governor's Mansion were sent to take inventory and take over.  Civil and military officials in the Governor's Mansion, if anyone dares to obstruct it, you can kill it first and then report it to me. You can report it to me afterwards.  "

    While speaking, Meng Ju glanced at everyone intentionally or unintentionally. Under his plain gaze, no one of the officials dared to look at him: This Governor Meng is really a lunatic. He dared to kill even the governor of a province without permission.  What is he afraid of doing?

    Wu Changshi was even more unbearable. When Meng Ju's eyes fell on him, his legs went weak and he could no longer stand firmly. He fell to his knees and lay on the ground, whimpering, with fear and fear in his heart.  I'm glad: if I hadn't surrendered quickly when I saw the opportunity, I guess I would have been killed long ago, right?

    Wang Beixing nodded seriously: "Yes, Governor. Please tell me, sir, how to deal with these people in the Governor's Mansion?"

    "Treat them differently. As long as the soldiers lay down their weapons and surrender, then don't worry about them. Just order them to go back to their barracks. The officials will be locked up and handed over to the Criminal Cases Division and the Intelligence Division for review and screening. Let's see.  Are they involved in tonight's assassination? As for the handymen, you can let them go home."

    "May I ask the town governor, what should I do if I catch Chang Sunshou's family?"

    Meng Ju asked back: "What do you mean?"

    "I listen to you, the governor."

    Meng Ju sighed in his heart, only then did he realize how valuable Wang Zhu was.  There are some words that, as a superior, it is difficult for me to say, so I can only let my subordinates take the initiative.  If Wang Zhu were still alive, he would definitely say: "The evil descendants of the Changsun family will be a disaster if they stay, so we should root them out and send them away together!"

    Wang Beixing and Lu Liulou, although they are his confidants, they are more like pure soldiers, their hearts are not dark enough, and their methods are not ruthless enough.

    "If you encounter someone from the Changsun family, arrest them first, and I will deal with them another day. In addition, I asked people to restrain Changsun Shou - is there anything else?"

    "It's gone. Lord Governor, don't worry. We will take care of it."

    Seeing the hint of worry in Wang Beixing's eyebrows, Meng Ju suddenly asked him: "Beixing, are you afraid that we killed Changsun Shou?"

    Wang Bei  How to explain to the court."

    Wang Beixing's reaction did not disappoint Meng Ju. He nodded: "Don't worry, I have arrangements."

    The killing of Changsun Shou was not caused by Meng Ju's sudden anger.  Changsun Shou sent people to plot against him and even killed Wang Zhu. He himself had a way of killing himself.

    Faced with the enemy's aggressive attack, Meng Ju knew he must not give in.  Once he shows weakness, the prestige he has finally established in Dongping will be destroyed.  At that time, the marshals on the wall might have returned to the embrace of Changsun Shou, and then he would have died.No burial place.

    As for saying that killing Changsun Shou would create a deadly feud with Tuoba Xiong and bring revenge from him - Meng Ju scoffed, doesn't Tuoba Xiong want to kill him now?  Everyone has been sworn enemies for a long time, but he can't help himself.

    Meng Ju¡¯s only concern was the Luo Jing court¡¯s reaction to this.

    According to Bai Wusha, as long as it can weaken Tuoba Xiong's power and prestige in northern Xinjiang, the imperial court will be happy.  Although Meng Ju's move was bigger, in the final analysis, it was just to eliminate one of Tuoba Xiong's gang members.  Although this matter violates the court's laws, the court will be happy to see it come to fruition - just like Shen Tu killed Ye Canaan back then.

    Meng Ju has seen through it all, the Xianbei court is like a bitch, shouting no, no, no, but secretly feeling happy in his heart.  Of course, the governor of a provincial town killed the governor, which had no precedent in the politics of the Northern Wei Dynasty.  Meng Ju didn't know what the court would do to him.  However, he had already made plans. If the court planned to severely punish him, he would immediately run away to Southern Tang.

    When Meng Ju returned home that night, he immediately started drafting a memorial without rest.

    There are two memorials in total, one is written in a red envelope - after being the governor for so long, this is the first time that Meng Ju has exercised the power of direct memorials as the governor. The rules of writing memorials were taught to him by his master.

