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Bleach Prequel: Hueco Mundo Part 1 Chapter 50 The Daily Life of the Masked Legion

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    At noon the next day, because Long Fei and Hiyori were injured before, the training was rescheduled to the next day.

    In the warehouse, the sounds of several people discussing and a burst of rhythmic shouting came from the warehouse.

    "Lunch is so slow, Hiyori, go make something to eat." Hirako Mako was lying on the sofa, holding his head with one hand, and said weakly.

    Hiyori on the side squinted, looked at Hirako Mako with contempt and said unhappily: "You bald man, why should I make food?! Having said that, even if I make it, I won't give it to you to eat! Bald man!!"

    Lou Juro on the other side, holding something in his hand, asked Luo Wu on the right with a smile: "Luo Wu, have you listened to the new song released by alittlesouthofsanity some time ago?" (He was introduced through Lou Juro's preferences.  I probably like hardrock/metal style music, and Prince of Darkness was released in 2005, which is now about six years before the plot, so I dug out the album, which of course I hadn't heard.)

    "Pfft, hahahaha" Luo Wu looked at the comic in question and smiled, "By the way, Ross (Rouzhiro's name), have you seen this week's jump?"

    "No," Lou Juro complained helplessly: "Speaking of which, haven't you always refused to let me see it?"

    The screen turned again, and Quanxi was seen wrapping a bandage on his hand attentively, "Lisa, you have to keep a close eye on Long Fei."

    "I'm staring at him, what a shame!" Lisa Yatomaru said impatiently. She stared at the magazine in her hand, not looking at Long Fei at all.

    "Where are you looking?!" Kensi couldn't help but remind Lisa, "Aren't you always looking at Swimsuit Idol?!"

    ¡°It¡¯s so noisy, get out of here and stop bothering me!¡± Lisa fought back, complaining three times in a row.

    "Aren't you on duty today?!" Quanxi reminded again.

    "Anyway, just shout the racquet for him, come on." Lisa Yatomaru also started the racquet, "1, 2; 1, 2; 1, 2"

    At this time, I saw Long Fei just like Ichigo in the original work, stepping on the funny weight loss machine and sliding back and forth.

    But everyone else was doing their own thing and ignored him at all.  Even the guy on duty, Lisa Yatomaru, was staring at the magazine in her hand, and the beats she was talking about were completely out of line with Long Fei's rhythm.

    "Why did I end up with the same fate as Ichigo? I am obviously much stronger than Ichigo.  I know, this must be revenge. One is revenge for the injury I got yesterday, and the other is revenge for the beating I got yesterday.  ¡¿Long Fei stepped on this funny weight-loss machine back and forth, "Heha, Heha" While he shouted softly, the anger in his heart surged.

    "Lunch is so slow" Hirako Mako complained feebly again.

    "You bald man!" Hiyori complained about Hirako as always.

    The sounds in the room were very chaotic, including Hirako's complaints, Hiyori's complaints, Luo Wu's bursts of laughter, and Yatomaru Lisa's voice shouting time that was completely different from Long Fei's rhythm.  When Long Fei looked at these people, the anger in his heart surged again.

    "Uh" Long Fei suppressed his anger, the veins on his face gradually popped up, and there were more and more hash marks, and finally

    "I quit!!" Long Fei raised his foot and kicked the weight-loss machine away. After drawing a straight line in the air, the weight-loss machine hit Mako Hirako's face and knocked him off the sofa.

    "What are you doing, brat?" Hiyori saw that the slimming machine he had made was ruined, and shouted angrily, "If you are too arrogant, be careful and I will flatten you, bald man!!"

    "That's my line, right?" Hirako Mako fell to the ground, spitting with blood on his head.

    "That's my line!" Long Fei directly copied Hirako's words, "I will teach you the method of virtualization that will be unforgettable. You clearly said it so arrogantly." (Author: Hirako Mako, you  It turns out that he also said this to Long Fei.)

    "Why do I have to slide this kind of thing all day long? It's obviously a rubbish weight loss machine that I made myself?!" Long Fei raised his hand and pointed at the weight loss machine lying aside. His words also made several other people turn around and look, "  Are you an idiot? After all, am I also an idiot for obeying you?"

    "Alas~" Luo Wu and Lou Shilang sighed as they looked at Long Fei in a furious state.

    "Yes, you are an idiot, you are the only idiot." When Long Fei and Hiyori were arguing, the back door of the warehouse was also pushed open.

    "I'm back." I saw Bai and Baoxuan walking in from the door with a few bags in hand.

    "Thank you for your hard work." Luo Wu said to Bai and Bo Xuan with a smile. Then, they looked at Long Fei and Hiyori who were arguing.

    "It's because you and I keep talking and don't want to?I did what I said, bald man!  !  "

    "Bald man, bald man is so noisy, you tiger-toothed girl? You are the one who is nagging, right? What kind of cultivation is this kind of thing?"

    "Bald doesn't mean a person without hair, it means a fool like you who doesn't know anything."

    "You said bald again, what qualifications does a short guy like you have to say that about me?!"

    Watching the quarrel between the two, Bai lifted the bag in his hand and asked Luo Wu, "I bought the bento, do you want to eat it now?"

    "If you want to eat, eat!" Luo Wu had been hungry for a long time. When he heard that there was food, he immediately turned his head and looked at the bento in Bai's hand.

    When Bai saw Luo Wu like that, he took out the lunch box and handed it to Luo Wu. He looked at the quarrel between Hiyori and Long Fei and said, "It seems like they are making a big fuss again." Bo Xuan also walked towards the other people and divided the lunch boxes.  give them.

