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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 12 Zhisui Township

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    Qingguo is a country that has experienced war. The injustice of the previous King Jing caused the country's people's livelihood to decline, and it was also followed by the rebellion of the puppet king not long after.  But even so, Qingguo is still better than Fangguo.

    After several days of sailing, the ship docked at the port of Wudu in Qingguo.  Looking around, you can still see many refugees in ragged clothes, but compared to the people in Fang Country, the people here have something more in their eyes - hope.  What gives them hope is the same thing, a new king has ascended the throne!

    The country will get better when the new king takes the throne. Although she has heard about it for a long time, Xiaofeng felt more deeply when she saw it with her own eyes.

    "Sure enough, the king is very important to a country."

    "Yes, with the king, I believe life will get better soon." The person who answered was a refugee passing by. She was an old woman with white hair. However, due to her living conditions, her current  Her apparent age is probably much higher than her actual age.

    Although she looked sallow and thin, the old woman smiled happily, "I can finally go home. There is no place as good as home."

    The previous King Jing fell in love with Jing Qi and fell in love with her. Out of crazy jealousy, she issued an appalling imperial edict: no women were allowed in the country.  She drove all the women out of the Qing Kingdom and ordered all the women who stayed in the country to be killed.  The result of this was that many wives were separated and had to leave their homes.

    Now that the new king has ascended the throne, these unreasonable laws in the past have finally been abolished.

    Watching the old woman go away, Ling and Qingxiu looked at each other and laughed. Although they were not from Qingguo, their joy was contagious.  Qingxiu's symptoms have improved a lot since taking the treatment medicine. Except for frequent dizziness, she is not much different from normal people.  This made the smile on the boy's face become richer in the past few days. Different from the forced smile before, this was a smile that truly came from the heart.

    This country is reborn. Even though it has experienced too many ups and downs in the past, I believe everything will eventually get better.

    Ling turned around and saw Xiaofeng standing there without moving. The girl's vision was a little distracted. Although she was looking at the mountains in the distance, she didn't seem to be really looking at the scenery. Seeing this, she ran and jumped briskly and came to Xiaofeng.  "Xiao Feng is from Fang Country, right? Don't worry, Fang Country's Qilin will soon choose a new king. Just like here, everyone will live a new life."

    Knowing that Ling had misunderstood that she was missing "Fang Guo's home", Xiaofeng did not answer. In fact, she did not think about anything, she was just feeling a little emotional. With the king's accession to the throne, all disasters will become a thing of the past. Here the king is  Such an important existence.

    "Will Ling still have to go to see King Jing next?"

    "Well" Ling scratched her head in annoyance, and her tone was no longer as sure as before, "I heard that King Jing was also a sea visitor, so I had been thinking about what kind of person she was. She must also miss Penglai very much, right? So  I talked to her more about Penglai But now that I think about it seriously, I feel a little empty. Is King Jing really the same person as I imagined?"

    Originally, Ling had wishful thinking that since she was born in Penglai like King Jing, King Jing would definitely like to see her.  But now that she really stepped on this land and realized that she was going to meet the most powerful person in the country, Ling was confused again.  Does King Jing really miss Penglai as much as he does?  She is different from him. She is not an ordinary seafarer, but the king of a country.

    However, now Ling has one more reason to want to see King Jing, which makes her no longer flinch.

    "Even if King Jing is different from me and doesn't miss Penglai, I think I must ask her to let the imperial doctor treat Qingxiu. I have a certificate issued by King Cai personally, so as long as I see King Jing, it should be no problem, and  Qingxiu¡¯s promises must always be kept.¡±

    The injury on Qingxiu's forehead has healed, but he still has headaches from time to time. Without the alchemy potion, Xiaofeng is actually not very good at medical treatment. She understands that the cause is the evil spirit that Qingxiu contracted when he was attacked by a demon before.  The delicate eyesight was gradually fading away. This was probably due to the demonic energy eroding the head and affecting the brain. Xiaofeng had no good solution for this.

    The large-scale Fuling potion can treat symptoms, but due to the lack of the main ingredient, the Fuling potion cannot be refined after the last bottle was given to Huo Qilin.

    The main ingredient of Fuling Potion is a plant called Wishing Flower, which can be found in few worlds, but it is not precious to Xiaofeng, because in the wilderness outside the Lonely Castle in the Lord God Space, the flowers are blooming beside the Moon Lake.  The white flowers are the wishing flowers!  It was an endless white ocean.

    However, because there are so many, people don¡¯t care. Before, Xiaofeng thought that he could collect them at any time anyway, so Xiaofeng didn¡¯t deliberately collect them. Now that he has lost contact with the main god space, it is useless to regret it.  I just hope that the medical skills here can indeed cure Qingxiu's illness.

      "Hey, you guys, did you come back to Qingguo after fleeing the country before? You don't have any coupons with you?"

