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Text Chapter 59: Soul Controlling Beasts

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    Unexpectedly, Jing Mo failed to realize the crux of the problem for a moment. If he could really control the body of the spirit beast through his soul power, wouldn't it mean that this spirit beast would become his most loyal thug.

    After being shocked, Jing Mo gradually calmed down. Although his control over the spirit beast's body is now clear, this kind of control can only be regarded as a kind of existence, and cannot completely control the spirit beast's body.

    I was a little nervous, even a little uneasy thinking that since this incredible thing has become a fact, can I completely control this spiritual beast by increasing the intensity of my soul power?

    He did whatever came to his mind, but Jing Mo didn¡¯t hesitate at all this time.  Release with equal soul power, one, two until the fifth soul power enters the black-horned beast's mind, Jing Mo stops this release that is almost becoming inertial.

    Jing Mo felt like he had two bodies at the same time.  However, one of these two bodies can do whatever he wants without having to think about it, while the other is a baby that cannot control the way he walks.

    After repeated attempts, Jing Mo discovered that the more he tried to control the spirit beast, the worse it became.

    In a fit of anger, he gave up control and shouted: "Turn around here."

    The black-horned beast suddenly turned around, and its entire movement was clean and extremely fast, as if it was an instinctive reaction.

    "Oh my goodness!"

    This sudden scene shocked Jing Mo to the point where he sat down on the ground.

    After regaining consciousness, he jumped up from the ground in surprise.

    So it turns out that Jing Mo finally found a way to control the spiritual beast.  To control this spiritual beast, you only need to issue orders through soul power. If you think too much, it will be ineffective.

    "God has really favored me. With the existence of the Purple Mysterious Chain, wouldn't this spiritual beast be able to carry it with me?"

    Speaking of which, there is really no way to evaluate Jingmo¡¯s luck.  His abnormal ability, the colorful magic grass and the black mushroom, cannot be used without any one of them.  To put it simply, the soul-drawing skill, no, Jingmo has named it soul-drawing skill, which comes from the black mushroom.  As for the ability of the soul power to control the body of the spirit beast, in addition to his own soul power, the colorful phantom spirit grass also accounts for half of the credit.

    In ecstasy, Jing Mo actually imagined how he could own an army of spirit beasts.  However, after a second thought, he calmed down helplessly.

    It is abnormal to control a spirit beast with soul power, but this kind of control requires a certain amount of soul power to exist in the mind of the spirit beast.  In other words, with Jingmo's current soul power, there will be a limit to the number of spiritual beasts he can control.

    ??????????????????? And if you greedy this amount regardless of the consequences, it¡¯s probably Jing Mo himself who will be hurt in the end.

    After another period of research and pondering, Jing Mo discovered that after sending a message using his soul power to issue orders, he no longer needed to worry about the spiritual beast.  Until the spirit beast completes this order on its own, it will terminate all its actions and return to the state it was in when its soul was just taken away, just waiting for his next order to arrive.

    After achieving complete control over the spirit beast, Jing Mo got it into the Purple Mysterious Chain, and it was just as imagined. The black-horned beast was alive and well without any abnormalities.

    He tried to summon the black-horned beast from the chain, and in the blink of an eye, Jing Mo was completely relieved.

    However, it seems that the spiritual beasts in the early stage of this level are not qualified to be thugs, and they are just cannon fodder at best.

    No, Jing Mo is also a decisive person, and he directly started thinking about a mid-level first-order spiritual beast.  After a while of searching in the forest, Jing Mo was more cautious than before, but unexpectedly, from extracting the soul to controlling the body, everything went smoothly and even felt a little relaxed. The only regret was that it required a little more soul power.

    Not only is Jing Mo decisive, he is also a cruel person. At this moment, he actually wants to become a peak-level spiritual beast.  Since it is so easy to control the mid-level first-level spirit beasts by using the soul, it should also be possible at the peak first-level level. Jing Mo's courage is indeed not small.

    As expected, except for the increase in required soul power, everything else went smoothly.  Jing Mo's soul power is as abnormal as the peak of a psychic, maybe this is the reason.

    This time, Jing Mo finally hesitated. Based on his current soul power, he could definitely control a few more of his spiritual beasts while ensuring his own needs.

    But Jingmo hesitates not here. Since this ability can be called abnormal, maybe he should try something similar to abnormal.  Second-level spiritual beasts Wouldn't it be a joy and a pleasure if such spiritual beasts could become their own thugs?

    In the early stage of the second level, this was the goal that Jingmo chose after going through many twists and turns and even returning to the edge of the Sunset Mountain Range.  After all, most of the spiritual beasts in the jungle are first-level. Even if there are high-level beasts occasionally, they are far beyond what Jing Mo needs.

    Strengthening the soul power required to perform spiritual skills, this time due to the psychological burden, Jing Mo almost woke up the spiritual beast.  Fortunately, the soul power itself has a certain level.?Increase, coupled with the unexpected move, this second-level early stage spiritual beast finally fell into the trap.

    With a long breath, the tension immediately relaxed, but Jing Mo couldn't stop thinking about it.  Although his soul power has now dropped to almost the level of a psychic, it does not have much impact on Jing Mo himself, except that the coverage of his spiritual consciousness has been reduced.

    In the middle of the second level, he dares to think, and he dares to do even more.  I have to say that Jing Mo can be considered a madman. You have to know the spiritual beasts in the middle of the second level. Even if they kill him, Jing Mo won't even try to play with him.  What's more, once the soul extraction fails, it is still unclear whether he will have a chance to escape.

    We can¡¯t blame Jing Mo¡¯s rationality for not being able to overcome the temptation, it¡¯s just that everything went too smoothly until the early stage of the second stage, coupled with the temptation of such a loyal thug in the middle stage of the second stage, it was really impossible to let go.

    Since the coverage of spiritual consciousness has been reduced to a certain extent, and the continuous spiritual skills have some influence, Jing Mo's search this time is not as easy as before.  What's more, this time it's not just a psychological burden, but also a sense of adventure.

    Finding a place on the mountainside, hidden among the cracks in the rocks, Jing Mo didn¡¯t dare to take a breath.

    On the thick tree trunk, it circles around until the branches and leaves cover the eyes. It looks like a tree vine but is dark green in color.  If it weren't for Jing Mo's aura sensor, he would have thought it was part of a tree, or some kind of plant climbing up the trunk.

    Determining the breath, this should be a kind of spiritual snake. It is at least twenty meters long, but its whole body is only as thick as a baby's arm.  Jing Mo felt that in his impression, this spiritual snake looked a bit like a vine snake.  And if it is true as guessed, it is not known whether this vine snake has the innate spiritual skill, Snake Ghost Vine.

    " If it is a real vine snake and possesses the innate spiritual skill Snake Ghost Vine, then once the soul extraction fails, Jing Mo will probably have no way to escape.  The reason why Jing Mo didn't leave decisively was because he saw that the snake seemed to be sleeping soundly.

    In this way, Jing Mo gained courage. The Soul Extraction Technique was already unexpected and lightning-fast. If the spirit snake was really sleeping, what Jing Mo was worried about was the effect that the Soul Extraction Technique would have on the spirit snake.  .

    Although it is a bit risky, there is still a certain degree of certainty, not to mention that this spiritual snake may not necessarily be the vine snake with innate spiritual skills.  While hesitating, Jing Mo finally made up his mind. If he didn't take risks, how could he gain anything?

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