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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 6 The New King

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    All energy is generated by itself, and the sword rushes into the waste points.  Guiyuan martial arts, Zong Yuan has great achievements

    Whether it¡¯s a knife or a sword, this is the ultimate of everything.  To ordinary people, the Gu carvings all over the sky seem to be puppets pulled between the girl's palms, or a play directed in advance. Rather than being struck by the blade, the demons are more likely to take the initiative to face the long sword.  .

    Every time the sword light flashed, one or more Gu eagles were chopped off.  The cold eagle's beak and sharp iron claws, the weapons that the demon is proud of, cannot cause any harm to the girl.

    "This sword techniqueno, it's sword technique!"

    Yue Xi is a master of martial arts. His eyes are more fierce than ordinary people. He can naturally understand that the girl is using a long knife with swordsmanship.  He could understand every move that wasn't even remotely fantastic, because it was the most basic movements of swordsmanship, but just such movements left the demon powerless to resist.  Yue Xi clearly understood the reason, because the girl's realm was far above him and had reached a level that he could not understand at all!

    If the immortal fairy can be understood, but the girl is not a fairy, and the fairy Yuexi is very clear about this, how can she reach such a realm in Kendo?

    The ultimate in swordsmanship is to formulate rules. At least in this realm shrouded in sword intent, Xiaofeng is the master of destruction.  Everything is a sword, the knife in your hand is a sword, the air is a sword, and even the moonlight is a sword.

    In the blink of an eye, seven or eight Gu Eagles have been chopped down, and their corpses caused a commotion among their companions - not out of indignation and desire for revenge, but because they were competing to eat the corpses of their companions first.  To a demon, the word 'companion' has no meaning.

    Demons are synonymous with death. In this land that has lost its king, people die at the claws of demons every day, even every hour.  But here, under this round of moonlight, this conclusion was rewritten, and the monster became the prey instead.  Death feasted on the battlefield, and the sacrifices were the flesh and blood of these monsters.

    Ultimately, demonic energy is a kind of miasma, which is what makes demons different from ordinary beasts. Demonic energy can make monsters more ferocious, and it can also make ordinary people sick.  Xiaofeng knew that Fire Qilin was now easily corrupted by monsters for some reason. This was why she wanted to stop the monsters outside the village in the first place. However, with such a number of monsters, it would not be easy to completely stop them, no matter how fast Xiaofeng's knife was.  thing.

    Sheathing the knife and turning around, Xiaofeng made a gesture to draw the knife and closed her eyes slightly.  At this moment, it was as if the whole world had gone silent. The villagers were crying for refuge, and the vultures were making unpleasant cries. Those sounds all mysteriously disappeared, and that knife became the absolute center of everything.

    Simulating the splendor of the moment when a supernova explodes, with Xiaofeng's current level of cultivation, this move no longer requires the skills that come with Chang Dao Zhengzong. It can be performed with its own ability, and its power is incomparable to that of the past.  language.  Under the shroud of sword intent, there was solemnity between heaven and earth.

    "No, don't use that knife!"

    The sudden sound interrupted the ¡®Supernova Sword of Tianyuan¡¯ that he was about to take action. Xiaofeng¡¯s hand trembled, and the mysterious trajectory of the long sword that was about to take action was abruptly stopped.

    "Huo Qi!"

    It was Huo Qilin who interrupted Xiaofeng. She didn't need to pay attention to what others said, but she couldn't ignore Huo Qilin's warning.  Huo Qilin, who was originally hiding in the house, came out of the house at some point.

    "Don't use that knife, LordSister Feng, the long knife is authentically a magic knife and will attract monsters."

    The smell of blood in the air made Huo Qilin retching in discomfort for a while, but even so, he still managed to finish his words.

    As he said, in the blink of an eye, no less than a dozen monsters died under the sword of Zhengzong, but the number of monsters in the sky did not decrease. If you look carefully at the sky in the distance, there are a steady stream of monsters flying towards them, as if they were attacked by something unknown.  attract.

    Where do demons come from? As far as people know, demons are born from the Yellow Sea. However, because the Yellow Sea is connected to the outside world with layers of guards, it is impossible for demons to cross Mount Konggang. Therefore, some people say that there is another passage on Mount Konggang. Some people say that the Yellow Sea is connected with the mountains and rivers in various places.  There are tunnels between Lingyun Mountains, and some people say that demons once spread all over the world. Due to the king's rule, they went underground to sleep, and would wake up when they smelled signs of desolation in the country.

    ??If we don¡¯t know what the facts are, then demons will run amok in the country.

