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Bleach Prequel: Hueco Mundo Main Chapter 160 Journey

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    In the sky above Hueco Mundo, Long Fei and his group flew towards the location of the Dragon King's Palace. Along the way, everyone was silent except for the main topic. The atmosphere was extremely solemn, especially when Long Fei solved the problem of the tile named Jesse.  After Stodder, the atmosphere here became more solemn and even began to become complicated.

    During the flight, Stark's eyes kept rolling around Long Fei and Ni Lu, but to no avail for a long time. Long Fei and Ni Lu were silent, not saying a word, and there seemed to be an invisible wall between them.  The same wall blocks their communication.

    Seeing Nilu trying to say something, but he was hesitant, resulting in the awkward situation of not saying anything, and Long Fei wanted to turn around several times, but in the end turned his head back without leaving a trace, Stark was helpless  With a sigh, he accelerated his flight forward and came to Long Fei's side.

    "Long Fei, you were too harsh. Can't you just hit him casually?" Stark patted Long Fei on the shoulder with a bit of reproach in his tone.

    These words made Long Fei stunned for a moment, because Stark's character would never say such words. When he said words that he would not normally say, he usually meant something.

    In a flash of thought, Long Fei understood what Stark meant. The other person said this on behalf of someone in the team. The only person who usually said these words most often was Yun Lang.

    ¡¾Can¡¯t it be enough for her to say these words herself?  ¡¿Long Fei thought this in his heart, but finally said: "Stark, you are really a kind person."

    This time, the stunned person became Stark, but as the initiator of the incident, he immediately knew what Long Fei meant.

    ¡¾Is there something that you can't talk about openly between you?  Why do you have to use this awkward way of communicating? You know it's very difficult for me to do.  ] Stark complained in his heart. He rolled his eyes at Long Fei, and then used his eyes to signal Long Fei to speak on his own.

    Long Fei deliberately turned his head, not looking at Stark, and said: "The battle just now was just to test my current strength. The attack was not very serious. I have already spared his life."

    Indeed, one life was spared, but even if Jesse survived, he would no longer be Vastod. Long Fei had completely shattered the virtual shell on his body, and the spiritual pressure in his body had also been lost.  Most of it was destroyed, and after the injuries on his body are healed, I am afraid that Jesse will only be an intermediate Achukas, and may even become a Killian.

    "Long Fei just took action to teach the other party a lesson. It's no big deal. It's very polite to leave him alive. You must know that the other party used a sneak attack before. If Long Fei didn't still have some strength, he would have died long ago." Haiyan waved  He waved his hand and said.

    "Do you have some strength?" Asido and Harribel looked at Haiyan blankly, then slowly turned their heads and glanced at Long Fei, who had no reaction. They immediately thought of Long Fei's combat power, and suddenly sweated in their hearts.

    "Stark, when did you become such a bitch? Captain Long Fei can't even use his Zanpakut¨­." Lilynite glanced at Stark dissatisfied. In her heart, she and Stark  Tucker is one, and the other person's dick also represents his own dick.

    After hearing the words of a few people, Nilu was also a little confused. Judging from the words of everyone, Long Fei did hold back, but she couldn't accept this meaningless fight in her heart. The stronger one beat the weaker one into pieces.  Behavior that seriously injures.

    Don't forget that the current Long Fei is always in the state of swastika. Coupled with the improvement some time ago and the instant movement used for the whole body, he can deal with a low-level Vastod Daxu that is not even an Arrancar.  I'm afraid it's killing a chicken with a knife.

    "That's what I said, but" Stark stopped mid-sentence. Others didn't know how many kinds of injuries Jesse had suffered, but he was very clear about it. Although he couldn't say that he could completely see through the dragon.  It's a flying movement, but most of it can still be seen clearly.

    "Okay, Stark!" Long Fei's voice suddenly rose, and all the Yunlang personnel were stunned by his roar, and even stopped flying.

    Long Fei walked up to Stark and patted him on the shoulder, then shook his head slightly, indicating that Stark could stop doing this.

    "Nilu, come with me." Long Fei said lightly, and then fell into a pile of sand below.

    Nilu turned the conversation to her. She was very panicked and felt that something bad was about to happen. "I hope this is just my illusion." Nilu cheered herself up and followed Longfei down.  .

