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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> Seven evil spirits break the heavenly record

Text Chapter 74 Escape under the Moon

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    After Xiao Qingyun left, he immediately arranged for people to secretly monitor the Chen Family Auction House.  Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, Xiao Qingyun felt that Jing Mo was hiding in the auction house.

    The Chen family was naturally unable to notice this in time, and although Jing Mo had the spiritual sense to detect these existences, he became worried because of this.  There are five secret sentinels in total, each with one spiritual person and three spiritual beings, and these five secret sentinels have blocked all access to the auction house.

    It seems that Jing Mo must have noticed something with what the Xiao family did, but now that he has the spiritual crystal in hand, it is not an option to just stay at the Chen family auction house.

    After getting rid of the ten spirits of the Xiao family, Jing Mo originally planned to see Chen Qi to report that he was safe, take the spirit crystal, and then set off for the Sunset Mountains.  Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingyun was a suspicious person, and by chance, he trapped Jing Mo in the Chen Family Auction House.

    At the moment, the Chen and Xiao families have not openly used swords and guns, so Jing Mo can¡¯t embarrass Chen Qi because of this.  After weighing things up, Jing Mo simply stayed with him at the Chen Family Auction House for a few days. Perhaps those secret whistles would leave on their own by then.

    Of course, things were not what Jing Mo thought. It seemed that the Xiao family was exhausted, and the surveillance staff actually changed guard day and night.

    Jing Mo had thought about sneaking into the crowd of people going in and out of the auction house during the day, but those guys rarely did their duty and would not let anyone go from the auction house.  In this way, once discovered, not only would it be difficult to escape, but Xiao Qingyun would also be attracted immediately.

    Until the fifth day, Jing Mo really didn¡¯t want to go on like this.

    Leaving a letter late at night, Jing Mo planned to leave without saying goodbye.

    This road leads to the Sunset Mountains. The surrounding buildings are a bit scattered, but this road is usually crowded with pedestrians and bustling.  After all, this road is the only way to the Sunset Mountains after the end of the town.

    It was late at night, and the scattered shops had long been closed and completely silent. Under the moonlight, the night wind occasionally blew through, bringing up unknown objects that gave people an eerie and slightly terrifying feeling.

    But at this moment, a human voice suddenly emerged from a dark corner of the eaves somewhere.

    "Brother Qin, what are you talking about with Mr. Xiao recently? The Jing family has obviously left long ago, but what exactly are we guarding day and night?"

    This man didn¡¯t wait for Brother Qin to respond, but continued to think about himself: "Speaking of it, when I came to Stu Town with Master Xiao, weird things happened one after another, and our Xiao family also suffered heavy losses."

    ???????????????????????????????????? Then he said, "However, you and I are lucky. Watching here is a bit tiring and boring, but at least we won't lose our lives because of it."

    Hearing the sound, the so-called Brother Qin who was sitting leaning did not respond with words. He just looked at the stars in the sky quietly and thought about his thoughts.  This person is the spiritual man who is sentrying here. There are two spiritual men in the dark corner of the eaves opposite them, and they are dozing off in confusion.

    At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out of a corner of the auction house, and disappeared in the moonlight in the blink of an eye, as if nothing had ever happened.  The man named Qin Lingshi suddenly glanced away, froze for a moment, and then looked at the starry sky again.

    This place is only ten feet away from the secret sentry, but this distance is that the houses on the left and right are connected together without any fork in the road.  In other words, if you want to leave from here, unless you jump over those houses without making a sound, you must pass that hidden sentry.

    Jing Mo, who was hiding in the dark, was a little nervous. The spirit man's reaction was too sharp.  The previous spiritual sense induction was to distract the spirit by talking, but even so, the spirit still reacted.

    " If he wanted to kill all four people on the eaves on both sides of the road, Jing Mo was still confident under the influence of the vine snakes and soul darts.  But it seems impossible to kill them without any sound.

    Hidden in the darkness, Jing Mo wanted to kill all the Xiao family members in the dark, but his self-awareness of his strength forced him to control his emotions.

    Another gust of night wind blew by~~~~It was really a bit cold.