    The long sword Zhengzong is indeed a magic sword, but Xiaofeng has used this sword countless times in the past and has not found anything wrong. She has benefited from this long sword many times before she started her swordsmanship journey, so she is so favored by Huo Qilin.  As soon as she said it, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

    Although he was confused, Xiaofeng¡¯s movements were not slow.

    Zhengzong is more than two meters long, and the height of a teenage girl is less than 1.5 meters, but the long knife does not look out of place in her hand.  The vultures were flying in the sky. The girl could not fly, but this did not hinder her movements.  Make the Gu sculpture in the skyAs a pedal, it dances gracefully among the Gu carvings, as dexterously as a white elf in the night.

    But as Huo Qilin said, death did not make the demons retreat. Instead, more demons appeared one after another in the distant sky.

    Was it the Chang Dao Zhengzong who attracted them?  Xiaofeng was a little doubtful, but she put away the long knife as Huo Qilin said, jumped down from the sky, and jumped to Huo Qilin's side in a few steps.

    "Huo Qi, you"

    Looking at Huo Qilin's appearance first, Xiaofeng always felt that he was deliberately hiding something from her, but when the words came to her lips, she never asked.

    Perhaps they were frightened by Xiao Feng's killing. After stopping, the Gu Eagles did not pounce on them immediately, but hovered in the sky. There were twenty or thirty Gu Eagles that had been killed by Xiao Feng in a burst.  But the number of demons in the sky has not decreased at this moment.

    "These demons were attracted." Huo Qilin said.  After killing many demons, Xiaofeng didn't get the slightest trace of blood on his body, but even so, Fire Qilin was still forced to take two steps back by the slight fishy smell.

    "What attracts them?"

    This time, Fire Qilin pursed his lips and did not answer. The demon in the sky hovered for a while and then flew down again.

    "Hello, the villagers have already taken refuge. The person who sent the message has informed the prefecture division that the army will come soon."

    After receiving the report from his subordinate, Yue Xi nodded.  He walked quickly to Xiaofeng and Huo Qilin, and bowed his hands to Xiaofeng, "Miss Yeyue, the prefecture master will be here soon. The rest of the matter will be left to the army. You and your brother should leave quickly.  With all due respect, demons have been running rampant in Fang Country for the past three years. I think you two are not ordinary people and are not ordinary people of Fang Country, so it is better to leave Fang Country as soon as possible."

    "Huihou means to drive us away?"

    "Please forgive me, girl. Fangguo has been without a king for three years. Nowadays, monsters often appear in the capital. Although the girl's skills are certainly not afraid of ordinary monsters, my body is easily corroded by monsters. If you don't mind,  , I will open the way for you two to go to Yanzhou Kingdom. It is a big country that has been in power for five hundred years, and there will definitely be no monsters."

    Yue Xi is indeed kind-hearted and considers Xiao Feng. Fang Guo does not exclude mountain visitors, not to mention the girl's medical skills and skills are extraordinary. Yue Xi originally had the intention of recruiting, but Huo Qi's situation is really inconvenient in this country where demons are rampant.  , he then persuaded Xiaofeng and Huo Qi to leave.  Yue Xi didn't know it at this time, but he would regret his decision for a long time.

    A black streak appeared in the sky in the distance. Xiaofeng knew that it was the army of the Prefecture Division. Seeing that it would take less than a few minutes to get here, she also gave up her plan to continue to entangle with the monsters. Her physical condition was not very good.  Huo Qilin plans to leave here.  Yue Xi also led the officers and rode the beasts to join the army.

    But at this moment, something surprising happened. As if stimulated by Xiaofeng's departure, those monsters abandoned the village and chased after the two of them.

    "What's going on?" Yue Xi was stunned by the unusual sight. He originally planned to join the army and protect the village, but he didn't expect that as soon as Xiao Feng and Huo Qi left, the demon would chase after them.  Could it be that those demons were attracted by those two people?

    Demons have no intelligence, they should not behave like this.  Yue Xi reined in the reins and stopped riding the beast, and couldn't help but look back at the pair of siblings.

    The behavior of the demons was also beyond Xiaofeng's expectations. She was not afraid of those demons. In fact, Xiaofeng discovered that the power system in this world was not high-end. Even the feared demons were at best the level of acquired warriors. If you put aside fear,  Three or five young and strong men with swords and guns can subdue him, but what makes Xiaofeng frustrated is the fire unicorn. Not only can the majestic mythical beast not be a help, but it is restrained everywhere because of the so-called "evil erosion".

    "Huo Qi, hide in the secret realm first."

