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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 14 The Township Chief¡¯s Hunting

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    The dilapidated thatched hut was originally a brick house. Because the tiles on the roof were leaking, it was only filled with thatch, resulting in its current dilapidated appearance.

    Qingguo was still a very wealthy country in the era of King Tat a hundred years ago. After the death of King Tat, several queens ascended the throne but failed to revive the country and gradually fell into defeat.  Judging from the degree of damage to these houses, I'm afraid they were still buildings from the Tawang period. They should have been nice courtyards at that time, but today they are not much different from ruins.

    This dilapidated house is where Xiaofeng and the others settled.

    "Although it's a bit dirty, it's probably still possible to stay here after a while."

    Listening to Xiaofeng¡¯s light words, Ling was speechless.  She thought the girl would resist when she saw Xiaofeng staring at the soldier, but she didn't expect that like other desperate victims, they would eventually accept what was obviously a fire pit.

    "What's the matter, won't Ling clean it with me? I can't clean such a big place by myself."

    This house is almost in ruins if we say it is dilapidated, but it is quite large. What Zhishui Township lacks most now is population, and what it lacks most is land.  Not only Xiaofeng, but Qingxiu also started cleaning up.

    "You guys reallydo you really want to live here?"

    "Isn't it more convenient to have household registration? And there is land here."

    According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, a family can be allocated "one husband" of land, which is about one hundred acres of land.  One hundred acres sounds like a lot, but because the farming conditions are backward and the land is very barren, it is difficult to grow crops.  A normal year's harvest, excluding taxes, is only enough to feed and clothe a family - simple people would not ask for more, but once there is a disaster, it will be difficult to make ends meet.

    This is still an ordinary situation, but it is not feasible in Zhishui Township.  Because the tax here is 70%!  Even if there is a good year, only 30% of the food obtained is pitiful. What's more, the Qing Dynasty has suffered from famines for many years due to the injustice of the late emperor. With such a harvest, only 30% of the food rations are left to survive.

    Seeing that Xiaofeng didn't seem to care, Ling complained dissatisfiedly, "It has nothing to do with me anyway" and stopped talking.  Ling is an immortal. Although she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't eat, she won't starve to death.

    It took two or three hours of cleaning and the house was finally habitable.

    The suburbs are full of ruins where disaster victims have been resettled. The villagers in the city who live in Zhishui Township have more or less some surplus food at home, so they can survive for a while, and these helpless victims are the most vulnerable to disaster.  Xiaofeng, Ling and Qingxiu were allotted a piece of land and some grain distributed by the government.

    It¡¯s not that the government has a conscience. These grains are to be used as seeds. The seeds can only be received once. After that, they can only rely on the harvest in the fields to make a living. Therefore, most of the food that is not much has to be planted in the ground.  There was very little left as rations, not enough for three people to chew for several months.

    For this reason, Ling voluntarily gave up her share.

    "Anyway, I'm an immortal, so I won't eat."

    "Don't immortals need to eat?" Qingxiu asked curiously. He knew the pain of being hungry and it was very uncomfortable.

    "That's not true Although you will feel hungry and uncomfortable, you will be able to bear it and it will pass. You will not die because of hunger." Thanks to this, otherwise Damu Ling would have been in Cuiwei Mountain for a hundred years.  During the years, he had starved to death countless times.  Master Li Yao always liked to punish her for various excuses. It was common for her to go without food for several weeks. In fact, Ling was almost used to the feeling of being hungry.

    "Xiaofeng, Qingxiu, you are different. You must live well and not die."

    Just this sentence made Xiaofeng and Qingxiu think highly of her.  In their past impressions of Ling, they were just a girl who complained about her misfortunes all day long. Now it seems that her hundreds of years of painful life have not made her lose the kindness in her nature.

    In the next two days, Ling did not eat anything. Xiaofeng no longer needed to eat since she was promoted to innate, so she pretended to eat. In fact, she only ate for Qingxiu every time.

    Qingxiu is a child and doesn¡¯t eat much. The food left as Qingxiu¡¯s ration is enough to last until autumn.

    A few more days passed like this, and today they were working in the fields. In fact, Xiaofeng and Ling didn't understand farming. Although they were older and more powerful, they were not as good at serving as Qingxiu.

    One hundred acres of land here is equal to one man, and nine acres is equal to one well.  One well is eight families. A large piece of land is divided into nine equal areas according to the word "well". One of them is public land used to build houses for people to live in.  Of course, the surrounding families are also poor, and they arrived a few years earlier than Xiaofeng.