    Luo Wu took the lunch box and explained the current situation: "He seems to be unable to accept the Super Hiyori Walking Machine!"

    "Eh~ It just happened now!" Bai was a little surprised at Long Fei's patience.

    As soon as Bai finished speaking, the quarrel between the two escalated. Hiyori picked up Hirako Mako in his hand and smashed Long Fei on the head.  After Long Fei sidestepped and avoided it, he also raised the weapon named "Hirako Mako" and threw it at Hiyori.  And this weapon named "Hirako Mako" was smashed open by Hiyori's shoe.

    "Why do you use me as a weapon and shield?" Hirako Mako groaned feebly. Those few attacks just now were aimed at his head. If he hadn't been the God of Death, most people would have died long ago.

    This is not so much a battle between Long Fei and Hiyori, but rather the two beating up Hirako Mako.

    ¡°I think it¡¯s not good that Hiyori doesn¡¯t explain clearly the function of the walking machine.¡± Ariakida Hakugen said the truth.

    "I feel the same way." Kennishi agreed, and commented on Hiyori's behavior, "That guy always doesn't say a word."

    "Idiots." Lisa complained mercilessly to the two of them, "Do you think Long Fei's strength needs to be tested by a walking machine? This is simply Hiyori's revenge." After hearing her words, the other two people thought about it.  After thinking about yesterday's battle, he nodded with deep understanding.

    At this time, Hiyori picked up his sneakers and patted Long Fei. Long Fei also picked up "some" humanoid object and hit Hiyori's sneakers.  With a "pop!", Hirako Mako was hit on the head by Hiyori's sneaker again, causing blood to flow.

    "Take the move, Huya Girl!" Long Fei held Hirako Mako's head to use his strength, got up and kicked Hiyori away.  While being kicked away, Hiyori also kicked Long Fei in the abdomen, and the two of them flew to both sides at the same time.

    "You brat! Don't talk about those messy things. Just paddle until you fall." Hiyori raised the walker and hit Long Fei in the face.

    "Tch!" Long Fei turned around and kicked the walking machine away, "Who would continue to step on such a broken walking machine?"

    While the two were still going on, Hirako Mako walked up to Hiyori, and the blood on his face had disappeared.

    "Wait a minute, Long Fei." Hirako Mako persuaded, "That shabby Hiyori walking machine" Before he could finish speaking, Hiyori reminded: "It's not shabby, it's super!!"

    Mako Hirako ignored her and continued to think about himself: "It is to lay the foundation for future cultivation. It depends on how long you can draw that thing, and then you can decide the level of your next cultivation."

    "Level?" Long Fei was a little unclear. When he read the original work, he only knew that the broken walker was to test Ichigo's spiritual power. He didn't look carefully at other levels.

    "Just like Hiyori said, don't talk about those incomprehensible words, first try to scratch the Hiyori walking machine and see." Mako Hirako said the word "tattered" again, and as expected, Hiyori behind him  In rage.

    "I told you it was super! Be careful, I'll kill you, stinky bald Mako!!" Hiyori threatened to kill Mako.

    But Mako Hirako still ignored her: "If you want me to teach you how to complete the blur, you have to do it for at least three days in a row." Mako Hirako's voice was a bit scary, but Long Fei would not be scared.

    "Are you kidding me?" Long Fei pursed his lips, pointed to the walking machine that was kicked away by him, and said disdainfully: "This kind of thing, let alone rowing for three days in a row, there is no problem even if it is rowed in a row for a week.  I know that the machine will consume spiritual energy as long as it is touched, and this machine is constructed in this way.¡±

    "Your purpose is to see how many days I row to measure my maximum spiritual power. But with my current spiritual power, I can row for at least eight days. This kind of test is meaningless at all. Are you kidding me?  Bald man!!" Long Fei said "bald man" to Hirako Mako!

      "What?!" Hirako Mako heard this familiar word, and his head was full of black lines, [That bastard Hiyori, he completely ruined my reputation.  ¡¿

    "Okay, Mako." Lisa came over and said, but her next sentence started to complain: "Are you an idiot?! This exercise has no meaning in the first place. It's just a random trick by Hiyori.  of."

    "What did you say? Some of us must have done this kind of test." Hirako Mako looked confused.

    "Alas!" Lisa sighed and rolled her eyes at Pingzi, "You are really an idiot. Think about it carefully. With Long Fei's current strength, do you think he needs this kind of test? This is simply Japanese  Shili felt unhappy after losing to Long Fei yesterday, so she is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge."

    "Is that so?" Hirako turned to Hiyori, and saw Hiyori turning her head to the side and whistling, as if it had nothing to do with her.

    "Speak to me, Hiyori!!" Mako Hirako yelled, but was immediately slapped away by Hiyori.

    "You're too noisy, bald man! Let me tell you first that I won't apologize."

    "I didn't ask you to apologize."

    "Then there's no need to say sorry."

    Seeing the triumphant look of Hiyori's villain, Hirako Mako was so angry that he couldn't let it out, "You guy, the reason is" Hirako Mako was on the verge of exploding.

    "I said, have you made enough trouble? When can I learn to blur? Bald man!!" Long Fei pressed his ears with his little finger and said impatiently.

    "Whoosh!" Hirako Mako suddenly appeared in front of Long Fei, holding his palm open in front of Long Fei's face. A special wave came out, and Long Fei's consciousness was shut down by Hirako Mako.


    PS: The Masked Legion is really interesting. Long Fei has now entered the world of consciousness. Of course, the current world of consciousness cannot be entered by Long Fei unilaterally. It must be done through the external force of Mako Hirako.
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