    Xiaofeng took out the ¡®Food Secret Realm¡¯ that she had not used for a long time, but Huo Qilin shook his head.

    "It's no use, those monsters"

    Halfway through, he swallowed the words again.  Xiaofeng was also a little impatient. Although she didn't want to ask Huo Qilin anything, it was obvious that Huo Qilin didn't tell her something important, and it felt uncomfortable to be kept in the dark.  Seeing the demon approaching again, Xiaofeng once again drew out his long sword Zhengzong. This time holding on to the slight anger in his heart, he slashed the blade mercilessly. It actually cut through the ripples of space along the way, and several demons were the first to bear the brunt.  Fragmented like paper.

    "I told you not to use that knife."

    "Then what are you hiding from me?" Faced with Huo Qi's reproachful voice, Xiao Feng, who thought he had a good temper, couldn't help shouting.

    "It's just me" He took a deep breath and looked like a firecracker.?It's like making a certain decision, "I'm going to a partner, can you come with me?"

    Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, nodded unconsciously, but was a little annoyed with himself for being so talkative, so he pretended to be angry and snorted, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

    "There are twelve unicorns in each of the twelve countries. God gives the branches to the king. The three fruits represent the land, the country and the throne. The land refers to the cadastre and household registration, the country refers to the laws and regulations, and the throne refers to  The benevolence in the king's character also represents the Kirin. The Kirin is an auspicious beast and is recognized by Heaven. However, I, an 'outsider', am not recognized by Heaven, so I am considered to be 'unrighteous'. Demons are the emperor's means of punishing injustice.  This is why these monsters are chasing us"

    "Whatwhat?" He was told a lot of things without any precautions. Xiaofeng hadn't come back to his senses yet, he just felt confused for a while.

    "I know you don't understand, just follow me."

    Of course it was irritating to be looked down upon, but Xiaofeng could not refute, because Huo Qi did not give her time to refute. The fiery red fluorescence flashed, and the boy's appearance changed, turning into a monster in the blink of an eye.

    Unlike monsters, Qilin is an auspicious beast. You can tell it clearly just by looking at its appearance. The gorgeous bright red mane is like a burning flame. Xiaofeng discovered for the first time that the appearance of the Fire Qilin is so impressive.  to the divine.

    "What are you looking at? This isn't the first time I've seen you. Come up here!"

    The sound of the fire unicorn behind the beast was a bit rough, like thunder.  The fire unicorn showed its true form, and those demons were as if they had been beaten to death, and they rushed towards them without any scruples.  Xiaofeng didn't think anything else, and jumped on the back of the fire unicorn. The next moment, the fire unicorn was already in the air. After all, its distance was not comparable to that of ordinary demons. In an instant, it had left the demon behind.

    There was a crisp sound of metal, and the sword in Yue Xi's hand fell to the ground. He was so surprised that his face turned red because he forgot to breathe.

    That isthat's right, that's Qilin!

    "It's Qilin! That's Qilin!"

    Not only Yue Xi saw it, but also the several officers beside him and the arriving reinforcements. Everyone was shocked by this scene. I don¡¯t know who made a sound first. After breaking the silence, various sounds broke out.

    Yue Xi has no intention of rectifying military discipline. That is Qilin, and there is no news of celebrities from other countries coming to Fang Country. What's more, they are not celebrities from other countries that Yue Xi knows about. That is that is their Fang Country.  The famous figure in the country is Feng Qi!

    More importantly, the proud Qilin will never let other people touch it. There is only one person who can touch Qilin and sit high on Qilin's back.

    That is¡ª¡ª

    "King! It's the new king! Qilin has chosen the new king of Fang Country!"

    ¡¾End of this chapter¡¿

    Okay, it¡¯s really unfair that I haven¡¯t updated for a long time, but can you think of what it means to have more than 200 calls to 110 in one day?  We are a police station, not a branch. A police station with more than 60 or 70 police officers is considered to have a high incidence, and a branch can only have so many police officers.  NND, after fighting 30 times a day, can¡¯t you control your fists?  Don't call the police if you can.

    There are too many things to do, too busy and complicated, and I really can¡¯t control my temper.

    Although I know there will be more things happening in the summer, we have never had such a level of police presence in the decades since our establishment. It can only be said that things are getting more and more unstable. Next time there is a fight, as long as you take action, everyone will be detained.  , who has time to adjust them, and eat them until they are full.  You were so arrogant before, shouting "There is no negotiation for money, or you will detain me." It's like our police station begging for mediation. If you really want to deal with it in accordance with the law, you will beg for mercy when the decision is issued. No one cares about you, you deserve it!
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