    According to the practice of the Wei Dynasty, memorials with red envelopes were used to report victory.  In this memorial, Meng Ju reported to His Majesty the Emperor that the Dongping Mausoleum Guards had finally discovered the whereabouts of the Southern Tang spy "Po Junxing" after careful investigation. It turned out that this person was the new governor of Dongping, Sun Shou!

    The traitor eldest son Sun Shou not only stole the military and political secrets of the Wei Dynasty for the Southern Tang Dynasty, he also colluded with the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Montenegrin army bandits, sent assassins to assassinate Meng Ju, the governor of Dongling Guard, and prepared to launch a major mutiny in Dongping.  Once he succeeds, he will lead the rebels in northern Xinjiang to cooperate with the Southern Tang army, and attack Luojing City from the north and south. This will put the Wei Dynasty in danger!

    Fortunately, the Wei Dynasty was the orthodox one in the Central Plains. It obeyed the destiny of heaven, was blessed by its ancestors, had profound blessings, and was protected by gods and Buddhas.  At this critical moment of life and death, the Northern Xinjiang soldiers who were loyal to His Majesty and the Wei Dynasty stepped forward one after another and fought resolutely against Changsun Shou. These loyal and brave soldiers are -

    After writing this, Meng Judu felt that what he was writing was not a memorial, but a myth.  With a cunning look on his face, he continued to write: The loyal and brave soldiers who bravely defended the Wei Dynasty were as follows: Dongping Hengdao Brigade Commander Yi Xiaodao, Guanshan Brigade Commander Guan Shanhe, and Yubian Brigade Commander Bai Yubian.  They discovered Changsun Shou's conspiracy and fought resolutely against it - Meng Ju didn't expect to drag these slippery double-dealers into the water, but it was nice to take this opportunity to disgust them.

    All in all, with the blessing of His Majesty's Holy Grace, and with the strong assistance of the above-mentioned "loyal and brave soldiers", after learning that Chang Sun Shou was plotting to rebel, the Dongling Guards took emergency measures in the early morning of June 19th and captured the rebels in one fell swoop.  .  Changsun Shou himself had stubbornly resisted and resisted the king's army, and had already sought his own death. The others were all captured in one fell swoop. The situation in Dongping has now returned to stability, so His Majesty and the princes of the court can rest assured.

    At the end of the memorial, Meng Ju implored the court to identify the candidate for the new governor of Dongping as soon as possible and urge him to take office, so as to calm the hearts of Dongping's soldiers and people.  In addition, regarding Changsun Shou's rebellion, the court is also requested to send officials to investigate as soon as possible and convict him.

    Attached to this memorial, there are also a batch of so-called evidence of Chang Sun Shou's crime, such as the confession transcript of the capture of Han Qifeng, the Eagle Marquis of the Southern Tang Dynasty, a large number of weapons seized from the Governor's Mansion, letters from the Black Mountain Army and Chang Sun Shou, etc. - these things, naturally  There are also mixed truths and falsehoods, and some things are simply made privately by Meng Ju.  Meng Ju didn't expect these things to fool the court. No one was more stupid than anyone these days, but the court could use these things to fool the public and the public.

    After writing the memorial to the court, Meng Ju took a rest and began to write the second letter.  This letter is a private letter addressed to Bai Wusha, the general guard of Dongling County.  You can brag as much as you want in the memorial to the court, but in this letter, Meng Ju didn't dare to brag.  He honestly confessed what happened, saying that Changsun Shou had assassinated him and had done harm to him several times.

    In the letter, Meng Ju described himself as an innocent little white rabbit. He said that Changsun Shou was Tuoba Xiong's loyal minion. Tuoba Xiong, seeking to dominate northern Xinjiang, regarded the existence of Dongling Guards as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.  .  Because Meng Ju kept Bai Zongzhen's teachings in mind and never flinched in his fight against Tuoba Xiong, Changsun Shou has been making trouble since he arrived in Dongping, plotting against him several times. Changsun Shou provoked him several times, but Meng Ju was always  Keeping Mr. Bai's teachings in mind, he forgave him with a "perseverance and tolerance" mind.  But unexpectedly, instead of repenting, Changsun Shou went even further and even went as far as to pay for murder. If the guards had not saved him desperately, he would have died miserably.It's time.

    Unable to bear it anymore, Meng Ju had no choice but to fight back, uprooting Changsun Shou's forces in one fell swoop and killing Changsun Shou.

