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Text Chapter 47 The Mysterious Valley

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    From the first question and answer to the later chat between the two, the sky was already darkening.

    This crane spirit gave Jingmo the feeling that it didn't exist in the human world, and it didn't have the state of mind that a strong phantom master should have. It was actually curious about everything, even if it was about children's fun, or about human beings eating and drinking.  .

    However, when it comes to the Sunset Mountains or spiritual beasts, this Crane Spirit seems to be a different person, one who knows everything.  No matter how confused he was, Jing Mo benefited a lot from it.  However, there are also many doubts in this.

    The moon hung high in the sky, and the sky was filled with stars. At some point, I suddenly heard the sound of a beast coming from the depths of the Sunset Mountains in the distance.

    Hearing the sound, He Ling¡¯s crystal clear face showed a subtle hint of complaint.

    "It's getting late, I should leave." When I get along with others for the first time, I always feel that time passes too fast, but I have to leave at this time.


    With He Ling gone, Jing Mo should have been relieved, but inexplicably, he felt a little disappointed in his heart.  This He Ling is a bit domineering, and his temperament is very suitable for Jing Mo. He is not like Bing Xue'er, who always makes people feel that they cannot close the distance.

    A dignified phantom master, he is playful and innocent at heart, his appearance is as lovely as a fairy, but he is more domineering than men, and he is so tough that it makes people speechless.  Recalling the scenes of this strange woman, there was absolutely no artificiality in her frankness.

    ¡®Here you go, if there is any danger within the Sunset Mountain Range, crush it to pieces, sister, and I will be there at any time.  ¡¯

    There was something like a flaming red crystal the size of a fingernail in his hand. No matter how hard Jing Mo looked at it, he had no idea what it was.  And that tone seemed not to take the Sunset Mountains into consideration at all.  No matter what, Jingmo still appreciates this sentiment.

    ¡®No matter why you came, it¡¯s best to leave obediently. You must know that this is not a place to play!  ¡¯

    The words were still overbearing, but how could Jing Mo not know that this was out of concern and good intentions.

    ¡®By the way, you can still go to that place before leaving.  Stu Town, right? If I have a chance, maybe I will go there to find you as my friend.'

    When parting, the crane spirit seemed like a nagging old lady.

    Sitting quietly by the stream, Jing Mo suddenly lost his smile in his thoughts. There were so many surprises along the way in this forest.

    The next day, early morning.

    The sound of rushing water and the fresh air are refreshing.

    This night Jingmo slept very uneasily. After all, this place was not considered safe. He stretched out and moved his shins. The soul induction call seemed to be not far away.

    Along the way up the stream, the induction call became clearer and stronger.

    "It can't be such a coincidence!"

    The place He Ling mentioned was at the source of the stream, and the induction summons was not far away. Jing Mo had doubts in his heart.

    The stream is winding among the trees, and when you look up, you can see a mountain to the left.  Turning around a big bend to the left, you can hear the sound of water falling and splashing rocks clearly. Looking from a distance, you can see a Milky Way flowing down the mountainside.

    This waterfall is the source of the stream, and the place He Ling mentioned is right there.

    Up close, the waterfall is not wide but falls neatly.  Looking around, I couldn't find anything suspicious at all.

    In the induction, the summoning location cannot exceed a hundred feet, but looking from left to right, the mountain alone is far more than a hundred feet.  It's strange, looking up, it seems like the call is somewhere in the mountain.

    He lowered his head and looked at the place where the waterfall fell into the stream, and he had a vague feeling.

    "It's not really a coincidence"


    Following the stream to the waterfall, Jingmo took a closer look. If he didn't know the inside story, he wouldn't have thought of the strangeness in it.

    Looking up, the next moment Jingmo's whole body entered the waterfall.  The waterfall hit his body and he was instantly drowned. The pain was uncomfortable, but Jing Mo could still bear the impact.

    Touching the mountain wall with your hands, you walk slowly toward the center of the waterfall.

    I just kept touching it in a daze, and at some point, my hand was empty and I almost fell down.

    This is it.

    It looks like a cave, no, to be precise, it should be a gap in the mountain that only allows one person to pass sideways.

    Moving sideways for about tens of feet, a faint light finally entered Jingmo's field of vision.

    When Jing Mo stepped out of the gap in the mountain, his eyes suddenly lit up.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????That and evergreen and green and lush and fragrant is that here is that the place is full of greenery, the fragrance of medicine is fragrant.  Looking up to the sky, the surrounding mountains soar into the sky, and there are only hidden passages of waterfalls in such a huge valley.

    ?Those that have been seen before, or those that have been heard and recognized through books, or even those that have not been heard of yet.  In short, the medicinal materials in the valley,There are all kinds of strange and rare treasures.

    This is He Ling¡¯s gift to Jingmo. Medicinal materials are both indispensable to human beings and an alternative kind of wealth.  There are some rare and precious medicinal materials that people risk their lives to grab.

    The valley is somewhat dim due to the surrounding mountains, but the aura of heaven and earth is extremely rich.  Looking around, looking here and there, I didn't expect that He Ling would inform me of such existence, and I was really touched for a moment.

    No matter what the summons meant, it was a worthwhile trip.  Even if these medicinal materials are not of much use to Jing Mo at the moment, just selling a few of them would be a huge fortune.

    Walking in the valley, Jing Mo was completely attracted by everything in front of him, and he completely forgot about the summons, not even releasing his spiritual consciousness at all.

    ?????? Ganoderma lucidum, top-quality ginseng, nine-leaf clover, awakening root, magic hemp there are so many, and the quality is so good, and many of these are only within the scope of Jingmo's cognition.  As for those rare and exotic herbs that have never been heard of or known about, there are even more.

    I looked carefully along the way and saw that there was animal excrement.  When he entered the valley, Jingmo's spiritual sense covered the entire valley, but at that time there was absolutely no aura of spiritual beasts in his senses.

    He Ling said that there is only one gap in the valley. Looking at the feces, it seems that the size is not that small.  Looking up, it could be the birds and spiritual beasts coming from there.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Forget it, let¡¯s take it as it comes, at least there is no danger for now.

    However, in this case, the spiritual sense induction has to be released again.

    In a sudden moment, when Jing Mo¡¯s spiritual consciousness was released, the mysterious soul light spot in the depths of the spiritual sea began to move violently, as if it was attracted by something, and it wanted to rush out of Jing Mo¡¯s spiritual sea.

    With a tingling pain in his head, Jing Mo immediately realized something and started looking around.

    Not far ahead, there is a huge colorful mushroom as tall as a person, and there are no flowers or plants for a certain distance around it.  Jing Mo was now certain that the summons from the spiritual sea originated from here.


    I couldn¡¯t react for a moment. Could it be that the so-called summoning was this strange mushroom?  In the feeling, this mushroom gave Jing Mo an inexplicable and dangerous smell.  It seems that as long as you walk in, your life will be in danger.

    The reaction of the light spot in the spiritual sea became more and more violent, but Jing Mo, who endured the pain, stood there and was at a loss for a moment.

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