    Life is not easy for the poor, seeing that the three newcomers are all little kids, they usually help out.  The sun was a bit fierce at noon in the summer, but at this moment, Xiao Feng suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

    "What's wrong?"

    "There is the sound of horse hooves ahead, it seems there are many horses."

    She just said it casually, but she didn't expect that the farmers next to her turned pale when they heard it, and one by one they put down their work.

    "Seriously? Why didn't I hear anything?"

    Of course, Xiaofeng¡¯s hearing was not wrong, but the sound came from several kilometers away, so it was normal for ordinary people not to hear it.  Seeing the certainty of Xiaofeng's words, others, although hesitant to believe it, also ran towards the house one after another.

    "Girl, go back to the house quickly. The one who was stabbed a thousand times is here. He killed people and set fires. He will lose his life if he sees him. Young girls like you will have their innocence insulted." The person who spoke was  The mother-in-law who lives next door hurriedly ran to her home after speaking.

    "Could it be that the bandits from the mountains are here?"

    "That's the mayor, more terrifying than the bandits." After saying this, the mother-in-law turned around and entered the house and locked the door.

    In less than a while, there was no one left in the field.

    Xiaofeng and Ling looked at each other. They had heard the mayor of Zhishui Township several times in the past few days, and they all talked about a devil-like figure.  It was the township chief's idea to defraud them with land, and there was also the township rule of "seven taxes and one life", which can be said to be a bad thing. However, seeing these villagers treating them as savage beasts, like bandits descending from the mountain, it still feels a bit unbelievable.  .

    After all, he is the head of a village. Even if he does evil, wouldn't he still take advantage of his identity and take it by force?

    After three or five minutes, dust and sand rolled up on the rural road in the distance. There was a rumble from outside. Qingxiu curiously opened the door a crack.  Because of the previous injury, his eyes were still a little bad, and he could only see the yellow sand outside, and the horse's hooves on the ground, like an earthquake.  There must be many eyes looking out of the windows in the neighboring houses.

    There was a group of more than ten fast horses, and among them was a luxurious carriage. The mayor of Zhishui Township, Shengxu, was sitting in the carriage.  Although the speed is very fast, the carriage is very well designed, and the vibration in the carriage is not severe.  Shengxu is a man who looks to be in his forties or fifties. He was already an official in the era of King Da, so he was an immortal, and in the era of King Yu, he became a Zhishuixiang by relying on large amounts of bribes.  Long, his real age is over a hundred years old.

    As the head of the township, Shengxu has a hobby in his daily life, which is ¡®hunting¡¯.  What he is hunting is not the wild animals in the mountains - there is a famine in Zhishui Township and there is no grass growing, and there are no wild animals in the mountains for a long time - what Shenghu is hunting is people. He not only robs women of the people, but also likes to kill people.  set fire.

    With a gentle knock on the floor of the carriage, the horses guarding the carriage slowed down and stopped. A young man dismounted and opened the door. Shengxu looked out of the carriage and saw a rough farm.  He chuckled twice. Someone had already lit a rocket on the side and shot towards a house in the distance.

    The roof of the house is covered with thatch, which is dry under the scorching sun and there are no sparks. It will be ignited by the rocket.  After a while, thick smoke billowed out of the house, and some farmers couldn't stand the smoke and ran out.

    Shengxu stretched out his hand, and the boy who shot the rocket hurriedly handed the bow string to his hand, and then pulled out an ordinary arrow without ignition and gave it to him.  Shengxu cocked the arrow and aimed it at the villagers who were busy putting out the fire.  This is Shengxu's favorite hunting game. He loosened his finger on the arrow tail, and the arrow flew towards the target.


    Lan Yu of the Li family, who is far away in Guji, is making tea in the living room.  Poor people don't have much tea. They just wash and dry wild flowers picked in the mountains and forests to make homemade scented tea.  However, Lan Yu has good hands. She has followed Yuan Fu since she was a child and has been exposed to the different uses of flowers and plants, and she also loves to take care of these chores.

    It is also true that Yingzhou is under the direct jurisdiction of Taifu. Hezhou, which is just a town away, is said to have been famine-stricken for a long time. Not even wild vegetables can be found in the mountains and forests.

    "Yangzi has gone out. I don't know where he went. When will he come back?" Guigui was sitting on a round stool as he spoke, his feet dangling casually.

    "I'll go out for two days and I'll be back soon."

