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Volume One One Hundred and Eighty-Eight Surrender

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    One hundred and eighty-eight surrender

    Hearing the news that the new brigade had turned around and retreated, Sun Shou, the governor of Dongping, was stunned as if he had been beaten in the head.

    "Xianyu Ba clearly agreed to this governor, why did he leave again?"

    "My lord, Brigadier Xianyu said that it was Meng Ju of Dongling Guard who blocked him at the city gate. Because Dongling Guards had more soldiers and horses than him, he could not conflict with them and had to retreat."

    Changsun Shou banged the table and shouted angrily: "Shu Zi, what a Shu Zi! Xian Yu Ba is as timid as a mouse and can easily get into trouble! Can't he see it? The Dongling Guards are just bluffing. If the new brigade breaks through forcefully,  When we enter the city, do the Dongling Guards really dare to stop us? Unless Meng Ju is really going to rebel!"

    Governor Changsun was angry, and the officers did not dare to speak out.  Everyone winked and winked, thinking that Governor Changsun really could stand and talk without hurting his back. Who could say whether the Dongling Guards would dare to take action?  That guy Meng Ju is very fierce, and Xian Yuba is not your godson, so why should I take this risk for you?

    After losing his temper, Changsun Shou calmed down.  He asked: "Wu Changshi, are there any troops around Jing'an that can be mobilized?"

    The latter thought for a while and replied hesitantly: "There are still about a hundred yamen and police officers at the Yamen of Jing'an Prefecture. Maybe we can also recruit hundreds of local warriors from the surrounding areas"

    Changsun Shou felt depressed when he heard this and waved his hand: "Wu Changshi, these messy things - can they deal with the insurgent soldiers of the garrison brigade?"

    "Commander, the Hengdao Brigade is on patrol. If the new brigade refuses to dispatch, there really will be no troops around Jing'an that can match the garrison brigade - well, the Dongling Guards have enough troops. We  Do you want to ask them for help?¡±

    Everyone looked at the long history named Wu with the eyes of an idiot, and were speechless: It was Xiao Heng who instigated the rebellion, but without Meng Ju emboldening him behind the scenes, how could he dare to be so bold?  Inviting Dongling Guard soldiers to quell the mutiny is almost a joke.

    Knowing that he had made a mistake, Chang Shi quickly shut up and bowed his head.

    After staring at him for a while, Changsun Shou coldly snorted: "Before you speak next time, you'd better use your brain first!"

    "Yes, I made a disgrace in my humble position. Please forgive me. Governor, since the local troops cannot be mobilized, we can only ask for help from the Governor of the Six Towns and ask him to order troops from other provinces to be mobilized to rescue us. For example, Wuchuan Town,  We should be able to mobilize troops there. This is a province close to us, and it¡¯s quick to mobilize troops back and forth.¡±

    At that moment, the subordinates all agreed: "Commander, that's it! Let's ask the marshal for help!"

    Changsun Shou sat calmly on the chair, frowning.  After listening to his staff's suggestions, he shook his head firmly: "No!"

    "Everyone, although the garrison has rebelled, it has not yet invaded. But they can't attack? But they don't dare to attack?"

    Changsun Shou looked around the crowd with a deep look: "No, they just don't want to get things done. But if we send troops from other provinces - I'm afraid that before the reinforcements arrive, we will all be killed by the rebels."

    The expressions of the staff all changed.  Only then did they realize that they were facing an imminent danger.

    At present, the mutiny situation is still under control, and both sides are still maintaining restraint. But once the six-town governor's office intervenes in the matter and deploys troops from other provinces, how will the opponents who are forced into a desperate situation react?

    Realizing that there is no hope for compromise, will the other party be determined to fight to the death?

    Once the rebels become angry, more than a thousand officials and soldiers in the Dongping Governor's Mansion will be hostages in the hands of the opponent!

    The staff were panicked: "Captain, if this is the case, what should we do?"

    Changsun Shou stared out the window for a long time, and finally said: "I guess their bottom line is that Dongping's affairs should be resolved within Dongping.

    Pass on our military order and issue a military order in the name of the Governor's Office, ordering the Hengdao Brigade patrolling the Biantian border wall, the Guanshan Brigade stationed in Fufeng County, and the Yubian Brigade stationed in Jiamu. The above troops immediately rushed to Jing'an to fight with  Xian Yuba's new brigade will gather together - let them station outside the city and wait for my orders.  "

    The Dongping Governor's Mansion has jurisdiction over the six brigades of soldiers and horses in Dongping.  Among the six brigades, the Jingan Garrison Brigade, the Hengdao Brigade and the New Brigade are all stationed in Jingan, the capital of Dongping. The other three brigades are stationed in various border fortresses in Dongping Province.  Now, Changsun Shou has mobilized these three brigade troops - these are genuine field frontier troops. They have been stationed at the border for many years to fight against the demons. Not only are they strong in combat, they have nothing to do with the Dongling Guards. They are reliable.  of soldiers and horses.

