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Volume One One Hundred and Seventy-six Anger

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    One hundred and seventy six Angry

    After much deliberation, Meng Ju still couldn't make up his mind to kill and silence him.  He shook his head and said: "Director Han, you can't keep this concubine of yours any longer. You can decide for yourself whether you want to send her back to Jiangdu or kill her on the spot."

    Hearing Meng Ju say the words of murder and silence so calmly, a chill suddenly rose in Han Qifeng's heart.  The young man in front of him looked elegant and handsome, and he might be the owner of several lives on his hands.

    He said quietly: "Don't worry, Captain Wang, I will send her back soon."

    "This is the best. You should handle it as soon as possible. Ye Changmengduo - Director Han, I have almost completed the task you gave me last time."

    Han Qifeng looked confused, and Meng Ju had to remind him: "Director Han, don't you want to find out the information about Dongling Guard Town Supervisor Meng Ju?"

    "Oh, that's right! What, did you find out any news?"

    Meng Ju said seriously: "Director Han, I finally found out that Governor Meng and Tuoba Xiong, the general of the Sixth Town of Northern Xinjiang, are really at odds with each other. Not only that, they are also secretly feuding!"

    "Oh, tell me quickly!"

    So Meng Ju picked up some things he could tell and told him. Anyway, the feud between Meng Ju and Tuoba Xiong was well known in the officialdom of Dongping Province. Meng Ju was not worried about letting it slip. He just described himself in the tone of others. He felt strange.  Weird, very awkward.

    Hearing that Meng Ju had a falling out with Tuoba Xiong because his boss Ye Jianan was killed, Han Qifeng smacked his lips and commented: "This Meng Ju is really a stubborn idiot! Since the boss is dead, there is no  What's the use? Falling out with a big shot like Tuoba Xiong over a dead man, this kind of person is hopelessly stupid!

    Wang Xiaowei, tell me, what are Meng Ju¡¯s daily habits like?  "

    "Living habits? Manager Han, what are you referring to?"

    "Where does Meng Ju like to go? How is his schedule arranged? How many guards are there around him, and how many guards are around his residence? How are the shifts changed day and night?"

    The more Meng Ju listened, the more frightened he became. If Han Qifeng wanted to inquire about this information, it was obvious that he had bad intentions towards him.

    He pretended to be embarrassed: "Director Han, the friends I know are just servants in Dongling Guards. They have no access to senior officials at the level of the governor. I'm afraid they won't be able to answer your questions."  .¡±

    "Let's think of a way - I will allocate a sum of money to you and let your friends bribe some people within Dongling Guard. Someone should know about it."

    "But, Director Han, why do you ask these things?"

    Han Qifeng hesitated and said: "In order to cooperate with the progress of the Northern Expedition and inspire the hearts of the survivors of the Northern Kingdom, our Northern Xinjiang Intelligence Station is preparing to take a major operation to deal a heavy blow to the Tatars, to frighten the Tatars in the puppet Korea, and to make those who  The lackeys working for the Tatars are terrified. The goal of this operation is to kill Meng Ju, the governor of Dongping."

    Although he had a premonition in advance, Meng Ju couldn't help but tremble when someone actually said that he wanted to kill him in person.  He was wondering in his heart. He was new here and had never provoked Beifu before. Why did Han Qifeng target him?

    "Director Han, why did you want to kill Meng Ju? Does this man have any grudge against our Beifu?"

    "Wang Xiaowei, Dongling Guard is our Yinghou's great enemy. Even if Meng Ju has no enmity with us yet, he will definitely make things difficult for us in the future - it is wise for us to strike first to gain the upper hand!"

    Meng Juxin said fart, you idiot said it nicely, which Lingwei is not the enemy of Yinghou?  I'm afraid there are not thousands of mausoleum guards in Jingan City, and I don't see you going out to kill at will?  There must be a reason why you chose me.

    He didn¡¯t say anything, just stared at Han Qifeng deeply.  Although he didn't speak, his dissatisfaction was already revealed through his eyes.

    Seeing Meng Ju¡¯s serious expression, Han Qifeng felt faintly scared for some reason.

    The man in front of you has a cold and calm temperament, especially the way he looks at you, which makes you cold to the core.  Among the people Han Qifeng knew in his life, only the head of the Shen family, Xiao Hewo, the judge of the Beifu, and other important officials of the Southern Dynasties had this awe-inspiring majestic temperament.

    How could this Yinghou from the North have such a terrifying aura?