    Meng Ju said that he had a clear conscience in this matter. Changsun Shou did have a way to kill himself, but he was good at killing officials in the imperial court. Meng Ju also knew that he would cause great trouble, but he was not afraid.  No matter what the consequences are, he will bear the consequences alone and will not involve the General Administration. Please rest assured, Mr. Bai.  If he was given another chance, he would still kill Changsun Shou without hesitation.

    "To show off our prestige for Dongling, and to avenge the shame of the former governor Ye! Our Dongling Guards in Northern Xinjiang have been bullied by the border troops for a long time, and it is time to take revenge and avenge our shame!"

    At dawn, when Meng Ju finished writing the letter to Bai Wusha, it was already dark. Meng Ju called Wang Jiu and asked him to send an order to send the two memorials to the Dongling Guards in Luojing by a six-hundred-mile express station.  General Administration.  Wang Jiu carefully held the two memorials and respectfully accepted the order and left.

    After working all night, Meng Ju was also very tired, so he put on his clothes and lay down to rest for a while.  But for some reason, even though he was very tired, he couldn't sleep. He simply put on his clothes and sat in front of his desk in a daze.

    Outside the window is the sky that has just turned white, and a line of wild geese are flying across the red dawn sky.

    Looking at the wild geese, Meng Ju¡¯s eyes showed envy.  When will I be able to fly freely in the sky?

    When daybreak was approaching, the attendant reported that Xiao Heng, commander of the Jing'an garrison brigade, was visiting.

    "Please come in, General Xiao."

    Meng Ju had never seen Xiao Heng look so serious.  As soon as he came in, he asked Meng Ju impatiently: "Brother Meng, I heard rumors that you killed Changsun Shou last night? It can't be true, right?"

    "Yes, yes, my brother is really well-informed!"

    "Ah, alas!"

    Hearing Meng Ju¡¯s admission, Xiao Heng¡¯s face changed drastically. He shouted angrily: ¡°Brother, did you really kill him? This is the governor of a province! You are too reckless You have got into big trouble!¡±

    Meng Ju smiled, waved his hand and asked Xiao Heng to sit down, and asked, "What kind of tea do you want to drink?"

    Xiao Heng shouted: "You are still drinking tea, when did this happen! Brother, Changsun Shou is not a thing, he is also a high official of the imperial court, and a third-grade official is not something you have the right to deal with. If you do this,  How will the court explain this?"

    Seeing Meng Ju's absent-minded look, Meng Ju was simply furious: "You, are you tired of living? Last night you came over angrily. I thought you just wanted to take Changsun Shou out and beat him up to vent your anger.  , I didn¡¯t expect you to be so bold and good at killing the ministers of the imperial court¡ªand you¡¯re still laughing!¡±

    "If crying can solve the problem, then I can also shed a river of tears."

    Xiao Heng choked, and he let out a long sigh, his voice almost whining: "How can we do this, how should this matter end! If you are good at killing courtiers, you will be beheaded!"

    Meng Ju found it interesting.  He still remembered that when he first met Xiao Heng, he was just the deputy director of the Jing'an Department. The old guy Xiao Heng was very arrogant and taught him lessons in an old-fashioned way.  On the battlefield, he lived up to his reputation as the veteran leader of Northern Xinjiang. Even if he was surrounded by demons, he could calmly fight his way out. But at this time, he killed Changsun Shou, and he was frightened to death.  It's so funny. No matter how serious the consequences of killing Changsun Shou are, is it still more terrifying than being surrounded by thousands of demons?

    At this time, Meng Ju realized that he had the dual identity of a later generation and an eagle lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, so he lacked awe and a sense of belonging to the Northern Wei Dynasty.  But Xiao Heng and others are different. They can face the swords of the demons without fear, but they dare not disobey the imperial court's will - just like a child, even if he grows up and becomes strong, he still dare not disobey his mother's words.  For old-fashioned border generals like Xiao Heng, although they had many complaints and complaints about the imperial court, they were still full of awe of the imperial court.  This has nothing to do with courage, it's just a different way of thinking.

    Meng Ju comforted Xiao Heng and said, "Brother, don't be afraid! If the sky falls, there will be someone to hold it up. It's not you who killed Changsun Shou. What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid at all."