    The staff immediately drafted the order and then submitted it to Chang Sun Shou.

    Changsun Shou hurriedly read it, signed the order by hand and stamped it with the seal of the Governor's Mansion.  Looking at the red seal on the snow-white official documentChangsun Shou smiled at himself: "Governor Meng of Dongling Guards said he couldn't recognize my warrant, so he wouldn't let Xian Yuba enter the city. This is a great excuse! This man dares to go against the marshal. He is really a bit of a genius.  ah."

    The staff all agreed: "Yes, although Meng Ju has a little talent, but he dares to go against the marshal, he is using his arms as a chariot and is bringing about his own destruction!"

    At the same time that Changsun Shou was discussing with his staff, the same discussion was also going on in the Governor's Mansion of Dongping Lingwei.

    It was late April, the weather was hot, and the cool breeze blew through, refreshing the whole body.

    Meng Ju was wearing a light white silk blouse, holding a folding fan with inscriptions by famous writers, and fanning the wind in front of his face. His temperament was like that of a playboy on horseback.  At this moment, the playboy was saying with confidence: "Brother Xiao, don't worry. I predict that Changsun Shou will not dare to ask Tuoba Xiong for help. No reinforcements from other provinces will come, and the matter will be resolved in our Dongping Province."  Solve it within.¡±

    Xiao Heng sat opposite him, wearing a short green shirt, looking like an old civilian man.  Both of them were dressed casually, and it was obvious that their friendship had reached the point where they were familiar and informal.

    "Brother Meng, how can you see it?"

    "This is a general rule in officialdom. The mutiny in Dongping seems huge to us, but in the view of the Six Towns Dudufu in Guyang City, it is just a riot by rioters. So far, no one has  Death, what a big deal! This kind of thing shouldn't happen ten to eight times in the six towns within the jurisdiction of the six towns?

    If Changsun Shou asks Tuoba Xiong for help on this matter, Tuoba Xiong will definitely send reinforcements to him, but he will also think that this person is such a waste. He caused trouble as soon as he took office, and he has to wipe his ass himself¡ª¡ª  If the superiors had this impression, the governor of Dongping who had long-lived Sun Shou would probably not be able to remain in office for long.  "

    Xiao Heng agreed: "That's the truth. But what if Changsun Shou is so scared that he no longer cares about his career and urgently asks for help to save his life?"

    "If you want to save your life, Changsun Shou can't ask for help from Tuoba Xiong. If Tuoba Xiong sends troops from other provinces to reinforce him, the people who come are not his subordinates. They will not care about Changsun Shou's life, and they will not listen to Changsun Shou.  Shou's order. If someone here is bent on meritorious service and directly attacks the garrison brigade, then the desperate garrison brigade will definitely attack the Governor's Mansion and kill everyone - Changsun Shou will think of this."

    Xiao Heng said "hmm": "It seems to be the case - what about Changsun Shou? He won't just wait like this, right?"

    "No, we forced Xian Yuba away. Changsun Shou will definitely bring in new troops, and the troops that come will have to be reliable and that he can command. As long as he waits for the new troops to arrive, he will have them  card, he will come to talk to us."


    "Yes, it's negotiation. If everyone doesn't want to die together, this is the only way."

    Xiao Heng frowned and thought for a moment, then relaxed his brows and said, "I understand what I mean. If Governor Changsun doesn't want to end up with us, he will definitely not dare to bring this matter to Tuoba Xiong¡ª¡ª  Otherwise, not only will his future be over, but his life will not be saved either! So what should we do next?"

    Meng Ju smiled faintly: "There is no other way, just wait."

    With the tacit understanding of both parties, the matter dragged on like this.

    Hearing the news of the mutiny in the garrison brigade, the residents of Jing'an City were very scared.  Since ancient times, when rebellions broke out, the inevitable outcome was the destruction of life. The wealthy households and wealthy businessmen in the city packed up their belongings and fled. The common people with little wealth also hid in their homes, tightened the door bolts, and looked excitedly through the gaps in the windows.  He was peeping at the streets outside, waiting for the fight to unfold.

    But contrary to the expectations of the residents, one day passed, and the garrison brigade just lined up and rested quietly outside the gate of the Governor's Mansion, and did not rush into the Governor's Mansion to start a killing spree - of course, the Governor's Mansion, with its meager military strength, would certainly not rush into it.  Come out and take the initiative to challenge.  The soldiers on both sides faced each other across a street, maintaining vigilance, but they lived in peace until sunset.

    The officials in the Dudu Mansion felt baffled: Qiu Ba often made various demands during mutinies.  Either he was being paid, or he was asking for the punishment of some disgusting officer.  But this mutiny was so weird. The soldiers surrounded the Governor's Mansion all day, but they didn't scream or yell. If it weren't for the weapons in the hands of the soldiers, the officials would have thought they were out for fun.