    Seeing Meng Ju protesting with silence, Han Qifeng couldn't help but hesitate.  He had just arrived and was not familiar with the local situation. It would be difficult for him to collect intelligence and find out information without the cooperation of a local snake like Meng Ju. It seemed that Captain Yingyang was very cunning, and it would be impossible for him not to show some benefits to him.

    He sighed and said in a sincere and friendly tone: "Brother Wang, how many years have you been an Eagle Marquis in the North?"

    ? ??I report to the supervisor, I have been an Eagle Marquis for nine years.  "

    "Haha, nine years!" Han Qifeng seemed to be sighing, but also seemed to be regretting: "Brother Wang, have you ever thought about leaving Beidi and returning to Jiangdu, no longer worried, no longer on tenterhooks, and peacefully  Enjoy the life of a court official?"

    Meng Ju smiled and said: "I have thought about it sometimes, but I have never had the chance."

    "Haha, I think so too!"

    Han Qifeng came close to Meng Ju's ear and whispered: "Brother Wang, to be honest, I really admire you. You can stay in such a desolate place for nine years! I am only one person here.  Yue, it¡¯s unbearable now. Compared to Jiangdu, this place is like a prison, not to mention poor food and accommodation, and not even a beautiful girl to look at. If I really want to stay here for four years, I will definitely go crazy.  "

    "Director Han, I understand how you feel - but what does this have to do with the assassination of Meng Ju?"

    "Brother, you don't understand this. According to the regulations of the Beifu, if I stay here, I have to serve for four years before I can go back for promotion. But if I can make great contributions and achieve outstanding results, I will have the opportunity to go back early.  .

    The predecessor, Mr. Yi, received an exceptional promotion from the headquarters because he killed Governor Ye of Dongling Guard. He was called back to receive awards. If we want to get ahead, we must also follow Mr. Yi's example and kill a Dongling Guard.  The new governor, Meng Ju, is the best target.

    Firstly, Dongling Guard is our enemy. Killing a governor of Dongling Guard is much stronger than killing ordinary officials such as prefects and county magistrates of the puppet dynasty, and the momentum and influence will be greater;

    Secondly, Meng Ju is new to Dongping. He has just arrived. There must be many loopholes in his defense. It is much easier to attack him than others;

    ??Three times, Meng Ju is at odds with Tuoba Xiong, the governor of the six towns. If we kill him, we can also find a way to blame Tuoba Xiong and cause political strife within the puppet government. This is a great thing that kills three birds with one stone!  Look, my idea is good, right?  "

    Meng Ju shook his head resolutely: "Director Han, Yinghou is the eyes and ears of the imperial court lurking inside the enemy. It is our main task to collect intelligence and news about the enemy. Beifu clearly stipulates that Yinghou is not allowed to do anything without orders.  Assassinating puppet officials - the enemy only loses an official who can be reappointed at any time, but we have to risk losing the entire intelligence network, which is not worth the loss. Therefore, I do not approve of this action."

    Han Qifeng was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand and said with a smile: "Brother Wang, you don't have to worry. You and I are both high-ranking court officials. All you have to do is spy on the news. I will arrange for others to do the work.  , won¡¯t send you there.

    Brother Wang, I am not a solitary person. As long as I can go back early, I will report your contribution to Beifu and find a way to transfer you back. Then we will go back to Jiangnan together!  Haha, I guarantee you will be eye-opened by the colorful world over there.  "

    "But this will kill people!"

    Han Qifeng said disdainfully: "Being an Eagle Marquis is a dangerous job. It is normal for a few people to die. Brother Wang, we are alone in the north. If everything is peaceful all year round, the headquarters will think that we are here touring the mountains.  Water.

    If only a few people died, how would the headquarters know about our hard work?  A group of people died. Regardless of whether we succeeded or not, the headquarters saw that we suffered heavy casualties. At least they knew that we were really working hard and dared to sacrifice!  It¡¯s not you or me who will die anyway, so what are you afraid of?

    You don¡¯t have to worry, those low-ranking Yinghou are easy to fool. Just tell them that this is an order from the court and that it is for the great cause of the Northern Expedition, and they will happily die.  It doesn't matter if all of these brainless fools die, as long as they recruit a new group of people.  Anyway, in the Northland, there are many fools who are willing to join the Beifu as Eagle Lords, and they will die endlessly.  "

    Meng Ju was furious - it was not because Han Qifeng was trying to assassinate him. Beifu and Dongling Guards were fighting each other, and it was normal to assassinate each other's officials.