    Xiao Heng sighed for a while, and looking at the presence of the old god Meng Ju, he couldn't help but ask: "Brother, tell me the truth, what are your back-ups? Why can you still be so calm after killing Changsun Shou?"  ?¡±

    Meng Ju wanted to say that his backup plan was to prepare a pair of cowhide boots for running away, but seeing Xiao Heng's worried look and seeing that this old man who was old enough to be his father was worrying about him, his heart softened and he lied.  He said: "Brother Xiao, don't worry! Since I dare to take action, I will be sure to end it."

    "Oh? Brother, tell me!"

    "Haha, it's not convenient to tell you the details of the secret for the time being. I can only tell you," Meng Ju said mysteriously.: "Not only us, but also people in the court are thinking about Changsun's death! Otherwise, how could I have such courage?"

    Xiao Heng¡¯s eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized: ¡°That¡¯s right, it turns out, brother, there is someone above you too!¡±

    Hearing this sentence, Meng Ju almost laughed out loud - this kind of thing turns out to be the same in ancient and modern times!

    Next, Xiao Heng was extremely curious and kept asking Meng Ju which big boss in the court was behind him. Meng Ju kept it secret: "How can you say such a thing? Anyway, Mr. Xiao  Brother, you know we are very capable, if you can protect me from above, nothing will happen to you!"

    Meng Ju refused to reveal the truth, but Xiao Heng became more convinced that it was true.  He immediately felt relieved, clapped his hands and said, "Brother, you should have told me earlier, which made me worry all night long, and I even had a few more gray hairs. Well, if that's the case, then I'm relieved, alas.  Oh, I haven't slept all night, I'm so sleepy."

    Meng Ju smiled and sent Xiao Heng out of the mausoleum gate. He watched Xiao Heng go away. As soon as he turned around, his smile disappeared from his face.

    Meng Ju returned to the room and saw Lu Liulou, Wang Beixing and Jiang Hai as soon as he entered the door.  The three officers stood side by side, standing upright. They looked at Meng Ju with stern expressions and solemn eyes.

    Meng Ju also looked back at them seriously. After a long time, he nodded gently: "Thank you for your hard work."

    The three officers all saluted solemnly.

    There are some words that you can understand without having to say them out loud.  Last night's incident was a real test.  Loyalty and speculation, sincerity and lies, all were verified last night.  This is the most thorough choice, black and white, either/or.

    Meng Ju felt lucky that his three most trusted subordinates all passed this test.  They accepted and carried out their orders without hesitation, even though they knew they were illegal.

    The subordinates all know that after what happened last night, they have become the "Meng Party" who are determined to die. From then on, their fate is integrated with Meng Ju's, sharing both prosperity and misfortune.

    "Has the matter been handled properly?"

    Jiang Hai responded on behalf of everyone: "Reporting to the Governor, according to your instructions, we have taken all the 125 officials in the Governor's Mansion into custody. I was so bold that I borrowed the prison of the Jing'an Department and imprisoned them.  Go in and wait for your Excellency to deal with them. As for the soldiers and servants, we also dealt with them separately according to your instructions."

    "Put them in a dark cell?" Meng Ju smiled as he asked, "How did they react?"

    "The officials still had some opinions, and some even shouted at us and scolded us. But after learning the news that Chang Sun Shou was killed, they immediately calmed down and no one dared to say anything anymore."

    "Very good. Next time if someone is nagging, whip them with a whip." - Although he was also a scholar, Meng Ju really didn't like his fellow civil servants.  The civil servants of the Xianbei people had no moral integrity, no integrity, no talent, and only knew how to read a few dead books - Meng Ju despised them even more than the warriors of the border army.  Although the Qiu Ba people are domineering, they can at least defeat the demons. As for the civil servants, apart from corruption, what other good things have they done?

    Then, Lu Liulou and Wang Beixing also came up to report respectively. They reported on the seizure of the vassal and arsenal in the Governor's Mansion.  There was nothing good in the arsenal, but more than one million taels of silver were found in the feudal treasury.  Having said this, several officers looked happy and looked like they were waiting to share the benefits.

    Meng Ju sighed: "You don't have to think about this money - this is not Changsun Shou's personal money, it is the imperial treasury. This money will also be used to pay the salaries of the six border armies in Dongping!"  Who dares to be greedy? If military pay is cut off, won¡¯t that force the brigade commanders to fight us immediately?¡±

    The officers¡¯ faces immediately fell down, with disappointment in their faces: ¡°No way, Governor?¡±

    "Ku Yin, you don't have to think about it, but if you want to get money, it's not impossible."