    At night, the soldiers surrounding the Dudu Mansion still did not retreat.  They used the street in front of the Governor's Mansion as an accommodation camp. They set up field tents in a leisurely manner, spread sleeping blankets, and actually camped and slept on the street.

    The soldiers of the Dudu Mansion were furious that the enemy was sleeping under their noses and was treated with such contempt.He looked at his nose, but he didn't dare to take the opportunity to rush out - the huge disparity in troop strength was one reason, and the more important reason was that the armored fighters of the garrison brigade were not here.  Everyone knows that the armored troops are the most critical. If you attack the soldiers and horses in front of you and attract the armored fighters from the garrison, aren't you looking for death?

    The next day, the siege of the Dudu Mansion continued.  In the afternoon, a loud cry of killing suddenly spread into the surrounded Governor's Mansion.  Hearing the fierce shouting and fighting, everyone in the Governor's Mansion was in high spirits: Could it be that some reinforcements were coming to relieve the siege?

    Changsun Shou climbed up the wall himself and looked up. The battle took place a few streets away, and he couldn't see anything because of the obstruction of the houses.  But listening to the intense sounds of the fighting, the shouts of killing reaching the sky, and the constant roar of the battle armor, everyone in the Governor's Mansion could imagine that the fighting over there must be very fierce.

    The officials in the Governor's Mansion were all happy, and they all said it was great, the reinforcements had finally arrived, and they would teach those Qiu Ba a lesson.  Some impulsive people even suggested that all the soldiers and horses in the Governor's Mansion should be gathered, and everyone would rush out from the main gate, join forces with the reinforcements inside and outside, and kill the rebels.

    Changsun Shou was actually quite moved by this proposal - the dignified commander-in-chief was surrounded by his subordinates for a whole day and night as soon as he took office, and he also held back an evil fire in his heart.  But after all, he is a general with a military background. He may not be very capable, but he still has the habit of being cautious.

    Changsun Shouduo was more discerning. He noticed that although the fighting was fierce outside, the sound of killing was loud, and the fighting was fierce, the soldiers of the garrison brigade surrounding the Governor's Mansion were not nervous at all.  Some people even put down their weapons and sat on the ground to relax and chat, without any trace of panic on their faces.

    Noting this, Changsun Shou felt a sudden change in his heart.  He didn't say anything. He just sent a few people to crawl out of the dog holes in the wall to investigate and find out which troops were coming to help.

    After a while, the person who inquired about the news came back and reported: "Master Governor, we heard that the reinforcements came under the banner of Dongling Guards! Everyone said that it was Dongling Guards who came to quell the chaos.  !¡±

    Hearing the news, Changsun Shou felt a chill in his heart, and he even wanted to die.  He waved his hands listlessly: "Everyone, go back and do whatever you need to do. There's no point in waiting here."

    Just as Changsun Shou expected, the noisy shouting and killing lasted for about half an hour, and then suddenly subsided silently.  The staff looked at each other, and the eldest grandson, Commander-in-Chief, smiled bitterly: "Everyone, in order to rescue us just now, the Dongling Guards have fought hard and tried their best. But don't worry, Governor Meng will continue to work hard, and he will launch another attack soon."

    Facts have proved that Governor Changsun¡¯s foresight was very wise. An hour later, at noon, the shouting and fighting sounded again, and this time the momentum was even greater than the previous time. Not only did the cavalry galloping with the rumble of horse hooves, fighting armor  The loud noise of the impact, the shouts of countless soldiers, the roar of houses collapsing and the screams of soldiers - if you only listened to the sound, no one would doubt that a tragic event was going on over there.  The street fighting to rescue the siege was extremely fierce and resulted in heavy casualties.

    Governor Changsun Shou huddled in his chair, staring blankly at the garden outside the window, thinking that the taste of Governor Meng Ju of Dongling Guard was really evil, and he didn¡¯t play with people like this.

    The "fierce" fighting lasted for about half an hour. The sound of the fighting gradually moved to the Xicheng District, became smaller and smaller, and finally became silent - even the first fledgling soldiers could tell that the rescuing troops had been  repulsed.

    Everyone understood that Dongling Guards used this method to announce to them that they had tried their best to rescue them, but the rebels were too powerful and they had been retreated and repelled.

    Wu Changshi said angrily: "The Dongling Guards are really hateful! It's just that they don't come to rescue, but they still want to play with us like this! How can such a crude pretense fool us?"

    "A joke?" Changsun Shou smiled bitterly. He felt that the powerful opponent he had never met before would not be so boring.

    "Meng Ju probably doesn't have this idea. He just needs an excuse so that he can have something to say when the court investigates him in the future. As for whether we believe it or not - it means nothing to him and he won't care."

