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Text Chapter 30 An unexpected discovery

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    If he could put his soul power into this lotus, would there be any unexpected discoveries? This was Jing Mo's final thought.  If you still can't get the method of finding lotus, then you can only choose to give up.

    With Jingmo¡¯s spiritual practice, even if the soul power has been abnormal, if it wants to invade the lotus, it must be done through skin contact.  As a result, there must be danger involved, not to mention that Jing Mo has never attempted such an act.

    There is no certainty at all, it is clearly a gamble.  Jing Mo was hesitant at this time, whether to give up or take a gamble for the unknown outcome.

    Since you chose to face this test in the first place, as long as there is still a possibility, you must not give up.  If you can't even face this, then how can you talk about change? If you just waste your life, it would be better to die happily.

    Holding the lotus in his left hand, he bit down the golden sheath on his right hand with his teeth, and Jing Mo took a deep breath.

    Controlling the soul power to reach a state, one finger of the right hand slowly stretches towards the lotus of the left hand.  Jing Hao warned him not to touch the ice lotus with his skin, and the ice man Jing Mo understood instantly.

    The moment his fingers touched the lotus leaf, a burst of soul power surged out as fast as lightning, and at the same time, huge ice energy poured into Jing Mo's fingertips like a flood.

    Between the lightning and stone fire, the chill that penetrated the soul spread all over the body, and the fingertips were frozen all the way to the shoulders.  This speed was so fast that people couldn't react in time. Jing Mo, who had been prepared for it, was about to stop at the touch of a button, but he still ended up with this ending.

    The entire right arm was completely numb and could not move at all.  Fortunately, Jing Mo acted quickly enough and could not freeze the man directly, otherwise his life would have been ruined.

    Looking at the arms that looked like ice sculptures, Jing Mo didn¡¯t know what to do for a moment.  It would be okay if the ice was only frozen on the surface of the body, but upon closer inspection, the soul power could not penetrate. It seemed that the meridians were blocked, and only energy fluctuations could be sensed.

    Since I have no clue, I have no choice but to 'take a look' at Binglian before making any plans.

    Close your eyes slightly, and your consciousness is completely integrated into the soul of the lotus.  The huge energy-frozen soul shivered, like a sea of ??fog, hazy.  The existence of this kind of energy seems to be no different from the previous induction of energy fluctuations in spider webs.  No wonder there is no ice lotus to be found, all the energy fluctuations are almost the same, and they are densely intertwined to a certain extent.

    Jing Mo was extremely upset, taking such a big risk but getting no reward.  And if there is no solution, the right arm may not be saved.

    At this moment, the sea of ??fog seemed to swirl, and the energy fluctuations in the lotus also trembled slightly.  The feeling is fleeting, but it is real.  Although this existence is subtle and extremely short-lived, it is obviously different from other fluctuations.  I was immediately overjoyed and waited patiently for the next swirl of the sea of ??fog.

    After about a cup of tea, the swirl finally appeared again.  It took an entire hour for Jing Mo to finally feel relieved and regain his consciousness.

    He glanced at the frozen arm again. At this point, he could only leave it to fate whether the arm could be saved in the end.  However, now that we have found an opportunity, we must not give up on Binglian.

    Cross-legged in the snow, the ice sculpture¡¯s arms are a bit funny, but that¡¯s not something that can be taken into consideration at this time.  The spiritual consciousness explored a large area, just for the appearance of the trembling fluctuations.

    What Jingmo didn¡¯t expect was that sixty-one trembling fluctuations actually appeared at the same time.  In other words, during Jingmo's spiritual exploration, sixty-one ice lotuses have been discovered.

    If all the ice lotuses 'swirled in the sea of ??mist' at the same time, then how come there are sixty-one lotuses?  Exploring again, after a cup of tea, there were still sixty-one lotuses.  Nearly an hour passed, and the answer still remained unchanged.

    " Could it be that there are only sixty-one lotuses on the top of the mountain? It seems reasonable. Since the great elder intends to make fun of him, there is no surprise in this answer.  Smiling coldly, no matter what, you can't leave empty-handed.

    Although the target is locked, it is troublesome to find Liuyilian scattered everywhere.

    On the second day when Jing Mo picked the ice lotus, Jing Mo was shocked to find that the twenty lotus left had actually turned into twenty-three lotus.  In other words, the original sixty-one lotuses became sixty-four lotuses.

    This unexpected discovery made Jing Mo see hope, and he cheered up in an instant. He forgot about the bone-chilling cold and his frozen arms No, how could he have feeling in his right arm?

    Excited, he waved his arms and cheered. Although his right arm was frozen and could not move at all, under the influence of the consciousness of waving his arms, there was a feeling in the meridians.

    Strangely, although the meridians have become somewhat unblocked, the ice energy still exists in them.  The soul power penetrated, and Jing Mo actually found a trace of fire energy in the meridians, although this energy was not very powerful.  How is this going¡­

    The five series of spiritual crystals failed five times, but Jing Mo¡¯s meridians surprisingly retained five kinds of energy.  This kind of existence is so miraculous that there is no reason for it, and Jing Mo is not aware of it at all.  If it weren't for the ice energy hurting Jing Mo JingJing Mo really didn't know when he would make this unexpected discovery.

    The five elements are incompatible but can coexist. Of course, Jing Mo currently only knows about the existence of fire energy.  If the ice energy didn't damage Jingmo's meridians, the fire energy probably wouldn't appear either.  It's not that the fire energy consciousness protects Jingmo, but that it exists in the meridians to protect himself.

    The freezing of his right arm has been relieved, and the ice energy in his meridians is slowly weakening.  Jingmo tried many times but couldn't control the fire energy at all, and could only let the two energy systems fight on their own.

    The struggle between the two energy systems is extremely slow and gentle, but Jing Mo¡¯s right arm should be able to be saved. It may only be a matter of time.  Since I can't control anything, I can only let nature take its course.

    On the fourth day at the top of Hanquan Mountain, Jingmo had already picked the seventy-four lotuses. Although his right arm was still carved in ice, the ice energy in his meridians was finally gone.  The arm was saved, but Jing Mo's face turned blue and his whole body was shaking all the time.

    It¡¯s freezing cold and the wind is as sharp as a knife. It¡¯s already close to the limit to persist at the peak of spiritual cultivation.  At this moment, Jingmo seemed to be able to resist the cold just like ordinary people, and his three-day rations were even more depleted.

    In the spiritual sense induction, there has been no fluctuation of ice lotus in the past few hours.  But there were still twenty-six lotuses away from one hundred lotus. Jingmo was helpless. This kind of test was clearly a trick on others.

    On the fifth day, Sanlian reappeared. Not to mention his right arm, his whole body was a little stiff.  On the sixth day, there were only two lotuses, and there was more than just cold. Jingmo ate an unknown amount of snow to satisfy his hunger and thirst.

    This time Jingmo felt it completely from the inside out, from top to bottom, his meridians and even his soul, what was cold and what was cold.  Persistence is a kind of spirit, a kind of perseverance, a kind of belief But meaningless persistence is stupidity, ignorance, and a reviled idiot.

    Until the seventh day, there was no response from Binglian anymore, and Jingmo was on the verge of collapse.

    As long as you try your best, as long as you are worthy of yourself, teasing, success or failure, or anything else, is no longer so important.

    Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, but if this opportunity is a joke, there is no point in preparing to seize it.  People sometimes complain that opportunities are not available to you, but even if some opportunities are given to you, the final result is not what you want, so why should you complain.

    What Jing Mo complains about is that without strength, he can only be teased by others.

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