    Everyone immediately became energetic: "Lord Governor, please give me some advice!"

    "I have reported to the court that Changsun Shou is actually the spy Pojunxing of the Southern Tang Dynasty. He is lurking in Dongping, and has been secretly communicating secrets to the Southern Tang Dynasty. I very much suspect that many officials in the Governor's Mansion are related to Changsun Shou  The ones who colluded are also members of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Among the people you captured, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys need to be carefully examined and screened - do you understand what I mean?"

    "Understood, sir!" the officers replied in unison, smiling happily.  At this moment, in their eyes, the more than 100 officials who had just been captured were no more than piles of walking silver.

    "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. Pass on the order. Brothers who participated in the operation tonight,The reward was three taels of silver.  After a busy night, you should go down and rest.  "

    Meng Ju gave the order to see him off, and both Wang Beixing and Lu Liulou said goodbye in a sensible manner and went out, but Jiang Hai just stood by the door and looked at Meng Ju, obviously wanting to report something alone.

    "Jiang Hai, do you have something to tell me?"

    Jiang Hai straightened his body and saluted Meng Ju: "Governor, I am humble enough to make my own decisions today. I'm afraid I may cause you trouble."

    Meng Ju smiled, he even killed Sun Shou, so why should he be afraid of trouble?

    "Tell me, what is it?"

    "Last night, while cleaning out the Governor's Mansion, I discovered Changsun Shou's family - his three wives and two sons."

    Meng Ju frowned slightly, and asked patiently: "Then what? How did you deal with it?"

    "Now, they are all dead now."

    When speaking, Jiang Hai's attitude was very calm and his expression was relaxed, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

    Looking at Jiang Hai's handsome face, Meng Ju felt a sudden shock in his heart. He secretly reminded himself to be careful about this subordinate. He was bold and ruthless, a person like Shen Tu Jue.  In order to climb up, he was not afraid of dyeing his official hat red with human blood.

    But no matter what, the purpose of the other party's "letter of surrender" was to get closer to him, and Meng Ju had to express his intention.  He asked: "How many people know about this?"

    "Lord Governor, please rest assured. They are all reliable subordinates and will not leak anything. Lord Governor, if the court pursues this matter in the future and inquires about the whereabouts of Changsun Shou's family, what should we say?"

    "What Changsun Shou's family?" Meng Ju curled his lips: "I don't know them, and I don't know where they went - Inspector Jiang, have you seen them?"

    Jiang Hai immediately understood and shook his head: "No, no! How could I have seen them in a humble position?"

    "That's good. If you want to find them, go find them yourself and don't bother us. Inspector Jiang, is there anything else?"

    "Sir, this matter of humble duty won't cause you any trouble, will it?"

    Meng Ju smiled and patted Jiang Hai on the shoulder: "Inspector Jiang, I understand what you mean. However, please don't make your own decisions like this again in the future. I will be very unhappy."

    Jiang Hai shuddered, Meng Ju spoke kindly, with a smile on his face, but for some reason, these words sounded sinister to his ears.  He quickly promised: "Don't worry, Governor. From now on, I will obey your orders and never act recklessly."

    "Okay, I understand this. You can go back."

    After sending Jiang Hai away and watching his figure passing by the garden outside the window, Meng Ju couldn't help but sigh.  When he was talking just now, he saw the look in Jiang Hai's eyes - the burning ambition.  This young man has great ambitions.

    When he was in Luojing, Bai Wusha repeatedly lamented that Dongling Guards lacked talents, but Meng Ju felt that the opposite was true.

    Who says there are no heroes?  There are countless unknown heroes lurking in the wilderness. They have ulterior ambitions and are watching this troubled world gradually surface.  Figures like Jiang Hai, Shen Tu Jue, and Yi Xiaodao, if placed in a mediocre political world, they would probably only end up as ordinary border generals or Xunli. But in this precarious and troubled world, they have the ability to make waves.  stage.

    On June 19, the ninth year of Taichang, the Dongpingling Mausoleum guards surrounded the Dongping Governor's Mansion and killed Sun Shou, the governor of Dongping.