    The second day passed, and the situation on the third day was just a repeat of the second day: there were a lot of soldiers outside the door, and the sound of killing was loud in places that could not be seen in the city. They fought to break the siege but were pushed back.

    On the fourth day, it was still like this. Dongling Guard's rescue force failed again. The officials wanted to rush out and shout to Meng Ju: "Master Governor, it doesn't matter if we can't rescue the siege, but you must at least let us take a nap."  ?!¡±

    On the fifth day, the besieged Governor's Mansion finally couldn't bear it anymore - it wasn't that Governor Changsun couldn't take a nap, but the soldiers couldn't bear it.

    ?????????????????????There were more than 700 soldiers, more than 300 officials, and an uncountable number of servants surrounding the Dudu Mansion. With thousands of people surrounded, food and water were a big problem.

    There are wells in the Governor's Mansion, so drinking water is not a problem for the time being, but food cannot be dug out of the ground.  The officials were okay, they had some food reserves and could survive, but the soldiers didn't have much food left. After two days of starvation, everyone couldn't stand it any longer. They sent representatives to complain to the officers and ask for food.  ¡ª¡ªWe who serve as soldiers to protect you, the officials, must be given at least two bowls of porridge every day, right?

    But this just stumped the capable Changsun Shou.  With more than 10,000 troops stationed in Jing'an, there must be a large amount of food in stock. But the problem is that the military food depot is not in the Governor's Mansion. They are surrounded by random soldiers and they cannot go out to get food. No matter how talented Chang Sunshou is, he cannot produce food.

    In the eyes of senior officials, the life and death of low-ranking soldiers does not matter, just suffer if they are hungry.  But now is an extraordinary period. If we continue to be hungry, I am afraid that the guards inside will mutiny before the rebels outside the door come in.

    Changsun Shou had originally planned to wait for several brigades on the Dongping front to come back before contacting and negotiating with the rebels, but his men were about to rebel, and he could no longer remain reserved.

    On the afternoon of the 29th, the Dudu's Mansion sent a long history officer out - of course it came from the dog hole in the back wall. In the past few days, the Dudu's Mansion was able to maintain contact with the outside world, and the little wolfdog who looked after the house was a great contributor.  It's not that the garrison brigade's encirclement was really so crude that they couldn't find this gap. Xiao Heng deliberately kept it - Chang Shi trotted all the way straight to the provincial office of Dongling Guard and asked to see Governor Meng.

    Meng Ju was taking a nap when he heard that someone was looking for him in the Governor's Mansion. He didn't bother to see him, so he sent Wang Jiu over to ask what happened.

    Hearing that the person who received him was just a handyman, Chang Shi almost shook his head with anger: he was a dignified fifth-rank official, the same rank as Meng Ju.  But Dongling Guards actually neglected him like this. Even if Meng Ju couldn't come out, he didn't even send an inspector to ask, but only sent a handyman to receive him!

    But the problem is now that people are under the roof, Dongling Guards have the upper hand, and the Governor's Mansion can't even think about bowing its head.  Changshi felt aggrieved and handed over an invitation to Wang Jiu, saying that Governor Changsun wanted to invite Governor Meng to have dinner at Tianxiang Tower tonight.

    After receiving the invitation from Wang Jiu, Meng Ju thought for a while and replied: "Since the Governor has invited me, I will definitely attend the appointment when the time comes. Please don't worry, Governor."

    After receiving Meng Ju¡¯s reply, Chang Shi breathed a sigh of relief.  He said politely: "It's great that Governor Meng can appreciate you. Tonight, Governor Changsun is waiting for Governor Meng."

    On the evening of April 29th, it was a quarter of Xu.

    The city was quiet at night. When Dongling Guard's horse team crossed the street, the street was so empty that it made people feel palpitating. Only the white moonlight shone on the street.

    The peaceful mutiny in front of the Governor's Mansion has lasted for five days.  Although there is no blood yet, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing.  In the past few days, Jingan's market has been in a sluggish state. Every shop and restaurant is closed. Even most of the shops on Zhenfen Street, which used to be the busiest, are closed. The streets are as empty as a ghost.  If he hadn't seen the red lanterns still hanging high in Tianxiang Restaurant, Meng Ju would have thought he was in the wrong place.

    Although the door is open, Tianxiang Tower no longer has the bustling scene of people coming and going in the past. The entrance is sparsely populated and there are no people - who has the heart to have fun in the chaos of war.  Under the lantern at the door stood a tall, thin, middle-aged man in a long gown. He was the shopkeeper Du of Tianxiang Tower.

    As soon as Dongling Guard¡¯s cavalry stopped in front of the restaurant, shopkeeper Du came out to welcome him and bowed deeply to Meng Ju: ¡°I¡¯m here to see you, Lord Governor!¡±

    Sitting upright on the horse, Meng Ju nodded to Shopkeeper Du: "Yes. Is Governor Changsun here?"

