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Volume One One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thanks

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    One hundred and seventy-three thanks

    Meng Ju was stunned: "Sent it to someone else? Who?"

    "I don't know, he brought it in and left without leaving his name. I thought a bag of tea was not a big deal, so I didn't tell you."

    Meng Ju was almost furious. Jiang Leilei dared to give it to herself when someone sent something to her?

    "Leilei, show me that bag of tea leaves."

    Jiang Leilei went out quickly and came back soon: "Sir Meng, look!"

    This is an ordinary tea paper bag with the words: "Yunfeng Tea Shop, No. 6, Alley 3, Jing'an West Street, new store opening, 20% off discount."

    Seeing Meng Ju staring at the tea bag in trance, Jiang Leilei felt something was wrong.  She asked cautiously: "Mr. Meng, is there something wrong with this tea?"

    "Ah?" Meng Juru woke up from his dream and raised his head: "No problem - the person who brought the tea, did he say anything?"

    "He didn't say anything. He left a bag of tea and left."

    "Oh." Meng Ju said thoughtfully: "Okay, I know about this. Leilei, next time someone brings something to you, ask for it before accepting it."

    After lunch, Meng Ju took a short rest.  In the afternoon, he put on his casual clothes and quietly left the mausoleum without any attendants or guards.

    The third lane of Jing'an West Street is a quite clean road.  Most of the shops on both sides are old grocery stores with sparse traffic.  Meng Ju quickly found the facade of Yunfeng Tea Shop. It was an old shop, and the archway above the door was a little dark.

    Out of caution, Meng Ju did not go in directly, but planned to observe from the outside for a while.  Unexpectedly, as soon as he pretended to be casual and walked by the store, he was immediately stopped by someone: "Sir, do you want new tea?"

    Meng Ju stopped and turned around slowly: a tall and handsome young man stood at the door of the tea shop, waving to him.

    It took a while before Meng Ju recognized the other person: This was the young man named Xu next to Mr. Yi.  However, when we met before, he was always wearing the short coat of a tea shop clerk, huddled behind the counter with his head hanging down, looking very inconspicuous.

    Today, this young man named Xu is wearing a soap-colored samurai uniform, with a long sword hanging on his waist. He has heroic hair and a red cloth tied into a ponytail at the back of his head. The clothes are fit and neat. He is energetic and neat.  , exuding a heroic aura - this was so different from his previous image that Meng Ju finally recognized him.

    Seeing an acquaintance, Meng Ju breathed a sigh of relief. He asked, "Man, is there any new tea this year? I want the Longjing tea picked on the eighth day of March next to the West Lake this year. Is it still in stock?"

    The young man surnamed Xu stared at Meng Ju for a while, and then replied: "Meng Xiaowei, please come in and talk, there is no one in the store."

    The tea shop was quiet and empty, the shelves were arranged in a mess, and they were all empty.

    The young man asked Meng Ju to sit down at the counter and poured a pot of tea for Meng Ju: "I'm sorry, Captain Meng, I just took over an old store and the shelves haven't been sorted out yet."

    "It doesn't matter. I'm not here to buy tea anyway - but after closing an old one and opening a new one, are you addicted to opening a tea shop in Beifu?"

    A smile appeared on the lips of the young man surnamed Xu. He did not argue with Meng Ju and said directly: "Captain Yingyang, there is something I want to inform you: the old password has been cancelled. The new password is: 'Shopkeeper'  , we want to buy a batch of fresh Longjing tea to be sold to the grassland, do you still have it in stock here?¡¯ The answer was: ¡®Sorry, sir, we don¡¯t have Longjing tea, but we do have white chrysanthemum tea.¡±

    You can make up the next words yourself, but remember to include the words "Southern" and "Qingming Festival" in the words. The other party will also answer a sentence. If the other person's words include the words "Northern Xinjiang" and "Autumn Equinox"  That's the right word.  "

    Meng Ju was confused when he heard this: "The old gangster surnamed Yi loves troubles. Will he die if he doesn't come up with new tricks? Where is he? Call him out quickly and tell him that the debt collectors are here! Do you know that I am here?  Luo Jing was almost killed by this old gangster!"

    "I'm sorry, Captain Yingyang, Mr. Yi has been recalled by the Beifu headquarters due to something unexpected. The head of the intelligence station in Beijiang has been replaced."

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment: "The person has been replaced?" After a while, he finally realized the fact: "You said, that old gangster, he ran away?"