    What made him angry was Han Qifeng's attitude: Meng Ju was also made from a low-level Eagle Lord. He knew that, like himself, many Eagle Lords were originally natives of the Northern Wei Dynasty. They took great risks and pressure to lurk in the Northern Wei Dynasty.  Internally, the Northern Wei government collected military and political intelligence for the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Northern Wei court dealt with these Northern Eagle Lords particularly harshly.  Once Yinghou is accidentally captured, not only will they themselves be tortured to death, but his family will also be implicated, imprisoned, and have their property confiscated.

    However, in the face of such horrific punishment, there was still an endless stream of people from the Northern Wei Dynasty who voluntarily joined Yinghou.  It was not for the meager subsidy from Beifu, nor for the unreachable rewards of high-ranking officials, but what drove them to do this was just because of a belief and a sense of arrogance: As descendants of the Chinese, how could they be willing to submit to the barbarians?

     It can be said that every Eagle Lord of the Northern Kingdom is a great hero, worthy of the title of "people with lofty ideals"!

    ??The eagles are not afraid of death. If it is really for the great cause of the Northern Expedition and to win an important battle, I believe that many eagles will sacrifice their lives to become a benevolent person without any regrets.

    But now, just for the selfishness of the intelligence station officials, so that he can create political achievements and get promoted early, Yinghou will be sent to perform a completely unnecessary death mission, serving as worthless cannon fodder, and their blood will be regarded as the basis of political achievements.  Decorated with bright red.

    If the officials of the Southern Tang Dynasty were all like this, looking down on human life and treating their subordinates as trivial things - Meng Ju felt a burst of complete despair: the orthodox China that he had always longed for and expected, for which he had risked his life and dedicated himself and served.  What is the difference between political power and the Xianbei people?

    Looking at Han Qifeng and his straight-looking face, Meng Ju's chest was churning and he was so sick that he almost vomited.  He resisted the urge to slap the face hard several times, stood up and walked straight out the door without saying a word.

    Han Qifeng was stunned. He was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing. He hurriedly got up and chased out, only to see the crowds of people on the street. Where could he see Meng Ju's shadow?

    In the next few days, the officers at the Dongping Mausoleum Office all knew that Governor Meng had been in a bad mood recently, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy, like the sky covered with dark clouds before a storm.

    Inspector Li Minghua of the Internal Affairs Division was summoned for questioning. Inspector Meng Zhen asked him how the investigation into the case of Yinghou and Po Junxing of the Southern Tang Dynasty was progressing. Li Minghua respectfully replied that there were some clues and that the Internal Affairs Division was going all out to investigate.

    This was originally a routine answer, but unexpectedly, Governor Meng got angry on the spot: "Go all out, you are so big! You are such a big man standing there, drinking wine and marrying a little wife, so happy and happy, but you are actually watching  Less than? Waste, complete waste, it is better for Dongling Guard to raise a bunch of pigs than to raise a bunch of waste like you!"

    Li Minghua was scolded until his face turned blue and white, and he retreated in embarrassment.  He was confused: the one-month deadline hasn't come yet, and I haven't offended this great god recently, right?  Who messed with him?

    A terrifying black cloud shrouded the provincial office. The inspectors were frightened and trembling, fearing that Meng Ju would get into trouble. They did not even dare to laugh loudly in the mausoleum office.

    Inspector Ouyang Hui of the Integrity Department is the chief steward of the provincial department. He came secretly and gave Jiang Leilei and Su Wenqing a generous gift privately. He asked for inside information: Governor Meng didn't seem to be in a very good mood recently. What's going on?  ?  Is there something we did poorly in our work that made him angry?  If so, the two girls should tell us and give us a chance to correct it.

    The two girls also knew that Meng Ju had been troubled recently, but they couldn't explain the reason.  However, they gave Ouyang Hui a suggestion: "Sir Ouyang, when Governor Meng was in the Jing'an Department, he had the best relationship with Liu Zhen from the Jing'an Department. They were friends who talked about everything. Brother Liu was a happy baby.  , Governor Meng is very happy every time he sees him, and he will be happy for several days when he comes back. How about you invite Brother Liu over and have a chat with Governor Meng, maybe Governor Meng will be in a better mood."

    Ouyang Hui thought about it for a while and felt that this was a good idea.  Even if Liu Zhen might not be able to make Meng Ju's mood change, but Meng Ju might have said something to him, and knowing the reason would be better than being so worried and kept in the dark now!
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