    "We're here, Governor Changsun is already waiting for you in the box upstairs."

    Meng Ju smiled, this longevity is really interesting.  Coming early to greet him was a sign of politeness and respect, and it was also a disguised admission of defeat. After all, Meng Ju had the upper hand now; but he only sat in the box upstairs and did not go downstairs to greet him. This was another sign of him being proud of his status.  .

    It can be seen from the details that Governor Changsun has a good sense of proportion and should be a person who is very aware of current affairs.  This is a good thing, it's easier to communicate when you talk to smart people.

    Meng Ju got off his horse and walked into the lobby of Tianxiang Tower surrounded by a large group of personal guards. He glanced around and saw several military attach¨¦s from the Governor's Palace sitting in the lobby downstairs.

    Seeing Meng Ju come in, the military attach¨¦s all stood up and bowed to Meng Ju with complicated expressions in their eyes.

    Meng Ju nodded in return. Seeing that the tables in front of the military attaches were all empty, he smiled and said, "Don't be restrained, please order some food. I think I will have a chat with your commander-in-chief tonight,"You have something to wait for - Lao Du, the cost of the dinner for the brothers in the Dudu Mansion tonight will be charged to my account.  "

    The military attaches were stunned. They did not expect that the Governor of Dongling Guard, who was rumored to be as fierce as a ghost, was so polite.  They all bowed: "Thank you Lord Governor for the reward."

    Meng Ju waved his hand and walked in with a smile.  He was in a good mood and asked shopkeeper Du as he walked: "Old Du, how many people did Governor Changsun bring upstairs to the box?"

    Shopkeeper Du replied in a low voice: "Captain Changsun didn't bring anyone with him. He was sitting up there alone."

    Meng Ju nodded.  Everyone wished that the other party would die immediately, so Meng Ju had to guard against the other party.  But since Changsun Shou didn't bring anyone up, Meng Ju didn't want to be underestimated by him.  He ordered his subordinates to sit in the lobby downstairs while he went upstairs alone.

    It was still the familiar VIP box, with only one middle-aged man in casual clothes in the room.

    The middle-aged man is thin, wearing a black gown, slightly bald on the forehead, a hooked nose, a short face like a falcon, and sharp eyes, giving the impression that he is very smart and capable.

    Hearing the sound of someone coming in, the middle-aged man raised his head and met Meng Ju's eyes.  Looking at each other, both of them felt that the other was very troublesome.

    Meng Ju said calmly: "Old Du, you go out to greet business first. I will serve the food when I call you later."

    Shopkeeper Du went out quietly and closed the door.

    The middle-aged man stood up and saluted. His voice was high-pitched and fast: "Governor Meng? I am Chang Sunshou. It's our first time to meet you. Thank you for meeting me. Because the situation is urgent, I have to take the liberty to invite you. If I am rude, I would like to thank Governor Haihan."  "

    Meng Ju¡¯s first impression of Changsun Shou was good.  Although everyone has different positions, he gets straight to the point straightforwardly and is a practical person - if it had been his predecessor, Yuan Yikang, he would have spent half an hour just chatting.

    "Captain of the eldest grandson? The general is Dongling Wei Mengju. You came to Dongping to take up the post, but the general has never visited you. It is the general who should be said to be rude. I have admired the name of the governor for a long time, and I am lucky to see his face today.  It is a great honor for the general."

    Hearing Meng Juzai¡¯s nonsense, a trace of disgust flashed across Changsun Shou¡¯s face.  He said straightforwardly and simply: "Governor Meng, the matter is rather urgent, so I will be rude and speak directly. Do you know about the mutiny in the garrison brigade these days?"

    "Well, I'm aware of the matter. Some officers and soldiers of the garrison brigade ignored the court regulations and military regulations and acted recklessly. The Dongping Mausoleum Guard has sent troops to suppress it. Our officers and soldiers of the Mausoleum Guard fought bravely and risked their lives, but unfortunately the rebels were strong and our army attacked several times.  I failed to repel them every time. The governor asked me to come over, thinking that he must have some good ideas? The general is all ears. "

    Changsun Shou raised his eyebrows, thinking that it was no wonder that this young man became the governor of a province at a young age.  Before he even opened his mouth, he had already choked up his words.

    "Governor Meng is young and promising, admirably shrewd and capable. My eldest grandson has learned his lesson, and he is truly worthy of his reputation."

    Meng Ju just pretended that he couldn't hear the hidden meaning in Changsun Shou's words, and said politely: "No, the governor has given me the award."

    "For this mutiny, Governor Meng has really worked hard. I am well aware of the heroic fighting of the Dongling Guards. But since the Dongling Guards had poor luck in the war before, I feel that in order to calm down the chaos as soon as possible,  , reinforcements should be dispatched to the city as soon as possible. Brigadier Xian Yu has a new brigade outside the city. I plan to send more troops to the city. What do you think, Governor Meng?"