    Everyone was confused, such as Lilynit, who was scratching her head desperately. She couldn't think of why things developed like this. The scene with Stark in the present world, and then Long Fei talking to Nilu. There was nothing wrong with this series of events.  The connection also makes the content of Long Fei's conversation with Nilu unpredictable.

      "Stark, what do you think Long Fei did to find Nilu?" Lilynit thought hard to no avail, so she disguised herself as Stark and asked for help.

    "I'm not a god, how could I know such a thing." Stark turned his head and looked carelessly.

    Monitoring him and refusing to let go, Lilynit turned her eyes to Haiyan and the others for help. However, although Harribel's face was expressionless, Lilynit seemed to see a confused light in her eyes, and  Acedo looks similar to Harribel. As for Haiyan

    "It's so good to be young" Haiyan looked up to the sky and sighed like a dying old man. Although she looked like it was unfair, the sadness revealed in her eyes could not be concealed.

    Shiba Haiyan is also a person with stories. Especially after his resurrection, one of his stories became even more profound and sad, because he was the only one who was resurrected, but his wife has passed away forever.  Can't come back either.

    "What, you look so old-fashioned, you may not even be a hundred years old." When Lilynit said this, she did not add the time since Haiyan's death, so Haiyan's age suddenly became  It's been reduced a lot.

    "I didn't expect that I am so young in your eyes. It seems that I still have a long way to go." Haiyan shamelessly boasted along with Lilynit's words.

    "Hey! Don't climb up along the pole No, I didn't even give you the pole. What I said before was not a compliment to you, but a derogatory one, you idiot!!" Lilynit waved in the air.  The siblings protested.

    "Yeah, I've been eating and drinking in the team for free these days, and I haven't been able to help at all. I can only make up for it by cooking." Haiyan once again misunderstood Lilynit's meaning, and pointed at her from time to time.  Staring.

    "If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. Before you came to Yunlang, I tied up Captain Long Fei and did a lot of things. He also once said that he would hand over the position of deputy captain to me, but  My mission was shelved because it was not completed." What Lilynit said was true. Of course, it was actually the same, but the meaning was completely different to the ears of people who were not aware of it.

    "That's it, Lilynit, you are really amazing!" Haiyan raised his thumb to Lilynit and praised him profusely. At the same time, he also put his other hand on Lilynit when the other person wasn't paying attention.  Stroking the other person's head.

    "Of course." Lilynit straightened her "airport" and said in a straight tone, not paying attention to Haiyan's movements.

    Time passed slowly in the minds of several people, and the conversation between Long Fei and Nilu ended here.

    "Let's go." Long Fei smiled at Nilu, then took the lead and flew upwards.

    "Yes!" Nilu nodded, followed Long Fei, and flew toward Stark and Lillynit in the air.

    Stark and others also saw the flying figures of Long Fei and others, and immediately stopped playing around, waiting for the cold man to return, and then continued on their way.

    After a while, Long Fei and Nilu had returned to the team. Long Fei was fine, but when Stark and others turned their eyes to Nilu, they couldn't help but be stunned.

    At this time, Nilu's temperament changed drastically. She was completely different from before. She had a cold look and didn't want to be seen by anyone. If you look carefully, you can see that her eyes are slightly red and swollen, and there are two faint tears on both sides of her cheeks.  .

    ¡¾It seems they were talking about something serious.  ¡¿Everyone thought this in unison.

    Stark took a few steps forward, leaned into Long Fei's ear and asked softly: "What exactly did you say to her, and why did Nilu look like this when she came back." When he spoke, his eyes were still  From time to time, he glanced at Nilu beside him.

    Feeling that someone was staring at her, Nilu turned her head and gave a faint sideways glance to see if someone was watching her, making them retreat without a fight.

    Stark Suishan was asking, but there was an inexplicable aura in his words. In his eyes, Long Fei and Nilu were like family members. No matter which one of them got into trouble, he would not let them go.  past the perpetrator.  It would be even more unforgivable if the perpetrator was one of our own.

    What Stark is most afraid of now is that Long Fei impulsively said something he shouldn't have said to Nilu, causing the relationship between the two to break up and causing Yunlang to fall apart.

    Seeing Stark¡¯s solemn look, Long Fei didn¡¯t dare to hide anything, so he leaned into his ear and said, ¡°This is what happened¡±

    The two people were not whispering for a long time, but everyone was tortured to death by the curiosity in their hearts. They wanted to know what happened, but because of their scruplesThe person in charge, Nilu, held back her curiosity.