    The voice came from the dock behind. It was a man in military uniform. He should be an official of Wudu Port.

    Among the three of them, only Qingxiu was originally born in Qingguo, and he had a certificate.  But Ling still nodded, because Xiaofeng didn't have a coupon.

    "You should know that you can't walk around without a coupon, but it's your luck. Now Zhishui Township in Hezhou is recruiting people. If you go there, you can get a replacement coupon and receive land."

    "Get the land?"

    It turns out that this man was sent by Zhishui Township to pull people, but this is a good thing.

    Although Ling is an immortal and has not had much experience living in the lower world, she also knows the importance of land to the people.  She is an immortal and does not need land, but in her opinion, Xiao Feng, who fled from Fang Country, needs it. Although Qingxiu is a bond, the land in her hometown will definitely be gone. If she can get land in Zhishui Township,  , you will have something to rely on for the rest of your life.

    Although Ling was happy in her heart, she still didn't believe it, "You will get land as soon as you leave? Will it be given away for free?"

    "That's not the case. It was also an escape caused by the former king's misbehavior and the people who fled. The land in the village was empty. Now that the new king has ascended the throne, many people who fled have come back without land to farm. It's because the mayor has a kind heart, so he couldn't bear to see it, so he allowed this  Don't hesitate to waste your opportunity by offering free land to the refugees who return home." The man paused as he spoke. Seeing that Ling did have a yearning expression, he also smiled slightly, "I won't be with you.  Enough talk. If you want to go, just take the carriage over there. It was specially sent by the mayor to pick you up. He will be there after a while. I also want to tell the others. "

    The man said, turned around and left, then went to talk to other people coming off the pier.

    "Hey, Qingxiu, Xiaofeng, how about we also go to Zhishui Township? It's only a few steps away from Yingzhou. Once we get the household registration and land, we can go to Yaotian soon."

    This was supposed to be a happy event, but Ling, who was happy in her heart, found that Qingxiu didn't talk to her immediately.  Although the boy was young, his mind was not simple due to the hardships he suffered. Although he couldn't explain why, he always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't explain the reason.

    What exactly is wrong?  Looking at the soldier who walked away with a gentle smile, Qingxiu felt a little uneasy, but she couldn't tell where the uneasiness came from.  Unable to make a decision, he consciously looked at Xiaofeng.  Although Ling is an immortal, just a few days of getting along with her made Qingxiu realize that Xiaofeng is more reliable.

    However, Xiaofeng didn¡¯t know what he was thinking. After being stunned for a while, he smiled and said, ¡°Let¡¯s go.¡±

    Since that was said, no one among the three objected.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? There were several oxcarts parked on the roadside after exiting the boardwalk at the port, and people were already sitting in the oxcart in front of them. They must have listened to the man's advice and went to Zhishui Township.  It only takes three days to take an ox cart from Wudu to Zhishui Township. The shambling ox cart may not be the best means of transportation, but it is at least much better than walking.

    Because of King Jing¡¯s ascension to the throne, people in this country began to have hope, but the people did not know that the person who brought them hope was not in Yaotian¡¯s Jinbo Palace at this time.

    Far away in Guji, Yingzhou, after completing a day of study, Yoko came to the woods outside the village and was reminded by the envoy that she came here to meet her master.  Even if Jing Qi is not in the body of a beast, his blond hair and fair skin are particularly eye-catching, so he will not appear in front of others unless necessary.

    Jingqi came here for a reason this time, and it wasn't for Yangzi.

    "That child, how is he?"

    "Ah, my condition is better now. Although I slept for a few days, Yuanfu said it's nothing serious. It's time to wake up in the next two days."

    "Is there anything unusual these days?"

    "If it's unusual, this place has been attacked twice by demons in the past few days Is this child really?"

    "Yes." Jing Qi nodded, "I was supposed to take him to the imperial doctor, but your Majesty is not in the palace."

    "This" Yangzi was a little confused. Even if he was not in the palace, there would be no problem for Jingqi, a famous figure, to arrange for an imperial doctor.

    "Why do you think there are monsters here?"

    "Ah?" Yangzi didn't think much about it. Since she succeeded to the throne, the demons in Qingguo have gradually disappeared. The demons have been frequent in the past two days, and Yangzi is still worried that she has lost her way. "Is it this child?"

    "Your Majesty, you are the Nine-Fifth King, and only by your side can I suppress him with my royal aura. As a Qilin, I will not be mistaken. That child is a Qilin, a Qilin that has lost its way."

    "Is it Taiqi?"

    Dai Guo¡¯s unicorn Taiqi is hereHe disappeared a few years ago, and the new king of Dai State also disappeared with him, putting the newly prosperous country into dire straits once again.  But Jing Qi knew that Tai Qi was Black Qilin. Although they were not much different in age, he was not that child.

    "Anyway, after he wakes up, I plan to take him to Pengshan. Master Yuye may know something."
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