    When the news came out, there was a sensation in Dongpinghe Province.  In the border fortress, it was common for Qiu Ba to mutiny and fight for pay, but there were really not many who dared to kill Shangguan.  The governor of a province was killed by his colleagues while in office, and the murderer was the governor of Dongling Guard. This kind of thing was simply unheard of.

    In just three days, the news spread throughout Dongping like lightning. Along with the news, there were also rumors everywhere.  This is the most sensational news. In the past few days, in Jing'an City, no matter where the street is, there are idle men who claim to be well-informed, releasing "exclusive insider information" with foaming at the mouth:

    "My cousin works as a cook in the Governor's Mansion. I know this matter best! Changsun Shou wanted to rebel and become the emperor. He even prepared the dragon robe and dragon chair. Who knew he was killed on the spot by the Dongling Guards that night?  Already"

    "Nonsense! In fact, it was Meng Ju of the Dongling Guards who wanted to rebel. He just prevented the eldest grandson, the governor, from taking action. That night, the traitor Meng Ju specially invited the eldest grandson Shou to have dinner at Tianxiang Tower, and he ambushed three hundred swords behind the screen.  Axeman, when he was half drunk, Meng Ju suddenly threw his cup as a signal, and the Axemans rushed out one after another and murdered the eldest grandson Governor! The eldest grandson Governor is the real loyal minister. It is sad that the court has another loyal and good minister!"

    ??"What you are saying is wrong! Actually, why did Governor Meng kill Governor Sun? Only I know this best!

    That night, Dongling Wei Meng Ju and Changsun Shou were having dinner at Tianxiang Tower, and ordered Miss Ouyang Qingqing, the top star of Tianxiang Tower, to come out to accompany them.  Changsun Shou, that bumpkin from Wuchuan, how has he ever seen a beauty like our girl Ouyang?  He couldn't stand it anymore just looking at him, and started to make moves. Everyone knew that Ouyang Qingqing was Town Governor Meng's best friend. Town Governor Meng was young and energetic, how could he bear this?  The cup was thrown on the spot, and everyone started fighting.  As a result, two people on the Dongling Guard side were killed and suffered a big loss.

    How can Governor Meng stand this!  He went back that night and mobilized troops to destroy Chang Sun Shou's place. The two sides fought in the Dudu Mansion. The casualties were so heavy that even Chang Sun Shou was killed - well, otherwise, the woman was too beautiful.  What a disaster!  "

    "Nonsense! I have the real inside information! In fact, Ouyang Qingqing's best friend was Changsun Shou, and they were childhood sweethearts. But Meng Ju was unruly and fought for love. He raped Miss Ouyang and killed the Governor Changsun.  ! Now, Miss Ouyang from Tianxiang Tower has died for her eldest grandson, the governor - alas, beauties always have bad luck! That evil man Meng Ju, who steals women and kills, is really nothing!"

    There are a lot of discussions in the streets, but the common people are destined to not get much truth.  The inside story of the matter is only known to the senior officials of Dongfang Parallel Province.  Although most of the insiders are still squatting in the Jing'an Department Prison of Dongling Guard, this does not prevent the news from spreading throughout Dongping's officialdom at lightning speed.

    Governor Meng Zhen of Dongping killed the Governor of Dongping, and Chinese officials killed Chinese nobles. This can be called the most sensational news this year, and even other provinces know about it.  Military generals from Wuchuan, Chicheng, Huaishuo and other provinces sent people to inquire about the news, wanting to know the details of the incident and what happened.

    "Compared with the enthusiasm of officials from other provinces, Dongping officials appear to be very indifferent to this matter.  Changsun Shou was the top figure in the Dongping military. When he was killed, the generals of the border army in the east collectively lost their voices.  In public, they didn't mention this matter at all - even if someone mentioned it to them, the brigade marshals would open their big, confused eyes and look at a loss, as if they didn't know who Changsun Shou was.

    Although there was a lot of excitement outside, Governor Meng, who was in the center of attention of thousands of people, was living an extraordinarily calm life.  In the past few days, except for Yi Xiaodao and Xiao Heng who occasionally came to him for information, no one had come to him. There were even fewer official documents from his subordinates asking for instructions.

    On June 19, Meng Ju sent a memorial to the imperial court and the General Administration.  According to the usual speed, the court should have received and responded to it long ago, but this time, for some reason, it was not until July that the court's reply was still delayed. Even the main town Baiwusha did not reply. Meng Ju had to wait.  Anxious and helpless.
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