    "So that's what it is." Stark said with sudden realization, and then looked at Long Fei a little reproachfully, "What you did this time is not wrong for everyone, but it is still wrong for Nilu.  It¡¯s a bit much.¡±

    "There's nothing I can do about it. I'm not a person who can deal with this kind of thing. To do this is already the limit." Long Fei spread his hands and relaxed his shoulders, saying helplessly.

    "I don't care what you want to do, but after this matter is over, you must explain it properly. If you are hurting Nelu, I will not let you go." Stark's expression suddenly became serious.

    "Should I say thank you, deputy captain?" Long Fei did not answer Stark's question, but teased him.

    "If you want to say something." Stark said, turned around and walked in front of everyone, waved his hands and said, "This time the matter ends here, there is only one thing for everyone to do next, then  Just defeat the Dragon King¡¯s Palace.¡±

    "Understood!" The voices of everyone's responses were high and low, not uniform at all.

    Long Fei didn¡¯t mind. He raised his finger and pointed to the east and said: ¡°In the next period of time, we will fly at full speed. We will try to reach the next area within three hours, and then set up camp to rest.¡±

    In Hueco Mundo, there is no distinction between day and night, and the rest time is up to oneself. There are no regulations. Many powerful Hollows fight for one or two days and only rest for four or five hours, or even less.

    "Commander Long Fei, how long will it take for us to arrive at the Dragon King's Palace?" Lilynit asked, this is also the question on everyone's mind.

    Long Fei pondered for a while, and then replied: "It will probably take another month. In addition to the necessary rest, we also have to train, so one month is at least."

    To be honest, when Long Fei suggested that everyone go to the Dragon King's Palace together, he didn't look at the big map carefully, so he didn't know it was so "far". By the time he knew it, everyone was already ready.  I just had to bite the bullet.

    "Why is it so far away?! When I first listened to your conversation, I thought the Dragon King's Palace was very close." Lilynit's body softened and she floated feebly in the air. Her momentum was exhausted in this moment.

    After hearing what he said, everyone fell silent in unison, with thousands of thoughts in their hearts.

    ¡¾I think so too.  ¡¿Long Fei and others thought at the same time. At the beginning, they all thought that the Dragon King's Palace was only a few days away, but they couldn't say this, because in this case, wouldn't it mean that they were stupider than others?  !

    "It seems you didn't understand what we meant!" Haiyan said, but the first thing in her mind was: [Fortunately, I knew about this matter earlier and was prepared, otherwise they would definitely know that I didn't listen carefully at that time.  ¡¿

    "Yes!" Harribel nodded in agreement with Haiyan's meaning, thinking in her heart: [Judging from what Stark and the others said, they looked like they were about to prepare for battle. In other words, the Dragon King's Palace is not far away, but  Why is this like this? Could it be that I have become stupid and did not understand the meaning of the two captains?  ¡¿

    "If there is anything unclear in the future, just ask Stark." Asido also agreed with Haiyan's statement, because he also did not understand the "distance" of the Dragon King Palace!  !

    After listening to Asido's words, Lilynit turned her head to Stark. The meaning in her eyes was very clear, that is, why didn't you tell me that the Dragon King's Palace was actually very far away.

    Seeing that the finger was pointed at him, Stark shouted misfortune in his heart, but on the surface he didn't reveal anything that shouldn't be revealed, and said slowly: "I asked you if you understood the question at the time, but you casually said  Deal with me."

    Lilynit thought for a while, and a scene suddenly flashed through her mind, that is, Stark was asking her about her trip to the Dragon King's Palace, but she was just dealing with it casually.

    ¡¾Fortunately, such a thing has happened in Zhiqi Na, and Lilinite dealt with it casually, otherwise the company would have suffered a big loss.  ¡¿Seeing that Lilynit was fooled by him, Stark also looked relieved, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

    Stark didn't dare to say that he didn't understand, because except for Lilynit, everyone else looked like I understand, and their expressions were unpretentious and had no loopholes, so if he said it, wouldn't it mean that  Is he stupid?

    As for Nilu, she had focused on Long Fei from the beginning. She wanted to go to the Dragon King's Palace because of Long Fei, so not to mention the distance to the Dragon King's Palace, she even had a partial understanding of some of the things they discussed later.

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