    From the first day Meng Ju entered Beifu, his leader and contact person has always been Mr. Yi.  For Meng Ju, the images of Mr. Yi and Beifu are mixed into one.  Although this unscrupulous middle-aged man has many problems. He is greedy for money, lustful, eats and drinks a lot, often cheats, loves to brag, is unreliable in his work, and occasionally turns his back on others - but for some reason,Looking at him, Meng Ju felt at ease.

    Every time Meng Ju was irritable and angry, Mr. Yi's gentle and joking eyes could always calm him down quickly. It was a kind of confidence that he would not be abandoned or betrayed, relying on a father-like and reliable elder.  A sense of security - strangely, Meng Ju could feel the same feeling in Bai Wusha, the chief of Dongling Guard.

    "Yes, he has returned to the south. Colonel Meng, I know that you have a deep relationship with Mr. Yi. You must miss him very much when he is gone"

    "I miss him!" Meng Ju shouted: "This bastard is gone, what will happen to the money he owes me? Will Beifu be responsible for it? There are tens of thousands of taels of silver!"

    The young man named Xu was stunned. He quickly turned away from Meng Ju and his shoulders twitched slightly.  After a while, he turned back with an obviously fake sympathy on his face: "Captain Meng, you and Mr. Yi are both officials of Beifu. Of course, Beifu will not be responsible for the debts between you. If you want  If you want to pursue a lawsuit, I suggest you go to the prefect's Yamen in Jiangdu or Dali Temple to sue him."

    Meng Ju snorted and cursed in a low voice, hoping that some bad middle-aged man would suffer from hemorrhoids and bleed on the way home.

    The young man surnamed Xu handed over a cup of tea, and Meng Ju took a sip before asking in a deep voice: "Who is the new director of the intelligence station? What is his background?"

    "The new manager's surname is Han, and his name is Han Qifeng. He has a great background. It is said that he is a disciple of the Shen family. He is less than thirty years old this year - he is a very young and promising person!"

    Xiao Xu introduced briefly, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. Meng Ju couldn't figure out whether he was laughing at himself or at the new intelligence station chief.

    "So, is Director Han here now? I'll say hello to him. Xiao Xu, please introduce him to me."

    "Director Han is out, but he will be back soon. I don't need to introduce him. Colonel, you just use the secret code to contact him. However, Colonel Yingyang, please don't be busy with the contact now - Mr. Yi is leaving  Please let me tell you something: when handing over the list of intelligence agents, he did not hand over your information to Director Han."

    Meng Ju was stunned: "Didn't you give my information to Director Han? Xiao Xu, what do you mean?"

    "Mr. Yi destroyed your information. Director Han only has your code name 'Jiji' and knows that you are Captain Yingyang of our dynasty, but he has no information about your identity, address, real name and other relevant information in the Northern Dynasty.  I don¡¯t know. Mr. Yi will also find a way to help you modify and destroy your secret Yinghou file at the Beifu headquarters after he returns."

    Meng Ju¡¯s mind was confused and he lost his voice: ¡°You mean¡±

    ¡°What I mean is that unless you take the initiative to contact Colonel Meng, the new Director Han will not be able to find you.

    Mr. Yi said, eight years ago, you were still a teenager. Compared with then, your identity and status have changed a lot now.  The choice you made then may not be satisfactory to you now.  Something happened to you in Luojing. Mr. Yi felt very guilty and sorry for you.  Now, he's giving you another chance to make a choice - it's up to you whether you want to talk to your new manager or not.

    Captain, it doesn¡¯t matter which way you choose, but I hope you will take care of your old relationship and not do anything that makes it difficult for everyone to meet - Captain, do you understand what I mean?  "

    After a long time, Meng Jucai nodded silently, his voice a little bitter: "I understand. Will Mr. Yi do this"

    "Yes. Mr. Yi's actions of modifying and concealing Yinghou's information without authorization have seriously violated the regulations. If the matter is exposed, he will be severely punished - but this has nothing to do with Captain Yingyang, you don't have to  Leave him alone."

    When speaking, Xiao Xu did not look at Meng Ju. He stared intently at his tea cup, as if the ripples in the tea were very interesting.

    Xiao Xu spoke vaguely, but both parties understood what he meant.  The passionate and impulsive childish boy eight years ago and the powerful Governor of Dongling Guard today are very different in their identities.  When one's identity changes, one's thoughts will also change accordingly.