    A sneer appeared on Meng Ju's lips, and he said: "Xianyu Brigade Commander? I don't have any objections. The Commander-in-Chief will just send him in."

    Seeing Meng Ju's disdainful sneer, Changsun Shou knew that Xian Yuba's card could not scare the opponent - this was normal. Xian Yuba had fled in front of Meng Ju earlier, so Meng Ju would certainly not be afraid.  he.

    Chang Sunshou said calmly: "Of course, the rebels are powerful, and the Guangshan Yuba Brigade is probably not strong enough. I plan to mobilize all three frontline brigades: Hengdao Brigade, Guanshan Brigade and Yubian Brigade.  Come back and work with the new brigade to quell this garrison brigade mutiny - what do you think, Governor Meng?"

    Meng Ju raised his eyebrows, looking very surprised: "A total of four brigades have been mobilized? Brigade Commander Chang Sun, you are so courageous! But with all the forward garrison withdrawn, what will happen to the gaps in the defense line? What if the demons invade again?  What should we do? The people living on the border will be in dire straits."

    "I am also deeply worried about this, but I must first make peace with the outside world. I have the responsibilities of the court, but I can't care about the kindness of some women. The only people to blame for the dead and injured border residents are those hateful people.  The soldiers are in chaos and do not understand the overall situation, which leads to trouble.

    Governor Meng, you are an expert in military knowledge. When all the armies gather, do you think that the small group of rebels can resist them?  ?  "

    Meng Ju knew very well that the "small group of rebels" must include himself.  ChangsunshouHe said it very frankly. He didn't care whether the demons could get in or whether the border residents were dead or alive - this man was a real villain.

    Meng Ju said calmly: "The commander-in-chief is very clever and strategizing, and I really admire him. However, the general also has some doubts: How long will it take to mobilize all the troops and horses from the front to come back?"

    Changsun Shou's eyes dimmed. He didn't answer and stared at the wrinkles of the tablecloth without making a sound.

    Meng Ju continued talking on his own: "General Yi's Hengdao Brigade has left the fortress, and the grassland is vast. Whether your troops can find them on the thousands of miles of grassland, Commander-in-Chief, is a problem in itself. Even the closest soldiers and horses -  - Guanshan Brigade in Fufeng County - I'm afraid it will take four days to receive the order. It will take at least ten days and a half to wait for their large group of troops to arrive, right? It will take more than a month to wait for all the troops and horses to gather together.

    Governor, I wonder what¡¯s going on in the Governor¡¯s Mansion?  Can you still hold on?  The general is very worried that those vicious rebels may not be willing to give you a month.  If this continues and the rebels lose their patience and rush into the Governor's Mansion to kill, what will they do?  Governor Changsun, I am very worried about your safety.  "

    Meng Ju spoke sincerely, his face full of sincere concern, but Changsun Shou's expression changed drastically.  He said coldly: "Life or death is a matter of destiny. As military generals, I have long been aware of being loyal to the court. I don't need Governor Meng to worry about this for me."

    In the three hundred years of the Wei Dynasty, there has never been a precedent for a commander-in-chief being murdered by his subordinates while in office.  If any rat dares to kill me, neither the imperial court nor the general marshals of the six towns will let him go.  Whether they are the murderers or the instigators behind it, they will definitely not escape death.  Governor Meng, you might as well wait and see.  "

    Meng Ju frowned slightly. Changsun Shou's tenacity exceeded his expectations, and he refused to give in even if he was threatened with death.  He is worthy of being a governor who was born as a military general. His courage and courage are not comparable to those of the civilian Yuan Yoshiyasu.

    No wonder Tuoba Xiong put him in Dongping to deal with him. This man is really a ruthless character.

    Meng Ju smiled and said: "The Commander-in-Chief is very heroic and I admire him very much. But the Commander-in-Chief is closely related to the safety and security of the East, so how can I give up so easily? If you should be slapped, if you are murdered by the rebels, I will be in real trouble.  It is estimated that he will have to write several memorials and self-impeachments to the court, and he will also be impeached by the supervisory censor, and he may even be severely reprimanded by Chief Bai.

    For the sake of others and yourself, Commander-in-Chief, please take care of yourself!  "

    The two looked at each other, their gazes as sharp as knives, without flinching.  In the conversation just now, there were hidden mysteries in the words of the two people.

    Changsun Shou clamored to send four brigades back to quell the rebels.

    Meng Ju said, "I'm afraid if the reinforcements don't come back, Governor Changsun, you will die first."

    Changsun Shou said that if I die, the court will definitely not let you go. You will also die with me. Let's all die together. Let's see who is afraid of whom?

    Meng Ju said, stop dreaming. If you die, I will only write two self-criticisms. The worst I can do is get scolded by Boss Bai. Do you think I am afraid of you?  Changsunshou, if you are brave enough, why not give it a try?