    Hiss, hiss!  ¡­

    There was a sound like something scraping against the ground. Qin Lingshi looked over immediately.

    There was nothing unusual at the auction house, but Qin Lingshi was very sure that the hissing sound came from the direction of the auction house.


    The sound gradually became clearer and faster, and something seemed to be moving on the road under the moonlight.  At this moment, Qin Lingshi had completely focused his attention on the sound.

    The spirit man next to Qin Lingshi came forward curiously and looked intently at the road. As for the two spirit men in the corner of the eaves opposite them, they were still dozing in confusion.

    The night wind blew gently again, and in Qin Lingshi's field of vision, at first glance, it looked like a very long tree that could not be seen under the moonlight.The rope at the end.  As the so-called rope gets closer and closer, a familiar breath appears from scratch, from weak to strong.  At this time, what they saw was no longer a vague and illusory rope, but a strange but absolutely certain spiritual snake.

    At this moment, three black shadows, two in front and one behind, one on the left and one on the right, quietly walked away around the eaves.

    Seeing that the spiritual snake was clearly visible in the moonlight, Qin Lingshi lost his voice with some trembling and said: "How is it possible? That snake must be at least an early stage second-order spiritual beast." His thoughts flashed, and he immediately became alert: "At this time  , in this place, such a powerful spiritual beast appeared strangely"

    "Damn! I've seen a ghost today." The spirit man shook his head while rubbing his eyes.

    "That's not right!" Qin Lingshi's hand slowly moved to the signal bamboo tube around his waist.

    Just when the two were moved and reacting, blood suddenly flew up under the moonlight opposite, and one person rolled a few times like a dream and fell from the corner of the eaves before losing his life.

    Feeling something bad, Qin Lingshi hurriedly held the bamboo tube in his hand, but in the next second, his entire body was restrained by the Snake Ghost Vine, the spiritual skill of the Vine Snake.

    There was a whooshing sound beside me, poof!  ~~

    The spirit person was already at the ninth level, and his acuity was even more astonishing. Although the soul dart was locked at the throat, in the end it only made a gash in the spirit person's neck.  Controlling three darts at the same time over a long distance, and controlling the vine snake to use his spiritual skills to deal with the spirit man, coupled with the spirit man's amazing instincts, Jing Mo's dart failed.

    Turning sideways, the spirit man quickly touched his waist and flicked his finger.

    There was a loud scream, and a bright firework exploded in the night sky about thirty feet away from the ground. It was so eye-catching under this beautiful moonlit night sky.

    Seeing this scene, Jing Mo couldn't care less. He showed up and ran towards the Sunset Mountains on the road.

    At the same time, the Snake Ghost Vine was still claiming the life of the Qin Lingshi, but the Vine Snake was chasing the spirit man who had fallen to the ground and fled.  At this time, Jingmo had already run past the secret sentry, and less than ten meters in front of him, the running spirit was entangled and locked by the vine snake.

    With the power of the vine snake, it can definitely kill the spirit person in an instant, but the vine snake only entangled the spirit person and exposed its head.  It was this damn guy who made Jing Mo's elaborate sneak attack fail, thus completely exposing his whereabouts. How could Jing Mo not hate him in his heart.

    But this hatred can only be satisfied by his own hands.

    As he was running, the Cold Lotus Sword was already in his hand. The young man in black in the eyes of the spirit man had an aura that was like that of an evil god from hell, which made his whole body stand on end with fear and fear He wished he could die by closing his eyes before that young man came.  .

    Pfft!  ~~

    Under the moonlight, something seemed to fly out, and then the blood mist sprayed out. It was so eerie under the night.

    Jing Mo passed by with his sword, but did not stop running. However, the vine snake was gone, leaving the spirit man's headless body, slowly falling to the ground in the spray of blood mist.

    The boy's shadow gradually lengthened under the moonlight, but there was a figure on the eaves, watching Jing Mo slowly go away.  At this time, in her heart, she seemed to have a kind of haziness towards the boy, a haziness that was both strange and close to her, a haziness that she didn't know whether she was concerned about or indifferent, a haziness that she couldn't explain because she didn't want anything to happen to him  ¡­

    At this time, people were already moving around the auction house, but they had only one goal.

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