    When Mr. Yi left, perhaps out of guilt or friendship, he risked punishment and left a heavy gift to Meng Ju: He gave Meng Ju a chance to escape Beifu.

    The other party made it very clear: as long as Meng Ju does not deliberately cause trouble for the Beifu Intelligence Station and does not reveal the secrets he knew when he was the Eagle Marquis, then he can no longer contact Beifu - except for Mr. Yi and Xiao Xu in front of him.  Besides, no one in Beifu knows his identity anymore.

    Should he enjoy the splendor and wealth of fine clothes, fine food, fine wine, and beauties, or should he continue to live the undercover life of being on tenterhooks and having trouble sleeping and eating?

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Outsiders looking at the young and proud Governor Meng Ju, but Meng Ju himself knows that he is walking on a razor¡¯s edge, like walking on thin ice.The tension and fear are really unbearable for ordinary people - especially the more than ten days he spent in the dark jail after being arrested by the General Administration, which still makes Meng Ju often scream in nightmares and sit up, covered in cold sweat.

    Meng Ju's expression was gloomy and he didn't speak for a long time. The young man named Xu didn't rush him and drank tea calmly - we were all colleagues and we all understood the pain and pressure of being an eagle lord behind enemy lines.  It's normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

    After a while, Meng Ju sighed: "Old ghost Yi is really annoying. Before leaving, he gave me such a difficult problem - Xiao Xu, if it were you, how would you choose?"

    Xiao Xu was stunned and said: "The day I joined Yinghou, I had already decided on my own path. I have no regrets and I don't want to change it. But Captain Yingyang, you are different from us. You are like this now.  Now that you are a high-ranking official, Mr. Yi and Beifu really can't give you a better status than you are now - no one else can really help you in this matter. You can only make the decision. Whether the result is good or bad can only be borne by you.  .

    If you are in trouble, I suggest you not to make a hasty decision, think carefully before talking to Director Han.  "

    Meng Ju nodded silently. This topic was too heavy, so he changed the topic: "Xiao Xu, let me ask you, if I contact the new manager Han, will he not ask about my true identity? If he asks, I will  Should I say it?¡±

    "This is about Captain Yingyang's safety. It's up to you, Captain, to decide whether to say it or not. Mr. Yi said that when you first arrive, Director Han can't put too much pressure on you. If he  If there is any excessive pressure on you, Mr. Yi believes that Captain Yingyang is fully capable of handling the matter."

    Meng Ju would be too stupid if he couldn't understand what the other party meant.  This was clearly Mr. Yi's hint that if Director Han pushed too hard, he could deal with him and make him suffer a little bit. In Jing'an, although he could not say that he could cover the sky with one hand, as the dignified Governor of Dongling Guard, he could deal with the situation.  It couldn't be easier for a foreigner with no foundation.

    Meng Ju asked tentatively: "Xiao Xu, is there something wrong between Mr. Yi and Director Han between them?"

    Xiao Xu glanced at Meng Ju expressionlessly, drinking tea without saying a word, so Meng Ju knew it immediately. He smiled coquettishly and filled the tea cup without saying a word.

    After the two of them finished drinking a cup of tea, Xiao Xu stood up.  He bowed deeply to Meng Ju and said solemnly: "Captain Meng, Mr. Yi's words have been received and my mission has been completed, so I will take my leave.

    Captain Yingyang, no matter what you choose, in the past eight years, you have taken great risks and made great contributions to the imperial court and the Beifu, and you have provided great help to the great cause of the Northern Expedition to restore the mountains and rivers of our Chinese nation.  Your achievements are indelible - Mr. Yi asked me to say thank you for your care and help to him over the past eight years. You have worked hard, please take care of yourself.  "

    "Ah, Xiao Xu, do you want to go back too?"

    "Well, the imperial court's Northern Expedition has begun. I am also a warrior in armor and am going back to join the war."

    Meng Ju stood up and looked at the young and sincere face in front of him. He felt deeply and said sincerely: "Thank you, Xiao Xu. Take care of yourself. Be more careful and pay attention to safety when you go to the battlefield. We will see you later."

    The young soldier smiled warmly and moved his lips as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.  He nodded solemnly to Meng Ju, turned and left.  He didn't even bring his luggage, he just walked into the street casually and slowly disappeared at the end of the long street with the flow of people.

    Looking at the direction where Xiao Xu¡¯s back disappeared, Meng Ju felt lost and filled with emotions.
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