    Changsun Shou glanced at Meng Ju. He lowered his eyelids and stared at the table in front of him without making any sound.

    Meng Ju sat quietly with his breath held, his eyelids half closed, as peaceful as a sleeping Buddha.

    The two of them seemed to be competing for patience. You said nothing, and neither did I. The only sounds in the room were the sound of drinking water and the crisp sound of the porcelain tea cup.

    After about half a quarter of an hour, Changsun Shou couldn't bear it any longer.  He said: "Governor Meng, there is something I still can't figure out: not long after I took office in Dongping, I boasted that I was good to Dongping's soldiers and civilians, and that I had never done anything harmful to nature. Now, the garrison brigade is unanimously opposed  I, I don¡¯t even know the reason, isn¡¯t this ridiculous?¡±

    (Translation: Meng, why are you forcing me so aggressively? Explain it clearly, and we can discuss it later.)

    Meng Ju squinted his eyes and took a sip of tea. He said slowly: "There must be a reason for this kind of thing. It is impossible for someone to rebel for no reason. I will venture to guess that the governor has something to do."  Is it too much? As the governor, as a person involved, you might as well think about it slowly when you go back, and you will understand after thinking about it."

    (Translation: Stop pretending, you don¡¯t know the good things you have done?)

    Changsun Shou snorted and asked, "In accordance with Governor Meng's advice, what should we do now?"

    "I dare not take my opinion seriously. Since the Commander-in-Chief has made up his mind to suppress it, the general will just wait here for the news of the encirclement by the Commander-in-Chief's four brigades."

    Changsun Shou's face twitched. Meng Ju really refused to accept any loss, and he was extremely arrogant at this time.

    "The garrison brigade caused chaos and failed the imperial court. Suppression is a matter of course.way.  However, they have been guarding the border for many years and have made some minor contributions to the imperial court. The imperial court has a tolerant and generous character. If everyone in the garrison can repent, their recruitment is not out of the question.  "

    "The Governor is benevolent, tolerant and discerning. It is a blessing for the soldiers and civilians of Dongping to have you as pastor and guardian of Dongping."

    "Governor Meng, thank you very much." Changsun Shou said solemnly: "But no matter whether it is suppression or pacification, we must find out the whole story before we can make a conclusion. This requires communication with the rebels. I don't know whether you, Governor Meng, may have some contact with the rebels."  Can the army talk to them? Can you please send them a message?"

    Knowing that there was a trap hidden in Changsun Shou's words, Meng Ju said with a smile: "The governor is joking. The general is loyal to the court, so he will naturally not have any friendship with the rebels. But the general knows that there is someone who can talk to them.  ¡ª¡ªGeneral Xiao Hengxiao, former Jing¡¯an capital general and garrison commander!

    General Xiao is the former commander of the garrison brigade and has a reputation in the army. If he intervenes, the rebels must give him face.  "

    "Heroes have similar views, and I also thought of General Xiao." Changsun Shou sighed: "It's a pity that General Xiao refuses to help for some unknown reason. It's a pity for me."

    Meng Ju smiled and said: "General Xiao has always been aware of the general situation, loyal to the emperor, and upright. Seeing the predicament of the Governor's Mansion and the loss of life in Dongping, he was determined not to stand by and watch.

    The general will venture to speculate that General Xiao just feels that if the name is not correct, the words will not be correct. As a veteran general, what can he do to contact the rebels?  How can we suppress the arrogance of the rebels?  Therefore, if the governor wants General Xiao to intervene, he'd better consider this issue.  "

    Changsun Shou nodded heavily. He also knew that everyone had been intimidating each other for a long time but it was just a preparation. The next talk was the real key.

    He sighed: "Governor Meng, this matter is really difficult to handle! General Xiao has retired. According to the rules of the court, retired military generals"

    "Actually, General Xiao is only fifty-two years old and has not yet reached the age of retirement. His comeback does not violate the rules of the court."

    "Uh!" Changsun Shou choked.  After thinking for a while, he seemed to have made a great decision and said slowly: "Governor Meng, I intend to reinstate General Xiao as the commander of the Dongping Garrison Brigade. What do you think?"

    Xiao Heng was reinstated as brigade commander and everything returned to the original state. This was actually Changsun Shou admitting defeat in disguise. Xiao Heng should be satisfied, but Meng Ju did not intend to let Changsun Shou go. Are you kidding? Since you took the initiative to provoke,  Then you have to bear the consequences.  If I lose, can I just say I won¡¯t play anymore?