    It is true that Yangzi cannot leave for too long. According to Jing Qi, it is his own kingly energy that suppresses Huo Qilin's innocence. If he leaves for too long, demons will cause trouble once the royal energy is lost.

    "Go and ask Yuanfu what tea he wants to drink today."

    "Okay." Gui Gui responded, jumped up from the stool and was about to go out, but saw the door opened by itself.

    Lan Yu turned around with a smile, thinking it was Yuan Fu who came back, but it was not Yuan Fu who came in, but several men masked in black cloth.  Lan Yu, a young girl, has never seen thisThe scene was so frightening that he even smashed the teapot to make it fall to the ground.

    "Who are you?"

    Without saying a word, the person headed by the masked man grabbed Lan Yu's arm and held it behind her back, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

    "Where is Yuanfu?"

    His voice was as if it had been dry for a few days and then dried on the fire, making people feel itchy in their ears.  But Lan Yu couldn't care less about the itching feeling. She realized that these people were looking for Yuan Fu.  She was glad that Yuanfu was not at home, and of course she would not tell him where Yuanfu was.

    There was a metallic scraping sound from behind, which made Lan Yu feel a chill. She had never heard that sound before, but she knew what it meant.  That's the sound of a steel knife being unsheathed!

    Life and death were at this moment, but Lan Yu felt a little unreal. Everything happened too suddenly, as if she had just had a nightmare.

    "Lanyu, Guigui!"

    The familiar voice made Lan Yu wake up from the shock. She couldn't tell whether she wanted to hear the voice at this moment, because the owner of the voice was Yuan Fu, the target of these masked men.

    "Who are you? Let Lan Yu go!"

    Lan Yu didn¡¯t know where she got the strength from being called out like this. She struggled to free herself from the hands that were holding her arms back, and rushed to Gui Gui in two steps to protect the boy in her arms.  Looking back, he saw that Yuanfu had been restrained by two men in black.

    "Leave me alone, take Guigui and leave!"

    Lan Yu couldn't tell whether it was because of Yuan Fu's words or the fear in her heart. Seeing someone blocking the front door, she panicked and pulled Gui Gui and ran towards the backyard.  The leading masked man was not in a hurry. He held the knife and followed calmly to the backyard.

    "The person you want to arrest is me, why don't you even let the two children go!"

    Hearing Yuanfu¡¯s angry scolding, the leader waved his hand indifferently, and two masked men forcibly dragged Yuanfu out of the door, pulled him into the car, and drove away, apparently fearing that more people would know.

    And he himself took the remaining masked men into the backyard.  Although they have always been bold in their actions and not afraid of others knowing, it is more convenient to silence them when someone witnesses them, or perhaps killing is a pleasure for them.

    Lan Yu was also in a panic and didn't choose a way out. The backyard was already closed, so she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.  Lan Yu himself soon realized this. The front yard was where Yuanfu received guests and taught students their homework. There were only a few rest rooms at the back of the yard, and it was difficult to hide even if he wanted to.

    In a desperate situation, Lan Yu had already heard the footsteps behind her and the sound of a steel knife being unsheathed.  It makes no sense. They are just ordinary children in this family, and Yuanfu is just an ordinary teacher.  They didn't do anything bad, why should something like this happen to them?  Fear made Lan Yu close her eyes. All she could do was to protect Gui Gui tightly in her arms. Although it was difficult to protect Gui Gui with her thin body, she still hoped that even if there was only a slight possibility,  Gui Gui can be saved.

    Lan Yu, who was thinking this way, even felt the coldness of the steel knife reaching her body, but at that moment, it was replaced by burning heat. She suddenly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a sea of ??fire. In addition, her eyes  Unexpectedly, I couldn't see anything clearly, and there was no sign of the masked person.

    They had long been reduced to ashes in the sea of ??fire, but Lan Yu and Gui Gui were not harmed.  Not only that, the bright red flame did not make Lan Yu feel afraid, but instead brought peace from the bottom of her heart.  There was a faint gasping sound in the sea of ????fire. It did not sound like a human being, but like some kind of ferocious beast. A huge body was looming in the sea of ????fire. Is that a demon?

    The demon gradually approached, and Lan Yu could already see its appearance clearly. At that time, she just felt that she couldn't believe herself.  She had seen it before, on the totem of the ancestral temple, but Lan Yu never thought that she could see it at such a close distance with her own eyes.

    That is not a monster, it is a benevolent holy beast in heaven. It is a unicorn that takes away famine and monsters from a country and symbolizes hope!
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