    "Captain, General Xiao used to be the general of the imperial court. The old man is old, and you still want him to come out to appease the rebels and deal with those wolf-like and tiger-like Qiu Ba people. This kind of thing involves some risks. At the end of the day,  I will think about it, since the Governor's Mansion has entrusted General Xiao, it must show some sincerity, and the official position must be raised to a higher level than before, right? "

    Changsun Shou took a breath of air and thought to himself, Governor Meng, your price is really cruel.  Xiao Heng's title of Commander-in-Chief was originally just a false title, but now Meng Ju not only wants him to deserve his title, but also wants to be promoted to a higher level - he might as well just give him the position of Commander-in-Chief of Dongping.

    Changsun Shou said flatly: "I can't do this."

    Meng Ju smiled, drank the tea in his cup, stood up and said: "General, I feel very honored to be able to meet with the Governor tonight. It's just that the matter is important, and since the Governor can't make up his mind at the moment, let's discuss it another day.  how?"

    Changsun Shou was stunned for a moment. He muttered, wanting to say something but making no sound.


    Meng Ju turned around and walked out, but when he walked to the door, Chang Sunshou's voice came from behind: "Governor Meng, please stay a moment: General Xiao has been reinstated as commander of the garrison brigade, with the title of general of the capital. That's it.  If it¡¯s arranged, what do you think, Governor Meng?¡±

    Meng Ju paused, with a smile on his face.  When he turned around, the smile had disappeared without a trace.  He came back to sit on the chair and said seriously: "Although the arrangements made by Governor Changsun are not satisfactory, I think General Xiao will not care too much because he is loyal to the country, right?"

    Changsun Shou secretly breathed a sigh of relief.  This condition was his bottom line. If Meng Ju still didn't agree, he had no choice but to flee the city immediately that night to bring in reinforcements to counterattack.

    ¡°It¡¯s just that I have just arrived in Dongping, and I don¡¯t have much prestige. It¡¯s hard to say how many troops will listen to me.

    Moreover, the predecessor, Yuan Yikang, had nothing to do for so long. He provoked a mutiny among his subordinates as soon as he took office. No matter what the reason, the court would definitely be unhappy. A comment that "the cruelty of his subordinates provoked a mutiny" would definitely not go away.  of.  Although Tuoba Xiong trusts himself, he still?I don¡¯t want to stay in Northern Xinjiang for the rest of my life and have to return to Luojing sooner or later.

    "Since Governor Meng thinks it's okay, we might as well notify General Xiao and go to appease"

    "Captain, wait a minute! Have you forgotten something again?"

    "What did you forget?" Changsun Shou blinked: "Governor Meng, what do you mean?"

    "Captain, what we just talked about was to give General Xiao an identity. But if you want him to pacify the rebels, it's definitely not possible to go there empty-handed. Commander, you are also the one who leads the troops. You should know that once the soldiers move, thousands of taels of gold -  ¡ªIf you don¡¯t give me money, who of those rebels will listen to you?¡±

    Changsun Shou was angry: "Do I still want to reward those rebels? They raised an army to cause rebellion and besieged the Governor's Mansion. Didn't they accomplish anything?"

    Meng Ju sighed: "Captain, we all know the truth, but the Qiu Ba people will not reason with you. They are still surrounding the Governor's Mansion! If you don't spend a little money to stabilize them, what if they start to cause chaos? Just treat it like this.  Let's spend money to eliminate the disaster. Anyway, this little money is just a drop in the bucket for the Governor's Mansion."

    Changsun Shou was not a stingy person, but when Meng Ju said lightly, "Just give them a dozen taels of silver for each soldier," he jumped up on the spot.

    The two haggled in secret for a while, and finally agreed that the governor's office would pay 30,000 taels of silver to Xiao Heng as labor expenses, and let him be responsible for appeasing the rebellious soldiers.

    After discussing the price, before Changsun Shou could take a breath, Meng Ju said seriously: "Captain Changsun, I'm really embarrassed to say something, but I expect that the Governor will have a lot of money, so I don't think he will blame me.

    In the past two days, in order to quell the riots and calm the order in the city, our Dongling Guards also dispatched more than 8,000 troops. Our officers and soldiers fought against the rebels one after another. The soldiers fought bravely and suffered heavy casualties.

    Governor, you also know that we, Dongling Guards, are a poor yamen. We are really unable to pay the rewards and pensions for the soldiers. Please support us no matter what, Governor.  Here is the list of dead and disabled soldiers. The lower official has already compiled the statistics. The money is not much, only 280,000 taels of silver. This small amount of money is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the Governor's Mansion.  It is expected that the governor's generosity will never make things difficult for the adversary.  "

    Changsun Shou was stunned.  After a long while, he sighed: "Governor Meng, to be honest, I really regret it."

    "What does the governor regret?"

    "I regret coming to Dongping to take office - I worked well in Wuchuan, why should I come to Dongping to dance on the fire bed!" Changsun Shou shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Meng Zhengdu, there is no next time for asking for money, right?"

    "No more." Meng Ju smiled brightly and was very amiable: "Admiral Changsun, if the next time comes, it won't be about money."
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